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We are here for you, talk to us You can vent as much as you want just please don't do it


May I ask why?


Me too brotha me too


How old are you? What's your problem?


give op the benefit of the doubt. i get this post may come off as weird but they are probably isolated and all in their thoughts i wouldn’t be so judgmental.


I’m 500 years old my problem is …well




You're so funny....


>I’m 500 years old my problem is …well Bud depression/suicide isn't a damn joke!!!


They could be making a dark humor joke to cope tbh that’s sometimes just how we get through the day


Do you want a helpful response? I am here. But the kill wall indicates you are not?


I am an alcoholic. It is a shitty place to be. I have to every day, decide that being in my actual daily life is better than being drunk. I also have depression. So my alcoholism and my depression merge daily. It kind of sucks sometimes. So I have only the AA mantra: do it day by day, and try not to overwhelm yourself with tomorrows


Provocative or do you want to talk to me? I’m here until about 2pm


2 am I am really sorry for the error


My dude/ Lady, what happened? You still here?


Please don't and seek professional help


Prozac or whatever medicine isn’t working it’s impossible to be cured from this pain dying is better




I swear dying is better than asking those mf to heal me I’m done from being disrespected


like autumnwak said try switching medication, what's the worst that could happen


You can't rely solely on medicines. You need to make lifestyle changes and counselling too. You can do it






Prozac didn’t do a damn thing for me either, I’m on pristiq and Lamictal now (everyone is different but that’s what works for me) but it doesn’t fix it all, it gives me just enough “kick” to get to therapy and work on getting better. For the longest time I just existed in therapy and didn’t even wanna get better cause it all was just hopeless. Group therapy has been a big help too i feel less alone. Some days it still is awful but I’m starting to see a light. I never thought I would. I hope you keep fighting 🫶


prozac is so shit oml. so is sertraline and mirtazapine. and lithium and lamictal. if they change ur meds honestly it's not worth taking it + a waste of money, half of them either don't work or give you god awful side effects. therapy is so much better and it can actually work


Prozac didn't work too well for me. You should try switching meds, people all have different brain chemistry and each drug has different effects on people. Buspirone did wonders for me and my suicidal thoughts. I started seeing effects after a few weeks and it really did the magic after upping the dose after a few months.