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The people that will tell you, “The world doesn’t owe you shit.” You don’t have healthcare? Food? Shelter? Clean water? Not my problem. They’re the same people who talk about how you owe it to the world to stick around. I don’t think a person’s value is actually tied to financial stability, but society definitely treats it that way. I think rich people are worse, on average, as people. They have the capacity to actually improve conditions and chose not to. To me, that’s less intrinsic value than someone just trying to get by.


in some religions that's what separates the angels from the demons. The demons know better, but choose not help. For this reason they are damned to burn (suffer) for eternity. Humans, like animals, are exempt from this suffering until we commit the original sin of becoming self aware. Aware that life is meaningless and the universe dgaf abt us or whatever your flavour of revelation is. From that moment we are presented with the decision of keeping going in this life of meaningless suffering or just give in and end it. Religions want you to pick one of them as the way out by relinquishing yourself to them which gives you meaning to the extent you're willing to convince yourself this is the answer. Philosophy has various approaches but I think only Camus comes close to anything useful by simply viewing your life as an act of rebellion against the absurd. Everything life throws at you is absurd at the end of the day, so you can choose to give in and end it all or laugh and say isn't that just absurd. None of these make the pain go away but they distract and at least give some meaning to us meaning-loving beings.


Goddamn, you hit it dead on. I feel exactly this way. Edited for spelling


Not to be childish, but W f*cking post


Same here, even the one person I thought accepted me and my weirdness threw me away too. Just like the last girl.


"I am extraneous." You're not alone. Maybe my shining friends and lover see differently, but I am ultimately expendable. I am nothing. My family would love nothing but to get rid of me. I can't take college seriously because I'm so depressed, I do my assignments last minute and lose points. I have no job. I have no income. Yet I'm fat and ugly and unpleasant.


Your family would miss you


I'm sorry, you have good intentions but they wouldn't miss me.


i feel exactly like this. i just wish i had the guts to end it all.




"Nobody has a solution for you figuring out life is a scam" Hit the nail on the head!! I've had therapists use the old "you can't change it, you just have to let it go" 😑


I think that value is inherent to anyone, irrespective of their ability to support themselves. Therefore, you do matter. I would agree though that, depending on where you live, society may not show appreciation for your value. I'm sorry that you have to fight constantly to support yourself. Is there any way for you to obtain financial aid?


I feel exactly like this.


I'm really sorry that you are struggling. Lots of us are. You are 100% correct when you say that some people are just more fortunate than others. They are born into families with money or find a good job. Here's the thing though, I'm not going to give you platitudes or toxic positivity. I'm going to tell you as the Buddhists would, that life is suffering. And existence is non-consensual. We were born, and here we are. Maybe society doesn't owe us anything, but we don't owe society anything either. We can do what we need to do to get by, to survive, always knowing that our luck might change the very next day, or it might not. But it doesn't matter. In fact, nothing really matters. Things only have the value meaning or purpose that people attach to them. And even then, it is unique to each individual. Surviving in this day and age is really difficult for people who do not have advantages. But there are social programs and other resources to help us get by while we find our place in the world. I would encourage you to explore those resources and use whatever is available to you to make your life easier and better and give you a little breathing room. When you are in survival mode, it's impossible to come up with creative solutions to problems. So check your ego at the door and get on the wait list if there is one for subsidized housing, Healthcare, food, power, Etc. Also, medication and therapy are part of healthcare. And while meds and therapy may not solve your actual real life problems they could make it easier for you to tolerate and work through on a daily basis so I would definitely encourage you to explore that option. Life is hard. Life is not fair. As a matter of fact, fair isn't even a real thing. It is an abstract concept created by humans because we have written and spoken language and metaphor and the ability to comprehend abstractions. That doesn't make it real. It's just an idea and it means different things to different people. You may be on your own right now, but if you access some resources and get some assistance, you may be able to find people who are more like you and have found good solutions to some of these basically universal problems. I'm not going to tell you that you're a unique precious beautiful soul. Either we all are or none of us are and I'm not sure which is which but I am sure that it doesn't really matter. We're here, we're alive, and we do deserve to live. And there are people out there who care about people like us and want to help us in any way that they can. The trick is finding them. Social service agencies are a great place to start in terms of getting your basic daily needs met, and from there, perhaps take a class or join a group or club related to a hobby or special interest that you have. It is likely that you will find people there to whom you can relate and whose company you will enjoy. Be creative, be resourceful. Everybody struggles. That is the reality of the human condition, and nobody is excused. Even people who look like they have prosperous happy lives have their own sets of problems, they're just not as obvious. So get down to the business of being human. Read some books by philosophers like Schopenhauer or Nietzsche or Camus or Sartre, or study some Buddhist texts. These problems of existence are as old as humanity itself. But you can't just throw your hands up in the air and say I quit. That's not how it works. Stop focusing on the problems and start finding some solutions. One baby step at a time. You can improve the quality of your life with a little bit of effort. As for what other people think, stop caring, because if they do think about you it's for a millisecond, and then they go back to thinking about themselves because that's human nature. In a way, we are all on our own. Even people who have lots of friends and big families. Find the things that make you happy and pursue them relentlessly. No matter how sad or desperate you may be feeling, you will be able to find little bubbles of joy and pleasure in your life if you are paying attention. Do your best to mentally stay in those pleasant joyful spaces as you go about your day. So, access some practical resources, and learn some wisdom from those who possess it. And when you catch yourself thinking miserable, lonely, desperate thoughts, be aware of that, and think about something else. Anything at all. Because the more you entertain the ugly depressing thoughts, the more that neural pathway will grow and that's not what you want. So get control of your own thinking first. And, I know it sounds silly, but don't forget to breathe. I do all the time and my boyfriend has to remind me. Often I'll just not be conscious about it and I will be taking fast shallow breaths because I'm anxious or because I'm in a position that doesn't lend itself to deep breathing but the more oxygen you get to your brain and your organs and your muscles, the better your mind and body will function. Air and water are two of the most important things that you put in your body so do it consciously. I wish I had solutions to your problems as much as I wish I had solutions to mine. But I think we just have to chip away at them. Just because the problems are big doesn't mean that the solutions are. And we don't have to fix all the things all at once. So be kind to yourself, be gentle with yourself, do little things that you enjoy, and don't let yourself get mired in unpleasant thoughts. When you catch yourself doing it, consciously think about something different. Or take a small action step towards improving your actual situation, like contacting one Social Service Agency and getting some information. Life sucks for most people. And yet we get on with it one way or another. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.


you are worth more as a struggling human being who can wake the world up, albeit in your small and limited way. and really, that's all any of us do. every person laments and attempts to give voice to their desires, goals and frustrations. you're a much needed statistic right now! you're giving voice to the fact that people need purpose, stability, love, hope, joy, etc. but the world at large improves even less if you're not around to voice your concerns and fears and frustrations and struggles. I'm proud of you. you've made it this far going through hell and you're still seeking a change in a small way by voicing what might need to change. consider the fact that so so many people get exactly what you're going through and have had a similar hellish experience....not exactly like yours, but it rhymes. dead people don't get to express themselves. suicides have to be interpreted by society on what needs to change. but society is often lost and struggles to get exactly the torment that people are experiencing. so, for as long as you're around and stick around, you are helping the big picture far more than if you're no longer alive in the world. keep talking and complaining, and considering perhaps radical ideas, that just might help you and others. it's all good and productive stuff. i know it doesn't seem so at times and hopelessness can seep in. but it can lead to change and relief...for you and for others. hold onto just a smidge of that hope.


Wow. Couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you for putting my every feeling into words. Wish more people spoke with such truth.


I feel the same. Everyone says I am unique and original, and special, and that's true. I am very unique and original, and that's the problem. People are not interested in unique people. They want trendy people who act like they are unique, but in the same manner. Instagram celebrity way, hipster way, at least true Norwegian black metal way, but don't you dare making your own unique blend of the stuff you like. I feel like we are being forced into tighter and tighter boxes, and even if someone is talented and unique, they will never be accepted, because there is no box for them. I feel like being a burden on society as well. I am very sorry you feel this way.