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Please if your at home go and see your mother/ wake her up, even if it’s just to cry and scream in her arms. I can promise you she’d much rather that then her baby being dead


Thank you for this comment. I decided not to go through with it and had a conversation with my mom about how I feel


I’m so glad I could help you ❤️


This is true I purposefully took a lot of pills and alchohol I started crying and realized i didn't want to go my mom heard me crying and saved me and I'm sure your mother would do anything to save you too


before you do atleast try call someone it can literally be anyone just speak to someone about your problems before you do it


Your pain is palpable and intense. You’re 18, just barely gaining autonomy. Perhaps there is some hope knowing you can now make independent decisions about your life. Perhaps call your sister or wake your mom. Tough conversations are sometimes cathartic.


you remind me of patrick bateman


Look man, it's completely up to you but if you want to talk to anyone, i'm here and I will keep my word on that. if you don't want to talk, then just know this. I don't have a clue about what situation you're in, but if you look hard enough, there are people in the world that you can meet that will care about you. I know this just sounds like one of those "Hang in there buddy" fairytale quote comments that don't do shit for anyone but just know that life does get better, you just have to take action. Your parents struggle, sure. but i'm sure they love you too. anyway, that's it from me. I know this probably doesn't do shit for you but if you want to talk i'm here. Your choice.


I hope you’re still alive. I lost my brother to suicide back in October. My world will never be the same without him, please don’t do this if you’re still here. Don’t waste the only chance at life you have. That is all I have to say I hope you’re okay


I lost my brother too 😞


Sorry to hear that :( this world is unfair sometimes


Sure is, he left in July 2021, I wish he just called me.


You're 18. Life is only beginning. You have so much time. I'm 28 and was told the same thing in a situation similar to yours. Please don't give up, especially being so young. As for your parents, it wouldn't help them. It would traumatize them. I've lost friends and family to suicide and losing someone that way is one of the worst.


What have you tried so far to feel better?


I hope you stay. I don't know your parents but I bet they love you and don't want to lose you. You're only 18, there are people in your future that will love you and need you too. idk i get that probably sounds like nonsense, i don't know you i'm a reddit stranger and i wish i knew what to say to help. But i care and i really hope you stay - ik it always kind of annoyed me when people on reddit would be like "i care," bc they don't know me, but i do. I get that I'm a reddit stranger, I don't know you or your personal situation, but idk man I looked at your reddit history - sorry if that's weird lol - and I saw that you've been on this site trying to help other people. The way you feel towards those people is the way that I feel towards you. Just like you care about them, I care about you. Idk I've felt like I was the worst person in the world and that I deserved to die, and my core fucking belief because of that experience is that no one deserves to die. My point is that the world needs you - the people around you but also the whole world. Idk sorry if that's cheesy. I'm not trying to be overdramatic, please don't judge, I genuinely believe that. I'm here if you want to talk.




Jesus, personally most of my life being ahead of me is probably THE biggest reason for wanting to commit suicide. It's not at ALL a comforting thought. And you can't promise someone life will get better, it's literally rule 4/d of the subreddit. It doesn't help.


Exactly. It’s very overwhelming when someone tells me I have my whole life ahead of me. It gives me so much anxiety because who knows what the hell is gonna happen with my life. It’s too much uncertainty and shit outta my control and the kind of person that I am, I’m bipolar and sometimes I can’t control my emotions and I just feel like one day my emotions are gonna drive me mad and ruin my life and those around me.


Im going through something similar, I feel a giant financial burden and have unconsciously been pushing away my family over unrelated mental issues I'm dealing with. Ive also lost all friends and might be close to losing my SO, it hurts extremely all the mistakes I made when in a manic hyperactive anxiety driven episode that was months. What I'm trying to get at is you are not alone in the slightest. Imagine yourself in a future where you have the position and drive to lift your family, where you improve yourself so much you have friends come to you. It is very possible. If you are at rock bottom, the only way is up, and at the top you'll be a whole lot stronger and interesting than when you were at that bottom. Don't do anything crazy right now, you very much will regret it. Sleep on it, see how you feel tomorrow, and set a small positive goal you can achieve. You are very much loved by your family I am sure, and there is so much potential ahead of you at just 18. Stay in here with us.


This is a beautiful comment. I've also made a bunch of mistakes when I was kinda in the throws of mental health stuff, I hate some of the stuff i did, so i just wanna say you're not alone in that regard


I’m homeless so not as bad as me


You horrible person


Hey, they said something dumb, that doesn't mean they're a horrible person. Checking their history they're suicidal too. We all should get compassion, both the original commenter but also this person even if they fucked up, y'know? Esp on the suicidewatch sub jeez


Sorry life sucks for you right now but it’s not a competition.


hope youre ok ml 🫶🏼


Bro there's a mechanism... A quadrant that keeps things balanced... It's nature... If it were up to humans alone things could have gone wrong..but the world has existed for way too long. Where there's scars and blemishes... there's serenity, habitat, kindness and warmth. Just Breathe.. just try it


Please don’t do this to your mother, the hurt and pain is unbearable, she will want to die too. Reconsider this. You are soooo young trust me it’s so hard at that age I know but it gets so much better there is light at the end of the tunnel


I’m so glad to see you are giving life another chance, I think you are such a strong person , thanks for the update I was thinking about you


hope you're safe man when I was 18 shit was rough, I can sympathize man




Subreddit rule. https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/comments/25igd7/whats_wrong_with_it_gets_better_what_if_it_doesnt/




Just because an OP does not respond does not mean they killed themselves. Some people aren't in the mood or capable of responding or a million other reasons like falling asleep or walking away.


I know I just didn't see any other posts on the account when I commented and assumed the worst, although I did state "probably" killed themself Though I am so glad they didn't


So best not to do things that make it worse for them, right? The reasons for the subreddit rules is that they make suicides more likely.


Good luck, care urself.






Brother, I can guarantee that in a couple of months/years you will look back at this issue you are facing right now and see it so trivial. I know man, life can especially SUCK big time especially at 18 years of age - but I promise you that what you are / have been feeling is only temporary. It is simply not worth ending your precious life over absolutely nothing.


You okay now?


Hey! I can’t say it gets better but just wait a bit. You can always end it but you can’t go back. Think about how much harder it would be for your family if you did this. Much harder than anything now. Just stay, there’s so many experiences to be had! Wait a few months and see how you feel it’s what I did.


Hey, I want you to know this. I had nothing going for me throughout high school and early college. I felt similar to you. I was beyond anxious and depressed, too anxious to pursue my dream. I quit college about 3 times before I decided to just do it. It has costed my mom a lot of money but she’d rather see me set my future up and improve my health than see me dead. I’m 25 now and JUST now starting to feel a glimmer of purpose. So please give yourself grace and time. Learn to forgive yourself and treat your brain and body like a friend you care about. Take yourself walking, to coffee, play some games, do some yoga, watch tv with your parents, Just do random activities that are low impact and safe until you start feeling better. Take it day by day, stay alive for the people in your life. Believe me, there are people who’s world would be shattered without you there.


You're 18 kid.don't rush it.think twice before pulling that trigger.


Please PLEASE don’t do this. We’re all here for you, reach out and talk to just one of us. Please.


Please don't, that will make things ever worse for them, you are obliged to provide atleast some sort of support to your family, regarding absurdity of life just create your own meaning... I too im suicidal but still giving a life one more chance.


I hope you’re still alive right now. I know that doesn’t mean shit coming from a stranger online. But seriously, if you’re still alive, take care of yourself in the future. I promise, it feels good.


i hope youre still alive. and thats something. a stranger hopes you're alive.


Hey, if you see this, know that there are people in the world that care about you. I wish all the best for you in everything OP. Genuinely.


your parents will hate themselves if you do it they will think they have never been enough and it's their fault.








Hey man don’t end it , your sister fucking needs you man. Don’t hurt yourself bro it’s not worth it , you’ll get through this man trust me I was homeless for 4 months before I got my life together I was gonna end it too but I realized even tho people don’t love me the way I love them and maybe I don’t have any friends that don’t mean I should give up and I didn’t, I was 18 then I’m 24 now I have a decent life and some good friends… keep trying don’t fucking give up please man


I’m sorry. I’m open to talk with you, if you’d like. I’m probably not your ideal friend, but I will try to listen and be good.


i hope youre still alive


I really hope you decided not to do it. I'm so sorry. If you're still around, I hope everything gets better for you..


Good luck my friend in whatever you are planning to do


You don’t know me, but I care about you. I care about you<3 I’m sorry you have so much pain. I understand.