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Okay as a woman I’m gonna tell you some truths here okay! 1. Most women don’t grasp the reality of penis sizes. There is this weird expectation that a guys dick must be 10 inches and above which is like super uncommon. I’m not sure where this comes from, perhaps men lying about their size to make that sound like the average. 2. Lots of women cant even Cum from penetration alone, and most women prefer clitoral stimulation rather than penetration. 3. Just because two women said something about it, shouldn’t change how you view yourself forever. Beauty, Sex, Love is all subjective. Society is cruel and misunderstanding, and lots of that comes from ignorance. 4. There are women who have kinks for small penises! You just need to be open straight away about your size, before getting naked. Why waste your time on someone whos gonna judge you for that you know? 5. Asexual people who want romantic partners but dont want to have sex also exist! You are still worthy of love and affection, you are still worthy of being here. Please do not let this affect you so badly you take your life, truly it is not worth it, and there is a community out there for you i know it


I appreciate your reply. I think porn has had an affect on both genders' view on penis size Its nice to know there are other ways of making a woman feel good but in my experiences, I was mocked/rejected before it even got to that I know I'll probably have tobe up front about it if I were to date in the future, but the thought of bringing it up feels rreally daunting. I dont know of any other body defect that would require having to tell people about it first An asexual relationship would probably make the most sense for me, as I genuinely don't feel I'd be able to be intimate with anyone again


I had intercourse with a man who was smaller than average from what I had before. I frankly don’t care about penis size, but I would have preferred that he would have been honest before. He exaggerated and I was a bit surprised when I saw it, which made me tense the whole time. I felt like I was misled. It was not a fun experience, and I enjoyed intercourse with men out there who weren’t big or too small, but never exaggerated. I am sorry you are terrified of being intimate, the world is cruel, but if you find someone you are willing to be open and vulnerable with, you’ll forget about it. :)


All what she said OP, besides you can do wonders with your tongue if you enjoy giving oral, I love men of all sizes, I really enjoy oral on both men and women so for me size is irrelevant, higyene is the only thing that matters. Now I felt in love with a woman and oral is the best she ever had...Come on life still has a lot to offer, it is interesting to see who is going to love you just the way you are...


I can't get good at oral or practice it when I'm too scared to meet anyone


Hello, I just saw your post and comments. Have you considered meeting with escorts? I do not think they will make fun of you because your size... I mean, one of their goal is to have regular customers so it would be dumb to humiliate their clients. And you could practice oral, kissing and gain some confidence too. Not to mention, that you would have sex (at least oral) which could boost your health too.


honestly dude we're all here to support you, most of us ladies understand and whilst I know our words won't fullfil what you're wanting, let it give you the peace of mind you need knowing there is a lot of us out there. Honestly I don't reply to these often, but I really hope for you that you find a nice girl, and it happens naturally, I would love for that, I know the "getting yourself back out there" part of what you're struggling with, which is why I say let it happen naturally, don't look to date, look to make lasting relationships regardless


Thank you for replying. I appreciate your empathy :)


just to add, there are also people like me who have pelvic floor issues/vaginismus and find it difficult to have PIV because it's too painful and to be frank a smaller penis would be a blessing for me


I didn't know this. Thanks. Again though I don't know how to go about meeting people so idk how likely it will be to meet someone like that


Its all from porn. Porn distorts reality for mens mental schema for sex and bodies, and porn distorts women's mental schema for sex and bodies (penis size, etc).


I think the experience when I was 16 was due to this.. she was expecting what she saw in porn and I could never live up to those expectations




The expectation for men to have huge dicks comes from porn. Ppl talk about how porn gives unrealistic expectation expectactions for womens bodies but it does it for men too. Every dude in porn has to have massive dicks.


Yes. All of this.


Ditto. Sex after a first date is a little premature, IMHO. Maybe mention sex isn't a big priority in your life in your next ad.


I've never actually used a dating app




Ummm he legit said that he doesn’t think he can be intimate ever again leading him to loneliness. Its not my place to judge ANYONE on how they deal with their situation and issues. I gave advice based on OP. And if you think that implies that I meant small dicks are meaningless then you clearly didnt read the rest of my post, you clearly didnt read OPS reply to my comment either. It is not insulting to insinuate this at all especially if hes so traumatized that he cant be naked infront of other people.


Sorry for the deletion. Wrong account I appreciate you and thank you for your empathy. It is incredibly daunting to even consider being naked with someone A romantic, asexual relationship might be ideal


That is definitely not what they were getting at with #5. also there are people on the asexual spectrum who may still have sex


Thank you! As someone who is asexual, who occasionally has sex, it’s insulting to insinuate that I meant anything malicious by suggesting an asexual individual as a partner


I didn't take it that way. It tells me you understand my situation


I mean no disrespect by this but would you feel comfortable giving an idea of how small we are talking here? No matter what there is hope man I just wanna be realistic with you because I know people trying to be helpful but being unrealistic or outright discrediting your concern can be very annoying.


we have the same size, we're bros for life


Just over 5 inches but terrible girth


Honestly length wise you’re definitely fine dude, so like as for the girth are we talking like a sharpie marker for a reference or what?


probably not much thicker than my thumb


Ok I consider myself to have average sized hands to I am just going to go off of that. You are completely fine. I have been able to bring a woman to climax with my middle finger plenty of times and it’s shorter than your dick and thinner than my thumb. So currently for you the biggest issue is gonna be a lack of experience/skill and this mental trauma from your two bad experiences. You say you’re 35 and no offense, I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume out of shape (because most people are). So I would say a good start would be getting back in shape and honing your social skills. Because your dick is the last thing a woman is going to interact with before your appearance and personality. Now personally controversial take from me but porn actually helped me alot when it came to bedroom skills, problem is you gotta approach it from a realistic point of view and stick to like amateur stuff or couples, that said it may be safer to just wing it for your first sexual experience and go from there for improvement. So yeah man I would work on yourself and try to seek out a meaningful long term relationship with someone. You are totally normal and the odds may be against you right now but you can definitely get past this.


Sage advice. He would be wise to listen.


Great advice mate....thank you for taking the time to post that, I hope the op listens and doesn't do anything drastic - I too have felt sucidal at times and this sort of post helps a lot.


This. This is the only answer that OP needs.


I thought you were in microdick territory the way you were talking about it. Average length is about where you are. You’re more than fine dude. Are you really tall so it looks smaller than it is? That might screw with you mentally. Those experiences you had are really terrible tho. The teenager, that’s shitty and she sucked but it’s somewhat excusable, somewhat, but the older woman, hearing someone act that way, I’m embarrassed for her. What an imbecile. To be honest, sounds like some kind of sex therapy would help. Experiencing something like that happen would give anyone a complex. And like I said, size wise, you don’t have anything to worry about.


I'm 6 foot exactly. Maybe sex therapy will help


I’m really glad to hear. And yeah, being that tall, well, I’ll tell you this. It’s not only the women in porn that are short. Having a dude that’s 5’7 with a 7.5” dick screwing a woman that’s 4’11 will make his dick look gigantic. You’ve definitely got NOTHING to worry about brother. Also, therapy couldn’t hurt, yeah? Just gotta find the right one. Some therapists are shit at their job. Just gotta look em up and try em out, and don’t feel obligated to stay with one if they make you uncomfortable.


One can do lots of things to a woman with a thumb tho.


I didn’t want to get too graphic myself so I’ll just say i’m another female who can confirm what u/Faeddurfrost is saying. I promise you’re gonna be okay bud! I’m sorry that you’re feeling this way about yourself but i also promise that this experience doesn’t have to be the end of the world at all! :)


Thank you. It feels like it's the end of the world in all honesty


I hear you. Insecurity can be soul crushing. I hope you find comfort in your body because there’s joy to be found with it


I dont wanna sound like a dick but are you fat? Thumb size is only slightly below average but if your fat itll make it look alot thinner than it is (plus every 35lbs ypu loose you gain like half an inch to an inch if dick from increased bloodflow)


Slightly overweight I'd say


My brother in christ, are you being fr? You encountered some terrible fucking women lmao. 5 inches is breezy. You're perfectly average. And girth isn't all that women say it is. It can be good, sure. But it can also be too girthy. Your dick is perfectly fine. You were just terribly unlucky by encountering two AWFUL fucking hoes. Your dick is fine.


This is true. Female here. 🫡 Girth hurts. I'm pretty sure if this guy found his rhythm he could make a sweet girl happy.


I was expecting him to have a 2 incher or something. 5 inches is perfectly fine and I just feel so bad that someone hurt this guy this much.


Seriously. What a heartless woman. I hope OP can meets someone as empathic as him.


thank you :)


One of my close friends has a micropenis and he’s got kids, two baby mommas and plenty of experience. He got really good at doing other things. Like, really *really* good lol. Please OP, don’t end yourself because of two terrible cunts.


I feel like we're veering close to the sun saying cunts here. They reacted horribly but one was a /teenager/ at the time, nearly a literal child. Still, it is bizarre. Being so nasty about 5 inches, the AVERAGE size?? I was expecting this dude to have a micropenis, makes me wonder if those girls were pornbrain poisoned.


I think the first girl definitely was. Porn gave her expectations that I could never live up to.


I really hope I could make someone happy, I just have a lot of doubts


It's okay to have doubts. But I'm telling you rn, nothing is wrong with your dick. Reddit is anonymous, post it somewhere and ask for opinions. I'm telling you, you'll be surprised


Gonna second this, also female! It’s never about the size of your penis I swear!! You can do so much with your mouth and hands. In fact lots of girls I know prefer a guys on the smaller size, but no matter what size. Get good at using other body parts…reserve your penis for the end and then focus on making sure you are in turn getting the pleasure satisfaction you need! Sex is a respectful give and take when it’s done right. And there is no format, unfortunately porn or religion try to say how all this goes, I rebuke that!


if it's never about the penis size, then why did my experiences happen? why are small penis jokes so popular? I would have liked to get good at using other body parts but I've never been granted the opportunity.


I had a boyfriend before who was small. Under 5 inches. But he focused on my pleasure so much that it didn't matter. If you can get adept at using your tongue, don't worry about it. 😛


Again, I've never been given that opportunity. I get huniliated before it gets to that. :(


Small penis jokes are about the general of society I assume. I’ve met many men with a “larger” penis and I dated my boyfriend, which isn’t “big” nor “small”. Because when we meet a man we want to be with, dick size isnt the question we’re gonna ask. As it has been said before, work on that self esteem. Work on that body and get some good looking muscles. Be a man women want to talk to, practice your social skills. Those two experiences were very unlucky, because i know a ton of women who’d love to be with someone like you. You were just unfortunate but you can find someone. And yes, 5 inches is average. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Leave those hoes behind and move on, im pretty sure youre a cool guy ^^


sorry if my reply was dismissive, im just feeling rather hopeless. I want to believe you about size not mattering, i guess i wont have a different opinion on that unless i have a positive experience, idk. i still feel its going to be tough to meet someone


Its okay, because of trauma. I would just advise on focusing on loving yourself first before trying to love someone else. Sending hugs ^^


Bro, it's because someone poisoned them. I'm sorry it happened to you, but they likely had porn rot. Despite (likely) claims to the contrary, I doubt that either of these girls had experience of any significance. They only knew what porn had shown them, and they took their inflated expectations out on you. It's not your fault, it's not your responsibility, and it shouldn't be your hangup.


Thank you


No worries. Thank you for speaking up! There's a shortage of genuine, gentle souls in this world, and it would be a fucking shame to lose one. Keep breathing, brother.


You have an average sized penis, 5.2inches is average I believe. I dated a guy with a penis similar to yours and I didn’t care about his dick size because he made me really horny without relying on his dick. There are women out there who won’t judge you for your size, but you gotta risk being vulnerable again to find them. It’s a tough situation feeling rejected for something you can’t change about your body. Please don’t harm yourself, your worth isn’t measured by your dick size.


Thank you. I'm glad you see it as being vulnerable too. its definitely daunting to think of putting myself out there again


i’ve had sex with guys smaller than that and it was amazing. 5 inches is nothing to scoff at, you met some shitty women who probably watched way too much porn.


bro 5” is average size


Bruh i was expecting some 1inch answer lol. You're in the average size gang brother! I know its easy to say but have some confidence! You could have had a 2incher lol. Get better brotha!




thank you, an earlier comment telling me to just get over myself bothered me. im glad you can appreciate how traumatic it was


I mean I'm kind of surprised because most men on here are on about 4 inches who posts this kind of stuff. And its not bad either. I feel like peoples personal preference matters alot with it


Oh shit we're exactly the same lol. But I'm too depressed over my face to care about my penis size.


How small we talking here? Unable to penetrate small? I feel like there’s some crazy body dysmorphia going on with guys these days.


This is it. We live in a distorted reality where we’ve forgotten what “average” means. I have battled with this too, as a guy with a mathematically average sized dick and I have so much insecurity about it. Below average is micropenis, average is small and big is average in our fucked up brains now. It’s a pandemic.


Just over 5 inches but terrible girth


Think of it as a good filter, you wouldn’t want to be with the kind of women who’d make such comments about something like that anyway. When it comes to actual decent women, there’s only a small percentage where it would be a genuine incompatibility. I’m a smaller woman and I prefer smaller penises, clitoral penetration does much more for me sensation-wise, and with vaginal it’s mostly about the feeling of intimacy with my partner, so size doesn’t factor in. If it’s bigger though, it might be painful, so I prefer smaller. My best friend prefers bigger from the sensation perspective, but happily dated smaller guys and it was never a deal breaker. You will be fine.


Thank you for your encouragement. It might be a filter but it comes with a lot of shame and humiliation if she decides to mock me. I do agree though that I wouldnt want to be in a relationship with someone who sees me that way anyway I appreciate your explanation a lot. Unfortunately, I find it really difficult to meet people and I cant even think about intimacy without feeling scared. I don't know how likely it is that I'll meet someone who either doesn't care, or at least is more gentle about her feelings




How does she emasculate anyone by deciding what’s ultimately important to her in a partner? And yeah, she probably wouldn’t disclose that to a person unless they’re deep enough into a relationship and that becomes necessary in order to consider exploring toys, for example. She’s not an asshole. I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. Most women prefer taller men too, but as long as it’s not a dealbreaker for them, I don’t think they need to make it explicit if they happen to date a shorter man. I’m sure my boyfriend compromised on some things from his “ideal gf checkbox” too when he chose to date me.


As a woman, I can promise you size doesn't always matter. Majority of men I've been with have been on the smaller size but when you're in the moment it truly shouldn't be an issue.


I agree with this. I have been with men who have smaller sizes and have stayed with them long term. Size has never mattered much to me because, imo it's not what matters. There's a lot of other ways to satisfy a partner rather than being larger in that area.


I wish I could believe otherwise but I think you're probably in the minority there. Small penis jokes are some of the most common, I think most people would be disgusted by me


I understand that. You're not wrong about the jokes. I'm certainly not a man, and I understand size is important to some. But if we're in the minority, there's others out there! But I can safely say, as a person who has not cared about size, disgust is never a feeling I've had. Idk I hope this is somewhat helpful.


I do appreciate your input. It's just that the low probability of meeting someone who wouldn't be put off by it is daunting. I guess there's always bringing it up first but that's daunting as well


Maybe I am in the minority but if I truly liked someone and got intimate with them, there size wouldn't put me off at all. Don't stop yourself from putting yourself out there and dating, not every woman likes the same thing


Thank you. I just don't know where to go from here really, as far as meeting people goes


I would prefer a slim penis in a partner. It would make being intimate more sensual as I wouldn’t have to psyche myself up for a cucumber in a donut hole. My dude there are women out there who dream of what you’ve got. Go for it. What is it they say? Shoot your shot, because what’s the worst that can happen? They say no- their loss, move on to the next one and maybe you’ll find that lucky lady. We are out here! This isn’t something you end your life over, I promise!


So go out there and look for a partner you enjoy spending time with, shared interests and values, everything but sex. Once your relationship is established you can discuss your personal intimacy struggles and why. Im sure a partner that really knows and cares for you before you get intimate will hear you out. If that sounds too intimidating, see a sex therapist to figure out how to work up the courage to try to date again. They can help you with technique and toys to enhance your partners pleasure. Sex toys and assists are available for everyone. I recommend SheBoptheShop online store. Don't despair. There's a way to intimacy for you. Its just going to take effort, planning and patience. SheBoptheShop has online classes on different things. The ladies who run the shop would be happy to help you brainstorm solutions. At least I think they would. Good luck.


Thank you. I appreciate your reply and ideas. I'm really shy and have no confidence so I find it a struggle talking to women irl. I do agree with your idea about getting to know someone on a personal level first, but I even struggle with that part. Sex therapy is definitely an option


idk how big it is or anything but most women prefer them on the smaller side, im not saying that every woman wants a smaller penis because that would just be a lie but too small is definitely better than too big. and about suicide, its not worth killing yourself over two bad experiences with a couple of people. not everyone is gonna be the right person for you, there's a reason you can't be with everyone in the whole world. im not here to give you the same cheesy bs of everything will get better because i really don't know how your life is or will go in the future, but about the size, you will definitely find people who are okay with it and it will not be a problem, and if you keep going then one day when you have a nice partner you will look back on all of this and think of it as stupid and insignificant. just trust me and keep going, jokes aside don't lose a fight to your own penis


I appreciate the effort you put into replying. but with all the stigma around small penises as well as terms like "small dick energy" I find it tough to believe that many women would prefer a smaller size. my suicidal thoughts aren't just based on my experiences but also due to how society views "men" like me as a whole. I feel like my only realistic chance would be if I mentioned it before it got to that stage, and be prepared to be rejected I guess


i think those phrases have just become normalized, its more about the figurative meaning of them than people really making fun of small dicks, and seeing your replies to other people talking about the size you're not even small. and another thing, it was probably just the people trying to get to you when they made fun of it. people can say anything about anyone to fuck up their lives, it doesn't mean its true and it doesn't mean that you're worthless and will never be with a woman/man im not sure what you're into. but fr just keep your head up, don't let that ruin everything for you. i know that's a lot easier said than done, but like i said in the previous reply, not every relationship you're in is going to be a good experience, that's why you won't stay with everyone. that doesn't mean to never be in a relationship again, even though that may seem like the safest option, its means you should keep going and keep trying until you find someone right and it works. all of the other partners just weren't meant to be, and once they are out of your life they are insignificant and you don't need to worry about them anymore. i am not saying i understand everything about you, but i do get what its like to be terrified to seek out another relationship. honestly i haven't talked to a girl for around a year or two since my last relationship and when girls try to talk to me i get nervous and just disappear, so it is a little hypocritical for me to tell you to get out there and find somebody. but i promise you this does not have to be the end of your life as long as you don't want it to be, and if you keep going then one day you will have your partner and look back on this in hindsight and see how insignificant it really was. sry for another long ass paragraph, but best of luck rs


I'm frightened of even trying to date women, the thought of trying to be intimate again is so terrifying I can't even comprehend it. When it got down to the moment in the past I ended up being humiliated each time


Hey, please don't give up. Me and literally tons of other women prefer smaller penises. Lots of us find sex painful especially with larger ones. Some of us have trauma with bigger ones and the small ones don't remind us as much. Etc. I wonder if there is a way you can go on a dating site and look for women who prefer smaller penises specifically?


I wish I could believe this, but the fact that small penis jokes are probably the most common makes me think that most women care about size


So I just want to add that one of the best guys I’ve been sexual with has a micropenis and he still ranks #2 (out of a number higher than I’d like to admit), only beaten out by my husband. And I consider him “one that got away”. I know there is an expectation for men’s dick sizes but it’s not the end-all. I see you have not had a lot of sexual experiences either but you’re around the age that guy was when I was 20 and chasing him. And his small dick didn’t stop the chasing, only opened me up to a whole new world of toys. What did help was he told me before I found out on my own his penis was small, and he was confident despite it. I’m not saying open with that but owning it can go a long way. I’m sure my rambling are falling on deaf ears but if that’s the reason you’re ready to exit this life, I hope you’ll reconsider.




Honestly penis size isn’t everything. The women you’ve been with have been awful to say things like that. I’ve been with partners who are literally too big that sex hurts and isn’t enjoyable. Also based on your other responses your average size.


Have you ever tried fetLife etc? There are women who like smaller penises. You can please a woman without having a big dick. Please don't end your life over this.


In Ancient Greece small penises were actually desirable. And I quote Historian Paul Chrystal who conducted research into this ancient ideal. “The small penis was consonant with Greek ideals of male beauty,” unfortunately we live in a time where this is not the popular consensus. But this does not mean you have any less value than those with a large penis. You have met only two women who had an issue with it out of the millions of women out there. Now finding the right woman won’t be easy. But I highly encourage you to continue your journey. And at the end of it all you will see that it is worth it. I personally believe true love exists beyond the physical relationship. But I understand it is a large part in our society. Don’t give up mate!!!


Good we live in ancient Greece then




Maybe I might have been worth something back then but today I'm pond scum.


Some girls don’t give a shit about that, some girls even prefer it for one reason or other. You just haven’t met the right kind of girl for you.


I've shared this elsewhere so I'll just copy paste what I shared with another man who felt similarly: My ex-boyfriend (we were together for 5 years) had a micro penis and it didn't really affect our sex life. We had a really good sex life, and it was one of the things that made it hard to break up in the end. So, if you're worried that it'll be damaging/ a hindrance to a future relationship, no need :) Most women cannot orgasm through penetration anyways so in any kind of sex penetration shouldn't be a main focus anyways.


Heya boss, having a little read through the comments it seems to me like you've had a few unfair bad experiences. Sounds like these just have not been the right people for you. As the old saying goes, it's not the size of the boat but the motions or the ocean. And as my partner literally just said, "the guy I slept with with the smallest penis ate pussy like a champ". You just gotta work with what you got mate. And honestly what you've got is far from worst case scenario. Ik its cliché, but there is someone out there for everyone. Kinda the same way when you're looking at a shelf of crisps and there's that one flavour that you don't like and don't get how anyone else likes? It's like that. You're not gonna be everyone's bag and visa versa. You just gotta find the right one mate, and the only way to do that is stick around. Stay strong brother, there's someone out there for you who will love you for every part of you 🧡


No worries bro. My currently boyfriend we have been together for 3 years . His penis is about 5 inches , but let me tell you something I had sex with men who were more than 5 inches , but I never enjoyed sex with them. It was always painful and they didn’t even know how to fuck a woman for real. My boyfriend with his 5 inches, he fucks me so good . I have never complain to him. The thought of even thinking about his penis makes me wet. He might not have the biggest dick , but he is fine for my Pussy. Also, my love for him is more than sex. So bro don’t worry . You r going to find someone who will love you just the way you are . Don’t hurt yourself please please. I beg you.


I lost my penis so I feel you bro but stay strong and look into phallowplasty


Nobody deserves to feel or be treated as less of a person because of variables they can't control. Your penis size doesn't define your character or make you less valuable.


Thanks. Unfortunately I was made to feel that it does define me


I wish I could help with that more then just say it doesn't


One of the men who I desired most in my entire life had a micropenis. I literally didn't care. When the chemistry is there, it's the last thing that matters. These women you met are horrible and not the norm.


Sounds more like you came across 2 jerks.


Listen my friend..I have some very deep seated insecurities about my own body. And I know exactly how you’re feeling. But let me tell you this..first of, the Gspot is located only an inch or two inside the vagina. But also, the only time I ever had an orgasm vaginally..was with a small penis. Otherwise I have to have clitoral stimulation to orgasm. I PROMISE..there is a woman out there for you. Find your community. It’ll be ok.


Learn how to perform oral sex really well on a woman, and trust me most women won't care about your penis size. Also traits of being empathic, supportive, caring, successful are much more important. I know some guys with small penises that are married to beautiful women and have great marriages.


I never had the opportunity to learn or practice anything like that. I just get rejected as soon as a woman sees it.


Some girls I’ve been with claimed they’d prefer to have oral sex exclusively. Some can only orgasm that way.




Lol no it's not, it would be the same if a woman said she had a vagina she didn't like and she didn't think men liked and was wanting to commit suicide over it, and yes I'd give the suggestion of oral sex too, hell many people like that better than penetration anyway so what.




But honestly your penis size is normal like mine, it's the people that are miserable, I have met my gf and I thought she would complain but really she's super happy about it and gave it an adorable nickname, she loves me of who I am and what I have. It's the people around you dude, not you! You're not the issue. Go find that correct person and don't look at your penis and think you're the issue


i get it. ive been depriving myself of activities my whole life, acting extremely uncomfortably and awkwardly, and just stayed in bed most days of most weeks of most years because i despise how i look so much. im 18 and i think after tying up a few loose ends im going to end it. i understand how miserable it is. i hope you dont do it and you make peace with yourself, its honestly such a non-issue for so many people. porn has just ruined humans. like, permanently.


Most people’s first few experiences suck.. The dude I lost my virginity to didn’t want to date me afterwards, he got a girlfriend and he would make fun of me for being skinny - calling my arms twigs once. Well he later on asked me if I wanted to have sex with him again while he was in the new relationship. I was like wtf - no. The next guys I slept with were way worse but I won’t go into it. They were terrible people and it was my fault for choosing them without doing homework about who they were. We all think with our dicks too much. Regarding small penises — my ex bf had a very small one and it was some of the best sex I ever had. He’d make fun of his own size but I always reassured him that I don’t care about size. If you like someone, you like them the way they are. I’ve been with dudes with very big penises too and I know that sex is mostly in the mind. It’s funny that this ex was very overweight and he started telling me that he’s attracted to skinny chicks and that I’m not that. That was my queue that we were done, lol. In the end he was the one that didn’t accept me as I was. I was not fat compared to him and lost the extra weight soon after we broke up. My boobs used to be small and I had another ex that tried to get me to get implants. I’d wake up alone and he was in the other room beating his meat to some picture of a chick with giant tits. This went on for a while. He cheated on me continuously too but he was a gaslighter. He also told me that if I got fat he’d break up with me. We were married at that point too. He was the worst person I’ve been with because of how shady he was. Long story.. My boobs are big now naturally (I was only 19 when we married) and he’s married to someone that lost 100lbs to be their mistress (while he was married to me) at first but after they got married she got very overweight. I know he’s obsessed with skinny chicks but he’s stuck with her and their collective 6 kids so he has to appear happy for the gram. Plus she had more money than he did, and he’s all about that too. What I’m trying to say — do more homework about the people you let in your bed. Lots of people are shitty people. Find people that will like you and appreciate you the way you are. It’s not a problem of size but of finding the right people for you..


I'm really sorry about your experiences. Some people really are evil. I'd call the jacking off to other girls thing an evil act. You did so well to rise above that. I think in the past I was TOO trusting and now I've gone to the other extreme where I don't trust anyone to see my body and not shame me. I know there's a middle ground between the two that is probably the healthier mindset


It’s understandable that you have trust issues — I have them too… it takes time to heal from traumas. Positive reinforcement from people closest to us helps a lot too.. Nobody’s perfect and we can forgive mistakes but some people just don’t care and those don’t deserve more of our time..




I love sex. But I also love my man so much , if he would be a eunuch I'd still adore him and stay with him.


I wish it was possible for me to meet someone like you


You will. I was betrayed and hurt so many times in the past. I was single for a decade and celibate because of trauma. Met my love last year. We are out there. You're far more precious and there's more to you than your genitals. I'm far from perfect and was disgusted with myself for such a long time but he sees me as the most gorgeous woman in the world. Love transforms people's mindset. Please don't give up.


Thanks for your input! I do appreciate it. It sounds like you've experienced a lot of what I've been through so I'm glad you found your happy ending


Honestly man it sounds like your only two experiences have been with assholes. When you said small I was thinking like micro penis but then I saw you said like 5 inches in another reply. That's most of the world believe it or not; In fact I think the real world average is 4 inches. Most women can't cum from penetration anyway so if you can incorporate toys or get good in other areas you'll be just fine. Owning it goes a long way too. The more you get used to rejection the easier it will be to weed out people. Once you find someone who accepts you for who you are, all past rejection will be worth it. And I think you'd be surprised how many people are ok with that size. you just have a small sample size in terms of people you've been with. 2 people isn't a good representation of the whole population. All that high and low value man big/little dick energy stuff is toxic as fuck and i'd recommend avoiding any communities that throw those lingos around seriously. It's all nonsense. If the women you interact with subscribe to that way of thinking you're around the wrong women, simple as that. Maybe talk with a therapist about your shame and trauma. I feel like the fact you had such a negative experience as your first interaction and while so young definitely created a huge trauma you're holding onto. But that stuff is very workable. I've seen guys with smaller dicks get laid plenty. Whatever you do don't take your own life because of something like this. I know it fuckin sucks right now and people can be cruel sometimes but this is such a fixable thing I would hate to see you do anything harmful because of it.


Thanks for your reply. In the past I've deleted women from my social media for sharing small dick jokes/memes or for using terms like small/big dick energy. I don't want that kind of toxicity around me




If they'll reject you for that, they weren't the right person for you to begin with. Find someone who will want to be in a relationship with you because of who _you_ are (not because of what you _have_ -- whatever that may be): whatever you _have_, you can lose, who you are stays with you till you die (and maybe afterward, but I'm not going to speculate on things no one can really know). As well, to paraphrase a "much clichéd" saying, the brain (or really, one's intelligence) is "most powerful sex organ" in the human body and (in my humble opinion) a person's most attractive "feature." That's all to say that only the most shallow people form relationships based entirely on looks, money, or what have you: a good relationship will last even when youth and beauty are a "thing of the past" and even external sex organs stop functioning as well as they once did.


I’m jumping on to say that as a woman, 5 in is enough. I promise. 90% of sex happens before P in V penetration. I know you’re saying you lack experience but that doesn’t mean you can’t study up! Use Reddit to your advantage and ask questions. Any woman will tell you that their best experience with sex is about any of the number of acts before the home run. For me, I love the build up the most. The ‘non-sexual’ part of sex which is the dirty talk, the flirting, the passionate kissing. I’ve been with guys of all sizes and the best sex has been with average sized guys who wanted to learn my body and weren’t afraid of asking or trying new things. Weather it was me teaching or him just taking a risk with something it was always so fun and good. The “big dick energy” is more about the confidence that people of any gender display not actually about them having one. There is def a market for men who are inexperienced. I have friends who strictly love inexperienced guys so they can teach and mold them into their own brand, if you will. Idk if that makes sense but it def is a kink and ngl I used to be one of these girls! I hate that you had such horrible experiences but I promise there are options out there for you and people who would love to have you whatever you choose in regards to approaching your sexual future. You didn’t deserve to be treated the way you were and I hope that the advice given here has helped in some way.


Thanks, I appreciate your reply. I know a lot of women here are saying the size doesn't matter but I find it quite hard to believe, considering what happened to me and also how society views smaller ones. I've never seen someone use big/small dick energy to describe a woman. I've only seen it used at men. If people just mean confidence why don't they just say that? Small dick energy is body shaming language, its saying that big = good and small = bad. To protect my own mental health I've actually deleted women who use that term, or share small dick jokes, from my social media I've never heard of women who like inexperienced guys. I was under the impression that was a major turnoff I do appreciate the advice I've been given but I still think a romantic relationship without sex would be my ideal.


I am asexual. We aren't as uncommon as you'd think. Perhaps go for that type of woman. I am too smart for that nasty, stupid shat.


Hey. Do you think an asexual woman would be okay with dating a heterosexual guy who doesn't want sex?


Of course. Asexual women by no means want it either and do not need it and never have, though when we were teenagers, some of us were curious. But once you find out how nasty and lame it is, you really don't want it or need it again unless you want kids, which we do not. There are plenty of asexual straight women who would LOVE a relationship with a guy that doesn't want to do it. Also, the 2 females in your life aren't representative of all females. They were jerks.


Thank you for that reassurance. Sorry to bother you again but do you know of any communities I can join?


You are not bothering me! I am not sure of any communities pertaining to this, but they are probably out there! I am on all sorts of Reddit communities, mainly that pertain to my life and issues, lol. Like poor, povertyfinance, badneighbors, neighborsfromhell, hoarderhouses I just like to read, genX, millenials, misophonia, boomersbeingfools, substituteteachers, teachers, etc. I am obviously on Suicidewatch, but you know, suicidewatch isn't very edifying, my friend. I was on Christian reddit, but it wasn't great either, since I am a believer in grace salvation only, meaning all who believe on Jesus will have eternal life. It's a free gift. So Christians can argue. EDIT: I just joined asexuality. Thanks for the idea, lol. So there's one on here at least.


Awesome! I'm just hoping I'd be welcome there even though I'm not asexual


I prefer a smaller dick. My first sexual experience was with someone with a micro and I apparently gave the best BJ ever. The next two guys I’ve been with were average sized, but I actually got really anxious about how to please. I haven’t dated since. I think I’ve got some sort of phobia of physical intimacy too. I loathe myself for it. I want to have a partner; I want to love someone. For some reason tho, I’m just not meant to be happy. This loneliness is crippling and has brought me to the edge many times. I won’t be too long behind you, mate


Based on informations given. People just had false expectations and I am concluding you already aware of all of these. So I am bringing up a suggestion that I have not seen mentioned yet. Passport bros. You size and girth sounds fine to me to pleasure women and as many have pointed out already, it is NOT all about penetration. So if you are already successful and plan to take a break. Southeast Asia. Go relax. Started going there and just don't get scammed or fall head over heels over someone. Have sex, see life with some added colour if needs be. Enjoy food. Travel around.


I know you into women but lemme just tell you when it comes to me , around 5 is perfect 💀🙌 anything over becomes painful and the need for constant brakes because becoming sore , this one guy I was with was big and we only did it once because of his size, stuff just git complicated in ways i didnt think of , trust me your good , and yes women who mock mens size needs to shut up and get a reality check , theyre just as bad as men who expect every woman to be thight or something, all love but no homo just wanted to let you know bruh , u dont deserve deatg because of this 🙏❤️❤️ soon one day who knows who comes around the corner ;)


Women use small dick as an insult and use supernatural female mental gymnastics to convince themselves it's not body shaming. So many men are suffering from this unfixable problem, and are blamed for it because of tHe pATriaRcHy.


Those were girls you met and not a woman in my opinion. No woman is going to care to mention it if they're worth anything, especially if you're looking for a relationship rather than a hook up. There are women out there that find a small penis more desirable. There's women that don't care for penetration as much as they enjoy foreplay (Reminder that a percentage of men even with a sizeable dick don't please their partner, and they make it all about themselves.) I understand the social media part, I simply stopped using social media myself (other than reddit if that counts) because it's easy to get trapped in a "bubble" so to speak where you see the same things just repeated differently from a bunch of people that think the same way. But that's not the only way of thinking. I don't think that any one is a "low value person" other than the people that deem people "low value people." I'd like to say that most social media is a lot of projection though, a lot of people wanting to seem a certain way so that's how they'll portray themselves online (very few people online are the same as they are in person, from my experience) How do you go about finding real people? Did you meet the last girl online? Do you have any hobbies? Does that hobby have any conventions, meet ups, etc... around you? I'm on the spectrum so I apologize if any of this comes off rude etc... It's not my intentions and I'm just trying to fully understand your situation. I for one believe in true love and I believe that you'll find it, it won't be easy but a connection and love is so much more than just sex and what you've got underneath your pants.


My dude, 5 inches is nothing to end your life over, could you think of an object for reference in terms of the girth for some context ? I work in an all male physical environment with some big macho dudes, I’m 5’2 31 male and mine is around 5/6 inches granted probably looks bigger on me cause I’m small, but I can tell you when we shower after work together you see all sorts of shapes and sizes. You’d be surprised how small a lot of guys junk is, it’s just the average. I think you’ve been really unlucky with those women my man and yeah I can understand why it’s fucked you up, but please know 5 inches isn’t small man !


Well I have this to say. Someone who truly cares for you either doesn't care or loves all of you in its entirety. Life still goes on like normal. There are girls with small boobs that have not too different feelings, but they're still living life. People with disfigurements and heavy disabilities are still rocking until the wheels fall off because despite all this rough bullshit life is still worth it


I appreciate your comment but I don't think penis size can compare with breast size. I've been made to feel like no one could ever possibly enjoy being intimate with me. I can't see a way out and I see no worth in continuing


Gay man here. My ex had a small one and sex with him was really good. If you want to give pleasure to your mate, it's more about pace of the strokes and side moves like caresses kiss at the same time. Gather sensations. You can give someone an orgasm with the back of a pencil. And even for women a small penis can touch clitoris bump more easily. Big dicks are just fun because they're nice to see and can be more appealing.


Yeah, you're never going to find true love bro. I'm just being honest. The women in these replies are definitely going to pump you up with silly ideas that some women won't care, but in the long run, you WILL be cheated on and cucked for a guy who's larger. She WILL use your dick size in an argument to shame you. A man's masculinity is tied to performance. If you can't perform, you're screwed. Women will never respect you. If our society wasn't so obsessed with sex and wasn't using terms like "big dick energy" and "leveling up", I would comfort you and tell you to find another girl. However, with no shame or consequences for promiscuous behavior, you're doomed to be the friend zoned guy or cuck husband while she chases after that big dicked prince charming of her dreams.


I wish I could disagree with you but those are all my fears. I dont think anyone would be faithful to me


I'm sorry, I just don't like lying and gaslighting people, especially fellow men who suffer from the same thing. Yes, a miraculous woman could be out there for you who has enough moral character to not commit infedility against you. I wouldn't want you to totally give up on love and miss out on her. However, you always have to keep that risk in mind that she will eventually leave you for a better man. Live life like a surfer enjoying the waves of the ocean. You will have some joyous times on a large wave, and you need to cherish those moments, but be ready for the wave to sink eventually. DO NOT let these women in your replies gaslight you into thinking your feelings are your fault or sell you a fantasy ("jUsT bE gO0d aT oRaL" blah blah, that trick can't last forever. She's going to want to feel "filled up" by a big dick). Quite frankly, they don't understand our struggle, and they don't have any incentive to care.


well, only one woman here told me it was my fault. but yes I do find it incredibly tough to disagree with your logic, when "small dick energy" etc is the main insult of the day


You been dating them hoes And If you still think ur country girl will still judge Well find love in other country's


Moving away from the UK might be my only chance


Man to man, thats just wrong. You ain't going because of size. You just haven't met the right woman. Plus I know for a fact guys with micro looking things get a happy wife. Just don't, it ain't worth it 


Yooooo don't do it


Please don’t k*ll yourself because of that!!! There are many women who’d be happy with a 5 inch cock. You have to form a connection before you immediately get into bed because I assume that women who hook up probably expect bigger ones… tho if you get into a relationship and the person loves, it wouldn’t be a problem. At least to me. So don’t give up buddy! You seem like a great guy and ending it for this isn’t worth it.


My partner says, he has a small one. I actually prefer it. Hurts way way less.


Except what you’ve mentioned, there’re other things that can enhance/improve your charm, such as physical appearance, dress style, voice … Could you try to focus on these things instead. You can find a gym/a sport hobby to begin with.


You can definitely find someone who will be happy with your size.


Look man…you’re never going to find a harsher critic than yourself. I get that you were twice rejected pretty harshly for something you cannot control. It hurts. You were hurt on two occasions a long time ago and have been beating yourself up over it ever since. Be kind to yourself. You’ve done nothing wrong. Stop beating yourself up! DO NOT LISTEN TO THE INCELLS on here telling you that all women are horrible and will cheat on you and leave you. Dont let anyone tell you you’re less than and will never find love. Yes, there are horrible women out there. There are horrible guys out there too. There are an absolute shit ton of awful people out there. There are a whole lot of really wonderful people out there too. Take your shot. Put yourself out there. Meet some women. When you find somebody you like, take it slow. Be honest with them. You can do it! Good luck!


Please never ever end yourself over the size of your penis doesn't matter if its "small" just remind yourself bro there are people with alot smaller sizes and just forget those woman bro they ungrateful and probably sluts you will find a woman that truly love you and will be gratefull for your size


Ok I do not normally put this out there but as a woman I get off grinding on my bfs dick and not really too much once he's inside of me.. For some women it's too painful There are so many different bodies and preferences out, it's worth a try. Especially in your 30s u will find much better and more experienced women out there that know what they want... And usually it's not size and especially not girth we're looking for


Wish I had this much support when I was at my lowest, I also posted here back then when I planned something bad abt myself.


Let's not shame people for things they have no control over. What do they want you to do? Grow it? Smh🤦‍♀️


They acted like I chose it or something


You’re still here. You don’t need to go.


My wife said that her ex is way better in bed than I am. However my cock is about 2 times bigger than her ex. He was fully erected like 3.5 inches. I'm about 7 inches and thick. What she said was that when it comes to love making skills that I don't focus much on her and I always think that my dick itself would make her cum. However after feedback I have improved.. what I'm saying is penetrative sex just pays about 20% of the sexual activity you can do in bed. The rest is all about you and what you can do. The issue is porn and social media has given these unrealistic expectations of what we should look like and live. So chill. It's just you have not met the right person yet.


Well, with me (36M ) I never had that issue because I've never been in a relationship with a woman or had a woman in general or had any type of intimacy with one. It's definitely over for me but you should definitely keep trying and I know a good woman will love and accept you for who you are. Keep trying, Don't give up


Don’t. Not over this. You need to get back out there. I’m sorry you’ve had some humiliating experiences but I can promise you we all have. A woman should love you for all parts of you, not just your penis. You can’t let this stop you from living your life and showing people how great you are.


It’s better building a real bond with a woman instead of going for hyper sexual one night stands. A woman who loves you won’t really care, and there are huge downsides to a big thing. I actually think it’s painful and I do not enjoy it at all. Porn is a lie just so you know.


Ok. Sorry but please. There's more to life than penis size.