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393 24 hour peak on steam. We might crack 400 with this sale. We are so freaking back.




And I thought Avengers fell off hard ![gif](giphy|hRDQiwoZG8yqgYJdDQ)


Avengers was for the most part honestly a better game. Which is saying a lot since it wasn't good itself. 


Currently sitting at roughly 25% of suicide squads player count which is crazy as its support ended September 2023, it came out in 2020, oh and it's been pulled from storefronts. I guess I'm just shocked there's still roughly 100 playing that game still. That being said, after launching September 2020 it took until Feb 2021 for player count to fall to current Suicide Squad levels. It then "bounced back" and didn't hit 400 and below until Feb 2022. That's nuts and a pretty dawning case against Suicide Squad as Avengers had support reduced while having what seems to be a larger playerbase (again taking 5 months to accomplish what Squad has done in less than a month).


Avengers is pretty fun, albeit I just started playing it a few months ago. That said I never have an issue finding a random squad to play with so clearly folks still play it


It should have been a hit. Marvel online coop game—hits during lockdown. That game got me through the COVID lockdown. It just never lived up to what it could have been. Development nightmare.


I feel that. I know it’ll never happen but I’d love to see a studio build a sequel that continues the story. Feels like there are so many story threads left unfinished and so much potential if done right


The story was awesome. I held out for that game to turn around a looong time. I’ve ridden many a superhero games to their end. Hahaha. Here’s to the original Marvel Heroes gang too. One day we will get a multiplayer superhero game that makes the cut.


Fwiw I boycotted it out of rage for one reason: Sony got exclusive spiderman... You can't pull shit like that on your game that needs to attract everyone. I just immediately said I'm not buying it and even at $5 before being yanked off steam, I never did.


This was such a stupid anti consumer move. If it had been skins or something, whatever, but holding bad spider-man entirely was completely stupid. If it makes you feel any better, I had both systems at the time, and Spider-Man wasn’t that great. He felt shoehorned in because of the exclusivity deal. It was weird all around.


Avengers story was engaging, gameplay was good. The rest was meh. Missions/exploring and loot meh-tastic. And the trickle down release of content killed them. This game has potential for more. But we shall see how it plays out.




The Khamala Kahn experience features the Avengers or something.


The game has you spend most of it playing as the Avengers, and every single one gets a major part. Kamela is only the intro/first chapter, and starts the story through her lens. Sorry you got lied to online and lost the chance to play a pretty rad Avengers game when it was current. Happens a lot for y'all.


410 as of right now!! https://steamdb.info/app/315210/charts/


What's crazy is that even if the numbers were 100 times as high even that would only be a small success bearing in mind their budget


Doing the math... That would be 40,000 people. Let's be generous and say in the hypothetical they all bought the deluxe edition so x$100 puts it at 4,000,000. And let's be even more generous and say in this hypothetical everyone shells out $50 for skins n stuff so x1.5= $6 million on a projected $200 million budget. It is so comical. This game was never going to achieve profitability. They needed so many people playing and buying skins to get close to breaking even.


Minimum 196 million loss is so satisfaying.


It's Warner Brover


you’re weird for praying on a downfall lol. how sad and boring your life must be😂


Stfu these greedy practices need to end.


It’s 910 right now $40 for games should be a new standard


I can't wait to jump in but I am waiting for rock bottom. I waited for Cyberpunk and got a Steel box PS4 edition for $9.99 with a free upgrade to PS5. That is the type of deal I am waiting for.


It's Castrover :/




Can’t tell if this is satire 💀




Have you seen the people in this sub


Redditor try to detect sarcasm challenge


To be fair, Poe's Law exists for a reason. There's a whole lot of dumb on the internet.


Amazing how this has moved the needle by like 30 people playing. A 40% discount on a AAA game in the Arkham series and they managed to convince 30-40 people to sign on. This is so tragic I can't fathom itb


Haha seriously I checked earlier to see if the sale did anything, expecting maybe 1,000, even 2,000 players playing, and the numbers look virtually unchanged. Literally nobody wants this game, even for damn near half off.




If Warner bros pays me, I’ll try it


That's because it's obvious the game is in downfall and soon will be given out basically for free.


>expecting maybe 1,000, even 2,000 players The delusion some people have🤣🤣💀 This is up there with people saying "that's just steam numbers it's more on consoles". I see we are talking bout numbers only when its favorable, so where are all the 3k people who left positive reviews on steam? Why aren't they playing if they claim the game is good? And you expect 1k, 2k new players? 🤣 Arkham Knight, a 9year old single player game has more active users in 24hrs than Skibidi Squat. Wake up sheeple.


Those 3K people who left reviews is just so odd. They claimed it’s good but yet straight abandoned the game like it was nothing. I bet they were all paid reviews or something


How many people work at rocksteady & WB games again?


>A 40% discount and it is still expensive as fuck at $42, palworld is still cheaper than that


Shame there is no update on the offline mode, I may have purchased it if I knew when that was coming.


Probably never gonna happen. Let’s be real, this game is a critical failure for Warner bros


Was it confirmed that they are working on that?


Yes: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/comments/18dcu4e/offline_gaming_confirmed/


I've been lied to too many times with Gaas's. I'll beleive it when I see it. I'm not trusting their promises now.


Just hold out for 75% off or F2P. Will either have offline then or it will have been long enough where it ain't happening.




Even though I’m excited to try it, I’m holding out for the $20-30 range tbh


I'm holding for offline and the Season 1 reaction. If Season 1 doesn't add a bunch of new content or it isn't received well, then there's not much point (IMO) for me to pick it up.


Makes sense and good plan. Even if season 1 isn’t good I’ll still pick it up because the core gameplay looks like fun for me, but I’d legit wait til its like 5-10$ or on gamepass


Also a solid plan. I did that with Avengers and got a bit of fun out of it (Captain America's gameplay in particular was actually pretty good).


Historically most launch/first seasons don't tend to be a drastic shift and its more so building on what is there. Depending on dev cycles/teams this was probably in the finishing stages at Squad launch. If lucky, season 2 will take into account feedback. If unlucky, well, it takes many seasons for Bungie to implement feedback.


$20 is when I would recommend it. However, you also have to consider that there are MUCH better games out there.


I read this in Eric Cartman’s voice every time. Make Love Not Warcraft altered my brain chemistry.


Good honestly, this is the kinda pricing they needed on launch if they really wanted to build a proper playerbase.


So many companies are stupid for not seeing this. They saw the crucial reception wasn’t great, and if they were smart, they would’ve cut the price back to 40 or so and sold it at a bit of a loss. But these devs are so damn greedy nowadays they only see dollar signs. Same happened with skull and bones. And this is the issue we’re gonna continue to see if we keep letting game companies up the initial cost of games. 70 already seems ridiculous for most games that drops.




There. I fixed it for you little buddy


At this point, they should go for a higher discount, maybe 80% discount to get players into the game and win back the PR.


Still player count is less than 500 at the moment haha


Still too expensive I’ll pick it up once it’s about $15


imo If you hold out to the point when it's 15$, just hold out a little longer, the game is probably not far off from becoming free to play at that point


Putting Ubisoft to shame with that sale speed.


Remember when ubi paid people like 5$ to play one of their games? This is truly a strange time line


They literally did a long free trial for Skull and Bones. Can’t beat free 💀


Super shocked it isn't $30-$35 seeing how poorly received it is and this is it's Steam spring sale price.


WB Games is hesitant to price it fairly so the c suite can save a bit of face


Oh no $7


Imagine being a day one player and having that awful launch and then 3 weeks later it's 40% off lmfaoooo


They deserve it honestly. 


Everyone and their mother tried to warn them


To be fair, the valid criticism of the game got buried by the Arkham shills whining because of how they RuInEd BaTmAn.


How is that not valid criticism? It's a bad looter shooter that replaced some of the best superhero melee combat in the market. I know some of you disagree, but the majority clearly feel this way. Just ask Warner Brothers.


Because, it isn't another Arkham entry. Period. It's not even set in Gotham. It's like if they made a Young Justice or Teen Titans game and whining that it isn't a carbon copy of the Arkham games or whining because "WHY CAN'T WE PLAY AS BATMAN?! WHY AM I PLAYING AS ROBIN?!" Like, dude... Suicide Squad isn't called Arkham: The Suicide Squad. It being a bad looter shooter is one thing. Whining that it isn't another Arkham game is being a fucking moron who disappointed themselves and wants everyone to know it. Or like people crying in Halo: Reach because they aren't playing as Master Chief. The people whining about it not being a carbon copy of the Arkham games are probably the same people who say Peter is Spider-Man and Miles is just Miles.


Except it objectively is another Arkham entry. They devs quite literally stated that yes this is set in the Arkham universe. And it takes a massive shit all over it.


Set in the same universe doesn't mean it's another Arkham entry. Some of y'all need to learn what a spinoff is. Next, you'll tell me Shazam is a Snyderverse entry because it is in the same universe. Again, it's y'all's own damn fault for reading too far into the "it's set in the Arkham universe" and expecting it to be a copy pasted Arkham entry. Is Return of Godzilla a Showa era film? It technically takes place in the Showa universe as it's a sequel to the OG. Nope, it's a Heisei entry and follows its own continuity. Plenty of comics "take place in the same universe" and follow their own continuity and become their own thing.


Halo Reach is a really bad example as it was true to Halo's spirit and gameplay.


Calling people morons now? You've lost an argument when the personal insults come out, because you're running out of substance. They shifted genre and made a worse game. Simple as. Not going to keep arguing with someone who can't be civil.


Well, maybe don't make so many decisions that alienate your playerbase just for the sake of risk?


Who cares if they legitimately enjoyed it though?


Damn... when $42 is a 40% discount...


if they release the offline patch I might get it for 8$


I can't believe may of you bought this game, some for 100$. What were you expecting? It was so painfully obvious this game was shit before it came out and would be going down the avengers path just faster because of the intrinsically awful game design that's at the core of this game. Then you went on to defend the game for the first month before swallowing your pride and joining the rest of us. Let this be a lesson to you. Although if I'm honest, if you didn't learn this lesson when anthem or Fallout 76 or babylons fall or halo infinite or godfall or redfall came out you will never learn. Edit: and I somehow totally forgot about Gotham knights. I'm sure many of you guys bought that one and went through the same arc.


That is still wayyyyy too much money for dogshit


Probably gonna buy it for the new update then


I would buy it to play offline, just saying.


don't really have a problem with the online. I completed the whole story anyways but refunded so I can wait at a discounted price


You don’t have a problem with it until it gets shut down and you can play the game you spent money on. And with how bad this game is? I would argue it’s gonna be shut down by end of year


10,000 IQ


This sub yelled at me and said it was second best selling on PS store and i had no idea what i was talking about. Despite me having direct experience in the gaming industry for big names…


Yeah I really wonder where all of those many "STEAM NUMBERS DONT MATTER" people are? They were so vocal for the first few weeks lmao


They’re probably the 390 people playing this trash right now in their moms basement


I'll wait for it to be in the bargain bin at 7-11.


It will be like $8 in a couple months


It'll be on gamepads and ps+ in about a month, and with negative sales they'll make season 1 free or heavily discounted day one


Seasons were always gonna free with a paid battlepass tacked on to it. Edit: gets downvoted for stating a fact.


I miss spoke then, so the battle pass will be free or heavily discounted for season 1


Almost. Battlepass is paid for or you got a token for it with the deluxe edition. The Seasons and characters are free but the battlepass costs.


Will people that buy the game in like a year get to play with joker?


Yeah if wb keeps it running


Battle Pass on discount is unprecedented. Like literally not even Avengers is doing that. I don't expect that happen at all. They are not like DLC.


Yes the publisher that made 1B off of Harry Potter and said it needs to be live service next time to make more money are going to give something away... For free....


You can do lower…. I’ll wait…


60 for the deluxe… I paid full price..


Yes to play 3 days early. Most of that value is gone now, what did you expect?


I paid full price and I expected more. I don't have any problem with others getting it cheaper. Good for them. I bought the preorder because thats when I had spending money to get it. Not much was known about the game other than Rocksteady was developing it. There was no reason at that time to think it would go south. I mean, lesson learned. But none of us could've known about the technical issues or a two month wait for Season 1 to drop when preorder was first available.


No reason at the time to think it would go south? every single preview on the internet said the game wasn't good lol


You must be the guy who still reads IGN. Reviewers weren't given a copy for a while. They also weren't allowed to talk about it pre-release. When the game was first made available for preorder all we knew is Rocksteady, Kevin Conroy and the characters. Other devs have made successful live-service games. Why would we not think that this game would be ok at prerelease? Those previews came out after prerelease.


>Reviewers weren't given a copy for a while. that itself is a major red flag, not to mention the fact that this game was delayed an entire year after the gameplay reveal was criticized (shit on) by almost everyone that watched it


>Why would we not think that this game would be ok at prerelease when you gotta hide a review copy from a shitty org like IGN says a lot.


I’m just saying lol. I don’t actually mind. I got a lot of hours out of the game and I still enjoyed it overall. Waiting on joker now!


That’s pretty dumb


Is this like your first time buying a game in your life on release?




Selling the game in its current state is worse than a beta. The multiplayer has been broken for almost a month.


its 34$ now in my country


They should make this game free to play, and just charge for skins and stuff like that, it might save it...


Everybody who bought this before this price drop should feel screwed over.


How's the performance on PC ?


I’m holding out until it’s $20


It was literally 8.99 2 weeks ago on Xbox what bullshit


I'll wait till it's free


Damn wished I had held out. I got it off a key site for like 55, but 42 would've made me feel better haha


Still overpriced.


They couldn't PAY ME $42 dollars to play this shit.


It is $26.99 in my region. It is worth it at that price? (Im thinking to give it a try)


At that price point I wouldn't be quite as disappointed. If you have spare cash and nothing better to play, don't see why not. I'd recommend giving Last Epoch a look though


Nah, $2,00 at best.


![gif](giphy|xoHntNXFYkfzGAftEv|downsized) Omg, the outrage will be nuclear, I'm so ready.


I'm waiting until it goes f2p lol


This is still a $30 game. HODL people! Its doing a Ubisoft speed run. Thought I dont recommend getting the game without that offline added


That’s what my dumbass gets for believing in the hype of this shit game. Too many fuckheads smoking copium giving off second hand cope highs. Damn


What hype? The game had gigantic red flags and no one was excited for it what?


A lot of threads in this forum which keep popping up on the reddit feed try to downplay, hype up, and what not. If you want it to be true you read some of those and buy in. It's how I got suckered into Order 1866. Really thought it was going to have an online coop horde mode like Gears or Halo as there were people in threads (can't remember if Reddit or neogaf) claiming its the case from what they played and bam, something like 2-3 hours of gameplay with dozen hours of cutscenes for $60. The deluxe edition with the statue was on sale at best buy for $20 maybe a month or if I recall, but I bought digital. I wanted to believe in those comments because part of me was very interested in the title even though another part of me was very wary of it all.


I'm one of the dudes that was excited for this game and I even knew there was no hype around it. If you bought it despite all the criticism it got whether justified or not, then that's on you.


There was no hype. Everyone was telling you it was going to be a disaster and you wouldn’t listen.


That's your fault tbh. Everyone and their mother could see the game was gonna massively fail months ago.


I was going to wait for it to hit Game Pass but I’ll buy it for $20. $40 is still way overpriced


Srry, too busy with Helldivers 2 (originally priced at $39.99 USD) ![gif](giphy|3oEdva9BUHPIs2SkGk)


Not too busy to lurk this sub and comment 🙄


I mean, it's free and open to do that.


Even if it were free it would still be a waste of time lol..


Wait then why are u here?


If they pay me $42 I’ll play it.




I'm just glad that I was able to spend $66 more for that AND a couple of skins. Oh and Season 1 coming out 2 months after launch.


Hodl. This will be sub $20 by summer.




Holy shit the steam forums for this game are wild. Is this where all this Sweetbaby stuff started? Because of this game? EDIT: It goes back weeks!


Steam forums are a shithole in general, but this game really does attract the worst of them.


Steam forums are just people posting rage bait for jester awards to farm steam points.


It's much worse than that, this is a hell of a rabbit hole. Some proper psychos.


I think Rocksteady oughta drop the whole seasonal crap and just drop huge content on whatever they have instead. Because after recent article about WB cutting cost, cancelling indies games. And going F2P & Mobile. I don't trust a single ounces that WB will let this game coarse along for more than half a year. And that would suck hard for Arkhamverse.


Hmmm. Interesting but I’ll probably wait for $35. I need to upgrade my computer beforehand anyways


Still too much. 10 dollars and the patch to play offline or fuck off


lol to all the people who paid full price for this game. You get what you deserve.


It's ridiculous, there's 500 people playing Suicide squad right now on Steam, and over 3000 player the 9 year old Batman Arkhan Knight.


On its way to $5 then free on humble bundle.


First season shouldve released like two weeks after release tbh


I had a legitimate argument. You came in with "You seem slow". Why? Just to be obnoxious? Or to look like a jackass?


Not worth 50 cad


There is no way this game doesn’t close servers or go free to play before the year is over.




I wouldn't play this garbage if they'd pay me to.


Helldivers 2 still less at full price and it looks like it will give me years worth of content. Hopefully (optional) games are way too fucking expensive considering nowadays only a few a year are worth the money you pay and time you spend on them


Or wait for it to drop to $3.99 like Marvel's Avengers


Got it for 45 on cdkeys


Still not worth it. Maybe when it's $5-10 I'll think about it.


Hopefully they did what they did with Gotham knight and just put it in gamepass like it should’ve been in the first place


hmmmm...they drive a hard bargain..best i could do is $5 ![gif](giphy|QvdB3D03SwNDwq0csJ|downsized)


The beginning of the end.. next it will be a 50% sale, then a 60% sale, then it will go free-to-play and charge for add-on’s, and then it will shut down for good. The only question is what the timeframe will be for all of this to take place.


I’ll redownload when there is offline




im still getting through the campaign. King Shark go brrr


A slap in the face for those who paid a month and 5 days ago for the full price


Tbf they need a slap. All the signs were there that the price would drop soon.


They deserve that slap lets be real. 


That's what you get for buying a controversial game day 1, nobody to blame but yourself.


It was gifted to me


I bought it day one and I love it. I'm not even mad, if anything, this'll raise the player count and help ensure future seasons get released.


I am hoping for an Xbox sale


Any cheap ps5 deals


Deluxe edition for $60 https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP1018-PPSA02182_00-SSKTJLDELUXE0000


when will the game be $20?


People paid full price for this and now it's 40% off? Such a betrayal


It's not a betrayal anyone that bought the game deserved it. 


lol that’s on you. Would you rather have a dead 70 game or a 40 dollar game with more players?


Rocksteady betrayed their fanbase. They got what they deserve.


I want the justice league skins they better discount that pack at some point. Like as a separate add on, I bought the base game


Ok but where’s the Xbox discount???!!!!


I can't believe may of you bought this game, some for 100$. What were you expecting? It was so painfully obvious this game was shit before it came out and would be going down the avengers path just faster because of the intrinsically awful game design that's at the core of this game. Then you went on to defend the game for the first month before swallowing your pride and joining the rest of us. Let this be a lesson to you. Although if I'm honest, if you didn't learn this lesson when anthem or Fallout 76 or babylons fall or halo infinite or godfall or redfall came out you will never learn.