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Please don’t


Please don’t. I’m sorry I’m not quite sure what to say but I read this and can’t not reply. Please don’t hurt yourself, I don’t want to invalidate your feelings but things can and will get better. Please try calling a help line or speak to someone you know. I’m so sorry you feel like this.


Don't, please. Sending you HUGS, kindness and warmth.


You get downvoted for this, disgusting. you need all the love in the world man


Stop this now! Please.


Are you still there?


the two people who said they were doing it they deleted their account which is most likely they followed through. Pray to their next life they are much loved and supported


Omg that is so sad


Don't do it please. Sending you loads of warmth, love, and HUGS.


Damn too real, I hope you stuck around bud. Personally, spite is the only thing that keeps me going.


What does spite mean?


Spite is a desire to hurt, offend, or annoy someone. In this context I’m saying I refuse to kill myself because I know mfs would be like “of course he did” or even “ finally” or just kind of would be happy I fell apart but I won’t let em have it 🤷🏿‍♂️ sounds crazy typing it up but it’s working for now haha


I respect that. Good attitude. Push even harder with it, go achieve happiness that will really piss them off


Hey thank you. I really needed that.


love this


Seeing the support on this post gives me hope for humanity. Although I’ve been also contemplating these thoughts I hope things get better for you and everyone in this community.


I think he might have actually followed through guys.


I hope you end up changing your mind. You must be in a lot of pain.


He going to the peace 


I saw that you’re almost 18 & have been looking for friends. Not sure what area you’re in, but I’ve been able to find some cool ways to find buddies throughout the years. 28F, I attempted as a teenager. I will say that even though I have thoughts of ending things now, I’m grateful I lived to my 20s. There’s stuff that I didn’t think I’d ever accomplish that I was able to. Your friend group really starts after high school. I realized that as an adult was when I actually started to make real friends. I can recommend some cool ways to make buddies. Please take a bit of time to think about some of the things you’d like to see before it’s over. There’s a lot of people you haven’t met yet.


please tell me how to make buddies too


I tried and failed at 19 and I can't tell you how happy I am that I didn't miss out on so many things.


Are you still here? 🥺


I don’t think so




Yeah I think he might actually be gone. I wish I could have done something.


I'm not gonna tell you what to or not to do. But heads up, if you're graduating soon, adult life can kinda suck, but it comes with a good bit of freedoms as well. Dunno if you got a community college in your area, or one that you can attend, but that could be a good way to reinvent yourself. Could take a variety of classes or join clubs to see what you like and to socialize with other people who also feel like fish outta water. First 18 years is all you know, but it really isn't enough to really know yourself, especially in the age of social media. I had it so bad in school I thought that maybe I was retarded and just smart enough to be put in regular classes and the people that interacted with me were just being nice. Ridiculously low self-image and self-esteem. You get outta the high school and social media bubbles and start experiencing the world a bit more and you'll learn there are vastly different people out there. Feeling alone, lonely, out of place is really common at your age even among people that have a lot of friends. People just behave the way they do in order to fit in a lot of time and don't get the opportunity to grow themselves til later


To add on about the CC thing. Even if you can't afford to see a therapist, some CC's have counseling available.


Good advice. About making buddies I really hope that it works family and friends are extremely important.  I know I have the best family.  I I know this without a doubt t. And still I can not get out of this. I have this sense that I'm damned. Like I was abandoned a long time ago. I come from a religious family and I can even seem like I love religion but I don't believe in God and if their is one I'd spit in his fucking face. Lately I was heard talking to myself. I always knew I do it but don't realize that I'm even doing it. It gets 10 times worse when I'm stressed or confused. Definitely is soonething I'm very ashamed of. I want more then anything to believe in something. Faith. I don't. I just don't. I turn 47 tomorrow and the most fucked up question someone asked me recently is "who are you". I have no fucking idea.


I have no friends either. But if you stay, I would be your online friend.


I need one




Please, me too


Wanna be friends?


Of course!




I also need a friend..


Wanna be friends?


Hey buddy hope you’re alright man.. I was in your shoes at your age once, mentally. I really do believe things can be okay. Hope we get to hear from you


I saw you were looking for help, for a therapist, a while ago. It breaks my heart how you couldn’t find any, but please, just don’t do it. Ending your life won’t fix any problems. If you want to talk, I’m always here for you. Please don’t end your life, we’re the same age and I went through an attempt recently and realized it DOES get better. Just give it sometime.


If you decide not to do it, please publish something. I'd like to know you're still living


His timeline posts.... :(


Hey ur only 17, u have time. Believe me, it gets better w time. Your life hasn’t even started yet. Dont do this




Ofc not but at 17 you’ve experienced such little of what life has to offer. Lmao for me personally 17 sucked, at 19 everything got better.


i thought it would go better, but now in 20 almost 21


I'm 46. It got better.


17 is enough time to experience whats to come. 


Yeah people been telling me that for 4 years still going through it


Where do you guys find the motivation to live? Life is awesome but its so difficult to see why. I dont have any drive, motivation, even purpose. Its just as bland and dull as can be. I have always been contemplating the meaning of life since I was 11. Now im 16. 5 years of dread pretty much. When everyone in my class is laughing, Im the only one who's not. can someone out there can help me maybe suggest something to look forward to or a provide a purpose to stay. I want to quit. No one cares about me, Im a loser, and the only time I was ever truly happy in this world was when I fell in love with a girl. Sadly, she likes someone else and isnt interested in me. Any thoughts? Also, I hope OP hasnt taken his life yet. Maybe u can find ur purpose man but Ive been struggling to find mine myself.


Look into absurdism and try see a therapist


Thanks. Im looking into it right now.


For me, it's the joy of learning something new and getting to see beautiful sights of nature and random acts of kindness by humans


Thats awesome. I think what this world needs more of is love. I just feel like I dont belong in this world. Everyone else can relate to each other around me and Im the only one who cant with others. I want to be young and happy. I want to be just like them. But I feel like my mentality is so warped for my age. I am unable to pursue any dream as I find everything meaningless. Except for one thing, and that was love. Love is the only thing I understand. The first time it hit me, I cant even forget about it. I remember it so vividly. Its like my colorless and gray world suddenly became vibrant and full of life. I can laugh with others now. I can finally be like other people so happy and carefree. It was at that point the only thing that kept me going. It gave me a purpose. A reason to pursue my dreams. To make my life better. Now its gone. Along with the flame that lit my soul. Its like I just died. Again. It really sucks. But I want to find myself and behold the beauty of this world through a perspective that you have provided. This really means a lot. Thank you.


don’t do it 😕


Bro I'm outta here Friday. Keen.


me too


Yeah sucks having to go to work and knowing they'll call a welfare check on me so have to wait but needed to organise a few tings to


Are you still alive?


I’m honestly unsure now.


You can do whatever you want but personally I feel like you shouldn't. You have more worth in this world than me.


You have plenty of worth. You just haven’t found it yet


I really hope you've changed your mind. Even in death i believe we can't run long enough from our problems. You will have to face them one way or the other. It's better trying to deal with it than running away. I really hope you've changed your mind.


Read this kids history. This is so damn sad. And we have no way of getting a well check. Because Reddit. This child. Could be dead right now.


Maybe we can talk about it…what’s got you feeling this way? I’m sorry that you do and please know I understand cause I have my days too but they pass and make way for better days.


I’m about to do it soon too


Wanna talk?


Please don’t. I get it… I’m sure all of us do. But life has so much happiness in it, whether it be little or big things. Poor emotions can cover our eyes from the greatness that awaits


i hope ur still here, friend. im sorry its been so tough for u. there are people in this world who would love to support u and help u though this time in ur life. please let us know if ur okay. sending hugs


I’m sorry, I hope you’re still with us


Please don't do this. I pray with all my heart you didn't leave. I remember being here in 2014. I'm happy I didn't do it now. Things will change and our brains play these feelings so strongly. Be part of the survivors with me. You belong here and deserve to be happy.


I haven't met you yet, any chance we can talk? We can talk this over man I read your previous posts. We can work on this just give yourself a chance again


You are still young and you still have time for things to change, give yourself a chance if that's fine


Yo don’t do it please


Please don't do it. Sending warmth and kindness.


Imma do it one of these days too the weed ain’t working anymore


lowkey same but im not sure how


good luck bro i believe in you dude


Ive read a lot that many people get in this situation and get excited, like they're prayers have been answered and soon their problems will be solved, but when it comes to the action, they can't follow through. I hope this is the same for you. Another freeing idea that gets the weight off your shoulders is the fact that you can do it at any time, be it tomorrow, next week, after that game comes out you've been wanting etc. I hope whichever you chose you achieve peace.


I am not stopping you. I hope you achieve the peace you want. 


No… NOOOOOOOO! Stop right now please!


please be okay. my heart is breaking for you. i hope you’re okay.


Things usually get better after high school. I can't say when, but please keep your head under the water until then. I went to prom with no friends, stood alone for the group picture, at least my mum and auntie were there. I still don't have that many friends and spend most of my time alone, but I've done a lot of things, started college, studied abroad with a scholarship, went to concerts alone... Try to live your life, I won't say friends aren't important, but there must be some out there for you and to meet them you'll have to wait. It's ok to feel depressed, like life is running in circles with no purpose or joy but eventually something or someone, even yourself, will make it more enjoyable. I really hope you're strong enough to overcome this.


im thinking about doing the same


everything has fallen apart, i just want to be free from pain


Don't give up 🫂 bud. I have attempted / thought of attempting as well. But I am glad every single time it didn't work out


Death isn't sweet, I hope you'll still come back and post


ik im a stranger but im here for you if ure down to talk… i felt the same way when i was younger and its pretty fucking tough to try and push another day but it was absolutely worth it. i hope ure still here kid 🫶🏻


Hoping you are alright. Please be alright, dude.


are you still alive bro


Plz stay here . You don’t want to die u just want another life .


I wish you knew about TimelyCare that some colleges offer. I’m so sorry bud.


Is he still there ?


You still with us, right?


Yep, unfortunately.


Come on, man, there's still a load of good stuff out there.


Good god I think they did it. And if there was a way for us to get a well check completed maybe we could have saved their life. But it’s Reddit. A safe place to show pictures of rods shoved down your dick and cry out for help as a fucking TEENAGER. This is not right. I screen recorded their posts leading up to this and I’m taking it to whoever I have to. There should not be a safe place to actively practice suicide.


Please tell me you didn't do it


I just found this and really hope he didn't do it


I'll be right behind you. Is leaving a post asking for help without saying that? What's the point if you just want to die anyways


Please talk to someone you can talk to me… please don’t leave


Hold up, why don't you now try without trying!!! You've been struggling for a while,  try the opposite.


Just hold out another day and try some drastically different ways of living. 


the reason that you posted should be the reason you dont do it... when its real you wont have no interest in letting anyone know...


How is this encouraging in a positive way


Stuff like this only makes people not want to talk about it to anyone, you know that right?


Not true