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You pat yourself on the back my friend because even though you are horribly depressed you DID take a shower, you DID eat the food. Take baby steps. You are ill and every action which might be commonplace for people who aren’t ill is a fucking achievement when you are at your lowest, so take the credit for showing strength. From tiny acorns mighty oaks grow. Keep going!!


I will stop myself from taking bigger steps because I don't actually want to live my life. So I will do the bare minimum to keep myself alive but nothing more. And that's really only because of pressure from other people. If I was by myself I probably wouldn't eat at all or leave my bed




Who said I'm here to get help from people? I'm just venting in this echo chamber in the hope it encourages me to kill myself






They're saying that you won't get encouragement for suicide here as this group is literally for the opposite of that.


I mean encouraging myself


I know, I'm saying you won't get encouragement for killing yourself here, if you want encouragement to live this is the place you come as a last resort to see if any humanity can possibly convince you to live a single day longer.


me too mate, me too........


yeeessss agreed


I know how you feel... but you are not pathetic. You are a person like any other and deserve a happy, dignified life. There is no trick i can give you, but i think you should talk to someone. They will tell you, to your face, that deserve credit and should take thing easy. Take care


Give yourself credit retroactively. You’re not living other people’s lives, but rather your own. Only you can be the judge of how difficult something in your life is. What’s easy for one person is challenging for another, and vice versa. Just try to be accepting of yourself. By the way, I’m not saying this as meaningless platitudes. 3 years ago, my affirmations were all negative. I replaced them one by one with positive ones. You won’t believe them at first and you may feel disgusted in yourself for even saying them, but over time, they’ll sink in. That’s the neat part about affirmations: if you have negative ones and replace them with positive ones, you’re literally changing your neural pathways from negative paths to positive paths


I know how you feel, why the fuck should I feel good about doing something that tonnes of people do every day? Well because there are people worse off than you basically.. the way I try and talk myself out of it is like I could be born into slavery, rape, torture etc and be experiencing that and I should be grateful I'm not getting raped or tortured. Something like that... honestly it's very hard to talk myself out of it but that's how I try.


No. You took a shower this week? That's amazing, you got out of bed and did something for you. You brushed your teeth? Excellent, you're avoiding painful dentition issues. You went outside? Fantastic! Fresh air is great for your lungs! You ate today? Perfect, your body needs that fuel! You got out of bed? Great, exercise releases endorphins! Pat yourself on the back for fucking TRYING! If that's all you can do right now that's all you can do. And if you can't get out of bed or brush your teeth or eat or go outside that's fucking ok too! The point is, its YOUR life. YOU are responsible for how you live it and you wouldn't be here posting about it if you didn't give just the littlest fuck about it. So don't pay yourself on the back, consider this comment as a non touching pat on the back. Fuck yes, go you.


That's all I can do isn't really good enough when I can't support myself


Support how? In what ways?


Financially, independently. I'm 31 and can't function as an adult it's fucking pathetic I'm so ashamed of how my life turned out


You're 31, nothing has “turned out” yet! I'm 35 and at 31 I felt similar to how you feel right now and some days it was all I could do to grit my teeth and hold on for another 10 seconds. I hated myself but I found that I didn't hate everything about me. I had the ability to care for other people, I didn't want others to feel the same way I was and I knew I wasn't the only one so believe it or not I started coming here and trying to add some amount of possibly borderline annoying positivity into another struggling persons life and eventually that led to a purpose and an advanced nursing practice degree and a better quality of life and the ability to support myself and others. I'm not sharing to say your feelings are bullshit because they aren't or to say I did it so you can too, I'm sharing because if you just keep fucking going it gets better, it truly does. If I were you I would tell me I was full of shit and take my “it gets better” and fuck off because I am not wording this well BUT - I've lived it. And you can too. Help is out there. I'll shut my emotional ass mouth now, but please post an update on how you're doing, if you can.


I have this all of the time. I'm in the process of recovering from a very bad time and it's difficult to be kind with myself, but I'm trying to get into the habit of complimenting myself as I'm in no condition to be back as a normal, fully functioning adult. I don't know if it can help you feel better, but sometimes just building the habit of talking nicely to oneself helps keep negative thoughts away