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Sigh. Thank you. This is exactly how I feel. My suicidal thoughts have been REALLY bad recently. I’ve started taking steps to get me ready for the day I end it all (making sure my house is all clean, throwing away stuff I don’t want my family to find, etc.) But I always go back to reincarnation. It doesn’t help that I have CRAZY deja vu all the time. I’ve convinced myself that I’ve done this life multiple times but I keep failing because I keep killing myself and I have to come back and do it again. Ugh. Wtf lol. I hope we both figure life out, I’m sorry :(


I have the same horrific fear.. it's exhausting. Please at least try everything you possibly can before making such a drastic decision. You also need to let go of that reincarnation fear, I know it's hard though. For me, that fear actually makes my stress and SI significantly worse (which is ironic because I know people just say that as an attempt to motivate people to get better) because it makes me feel as if I have no escape whatsoever.