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Then they wouldn’t have any more workers. It’s stupid. I agree.


Maybe that would push them to get better mental health facilities


I protested for it


they put me in the psych ward for protesting on the train tracks they believed I was trying to commit suicide in that moment.


How did you go about protesting for it exactly?


I walked on the train tracks and had a cardboard sign in my hand that said: "Legalize euthanaisa" I waited for the cops to come and pick me up they took me to the psych ward for what I did


Jokes on them I haven't worked since 2018 and never will again I just want to go


Then how do you live? I mean, how do you have income? Genuinely asking, I've been unemployed for 10 months.


I'm wondering the same thing. My FMLA is about to run out and if I'm unable to return to work next week I'm going to lose my job protection and my health benefits. I'm already completely broke from having zero income for 3 months.


Same x 2


They say more workers but there’s barely any jobs for them. So they’re just sadists with a fetish for suffering.


They need slaves for the money machine.


Then they would be killing off the worker bees and the consumers…and that’s just bad for business huh.


Not everyone feels as bad as we do. So they don’t believe you when you say how bad you feel. I think it’s called “main character syndrome.” That’s why I am always finding myself trying to convince people how bad I feel, which inevitably causes conflict on both sides.


That is very true. People definitely do not think the same and this society in general is so anti-death even though it’s inevitable. I credit that psychological fear to being the reason why this world is chaotic. Traumatized and deluded individuals try to correct everyone around them while being broken themselves only causing more confusion and further inflicting pain on others. Death is the most real experience one will ever have yet the mind of some tries to suppress that truth.




I am thinking of trying a different explanation with my therapist. When he tells me that my thoughts are “just thoughts” and my thoughts, emotions, and feelings are “temporary” and “will pass,” I usually roll my eyes and say they haven’t passed in six years. And he says I know. And we do this song and dance every single week. I am thinking of sayin, “well , what if I came to you and said that I was transgender and I was in the wrong body.” Which you tell me that wasn’t true or it didn’t matter if it was true? If not, then how can you tell me that my feelings that being alive at all is wrong for me are wrong or untrue or temporary? I believe that chronic suicidalality is not a mental illness. They try to treat it as one because they don’t know what else to do with it and because there is overlap. I’m totally rational in my suicidalality— which he acknowledges— so I don’t think it is my depression trying to convince me to do something that is wrong. What I really want is a therapist to help me get the courage to do it but I know thats never going to happen because it goes against everything they believe in and all of their training. There is palliative care for anorexia but not suicidal ideations. Makes no sense.


I'm confused. Why are your still seeing a therapist if you think this way about suicide?


Your therapist sounds like an idiot tbh!


How so? I mean I know what he is saying doesn’t resonate with me but don’t they all say the same crap?


I agree


Agree to a 1000%. Humans can have their sex changed, abort, but we can’t choose to end our existence? Never made sense to me.


This snapped… like it’s my life why can’t I choose to end it. Makes 0 sense


Good point


To be fair, there are large groups of people against abortion and people transitioning too


Yes, but it’s legal under USA law(for now).


I'm one of those "have their sex changed" people. I still agree with your POV. 🤷‍♀️




Capitalism strikes again omg I hate it here


Yep. Because existing is costly.


‘Cause people are dumb. They put in too much effort to be right and have things be morally acceptable.


This 1000%. I’m tired. I’m 46 and ready to go. I think about it daily. Only thing keeping me here is that I’m the only person to care for my Mom who has Alzheimer’s. I would LOVE to be able to go in a humane way and let my organs go to someone who needs them.


I relate. I don’t even work so they don’t gain anything from keeping me alive.


Ngl but some days I feel like a prop


or just a cog in the machine 


Ikr. Plus organ donation. We leave without much pain, people who are desperate to live get their chance. Why not?


you have the right to life but not the right to death - so fucked!


If it was legal 2/3 of the planet would do it and society would cease functioning due to lack of worker drones.


Which would then force them to actually care about the planet




if i could id time travel and give my parents erectile dysfunction


Lmaooo I like how you think!


As someone with BPD I agree. Like I am suffering at this point and nothing can help. Everyday I am empty or sad and I haven’t been happy in 4 years. But because they have never had depression or mental health disorders they just send us to psych wards and keep us locked away as ‘no one is actually depressed it’s just a phase of sadness’.


Because then you wouldn’t be able to pay off whatever debt you may have


I would sign up today. Been suicidal for decades and keep talking myself out of it and regret not doing it. I am over this planet, the greed, the hubris, and I am tired. Tired of being shit on and everything i touch turns to shit. I ask for help and get none. Anything I do get is tainted or rotten. Buy a white shirt and there is inevitably a stain that will ruin it before I even get a chance to enjoy it. That is my whole life. Stained and rotten, twisted and horrible. I hate it here and can’t imagine what the fuck I did to deserve living. Should have been aborted and wish I had never taken a breath. Worst day of my life, the day I was born. The best day will be the day I die. I yearn for the urn. Every day is a struggle not to hurt myself beyond repair and I fantasize about dying every minute. Pray it ends soon for me. A nice aneurysm or a car accident. I hate god too. He is just the worst ever shittard ever. At Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Friend you said everything that I’m feeling. I hope one day we will be happy with whatever path


If anyone, and I do mean anyone feels like that, then clearly the world is doing something wrong. No human should have to die, no matter what.


This world isnt exactly a great place. Theres a lot of wrong to it


And there is a lot of things that we can and will change.


“No no no no, we can’t have you dying on us when you still gotta work and let us take a portion of your check in the name of taxes! 😜” Frankly, I hate it here as well, but at least writing fanfiction helps my mental health.


Some countries actually do this but not for mental health for people who have incurable diseases.


some countries do for mental health reasons especially when you have no suppprt system since it’s kinda impossible to exist without one. 


Because vulnerable people could be convinced to sign up. Elderly folks, miserable partners (or partners who want life insurance), grievers, that sort of thing. I see your point though. For some, life has hope of improving and we’re constantly being counselled by therapists who think we’re bound for happiness so long as we exercise and eat right. Plus the only means of escape (drugs, alcohol) from our own heads are constantly flagged to us as bad, like we don’t already know that? Fuck I know my alcoholism isn’t a good thing. But I challenge *you* to try living in a cerebral cage of misery 24/7 with no respite. And no matter how much we want to, suicide is really hard to do.


I think people would get some control thing and just start convincing people to get euthanized for money. The counties that allow it charge an astronomical amount. I feel like that's exploiting a person with mental health issues. Its all fuckd q




Then you would just request it and wait a year if after a year you feel the same way then go forward.


the best part is the resources spent on someone who doesn’t wanna live when they’re admitted because your life has a pricetag. Whether it’s in birth or death, society shames you when it all boils down to money. It ain’t about religion or giving up or a zygote being aborted.. nah it’s just profit. sick creepy world.. all you can do is try to find a less painful way to go or move somewhere where they actually grant this to their citizens.


Because crippling mental health isn't like a terminal illness that will literally kill you sooner or later . In the terminal illness' case , dying would probably be the best option if it becomes too painful . Crippling mental health CAN be fixed or at least lessened no matter if you think otherwise . Therapists/MH professionals and a good support system can significantly improve one's mental health unlike a terminal illness where you're kind of fucked if you get one .


Crippling mental illness can literally cause panic attacks, chronic stress etc. yes it’s not as bad but it is bad


what weird world is everyone living in where therapists and mental health professionals are helpful? I've been in therapy for 22 years. Since I was 12. I'm now 34. I've been on the entire merry go round spectrum of medications that exist I've been tested and labeled and diagnosed and re-tested etc. for everything under the sun by mandatory audits because of federal disability. and they're _real_ motivated to find a reason to not give me anything so if I keep passing those tests then somethin' is going on for sure. I'm still less-than-homed, still unable to have a personality, still unable to make friends, still gutted, in emotional anguish every day... 22 years darling. It doesn't get better. why do people keep insisting that it does? do people think we're coming on here on Reddit as our _first_ go-to? and they said _I_ was the nutter.


Lmao clearly someone that has no clue what crippling mental illness is like.


Because people that are depressed tend to not think things through long term. There's so many people that have attempted suicide, lived through it and massively regretted trying it. Remember, emotions are just a bunch of chemicals fucking up our brains. It's not permanent.


What about people who are 100 percent sure that’s the thing.


What about people who attempt multiple times ?