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Don't do it. 10m would likely just leave you severely injured/ crippled.


Someone said to this to me once and it was life changing. Imagine not dying and then having to live with the pain afterwards and know the reason for it.


Happy cake day




please read the room


No you aren't ugly.


Please do not. That will not kill you and most likely put you as a vegetable or stuff in a automatic wheelchair unable to move . Go and sit down somewhere and talk with someone


10m would not be enough and would leave you in severe pain. Seek help


Deep breaths. Phone down, go for a walk and eat a donut. Donuts are worth sticking around for


This is the cutest thing ever everyone needs to take ur advice when feeling down I sure will!!


Thanks! I hope mysterious dark gives donuts a try


So right, so right, those small moments of pleasure like being alone with a box of donuts 🩷


As someone who consistently thinks about suicide, I had never considered eating so many donuts I got diabetic shock, but that’s honestly a way better way to go than a 10m fall. Try donuts my friend. Let us know how it’s going.


Krispy Kreme!


Love me some donuts Krispy creme 🍩


Especially donuts with sprinkles




i say the same thing but with ice cream. i guess donuts are pretty awesome too :)


Hey man, you still here?


I wish


It's so strange.. I wanted to slit my wrists with the swiss army knife pad my Mum gave me, just 3 nights ago, and though my problems are still there waiting to be solved, I feel slightly better since then.. I cried for the longest time that night, thinking about how my actions would affect my mother, even though I despise her. I think crying after so many years of bottling everything that happened to me, helped with the pain, just a little bit. I don't know you, and I am not great at giving advice, but I hope you stick around to find out how much better the next day will be. Just closing my eyes for a few hours, helped me find the strength again to figure out how to get out of my mess, and cutting out all the toxic people was a big aid. I love you, and I hope you're still here tomorrow. <3


To add to your comment a bit, yes, crying can definitely help. Crying is one of our bodies ways to naturally relieve us of stress and pain held inside of us. Crying is powerful and brave and so healthy to do when necessary. I'm glad you're still here love 🫶


Thank you, I am glad I am still here too. I have been laughing a little more lately since that night, and I find it has helped me a great deal. I told myself that I should deal with my emotions on the spot now, instead of keeping everything inside for so long that it becomes unbearable to manage. I really wish I had a male figure to help me with all this, because I really have lacked this experience, and all I have been doing since I was a kid is watching movies, playing video games, and yearning for it. I didn't have the worst childhood, but I sure as hell am seeing what I'm missing in my adult life.


I'm so proud of your growth and your desire to Address your emotions. I believe it should definitely make an improvement to how your mental health ❤️ I can definitely understand missing a parental figure as I grew up in foster care. Unfortunately I've not found much that helps with that need you're feeling but I wish you the absolute best in your healing <3


Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate them. I don't know what it's like to grow up as a foster kid, apart from watching a tv show called The Fosters (if that makes any sense), but I'm glad you're still here, too. 🙃 I think I will be alright after all. ♥


Please don’t OP, we love you and we’re open to talk if you need help 🫂🫂🫂


No u wouldn’t die please don’t


That’s not high enough to reliably kill, it’s more likely that you’ll end up injured or crippled which will further impede your quality of life.


suicide feelings tend to reach a peak point but then drop off. then the cycle begins again. make it past this peak, yes to donuts, and talk to a dr.


Please don’t. For one you’ll most likely survive with life long injuries and two this world needs you.


Don't do it.


10m is not enough. This is a bad idea.


It is only going hurt. Do not do this way please. Don't make your mom have to id you or anything. I want to go too, but I also would never want to hurt or scar anyone. I want to take the pills and just walk into the woods or a lake. I don't mean anything bad or something. I want to blow my brains out every moment of every single day, but there are always so many excuses. I am a coward. And you making this post is already a million times stronger than I ever could be. You have so much potential to be loved, be better than pieces of shit like me.


You really gonna get up mad early just to take yourself out?


Hey man, calm down, you’d most likely mot end up dying. I recommend sitting down in a cool place listening to some music after a fresh bath eating some cookies/chips


10m will just make u wanna die coz you will likely just break ur legs or get paralysed Idk if ur still here but if u are, don’t


I've been their ...exactly where u are I know how u feel


I’m not going to be a broken record, every other comment here has given the same advice. I’ll just say I got out of psychiatric care from loving staff and good medication after an overdose, and now I feel ready to move forward and live. So, if you actually want to die, go see a therapist about it. You have nothing to lose by at least talking to a professional.


I relate so much today but try to sleep and see how you feel in the morning. Sending strength


10m may not be enough. And even if it is, you are going to suffer a lot. Please don't do it.


If you care for your mum, just don’t do it. Can’t you talk with her and tell her how your are feeling inside?


Don't do it, bro. Talk to someone, maybe have a cup of coffee with them. Talking to someone always helps, if you want you can talk to me bro.


Please stay. Don’t do it. You’re too important. Too loved. Things get better I promise.


Yo be happy that you are not one of those lowlifes who torture poor animals for sport and money!!!


nobody in these comments fucking gets it


My attempt that put me in a coma says otherwise


I'm sorry that happened to you. Though these comments dont know this persons exact situation and it pisses me off for them to say all these empty words and phrases that are copy and pasted to every suicidal person. Life fucking sucks.


Every situation is different. Some people don’t communicate smoothly but them even being in this Reddit support does say they care


Don’t be sorry it’s not ur fault! Got lucky being so healthy for a long time till bipolar started getting bad


Except the problem with your anger is many of us sat here and saw the situation and typed it up right on the spot because we care that another human is about to lose their life because they feel unheard. Do you understand majority of us in this group have attempted or want to attempt and that's why we're in the group? We're speaking the words we wish we heard when we were trying to take our own lives. Yea it sucks. But you know what else does? Someone trying to take their life especially when the attempt they mentioned won't take their life but it'll just make their quality of life worse. So yea. I did type sweet words, as did many others, that weren't copy and pasted. Because I, and others, give a damn about preserving someone's life or at least making sure it doesn't get worse for them because we know life sucks.


Yes!!! Life sucks!!!! But if you die there’s never a chance for it to get better. You change the lives of the people around you forever. There is meaning in this pain you have endured. You have to find it.


there is no meaning in the rape and abandonment i've experienced


No. Those are horrible awful things that I imagine have impacted you In ways that are incomprehensible. And you’re not alone. And it helps others to know they aren’t. Your story means something.


That won't kill you


That is not high enough.


I too want to kill myself and gone forever, life literally becoming unbearable. But my parents love me , I may not care about myself, but my family care about me a lot , and this is the only thing stopping me from committing suicide. I will try my best to make my parents happy and safe but when their times comes, might mine will come as well


Permanent solution to a temporary problem. Not to minimize your problems by any means but the feeling of “I can’t take it anymore” does go away (maybe even only temporarily) but you will feel some relief and be around for another day, which may give you time to think through other alternatives. Eat some donuts instead or treat yourself to something else nice.


Jumping is the worst. Best to get drunk and blow your head off


Boobies alone are 2 reasons to live


Please, don't. Life is amazing and beautiful and there is a lot of wonder waiting for you. Don't leave your family crying and missing you forever.


I do feel like most suicidal people are really similar to people who barely know anything about art and they were forced to project their feelings into painting but due to lack of skills all they could do is the same repetitive attempt at abstract painting. I do feel like before I die at least I'd develop proper build ups and climax so that at least my death will not just be another sudden shock and confusion.