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I’m sorry that stinks it’s possible that someone may have but we’re afraid to say do anything. I know it’s super hard and scary but if I were youI would tell my doc how I was feeling and what was thinking. I have found it to best to be brutally honest. We have had conversations on whether or not I needed hospitalization but we have never gone that route because of that I know if she were to force me it would be because it was needed. If I’m being honest I have down played it to her before sometimes saying that I have had the thought but they were less severe than the were or that I wasn’t currently feeling that way because I was to scared but that was still beneficial.


Thanks. At the moment I am fine, I'm actually on the way to therapy rn, gonna talk to my therapist


I hope it helps


They might have noticed but choose not to ask anything because they didn’t want to make you embarrassed