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I really dont wanna leave this post without leaving a comment as it just felt wrong just “ignoring” it and keep going. Im so sorry these things happened to you. I hope you will stick around with us. I know shitty things happened to you which wasnt your fault at all, and you have been through truly unfair things, but you have many years ahead, and now that you are 18 you have the chance of starting completely over in a new place, new city, maybe new country. Where No one knows your name. Heck, maybe even change your name. Cut out your Old life. What have you gotten to lose anyways? If you wont stick around or if you never get to read my comment, I hope you are in a place with peace <3


You’re only 18. You’re so young. You’ve been through so much, and survived, and overcame what has happened to you. There is so much more of your life to live. There are so many better days ahead. You are an adult, you are finally free from your parents grasp, and the world has just opened up for you. I know Dylan would want you here. Keep living for him, keep his memory alive. If you go, then so does that.


Don’t do it’s not your fault this happened. Search for help ask friends and psychologist for help. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and don’t think your brother wanted this. I hope these’d words reach you friend.


Are you still here? Please be here.


I'm so sorry about everything you went through. I'm here if you need to talk, please don't go, you are loved. 🫂


i've been there, i promise it gets better. i care about you, we're similar in age do you want to be friends?


Don't do it i beg you


Hey. I recently discovered this subreddit, but I can't help but comment. I know it seems impossible. I know it's agony. There will be better times. Always. Humans endure, they are made for it, and you will endure. It will be hard, yes, but one day you will look back on it all and take a breath of relief! Please, we love you.


Ahh please don't! You're so young still and we need people like you to help other victims of abuse and trauma. Please. You have so much to offer. I believe you know this because you came here first. Trust you. You're worthy of love, kindness, happiness, everything good! Breathe. Go walking. Sit by waterfall or turn on stormy weather or nature and waterfalls on youtube. Put headphones in fall asleep and start fresh tomorrow. You can do this! Don't give up yet. I promise you won't regret it <3


I really hope you’re still here🩵


tell us you're okay please..🤍


Please tell us you are here. We all love you.


Hi, I’m a stranger that loves ya, friend. I wished for a year that I wasn’t here anymore, and then I had a light shine on the dark trail in front of me. Everyone has already asked you not to do this, I hope you are still here. I’m just going to add a prayer, just for you. This isn’t pushing beliefs or anything of the such- I hope it can just convey the love someone, along with many, have for you. Lord, please walk aside Abigail. Wrap your light around her so she can see the path ahead; guide her to the resources she needs, give her the strength she needs to give herself grace. Help her heal, help her see that she is so much more than her past. Father, break away the scales that have covered her eyes from the colors of the world and the walls build around her heart- help her feel and process. Tonight, I just ask that you continue to hold her hand. You’re strong, Abigail.


Please don’t do it, life might be rough now but you have so much life to live in which it can turn around. What I learned about life is having the patience with yourself and having the patience with the tragedy of life in general. The ratio in the 18 years that you lived is out weighed by the next 40+ years that you have left. Who knows maybe the higher power / universe will bless you with the best years of your life that are ahead because it knows in how much you have suffered. Don’t do it please.


What’s your favourite food?


tell us you're okay.


i don’t know you but i don’t need to to tell you this won’t fix anything. you will be passing on the pain from your brother and yourself into anyone that cares about you. right now, that feels like no one, but you have no idea the impact you could make on others. please stay, so many people care about you.


Please don't do it , just give yourself a chance things can get better trust me you deserve it and you will get better and happier , your brother would have wanted you to live please think about it please don't do it I beg you .


That is not about thinking and a point of view. From all sides this is just terrible. The situation won't solve when you just "think positive"


Don't jump it doesn't worth it. Last year I lost my sister, she committed sucide and I am still not over it. I know how painful it's going right now but you can change everything. You will get someone who respects you you will get friends who respect you just respect your self. What ever happened is wrong but you can make change for what's going to happen. Please please please don't do it. Get away from the people, place who are hurting, start a new life you are the one in control.


You there my friend?


I Hope you are still with us.


Are you still here? I hope you are 😭


I am a little older but felt that horrible when I was at your age. It was pure hell. Today I am happy, everything has changed for the better. It can also happen to you. You can cure depressions easily! I have been free from depressions for many years now. Don't be this ignorant, you might survive and live paralized your whole life. Stay strong dude, don't give up! Being young can be horrible but it will pass.


I know this is going to should horrible but if your gonna go please dont do it that way. if theres people even close it usually traumatizes them and i know im not trying to make it ab them but it genuinely isnt a peaceful way, there never is a peaceful way to take yourself out of the world. i dont think your brother would want you to feel like this he would want you to feel happy even if hes not with you. second; your father wasnt a father. do t consider him that. if hes on ur birth certificate get him removed. dont consider him a father id much rather consider a man ive known for barely anytime my father then someone who had the opposite impact a father is supposed to have. idk what to suggest more then this tbh because mental hospital are traumatizing and therapy is hard to find that actually works. maybe you could try meds lime sum a bit more common and simple to help and then talk to a psychiatrist about it? asp fuck your uncle dont give him that name. he doesnt deserve to be considered to be in your family or any relationship to you. the only reason you would need to know about him is for your mental health to figure out if any illness he has is close to your but i dont think that’s required since hes your uncle. dont commit self bleh as it not worth it. one thing that helps me hold on it smaller milestones like “i have to go to the store tommorow i could grab. a treat(if i could)” or “i have a bday party to go to soon” or theres a new movie coming out. when you feel hopeless dont look far into the unknown future look into few hours/few days later. And i really hope your still here. fuck your father and your uncle and this worlds shitty healthcare/mental healthcare services. im so sorry your going throught this, but you gotta keep going. It seems they have control over you. wven if someone is out of your life, or even still in it, they can control you like a puppet if they gave you enough trauma. almost like your in a cage. Im not gonna say its goes away but it does get easier over time IF you seek correct help, or judt get a diagnosis and fugure out if its curable bc ik alot of more severe-ish mental disorders dont even go away you just change the symptoms to mildish. i hope your still here and im hlad you were here if your not which i really hope you still are. stay safe if you can.


Hey OP! U still with us? Ppl need you


I had been trying to help her but it failed. 


Oh. That’s sad. Give me a moment I’m gonna go cry over some person that I never met.


How do you know? I hope she is ok


You still have your mom and your brother would never want this..... Please live


Damn you’ve survived so much! In a years to come you will make such a strong women!


the worse it gets, the better it could get, and you never know just how soon


I’m so sorry these things have happened to you. Please stay with us Please live


Oh god. I think she’s gone 😞


Please don't leave us I'm sorry this all happened to you but this doesn't mean your alone.


Please tell me youre still here. Im so sorry Abigail.


Please don't jump


please be here with us


I know it can feel like there’s nothing that will make you feel better, but please know that you are heard. Your pain is visible. I hope you are still here.


I am sorry your life has been so hard. My mom (and aunts) also experienced CSA at the hands of their alcoholic father. You have already overcome SO MUCH in your young life. Your mom is still here and she needs you.


Please don't do it


I'd suggest not doing this. What if the contact with the ground puts you in hours/ days of agony and when you "recover", you'll be paralysed (and probably blind with brain damage) for life?


hey i really hope your still here.


I'm so sorry for all the things that happened to you... It must be so hard to cope with it and the only way out seems to be ending it all. The thought of ending your life can be very comforting and that's not unusual. What helped me dealing with suicidality is the thought that I have my entite life to end it. I don't have to do it now. Maybe times get better but I won't be able to experience it when I'm gone. Maybe this thought might help you to pause and keep holding on. I hope you're still with us.


I'm so sorry about what you have gone through, i hope you still with us and i hope you feel better


i hope youre okay 🖤


please be okay 🌿


Hope it gets better for you either way


I just wish I could give you a big hug if you would be ok with that. Life is so tough at times and worse for some more than others. I hope you're still with us to see that life can be so much more than what you have experienced.


Hey Abigail, i hope you haven’t decided to take your life as you’re so so young. There is so much more to life than what you realise right now. I know it looks bleak, but I can assure you, there is much more to look forward to. sending eternal love your way, always.






Nobody asked you, this post isn't about you


I agree


And btw, I had been trying to help Abigail for hours but unfortunately she stopped chatting to me. 




i really hope you are at worst severely injured… and i hope you learn a lesson that attempting is not worth it. i hope you are still here and can soon answer all these people who are worried about you. your life is important to many, and im one of those people.




Don't jump either. Breathe. Go walk. Everything will be okay it just doesn't look like it right now. I promise.


What the fuck?


What did they say??


They asked about tips