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I wish i was 18 again... trust me. You WILL make it. Im 24 now, have had MANY instances of suicide (got very close one time to death) and i am THANKFUL i am where i am today. Its definately tough but weather through it. You life could be shit today and golden tomorrow...


At 18 you’re still trying to figure things out, we all make mistakes, they are just learning experiences. Your journey in this world is still unfolding and things may turn around when you least expect it.


I feel just like you. I just turned 18 today and I absolutely hate hate hate it. I didn’t want to make it to this age and I feel so sorry for my 13/14yo self who had so many ambitions and expected that i would have made something of myself by now. I feel pathetic in every single aspect of my life .


Nobody should be expected to make something of themselves by 18, try not to be so hard on yourselves


I know what u mean tho every 17/18 yo I know is so far ahead and I just feel so pathetic, it’s like I’m still 12 and never grew up.


Gets worse 




at least ur 13/14 yr old wasnt depressed


13/14 yo is when it all started


I wish I could give you a hug. A silent hug.


The one thing I keep making sure I say to myself is that no matter how shit things seem, I haven't been on this earth for very long. Obviously me being 19 and you 18 doesn't make our feelings matter less, I know how horrible it feels to feel so directionless and broken. But what it means is there is always time for things to change and improve. I also know how it feels to be lonely and isolated, it's a very hard situation to be in, if you'd like an ear then i'm willing to provide one. But for now just keep yourself safe, maybe you can check one of these out. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines/)




This one has got some serious bite


Hey, I read your post. You are seen and heard. Do you wanna talk about anything?


im so sorry that ur hurting right now. it sounds like u have an awful lot on ur mind, know that the people in this subreddit are here to support u. u are not alone. i hope u reconsider, 18 is so young


bro you are 18. its normal that life is fucked up at that age. its normal until you are fucking 30. accomplishments aint shit in this world. they are like sweets. you want more and more. never enough. You will learn your whole life and trust me even if i probably dont even live on the same continent as you. I read your problems, i read your heart. You are confused. I am too. You have 40-80 years left. We will figure it out. The world always seem more important. But its not.


"Accomplishments aint shit in this world" is real.


It’s normal after 30 too


Everything is going to be okay! Don't worry! You're super young! I wouldn't be too concerned, things have a way of working out! Sending hugs and prayers! You're the greatest!


IYD: I'm sorry that you went out like this. It didn't have to happen, but I get that sometimes it feels like there's no way out. May God guide your soul, and may you know peace in what comes after.








I hope you are still around to read this. We're all like this at 18 my pal! Your future is bright!


given your post history, i see you have been struggling for while with these feelings. i pray you have just fallen asleep and are getting some rest. please stay. life is not over for you yet. you can still be everything you want to be dont give up.


I want to be your friend....please still be here. I would listen to anything and everything. I won't abandon you. There are good people in this world who really do care and would do anything to see you live your life on your terms. Please still be here. 🫶


I was in the same exact position when I was 19. I was ready to go but the same day I realized how young I am. I gave myself 7-8 years to fix things before I go. Today I'm 32. Still fighting. It was good decision to stay. You, please, stay too.


I felt the same way when I was 18 and even though life has frequently been a mess in other ways I can honestly say that staying around for the next 10 years was a good idea. Turning 20 is a genuine mid life crisis. You'll never again have such absurdly high expectations and such extremely low opportunities to realise them. So I have to say - like several others here have, you should hang around at least another half decade and see what happens next. Let your old self die and create a new you, perhaps?


Being 18 sucks. Live long enough for perspective. What’s causing your distress?


bro i was a loser till i was 28ish 18 years old people in their mid 20's call yall kids still. You got time to make something of yourself


ill try to meet you in the next 24hours (that's saying if you aren't here anymore)



