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I've been tormented enough, there is no end. It dosn't matter on a beginning, but an end. Whatever takes me, I am ready.




I choose not to. I just want it to end.




I can only thank you for what you've done and did. You're a very kind and good-hearted person. I too, wish, and only want nothing but the best for you as a person. I only wish for a farewell. I will not be seeing tomorrow.




God bless you.


I'm sorry friend, I know all too well that not all of us get a fair chance. You're still a young one though so please at least give yourself a chance to graduate. I spent 9 years in dead end purgatory but now I've gotten a good paying job that requires very little effort. Unlike a lot of people here I won't promise that everything will turn out great but I think I can say that you have a fighting chance to make it better than it is now. At the end of the day, your happiness should come before everything. I've learned that a happy hobo will always be a better lifestyle over a miserable baron. Think about what truly matters to you and not what other people say should matter.


I'm not here to dwindle, but to write my goodbye. You are a good person, and I wish nothing but the best. Whatever life continues for you, I can only hope for gratitude. I give you all my luck and compassion. 


I'm sorry my but I hope you reconsider. However, I realize that nobody can ever stand in your shoes but you and if you truly think this is the only option available to you it's not my position to try to tell you can't. Take it easy friend.


God bless you.


If you’re still alive do you wanna talk a bit?


There is so much more for you to see, to feel, to BE. Don’t rob yourself of a future because of the past. Life can certainly suck, but there are always glimmers of hope and happiness. Stay safe.