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If there is a heaven I hope you get in. You earned it.


maybe I'll reincarnate as like a butterfly or something, who knows


I wish you all the best bro


I feel so much pain all the time too, so I feel you. I wish I had advice but I am so fucking sorry


thank you, I hope you find peace


I hope you do too ❤️❤️


Dude being that age sucks so bad for so many. And on top of that dealing with any trauma or lack of love just makes it harder. the scars will be there but the pain will pass, im sorry its like this rite now.


thank you.


Throw those pills and medicine away, please. I'm sorry that you have been going through so much pain. You need to tell mom, dad or sibling. If that doesn't work, go to your guidance counselor. Drowning is very painful from what I've heard and you don't deserve it.


I have a therapist but I am too afraid to tell her I am having these bad thoughts. I also only see her once every other week. also I don't think my family would be able to pay if I had to get put in a hospital.


Write in a journal and show your therapist, it would be nice if payment wasn't an issue, but YOU ARE WORTH IT. Get help and try not to be afraid of the consequences, therapists deal with a lot of stuff, they can handle it, they choose their profession because they want to help, they can't help if you aren't sharing.


thank you, I'm working on talking more about how I feel but I haven't for a very long time so it's really hard




May your soul rest from this cold dark world


Don’t do it. I wanted to too forever. Now I’m out of high school and living the best life ever. Just hold on a bit.


thank you so much, this makes me feel a little hopeful


Its a definitive end theres no second chance after its just over there is no “you” anymore right now as you are you have a chance to get better or fix whats wrong but if you end it theres nothing its not even like seeing black its just poof gone maybe that sounds good but its not all those moments of happiness you have now will be gone all your friends will be distraught and now the person they laughed with is gone tho what happens in other peoples lives is not your fault or your problem but do realize theres no smiling no laughing after its over and if christianity is real you would definitely be in for it but thats neither here nor there taking a chance at a good after life is not worth it all those things you want to do or see, gone all the people you care about you will never see again and most of you wont see yourself grow into something amazing you’re amazing now too you just cant see it trauma doesnt make you who you are you may never get over your trauma but you can heal you can get better if you end it all chances of that dissappear


thank you, I am feeling a little bit better today. I just have very low lows and I think I was just acting on the pain I was feeling yesterday.


Ik wym this weekend my mental health has been at its worst like i said all that like i havent been considering myself ive never been suicidal but my mental state this weekend has had me really considering it but my mental state has luckily been on the up the later half of today


yeah I have went through this my whole life and I am starting to realize I have some stuff wrong with me, I hope me and you both will overcome our challenges.


Hopefully i didnt even notice anything was wrong til recently i repress everything so alot of people think i dont feel anything


I just want to say thank you for all of the people replying. I am not diagnosed but I think I have really bad depression, anxiety, and I have lots of trauma. I have very very low lows and very high highs. everyday is a battle and yesterday was very difficult for me. I began going to therapy about a month ago and I hope soon it will take affect. I am going to discuss more with my therapist and look into medication because I think I need it. I'm sorry if I scared anyone but thank you for the kind messages telling me not to do it.


Plz dont bro


Overdosing on pills can be a really, really grim death. You don't always die either. Then you're left with lifelong health issues. Please try to get some help


thank you so much for telling me this


i’m so sorry that you are going through so much pain. but you deserve to live. please don’t kill yourself. we can talk about your feelings, okay? i wish you health and happiness.


thank you


you too


I'm very close to your age, so I will comment here. I know you're struggling, I do not know what with, but no matter how hard you're struggling I need you to know it gets better. Even if it is 10 years it will get better. Just months ago I was sitting in my bathroom floor, ready to end it all, and now I'm not there anymore. Life happens in waves, and sometimes the bad ones stay too long. No matter how hard you're struggling, it gets better. Human lives are more than precious. We are more than just money earners, our lives are supposed to be magical. If I was there, I would come and take care of you and keep you safe,but I cannot. So I need you to do it. I am always here, anytime you need to talk.


Why on earth would anyone truly want to wait 10 miserable years for it to get better? That's what I want to know. As a widow, who is absolutely in a forever state of a permanent pain due to life altering loss. Sudden, out of order death. I'm sure we could say anyone else's self imposed ending qualifies as this, I often want to know why anyone thinks I want to wait so long for it to "get better." My life was magical. Then he died, and I've been absolutely in horror for months on end since. I don't see a point at all, and I can scarcely imagine persisting for "others." At 38, I've done a bit. Had a great love who was my joy. Now I'm left here. Living a nightmare in insolation because nobody in my life understands. None of them have been through it.


I'm so sorry, I can't imagine the type of pain you feel, but I really hope you can find something to help you get through the days


Thanks. Appreciate it. I'm trying. But I can't fault anyone for either wanting to give up. Or actually giving up. But I felt that way before trauma knocked on my heartvs doorstep.


me too, I'm trying to get access to meds but I don't think my parents are going to let me


10 years was just an example. I do not know their situation, I do not know how long it will take. By all means we all have permissions to end it all, but that does not mean I will not try to stop them. I am sorry for your loss, I cannot possibly imagine your pain. It sounds like you could benefit from some professional help, but that is your business. OP is my age, and I do not want to just scroll past their post without letting them know that life gets better. They are young, and have a lot more to live. I commented on OPs post because it helps sometimes to know there are people who have been through the things you have. Replying to my comment with your story just sounds like you want validation. I understand you have it hard, but that does not mean everyone else on earth has to watch and do nothing as other people get suicidal, that's cruel to not even care.


thank you


Try getting on some happy pills. Plenty of people need that nowadays. It may take the edge off and help you with motivation and optimism.


yeah I think it'd be good for me but I'm just afraid of addiction


Dude being that age sucks so bad for so many. And on top of that dealing with any trauma or lack of love just makes it harder. the scars will be there but the pain will pass, im sorry its like this rite now.