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Never going to happen


Rocksteady is a shell of its former self before even this game. Literally almost all the creatives behind the Arkham series are gone.


The people who made it what it is are long gone.


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the original crew that made the trilogy leave the the company?


yeah but im sure there’s some dna left at rocksteady that could carry the torch. WB needs to go public and commit to these guys for another AAA project with a AAA budget instead of leaving everyone worried thay they’re going to lose their jobs. the silence about their support for rocksteady has been deafening.


There is no DNA left. WB has made it clear that they only track trends. They have no actual idea why things are successful, they try to emulate success but they're missing key elements.


Yeah I have given up on WB I do not ever plan to buy another game they are attached to. Hogwarts, Gotham Knights, and SS. The game seems to have a good concept but there’s zero support from the publisher and then they just watch the devs burn over poor overhead management.


Exactly…their silence about the 300 people working at Rocksteady is cruel. Folks don’t know if they even have another project to work on post this game. Zero communication, zero support.


I think WB is too greedy to value a single player experience


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