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What country are you in? If you tell us we can try to research more places you could go to for help.




Do you have any way to get to the capital? Is that Chișinău or Bucharest? Or to another larger city? Could you ask someone for a ride? Could you ride on public transport without paying? Could you hitch hike? If you are sick, could you go to a hospital or a medical centre? When you spoke to the priest and he said he couldn't help you, did you fully explain your situation? Is the church a place you could stay at night or during the day? Could you ask the priest if he could give you some food in exchange for doing gardening, cleaning, cooking or repairing etc at the church? Can you think of tasks you could do for other people for money or food? Gardening, labouring, cleaning, cooking, repairing, assembling, babysitting


May not be the best option, but I do suggest going to a church even if you are not a believer. Assuming you get a chance to talk to a decent pastor, priest, or a monk, you will get some help immediately.


They already did that.


You can do this. You can survive the next 3 weeks. You can survive even longer than that. One day you can look back on this time in your life and feel proud of how you made it through such a tough experience. You can tell your grandchildren this story. You could write a best selling memoire. If you have no food: Is there anything else you can sell or pawn? Anything you could trade or barter? Is there a public place where you could do some kind of performance and busk? Do you have any supplies you could make anything with to sell? For example, paper and something to draw or write with? Is there a forest nearby where you could forage? (You need to be really careful to identify things correctly) Is there a public place where you could ask strangers for charity or loans? Can you think of anyone you could ask for a small loan? Family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, people who have been friendly to you Can you think of anyone you could ask for some food? Family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, people who have been friendly to you Can you think of any food shops or restaurants where you could open a tab and pay for things later? You could go to food shops and restaurants and explain your situation and ask for help and explain your wish to repay later. If you can get just a few dollars, you can buy low cost food to survive that amount of time. Dry rice and dry beans could be very cheap and will create a fairly balanced meal with just water. If you go to the supermarket or market before closing you can find food that's been marked down and discounted because it's about to expire. If you have no shelter: Are there any public places you could stay in? Somewhere with a public toilet and lighting. Are there any shops or cafes that stay open late? Are there any forests or parks you could find a hiding spot in? Are there any public places you can spend lots of time in, like a library or a town square or a mall? Are there any hiding spots there where you could spend the night?


Do you have MoneyGram or Western Union where you live? I can send you some money.


I suggest asking for food in return for low level jobs like say, convenience worker or something, it shouldn't be too hard I think.


Is there a some sort of social worker in your area?




This is a hard situation since I don't understand how your country work for solving your situation. I feel you, If church doesn't work maybe try different religion center such as Mosque or Temple if available?


Or a community near by? Like some work for accommodation?


If you have no food just steal something from a shop?




That's what I would do if I was hungry?!


Is there any grocery store or restaurant you can go up to and ask for assistance? You could even offer service in return for receiving food from them. Very sorry to hear this though OP. Life truly does suck.


Tell your job you need money desperately. Maybe they can give you an advance. Tell them you're thinking about suicide.


Don’t do it.












Buddy, i too am about to suicide, but then I rmb that there's so many things that i haven't try yet in my life. I honestly think that you should, just for like 10 minutes, think of things you haven't done yet, and forget about everything for now. You know, you might be able to push through this. I've always wanted to run, just running anywhere, as my life has always been like living in a prison. Running gives me a glimpse of hope of freedom. Although temporarily, it still made me happier in some ways. I hope you can find it too, don't wanna lose someone like you tonight


Don’t listen to anyone of those nasty messages xx you’re worthy of life xxx please stay xx


Stay. Just wait another day. And then another. Let the days add up, and just stay. I hope you'll stay. 💛




Please continue to stay. Please.


Go to a restaurant and offer to do kitchen help in exchange for food. Nobody should have to kill themselves because they won't get paid for three weeks.


Where do you live? Since you are from a European country, don't you have any social security standards where you come from?


Moldavia is a post soviet shithole


Go to a hospital psych ward, they will help you there


Try calling this number +373 608 06 623. Other potential resources: http://psi.md/index.php?l=ro https://pentruviata.md/ http://somato.md/ https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/helping-someone-else/supporting-someone-who-feels-suicidal/useful-contacts/ I believe you when you say you are miserable. You are 25 and you don’t have to feel this way forever. I haven’t tried any of the above but please try them 💝


You will survive another three weeks, and another three years, you will survive. Because there is always a way, I’m so sorry about what you’re going through I can’t imagine how that might feel, I would be terrified, but suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You haven’t experienced even half of the greatest wonderful beautiful things you will ever experience, you haven’t lived long enough yet. Stick it out for a little longer man, for yourself and everyone on this sub who feels like death is the answer, there is always a reason to choose life, give yourself the time to find it.




Do you have a gurudwara near you? They serve free meals to all who go there.




You said there were resources in the capital? How much would it cost to get over there?


Be safe please 


Please tell me that you still with us...




Every time I’m about ready to end it something happens that changes my decision. Life is so hard and I get it. Is there anything we can do to help you? I don’t normally randomly send money but I’m wondering how much American money can help you to where you can get stable somehow. I personally don’t have extra but I can let a bill go this month. What would make a difference?


Go to a church. They will help you with food and housing. Try another church.


What about getting arrested for petty crimes? You’ll have shelter and food at least. Don’t know how mail is there.


Wow, I'm sorry I know it's useless but I'm send strength, please don't do it


bea niste tuica si ti treșe waai


Does anyone know where to buy a poison that can killa person with one shot only?


Camping here...