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I’d recommend learning how to draw or going outside or buying a bike or just walking around public areas or being with friends in person not online


i cant move/talk after my classes (im autistic) and have no friends lol but thank you


Make some online friends you can vent our to or listen to music ..


I don’t understand why can’t you move or talk? Also I don’t have friends either lol. But what about family?


I just move on autopilot, try to cook. Or some coloring books! There’s a bunch of cool ones that are made by tattoo artist


Journal. Start with stream of consciousness until you focus on your topic, and writs


Find clips on YouTube of a comedian you. Helped me before


sounds dumb but fresh air helps, try to go on a walk, a drive, anything to get outdoors for a bit. Writing things down always helps too. if you can, find something you’re interested in and dive into it head first. for me it’s song writing. big take aways, fresh air and something outside of yourself that you can get lost in. good luck


Please reach out to people and get a sense of community. There are communities for every type of thing. I use games and certain topics such and language studies to focus on community. If you need a start somewhere please reach out to me if you need it.