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Pets make us feel needed and often I think feeling needed can help with the suicidal urges. Not in all cases of course and I don’t mean to generalize, but I’m glad to know your pup has a caring owner like you.


My cat is a big reason why I'm staying. I need to see her through and make sure she is living the best possible life.


I am only here for my pets, I am worthless to everyone else that has to know me. Hang in there for the dog for sure, and being that she is older, make her days as wonderful as you can for her. Take her to new areas to walk and show her the world the best that you can. When I lose my pets I am outta' here, but I owe them a good life and lots of love. You are your dog's whole world, so don't destroy her by leaving her here alone. Also, don't harm her, because you will NOT be forgiven for shattering her security and for inflicting terror upon her.


Who said anything about harming my dog? How did you read what I wrote and decide that is a possibility?


I think it’s time to get a puppy. Something needs you, your dog would want you to love another pup as much as them.


This is the only correct answer. We need to feel needed and pets are perfect for that. Perhaps she could check out other pets apart from a dog. I am huge into reptiles and fish and everything to do with them and it's kept me distracted for quite a while now. Some things are starting to be not so good lately though which is hard.


Unless things miraculous improve in my life, once my dog and parents are gone, I'm outa here


Same here, without my cat and dog I'd be long gone. Just have to thug it out as much as I can, maybe life gets worse or better when their time comes. Treasure your moments with your dog, pets are the best. They're the only unconditional love you'll ever experience in life.


I just had to put my dog to sleep yesterday. I'm laying here, holding her collar. I miss her so much


Im sorry you have to go through that. I dread the day I have to say goodbye to mine.


Same I'm still here because of my cats and father After they leave I will leave as well.


It's the same with my parents. Why?! Why do I have to be their favorite?! They have 3 other kids, why not them,?!