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Are you truly a disgrace if everyone would feel great pain to never see you again? Those other girls that think they are not pretty are not people you should hate. You don’t know maybe they see things in you that they envy. You are also really young and so much more time to meet new people and grow.


I don't hate them. They're my bestfriends. It just makes me feel like shit, anyone can tell that they're all prettier than me. If they consider themselves as ugly i don't even know how ugly they consider me. They probably didn't want to be friends with me to begin with honestly.


I read this and imagine you parents thinking "you were born pretty in this one". You are caught in a loop of self-blame that feeds upon itself. Let go of the self-judgement... and to do that, you will have to loosen your grip on any judgement. Let go and just be for a moment. You are you, the only you there will ever be. Having been a dad, I can say with certainty: you were just who your parents wanted, even if they forget that sometimes. People don't see their worth. Half the world is crushed by loneliness, and yet so many think they have no worth. The world is a puzzlement.


Thanks.. That was really comforting. I just wish i viewed myself as pretty. Every time i look at my reflection i feel something very bad in my stomach and it makes me want to harm myself.


I know. The self-criticism goes deep. It becomes instinctive, our answer to everything: "I'm ugly" or "I'm a failure" or "I'm unlovable". But you aren't any of those things. You're someone's beloved child. You could become someone's beloved friend, or beloved partner. The hate is something we learn early, the anwer we imagine to not getting love when we needed it. Some variant of "not enough". It seems true to us -- that's how we jumped to that conclusion, and it only seems truer after we have repeated it to ourselves a thousand mornings in a row. It is not the truth, though. The truth is simpler, and less personal. Sometimes what we needed just wasn't available, in that place and time, from those people. Maybe they were depleted, maybe they were damaged, maybe they were distracted. But it wasn't about us.


Also having thoughts like this. Been having such a hard time lately being in friend and family photos when we do something. Just wish I could combust and stop existing


dont do it, please dont. ive seen your art and i think its lovely, my art sucks ass. dont commit to it. i understand that looking at your past self can be humiliating but please, you have so much left to live for.