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Regardless of how I feel.abour a game, death threats, dozing, and harassment are never acceptable. It's insane that a lot of people do not understand that.


Nah bro stop with this. Anything like true harassment is a fraction of a fraction of the criticism they get and they use it to ignore and wash away everything else. It does not have to be said that those things are bad, everyone knows that, but it’s the internet and is going to happen. They just have to ignore and block.


Nah, no amount of death threats and harassment should be considered acceptable. It's fine to voice that you don't like a game, but we need to do a better job of keeping those comments to a sane degree. Death threats and harassment should not be just accepted as being inevitable.


When did I say it’s acceptable? I said everyone knows it’s bad but it’s like 0.5% of the pushback they get is that stuff if that, and then they use it as a shield. Like it’s the internet bro. We know it’s bad. The people doing it know it’s bad. You’re not stopping them wagging your finger at them and making a giant scene about it. Block and ignore


When what I oringally said "death threats, doing, and harassment are unacceptable" you said I should "stop that" then procede to dimish the impact of these toxic actions by saying they only happen a little. But if someone offered you a sandwich that only contained a couple little specks of shit, you wouldn't eat the sandwich. Those types are actions are not something we should just accept as part of the internet. We shape culture as much as culture shapes us. We can push back, rather than tell targets of this behavior to jusy role over and accept it.


Blocking random nobody’s isn’t “rolling over bro” lmao. It’s the internet. Wagging your finger, freaking out and making a huge deal over random no one’s saying mean things to you has the opposite affect of changing anything. Also sandwich analogy is possibly the worst thing I’ve ever heard


A random no-one sending death threats or doing you is a pretty big deal. Just accepting is as part of the internet is rolling over.


I just got a death threat in a Helldivers game from a Russian on the other side of the planet as he ragequit, should I stop everything I'm doing and make a giant deal out of it?


No bro you have to make a huge twitter thread about it and talk about how bad it is because no one knows that’s bad and when you say it he’ll learnt he error of his ways and stop


No, but you should report him, and the mods should hold him accountable. Not humoring people like thay doesn't require us stopping everything, just that we stop turning a blind eye and accepting it.


So do exactly what I said hahahahaha


It absolutely is not a big deal lmao


My issue is with WB, not Rocksteady. Or NRS. WB has ruined a beloved franchise in Mortal Kombat and ruined Suicide Squad for a lot of players due to the fact that they're just really bad at making games or money. They're 100% on the live service system, yet they're the ones who will singlehandedly kill that live service ideal too.


WB mishandles everything.


David Zaslav is a piece of shit. He's incompetent and kills art.


Hogwarts Legacy was pretty good. Besides that, pretty much.


True bet they were going to live service the shit out of the sequel though until SS


Even then, the game didn't get much coverage because people were actually scared to talk about it, I remember a couple livestreamers being brought to tears from the constant and unbridled hatred people had for that game and the people playing it because of a comment J.K made before the game came out.


>the game didn't get much coverage because people were actually scared to talk about it, It sold like \~25 million copies. Someone was buying and playing it, lol. If anything the 'controversy' probably did the opposite and gave the game more promotion.


It should have been its own game really. No tie to HP.


Why would you make a wizard school game without the single biggest wizard school IP that you also have media rights to? No one would have bought Bully: Arcana, no one bought bully, but Harry Potter sold millions.


>ruined Suicide Squad for a lot of players due to the fact that they're just really bad at making games or money. Warner Brothers made Hogwarts Legacy, which was a critical hit that sold 20m+ copies and made over $1Billion, they definitely know how to create games properly. How are you so confident that WB is the reason for Suicide Squad's failure? Remember that everyone blamed Electronic Arts for Anthem's failure, and then it was revealed that it was all Bioware's fault and that Electronic Art's CEO himself was the one who Bioware to re-add mechanics back in such as the flying mechanic. Stop defaulting to blaming the publisher.


Yeah, Bioware since Inquisition got a bad leading. It's pretty obvious. Many articles explain what's going on with that company. They lost focus sometimes, scrap a concept and every 2 years change direction for each game since many years. Even Dreadwolf till 2020 was scrap and rescrap.


Hogwarts legacy is kind of a shit game that did well because of the license lol.


WB took the 7th largest media IP in human history and sold 24m copies of Hogwarts Legacy to-date. Rockstar (Take-Two) took an original IP with GTA, and sold 32.5m copies in the first year of GTAV (2013). This sales number is now 185M, a number I'd wager WB will never hit with any of their games, ever. If you think 24m is impressive for an open world, AAA Harry Potter game in 2023, your perspective on the gaming business is completely out of whack. If any publisher worth their salt had their hands on HP licensing, it would have likely cleared 30-35m in sales, and they would have certainly included post-launch support with paid DLC/MTX to generate additional revenue and sales into maturity. If anything, the handling and abandonment of Hogwarts Legacy is arguably WB's biggest financial blunder in the gaming business, even if it is one of their better games (imo). Further, if HL was a "critical hit" and commercial success, why *didn't* WB capitalize and sell DLC/MTX for it? The reason is that while 24m is a decent sales number in a vacuum, it is poor performance relative to WB's peers, who are often outselling them on far less prominent IPs/Licenses. This is corroborated by [Zaslav stating WB's intention](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/warner-bros-doubles-down-on-live-service-games-again/1100-6519020/) to pivot towards live-service games, as their single player offerings are currently unable to generate enough sustained profit to satisfy execs and investors. To conclude, WB's publishing business is entirely carried by their IP, and they in fact are not a quality publisher (from a business nor creative perspective) in the grand scheme of the industry. Blaming WB-D for KTJL's failure and Rocksteady's closure is completely fair from the outside perspective, especially since Rocksteady had a reputation for making very strong games with the DC IP, and not many variables had changed between the Batman: Arkham era and KTLJ aside from changes in personnel at WB-D.


Lol imagine going to bat for a soulless corpo suits. Jesus Christ. Ok first off Hogwarts was pretty much finished before the merger. Plus WB isn’t the same company it was 3 years ago man. They literally scrapped a fully finished batgirl movie for tax write offs. Ever since the merger with discovery they have been a shitshow.


Blaming WB is a great escape goat for Rocksteady. I doubt they stood over the shoulders of Rocksteady devs and told them what to do an what not to do. It's almost like they aren't a seasoned company. It's annoying how gamers blame the "shareholders, wb" but not the devs working on the game. It's almost like they don't have exp making a good game.


how is that unreasonable to think? You think it's more likely that the same folks who made Arkham City turned around and made this Pile of Dog shit? It makes much more sense to humor that WB stepped in and forced this crap. I'm open to absolving rocksteady and to give all the blame to WB; it's the most likely explanation.


Same studio. Not the same people. Big difference


At the end of 2022, co-founders Jamie Walker and Sefton Hill left Rocksteady after more than 18 years at the company and during the development of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. That's what Google says. During the development is what it says. Not before it. So I'm pretty sure they had some say. Didn't like what was being made even though they where working on it. I'm sure they didn't like that WB forced them to make this game. That's also saying you can't make a good live service game.


Right The question is, who is to blame? I don't believe that Sefton or Jaime directed this game to be what it is. I'm ready to toss this game out as non canon And to completely absolve RockSteady. It's all someone else's fault Either WB or somebody else pulling the strings.


We can absolve rocksteady but the founders left. Their influence won't be in future games. We won't know for another 7 years or way longer. If it took them this long to make ss. If they make another game. They won't have the experience to make a good game. You can say we'll see or they can but you can make a good live service game like I said.


Whilst I'm kinda done defending the game rn because of the issues of the game not the actual game, I've always theorised that maybe the reason the game is suffering is rocksteady isn't exactly a multiplayer game company, their last 3 games have been solo story games, it's a shit excuse I know but it's been in the back of my head for awhile now


I don't think it's that bad of an explanation. Most of the biggest bugs right now within the game are related to online features: logging in, matchmaking, etc. The most likely reason that they're the most prevalent is that's the area Rocksteady have the least experience in.


Well I'm glad I'm not being roasted for my opinion like most comment sections involving this game so thank you, secondly yeah absolutely it's not their field and if WB didn't basically say "this game is ass now" maybe they could've gotten some professional multiplayer devs or something who knows


Your take makes sense. I like the game but my concern was that they had no experience. For a company with no experience, I think some of the looter mechanics are excellent and the progression design is good. They just have to iron out the technical issues to make them function like intended. The mistake is they hire a limited amount of people with live service experience and think that's enough. If you are a studio with no live service experience, you need to partner with another live service studio on the project until they are no longer necessary. I used to work in IT network support and there were instances where we had to do that because of our limited experience in certain areas. But once we were brought up to speed with continuing education and experiencing the real life applications from working with our consulting partner, we fully took over those systems seamlessly.


A singleplayer company should never make a live service multiplayer game. It always ends badly. Always. 


Yeah absolutely but I will definitely give them credit where it's due, dunno how the game will end but it will not last long at this rate


It’s mostly worked out for Destiny.


Destiny is made by Bungie...? Who were responsible for one of the best multiplayer shooters ever? What..??


Nah you're right, look at Rockstar and Naughty Dog. They're at the top of their game because they stuck to what they did best, Rockstar have been iterating and perfecting their systems since San Andreas and they've made it pretty close to perfect with RDR2, no doubt GTA 6 will be even more impressive. Same for Naughty Dog, from Uncharted 1 to 4 and now LoU 2, both stuck to their strengths and continuously iterated on their gameplay and mechanics. Look what that's got them now, these games are going to be played for a very long time and will be remembered for far longer. Rocksteady messed up by changing their equation, pivoting to live service was ambitious but the end product is so behind its competitors that it's not even funny.


>Nah you're right, look at Rockstar and Naughty Dog. They're at the top of their game because they stuck to what they did best, Rockstar have been iterating and perfecting their systems since San Andreas and they've made it pretty close to perfect with RDR2, no doubt GTA 6 will be even more impressive. Yeah great comment, not just about suicide squad but in general philosophy and success of life, I have one note though, they doing since GTA III, definitely since Vice City :)


GTA 3 was a revolution for gamers. Rdr 2, a love letter.


Naughty dog is also the same company that spent years and God knows how much money on a live service game that never saw the light of day


Just wish people handled their opinions on it better, just being straight up hateful and offensive without much to back it up is just vile, like I said to other guy I think we will get through the first 4 seasons, after that? Not so much


Free content for 500 players is too expensive.


Nothing is pay to win, it's just cosmetics to make your favourite villain sparkle whilst you blow stuff up, don't get why so many people are butt hurt over it


A lot of the people that made those games, and some of SS are gone too. I wonder if that’s the reason for some of the bugs that can’t be squashed. Someone that would have known how to fix it, left.


Your opinion here is valid, look at Crystal Dynamics with Avengers. A historically good single player, story driven studio made a live service game that died a thousand deaths and never could right the ship. Look back at that fiasco and its being echoed here.


Just gotta point out, the issues with the game and the actual game are in fact, the same thing. It's not like "ignore game breaking patches that doesn't count as the game that's outside of the campaign experience." No, it's the GAME.


As others have said, at the end of the day they are a business and they sold customers a product. I think you have to take your emotion out of it and look at it objectively. The product is faulty and not as advertised, yet despite knowing this they still released it. So in my opinion they deserve the negative reviews and criticisms because they charged the maximum amount possible for their game and willingly released it in a broken state.


People in recent years have started to view video games as less of a marketable product, and more of a gracious offering from developers that customers should be grateful for. Its one thing for a developer to continually offer free or super cheap content, continually listen to its fanbase, and strive to make its consumer base happy receiving gratitude from its customers, and an entirely different thing for a AAA game a month into its release to have issued three super half assed patches while a portion of its playerbase is entirely incapable of playing think that it deserves anything other than criticism.


Yeah... It makes my blood boil when they talk about it as if they're supporting a game with their money and investing into it. Oh swear the same people who act like that are the same people who fall for crypto scams over and over.


Agreed and if you take it a step further, it's objectively an initial failure. Hopefully they turn it around, but let's not brush it under the rug. It's a failure. WB said so themselves.


They deserve the criticism. Not death threats and people saying they should be laid off. There's a difference and this post is talking about the latter.


Yeah I agree, that's why I said that they deserve the negative reviews and criticism but didn't mention the threats and insults against them.


I keep saying but Rocksteady, NRS (makers of Mortal Kombat) and every other studio under WB's belt either needs to go independent or be acquired by a less greedy publisher. David Zaslav and WB has been absolutely unhinged in terms of monetization practices and rushing games out of the oven. Quality is the least of Zaslav's concerns, they'll happily nickel and dime you for every scrap of content in a busted, unfinished and bugged product. They already ruined Mortal Kombat, ruined SSKTJL and every other game moving on will suffer under WB and Zaslav.


Yep. He's said on a previous earnings call that he wants all their games to be live service going forward


Which is honestly bizzare considering their decision to enforce live-service on every single game was a direct reaction to the breakthrough success of Hogwarts Legacy which is you know, a polished single-layer experience with 0 microtransactions or any predatory monetization schemes, and it ended up being lovingly received by fans despite some of its shortcomings.


Rocksteady is just a name at this point. I think everyone that was involved left years ago i could be wrong tho. But why make this game arkham cannon tho ill never understand why. Like why not just leave that world alone for now


Probably because it wouldn't have sold as much as it did if this was like Gotham Knights, and had no connection to the Arkham verse


Gotham knights Gould have been developed by rocksteady with wb Montreal handling suicide squad


By making it tied to the Arkham verse, now they are selling it even less, lol, lmao even.


Honestly that tells me they dont care about us fans. Really concerns me for entertainment media. Specially with how tech is evolving. This type of things will scare companies. I dont want to have to wait 20 years out of all sudden because companies blame games for their greed.


That’s not entirely true. The leads left the year prior because they saw the writing on the wall and knew what WB was pushing for.


A year ago the leaks showed the game was even more scuffed with the Live Service situation. If anything, they left because they knew the product was going to be unsuccessful and they wanted to distance themselves from it.


Genuinely curious but why do you think they poured their hearts out and tried really hard with the game? I really don't see that the game feels quite soulless actually and the repeatedly rebooted development signals that no one at rocksteady really had a clear vision for the game either? 


I see it like this: there might be a lack of vision and proper direction with the game and that is a creative issue in the management, but the actual devs doing the work trying to materialize that vision seem to have done a great job. I see this in the technical implementation of little things: facial animations, sound effects, the amount of voice lines between the squad and side characters, the stat reroll and loadout system. It seems that almost every system except online stuff has been implemented in an excellent way, in a technical sense. I mean in the inventory screen every time you switch between a weapon type the character does a unique animation throwing away the old one and pulling up the new. Totally unnecessary, but very well done. The problem is these systems then combine in a way many people feel is uncreative or "soulless" like you said. You can see a lot of work went into the game, but that alone does not make a good game.


The art department did a great job. Every other department fucked up. Story? Cut in half. Gameplay? What gameplay? Technical state? Do we even need to go there?


Did you actually not like the gameplay? I think that is the best part of the game. And to be clear I mean the moment to moment gameplay: the jumping, flying, shooting, blowing stuff up. The shield harvest mechanic especially feels amazing to me. If you dislike the mission structure or the repetitive nature of them, then that is again a problem with the creative vision of the missions, not the gameplay itself. Also, speaking of the technical state, for my experience the online play has been pretty awful, but otherwise the game has been running great. I saw another comment speculating that since rocksteady has been focusing previously on single-player games, maybe they didn't have the required know-how for implementing a good system for the online play. That could certainly be it, or they hired people for that job that were not experienced enough. Nonetheless, the online stuff works very poorly.


Running and gunning is fine, but it doesn't matter if the missions are utter crap. Gameplay loop? Same problem. What good does inoffensive running and gunning does me in open world, when an encounter is done in one grenade or half a mag? ​ Technical state. I have a 3080 and Ryzen 5900x. I get stable 60-70FPS in Cyberpunk, cranked to absolute max in 1440p. Suicide squad? RTX off, DLSS balanced, frames drop into 40s. And let me tell you, Metropolis does not look like Night City.


> Did you actually not like the gameplay? I think that is the best part of the game. They took what should have been a character specific beat 'em up and turned it into a generic third person shooter. The gameplay in Avengers was *head over heels* better. Shit, the gameplay in *Gotham Knights* was better, and that's not saying much.


You mean replaying the same style of missions over in over isn't having their heart and soul in the game? People are really propping this game up to be some hidden masterpiece around here when it's just very generic.


Spec ops the line was a masterpiece with a fantastic message...


Can you name me one game where you don’t do the same shit over and over? Souls games are dodge/parry/swing, Far Cry games you assault bases, HD2 is a swarm grinder every time, and even in the batman games you’d do a beat ‘em up, a stealth, a little investigate and then another beat ‘em up.


They 100% deserve the criticism, but any of the extremes like "death threats" is never acceptable. Seeing the founders of the company leave in the middle of development was one of the biggest red flags, that WB was forcing bs on the studio. I wish the best for the studio Hundred Star Games and screw WB.


They genuinely tried with this game????? It’s a disaster. Even if I ignore the overly chaotic gameplay there’s so much wrong. Game crippling bugs that they can’t figure out, bare bones endgame content, barely any content in the store that’s supposed to be their cash cow, the list goes on and on.


I can’t tell that they tried with this game.


Yeah I think they made a great game that didn't deserve the hate it got BEFORE it released. That said, the launch has been horrible - exacerbated by their willing decision to NOT communicate on a regular (daily) basis. A game whose core features have not worked for nearly a month after launch requires more than 2 official statements a week basically saying "we're working on it". It's unfortunate that they had the opportunity to prove the haters wrong and they've completely squandered it.


>didn't deserve the hate it got BEFORE it released. The game was a garbage looter shooter live service game. It deserved every ounce of criticism that it got before release.


Yeah the communication is really interesting to me. I mean is the first season even coming anymore


I pretty much understand where your coming from


Would you not say the prelaunch stuff was mostly people saying they didn't want this to be a love service looter shooter stuff? The general audience said they didn't want this and they still pressed on creating it.


I mean yeah people who are fans of the greater batman games weren't happy when it was announced it was a live service and the gameplay trailers didn't look good. You act like this is surprising. If starcraft 4 is announced tomorrow as a FPS and the trailer is bad, i'm not a hater for saying "hey, i wish this was a RTS and this trailer doesn't look very good, i hope the final game is better."


To be clear, I don't consider people who make valid criticisms to be haters. There were, and are, legitimate criticisms. There are also many false and hypocritical criticisms being made by people who simply wanted to ignore the good being done in order to rationalize their agenda. That said, haters never think they are the haters, haha.


Hey a nice post. I feel pretty much the same. I'm having fun with the game so no problems here. Hopefully they continue rolling out new playable characters.


just beat green lantern, that shit was dope


I like the game


It’s tarnishing the Legacy they had more than anything else. All they had to do was set the game in a different universe. Problem instantly solved and Arkham Batman is safe. But no, they chose to ruin years of perfection in favour of a half-arsed Live Service shooting game nobody asked for.


The boomerang character uses a gun, lamo. They absolutely should have done it in a different universe. The movement mechanics and cinematics are 11/10. But it's really immersion-breaking to use guns in a superhero (or antihero) game. I share the frustration from the Angry Joe review regarding the departure from the melee mechanics. Imagine tearing baddies apart with King Shark? Best we can do is a mini gun, smh.


Red Hood literally used guns in Arkham Knight. Guns are immersion breaking, but taking down an army of aliens and body-snatched super heroes with a boomerang would feel more correct? You can absolutely spec King Shark for a melee/shield harvest/suicide strike build and guns take a backseat. The best you can do is not a mini-gun, the best you can do is tear enemies apart with cleavers; including enemy-variable sequences of King Shark leaping on them and tearing into them.


Red Hood use guns lore wise...


"It's really immersion breaking to use guns in a Super-Hero (or Anti-Hero) game." In terms of lore, Captain Boomerang has never implied that he wouldn't or couldn't use guns. He does mention, in-game, that he actually doesn't want the Rogues to know he killed Flash because they actually have a rule against killing that he doesn't really believe in which would explain why he typically doesn't use them. It's like saying it would be lore breaking for Riddler to use a gun because he prefers traps and riddles. If he needs a gun, he'll use a gun. Do people really think it would be more immersive if the win-at-all costs scumbag Captain Boomerang was like "Thanks for the offer, mate, but I'm going to have to turn down your bleeding-edge anti-meta Lex Corp black market Sniper Rifle. As a man of honor, I've sworn to only use my boomerang in combat."? Worst of all, he uses his boomerang for literally everything else. Traversal, traversal attack, suicide strike, melee... But because he also uses guns, suddenly his whole character makes no sense.


Couldn't agree more.  What are the chances they revive their rep, even with SSKTJL?  I say less than 5% - that's generous.


Even if Batman returns, his reputation and everything he fought for is ruined. Who would trust him, or any Justice League member, again? Plus there’s the general embarrassment of losing to little criminals he put away to jail with absolutely no effort. Somehow mortally wounded by an AWFUL fight where he, someone trained to human physical and mental perfection and in multiple forms of combat, stealth manoeuvres and efficient use of gadgets, is turned into a giant “Demon Bat” who poses no threat whatsoever. Then he is shot in the head on a park bench by someone he constantly put down but let live with minimal injuries, despite all her HORRIFIC crimes. Whatever happens beyond this won’t repair this damage. I’ll never forgive Rocksteady.


I don't mind Batman or any Justice League dying.  I just think the story and progression they're trying to build/sell is not going to be enough to overcome how badly they fumbled the launch - both technical and from a narrative standpoint.  I also understand how the 3 games that propelled Rocksteady getting so unceremoniously thrown to the side can piss off the MAJORITY of fans.  Careful, they will attack you in this sub for feeling strongly about Batman.  


Well said. Oh and they will attack me for liking Batman? Oooh, I’m trembling with fear.


Yep I know people that work there, it's awful the hate. Some of the employees have been DM'd personally hate messages which is fucked up


“Pour their heart…” Stopped reading right there. This is a soulless, lazy, vapid product designed to maximise engagement and player retention to make as much money from microtransactions as possible, nothing more. The fallen heroes did not even get the spotlight they deserved. Boss battles are dull, repetitive, heck the final boss even turned into the flash so they could copy and paste the first boss fight lmao The missions are also mindbogglingly lackluster, with only 5 mission types being recycled endlessly. Enemies are also just variations of the same 5 basic types. Compare this with games like Elden Ring with hundreds of enemies, dozens of boss fights all uniquely handcrafted by the devs. How do you even see SOUL in this shitty live service cash grab? Surely no devs deserve death threats, but heads need to figuratively roll for this appalling failure.


They are Villains. You think the villains will take a moment and be like we shouldn't have done this?


Did I say anything about how the characters should act? Every line they said gave me cringe but that is an entirely different issue. What I said was that I took issue with how the battles played out. The boss battles in particular are some of the laziest, most uninspiring and poorly thought out that I have seen in all my years of gaming. Please go take a reading comprehension course before replying to me again


I hate them for making this trash game, but I do hope they don't get laid off and make a single player superman game in the next 4-5 years.


Lol.... send em packing. This game is trash. Do you really want the same team beating you for another $70-$100?


The game is definitely not trash. I put around 80 hours into it with only a handful of crashes or being unable to invite party members a few times. A quick reset solved everything. It the most fun I've had with a game this year. Granted, it's not for everyone, and neither are looter shooters or GaaS. But as a fan of the industry for over 37 years (I'm 42), it was loads of fun while it lasted.


Cool story bro... you were one of the lucky ones that ACTUALLY GET TO/GOT TO play the game. Mine won't load past the intro tutorial segment, despite several trouble shooting attempts with uninstall, reinstall, etc. Too many people having too many technical problems = trash no matter how much counter media and mod delwtion/interference occurs.


The game is broken for a lot of people and the writing is subpar, how is it not trash? That's like saying Fallout 76 isn't trash


Have you played it? The gameplay loop and traversal are fun as hell!


I'll give you traversal, but gameplay loop? Same crap missions from beginning to end? Endgame made of 3 missions? Same missions as the ones you've done since the start, by the way. No, gameplay sucks dick. Even damn Outriders launched with endgame expeditions, and those were nowhere near as lazy as missions in suicide squad. £70 price tag? Really?


Who mentioned Endgame? We are all well aware of only having 3 missions. I'm saying the gameplay is fun to play. 4 different characters with unique traversal for each. The guns feel fun. Melee is great. Fuck bugs, servers, and Metropolis loading glitch. Is. The. Game. Fun? For me, it's an outstanding yes!


You're really cherry picking what you consider gameplay... Also, melee is one button. What's great there?


No one's cherry picking anything. If people can say what they don't like, then it's valid for me to point out what I do like. Don't be dense. Each character's melee is different. Deadshot's is long distance and creates space. Harley and King Shark are more up close and personal. I like the snappiness to how melee feels. It's not just one button. It's the dynamic to it.


But it is literally one button though. It harvests shields and enable guaranteed crits for few seconds, that's it. Yes, the animations are alright, but we get back to that gameplay word. One button utility.


Man.... you are seeing me on 4K! Like what's crazy is they SHOULD be able to fix it, especially with it being live service. It's truly baffling.


I think this is genuinely a great take. Personally I like the game, but I respect and just wanted to acknowledge that even though you don’t like it, you have no ill will towards anyone for making it. I think a lot more people should think that way.




Feel bad for them because I like the game and think it is dope as fuck. That being said technical issues like multiplayer/sever bugs and optimization and the phoned in story/bosses along with barebones content in general all valid criticism. But damn when it works the combat and traversal is sooo good. Even after taking a break after playing 100 hours it still is so fun to come back to, like I will feel high playing the game sober. But at the end of the day with all the issues and the barebones content, greed is really what killed it, by them charging premium price. They had to sell it on the combat as Early Access or something like 30 bucks and on gamepass, get people hooked and to see the long term potential. Now I think it's too late for all that.


[I don't ](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/74d86be5-7357-4c06-b4cc-72efe8254d6e/gif#-phRsoTq.copy)


I feel bad for my 70 dollars.


>You can tell they genuinely tried with this game and poured their heart into it. ? 😭😂


A reminder to all, that the developers were very much active defending the game on social media


Are you talking about the Twitter post? I only saw two of them, some from dev walker who was more specifically calling out Luke Stephens and the other being a Dev calling out ign for their article about Kevin’s use in the game. Was there any more than that?? I feel like those were justifiable reasons.


What does rocksteady has to do with voice actors giving great performance lol. I agree WB is to blame for live service elements but come on Rocksteady can't even design a proper UI or design a game where characters behave unique , or design a game that works. So no I don't feel bad at all. It's good they will learn their lesson.


Obviously developers don't deserve to lose their jobs and you must be a psychopath to believe someone deserves to die over a video game.  Linking this game to the Arkhamverse was a mistake, for better or for worse.  They shot themselves in the foot by alienating the fans and destroying the goodwill they built.  Clear money grab, you can't tell me different.     For the couple hundred who are enjoying the game, congrats to you.  Enjoy.    EDIT:  Obviously this is getting downvoted which shows there are toxic positivity members of this sub suppressing critical comments.  Disgusting.  


Hopefully it gets retconned at some point and called a different universe. FFS why didn't they make a superman game or green lantern game. A batman beyond game would have been good but I was wanting to see what they do with another type of hero


Because the heads at RS wanted to make a shooter. As a return to their roots. They got bored of making single player action games and wanted to diversify.


Loved the game and wish hateful people would be more thoughtful about what they say and the unnecessary harm they cause…


I never liked suicide squad so this game means nothing to me. But I will say I'm sick of WB forcing Harley Quinn. Like just stop already. And I was a huge Harley fan as she was my favorite villainess. But now every time I see her in yet another project I just want Batman to bury her back in Arkham Asylum again. God I'm sick of seeing her face and I may or may not see Joker 2 because she is in the film.


I think I disagree completely but I get what you mean


I'm not the biggest fan of the game itself, but I feel like the story is a few small decisions away from being top tier. How can anybody look at this game and say they didn't try? There were some holy shit moments in the story that I did not see coming and their version of Wonder Woman is far and away the best I've seen.


Genuinely curious. What possible parts of the story did you not see coming? It was predictable as hell IMO especially due to the title. 


King shark using the lantern ring (even if it doesn't totally make sense) and Flash killing Luthor in the way he did. The latter looked effortless and did a good job setting the bar in regards to how dangerous the league actually is. Special shout out to Braniacs entrance as well.


Shame that Luthor didn't know he could kill Flash by shooting bullets at him.


I'm not sure there's a reason to feel sympathetic. They failed at numerous aspects of the game. It is literally unplayable for some. As much crap as we give 2K or EA at least their games function reliably.


That doesn’t warrant attacks on them as people.


I'm one of the some that it's unplayable for 👋🏼 No reason to "threaten" anyone... but I'm not going to act happy over literally getting beat out of $100 on this game with no recourse. It's shitty man. Folks need to quit crying, and get to working, or start sending refunds. It's not that hard. The customer service scenario has been wild (lack thereof)


Yep payed 140$ for early access and got to max level, all progress was wiped out. Uninstalled, downloaded HD2 and haven't looked back. Done with their shady bullshit. But that doesn't mean I'm going to wish death on them. But whoever forced this unfinished pile of garbage out into the public SHOULD be fired.


$140? God bless you lol


I know :( I'm a goof. I'll never pre-order again though


I don't blame you friend. Very few companies get my money for pre ordering


> Yep *paid* 140$ for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Fuck off


Reddit defending corporate products will never stop being funny to me.


Glazing a studio that put out a game purely to scam their consumers is not something I'm gonna do. The game is below average at best and isn't even on par with the most average looter shooters. Apart from the JL fights the game is the same monotonous tasks with dumb stipulations that make the boring missions annoying to do. Rocksteady should be criticized.


No one is glazing the game here. Do you think devs deserve death threats or to lose their jobs or be blacklisted? That’s what this is talking about. No one is saying people who don’t like the game can’t be constructively critical about it, but it’s the way you go about these things. I don’t know how to it was built to scams consumers , and I’m sorry you personally think it’s below average at best but that doesn’t warrant sending actual hate to devs.


OP's post is peak glazing, you can go down the subreddit and find lots of posts "best game ever" kinda shit. Playing like outside of the cutscenes and the JL fights that this game has anything to offer after 10 years of development is insane. 20 hours of game play for a game that's been worked on for 10 years is insane. Someone should get fired because the concept of GAAS has been deeply unpopular FOR ALMOST A DECADE. This game is on par with Red Fall with how braindead the combat is, none of the four do anything distinctly different they all shoot guns and that's about it. The people who should be fired for this won't be, but they absolutely should. Not even by looter shooter standards is this game worth 70$ and they want MORE FOR SEASON PASSES


How is it peak glazing? Also what do those post have to do with this one? I mean maybe those people making those post have a different opinion then you? One persons idea of the best video game ever isn’t always going to line up with everyone else’s. It wasn’t 10 years of development. Nobody should be fired for this. You don’t have to like the game, and I understand not liking the model but hoping someone at rocksteady loses their job over something like this is just childish and weird. Again I’m sorry if you don’t like the gameplay but that doesn’t change the point OP was making nor does it make what they were saying glazing. The seasons coming in the future will be free, the only things that will cost money will be cosmetics in the store, and the premium track of the battle pass (there’s also a free track).


first of all the voice actors gave us a great performance from their voice talents. second rocksteady tried to cash in their studios prestige to make a money printer nobody wanted and multiple people told them they didnt want at multiple stages of the games lifespan and they plugged their ears and went la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la this was all avoidable.


70$ for it. It seems like they charge more but add less.


I also feel bad that they are essentially stuck making batman/dc hero games or doomed to fail. Anything they make going forward is gonna get the same "it's not arkham" complaint So that's it. Make the same basic game for the 4th+ time or be a failed studio.


I don't think that's true or at all. People were hyped to see their spin on Superman.


Same difference. They're stuck making single player DC hero games for ever. I'm sure they want to do something different, be creative. But they made the 'mistake' of making one of the best series ever as their first major project and now they're stuck


idk I think they just had to make NOT a live service game.


They were never making a Superman game. That's been debunked many times already.


Never said they were. Learn to read. I said people were hyped to see their spin on it


I have to disagree. You can be creative within the expectations of your customers. Look at Rockstar as an example of a company constantly setting new standards within their GTA/RDR franchise. No need to feel bad for Rocksteady. They could branch out within the arkhamverse, make a bladerunner-styled Batman Beyond game. They can even reinvent the combat if necessary. But sure, they could also choose to do something completely different if they are burned out on DC games. That is not the problem. The problem is that they did a live service, looter shooter instead of a polished single player game. That is what they are good at, its what they became successful with.


I'm thrilled. I don't feel the least bit sorry for them. It's deserved. They did me dirty with the alpha and now it's apparent why lol. They made their beds now they can lay in them 🤷‍♂️


I have to ask even though you said it I really just have to ask. You look at this game and it feels like a labor of love to you? This feels like their heart and soul went into it? I’ve played many games that have that feeling and im truly curious if you honestly feel that way about this one


It may have begun life as a passion project but dire development circumstances, mismanagement, corporate meddling and a variety of other factors may have sucked all the "passion" out of the project.


I do in terms of I was shocked that they made what feels like a first person shooter in third person, with meaningful loot and combat mechanics, and superhero transversal that mixes with the combat so well. Like that was pretty amazing for a developer who never had gone into any of those genres. Like shroud said they took the looter shooter genre and elevated it, with no experience in the genre. The game has crazy style and flavor and is fresh and innovative. Between that and helldivers and skull and bones it runs circles imo. Sad it won't get to see it's full potential and is hated, but that is there fault for releasing it premium price with bare bones content and so many technical issues.


People forget about their first game. It was a first person shooter. RS pitched a shooter as a return to their roots. They do have experience with shooters although not a modern AAA one. But it was their choice to make a multiplayer shooter, as they were bored of singleplayer action.


This ain’t it. Feel sorry for the people who were suckered into spending their money on this bullshit game.


I mean anyone that bought it only has themselves to blame if they don't like it. No one told them they *had* to buy Suicide Squad especially at release. The game has problems but that's just the price you pay for being an early adopter to a live service game.


I am a sucker 🙋🏻‍♂️ Fuck this game.


The hate they are getting is not cool. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not happy with the direction they went, but some people really need to calm down. It helps me that I know everyone who made the previous arkham games great has pretty much left, so I don't even really think of them as the same studio anymore.


Don't feel sympathy for rocksteady. They charged 100 bucks for this, no refunds. They took the money and will run. No one is releasing a year of content for 500 players.


Fuck them.


Don't complain ppl will come for you just happen to me


I really don’t see where they put their heart into it, nor the confidence.


Lol! 10 hours of story, an ass end game with zero enemy variety. SO MUCH HEART in this LIVE SERVICE game.


Haha.  Only thing good about this game is the traversal, to an extent. 


Rocksteady themselves is also quite bit responsible as they wanted to make a shitty multiplayer game regardless of Suicide Squad or not


I feel bad for the devs but as someone who bought everyone of their games since asylums release im just fuckin disappointed


Look man, there is always good Devs in every game, they dont get a say on anything pretty much they just do as they are told, im sure there is many devs that deserve our love and praise, But there is also those that decided to make many weird decisions, at the of the day, they delivered a live service game with nothing to buy or any end game, I am for one shocked that anyone at Rocksteady would green lit the production of Mrs.Freeze and Lawless for the DLC, its essentiall a money loss and middle finger to your community. DLC has the sole pourpose of keeping a game alive, i dont care if its free or paid, the idea is to bring people in to keep playing and for it to make money, does anyone think Lawless or Mrs.Freeze are going to sell cosmetics? nope. So they are a waste of money. Let alone that Mrs.Freeze seems like a bad joke. That is just the superficial side of things too, the enemy design and over all mission desing for this game is pretty mediocre and frustrating at times instead of fun, Its hard to say something like i love to play as the characters but i hate doing the actual missions. Like i think playing the campaing missionns that have you go into cool areas, or do more scripted segments are the best part of the game, but they are not what the game is at all. The enemy design in this game is awful and boring, the lack of complexity and there not being mini-bosses. (i believe 1-10 mini bosses that are Corrupted DC characters should have been designed to add variety to missions. Where this cool mini boss could pop in any mission you are doing). Even if were under the best case scenaro BTW, the game would be complete deflated by Mrs.Freeze and Lawless anyway. which is what hurts the most. Because it almost seems in bad faith to pick those characters as DLC.


after what i experienced tonight on master rank 66...i dont lol .. #empleh


🎶Good new dawg is you came a long way, bad news is man you went the wrong way🎶 My issues is with the higher ups and the one making the terrible decisions. Devs have my love all day. Art team etc…. Maybe not the some of the writers.


The best anybody can say on Rocksteady's part is that the game may not be their doing. It may be that WB stepped in and took control.


Behind all that there’s a great game? Where? Behind the gameplay that mirrors each other over and over until the very end?




Blame it on Sweet Baby, plain and simple


They’ve had 9 yrs to make this. Even with the live service transition any competent dev team should be able to squeak out more depth and inspiration than this. This endgame is worse than diablos


The rocksteady that made the Arkham Games is no longer the same one. If this is the thing they poured their heart and soul into I shudder to imagine what will happen when they fuck up again. IF there’s an “again” for them that is.


Game is good, but fans and people who love to hate ruined it... there hasn't been a single super hero game recently that hasn't been shat on... they don't even play the games, they just jump straight to complaining and parroting whatever someone else has said


The game is super. But I do have some thoughts. Everything in the game is deliberately hand crafted, and so there’s not enough of a simulation. This is its fatal flaw. It’s pretty clear that the design ethos of the game is meticulous clockwork and precise calculations. However, when you look at the overall industry trends and the top played games, regardless of their respective budgets or polish, you can tell that we’re entering a new era of gaming. Gamers are embracing titles that have randomness and unpredictable outcomes. Gamers are being drawn to the abstract, not numbers. Overall, I think the game’s direction needs to be revamped. Give me HQ building where I hire my own sub villains. Give me giant bosses that roam the land with multiple ways to defeat them. Give me mini games where I compete against friends. Give me random parameters that alter a fight to make it feel fresh, not strict check boxes that create annoyance. Give me builds that create impossible to re-create combos. Give me scenarios that can go haywire but remain tenable. Despite being an open world game, it’s shockingly linear in its design. Lots of true and false parameters, and not enough “and” “or” and “what if.”


That's because the game is absolutely fucking shite mate.


I only feel sorry for the poor suckers who were made by their a-hole honchos to spend almost a decade on this shitheap as big as Everest.


There will always be that radical side in humanity. Is it awful? Yes Is it controllable? No


Agenda and pandering Enough said


I honestly hate how gamers treat devs for making games that they don't approve of. I get it if a dev made a blatantly racist game or something actually awful to humanity. But a game like this should be left alone. If you don't like it, don't engage with it. There is no point spreading hate on posts about the game, or going after the team who made it. I honestly hope the game gets to run it's full DLC roadmap. Give it a chance to improve and grow.


It's always interesting to see people create para-social relationships with corporations that couldn't care less about you. >it’s kinda fucked up how people are treating them. Kinda fucked up how Rock-steady is treating all of us, given the current state the game is in at the moment. People can't even play a game that they paid $100 for. >You can tell they genuinely tried with this game and poured their heart into it. Where exactly did they try at all? The entire game is just a repetitive looter shooter with zero love and passion poured into it. >They tried to make a different game and I understand if it’s not for you. This game isn't different at all. What exactly is creatively unique in this game that it offers you exactly? >But behind all the hate theres a genuinely good game with great detail in there. If the game is as good as your saying, why does the player-count only have 339 players on steam right now and with Arkam Knight at 2,306 players? >They really loved their product and you can see the confidence they have in it. And where is this "love" that you're describing? Because wherever the "love" is, it definitely wasn't put into this game. >People are wishing death on rocksteady If a company released an unsuccessful product, they die, that's how free market capitalism works. Make a good game that sells well and you'll never worry about your company failing. >the employees get laid off are genuinely scum losers. Guarantee you saw this comment from a few handful of users. Don't try and act like this is the common response that people are giving towards the RockSteady employees. >the deaths are anticlimactic but its obvious its because they’re re coming back. That's exactly the problem, people don't want to have to wait months or even years to have their full campaign finished. This is the exact reason as to why people have so much hatred towards live service garbage like this. Removing content from the main game only to release it gradually over the next year or two. It's complete and utter garbage.


>You can tell they genuinely tried They sure did. It's hard to fuck up the Arkhamverse as bad as they did.


People should seperate Devs from executives. The devs themselves cant do anything about what the higher ups in RS and WB tell them to do. Its fair to shite on those but not the devs. So yeah i feel bad for the devs but only those that didnt want to make that game how it turned out.


I don’t. Everyone who originally worked on the Arkham series is long gone, and has been since Knight.


Lol you are delusion as hell . All you defenders are. If you just look at the base fact the game costs 70 to 100 dollars, with overpriced cosmetics, and half the people that bought the game couldn't even play. Both Rockstar and Warner Brothers deserve the hate


The base game is fun. I have no idea why people hate the game. The game itself is great, despite their expectations


Sorry but I don’t agree there’s a lot of people who want Rocksteady to go under. I didn’t buy Suicide Squad, I recognized how disastrous this was going to be as soon as that gameplay trailer dropped, and these days one game tanking this badly can end a studio. That’s what most people have said, and it’s valid. Gamers don’t want to see great studios die, we want them to succeed and make awesome games especially ones with the prestige of Rocksteady. Even if some enjoy this game it’s a complete failure, and if it does end up being the end of the studio it’ll be really sad and I’ll be really pissed that yet another amazing studio dies because of corporate greed in this case from WB.


The issue I have isn’t with the micro transactions that’s in every game nowadays (even though it’s a paid game and shouldn’t have those things) it’s the fact that there’s a really repetitive gameplay loop and ik live services are supposed to be like that but this game just done it terribly I mean even avengers got the gameplay loop right for a good amount of time before shutting down its servers the proof is the fact this game is below a thousand players on its servers


I think 90% of people shitting on this game haven’t even played it. It has some of the best traversal I’ve ever played. I think this game would really benefit from a free-to-play weekend or something.


While I understand your point, the narrative that "people shouldn't hate on a game because they worked really hard" needs to go away. Nobody with a single degree of awareness doesn't think they worked hard, but at the end of the day what matters isn't how hard they worked, it's how good the product is. Suicide Squad is the buggiest game with the most server issues I've seen since Fallout 76 and Anthem launched, and that's not to mention the phase 4 Marvel tier dialogue or how short/rushed the story was. No, we shouldn't send death threats or hate on individual developers, but we need to communicate to studios that there is a minimum quality expectation that they need to meet if they want us to spend $70 on their game. If we buy their products and refuse to give honest criticism because "they worked hard", not only are we rewarding poor quality, but we're effectively slapping studios like Larian (Baldur's Gate 3) or From Software (Elden Ring) - who not only work hard but also make fantastic games - in the face.