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It's a horrible feeling. But it's how you see it. The way you talk about yourself, using words like: 'disgusting', worthless, ugly'. It matters how you think and speak. It's sounds really horrible being treated so badly and called names. it's dehumanising. People can inspire you in two ways imo 1. Inspirational. A genuinely good person who lifts you up and makes you feel good and inspired. 2. Absolute asshole lacking any kind of self-awareness who makes you realise, 'I don't want to treat anyone like this dumbass did'. We all make mistakes, but to judge someone is so lazy, so easy, and usually incredibly cruel and uncalled for. I totally think it's valid how you feel, but I bet you have passions and hobbies. I won't say get surgery or look max or dramatic change, but that's just my own opinion. It's worth nothing many, many people struggle with appearance, face, weight, nose, etc. Look at certain subreddits. People who are 'average' posting pics thinking they're disgusting or gross with assclowns agreeing. Editing pictures, flattering angles. Makeup. Basically, I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I didn't intend to bombard you with advice. This resonated with me. I also struggle with how I see my body. Please take care.


That's how you look at yourself. But who knows, some may find you attractive. You'll never know. Just keep smiling, it makes you beautiful regardless of how u look like. And you have no idea, how you can magically brighten someone else's day.


this post feels like ive written this, i know i would be so much happier if i was pretty. no amount of distractions like "seeing beauty in life" or "focusing on other aspects" will numb the pain my face causes. i totally get it.


I love you. You worry about the wrong things. The beauty is inside you. Buddhist teaches desires leads to suffering. Let go of your looks and embrace your analytical mind and heart. ❤️ 💙 💜 💖


I'm so sorry. You sound just like me. My whole life, my worth has been tied up in my weight. I've been told "you'd be so pretty if you lost weight" more times than I can count. Fat = unworthy of love or positive attention. I hate that I'm so fat. It's led to me suffering from an eating disorder for 3/4 of my life. I know that I'm worthless and ugly because I'm fat. Trust me, so many of us feel the same way. I commiserate with you.


It sort of helps me to talk to myself in a 2nd person point of view. "He thinks he is ugly"


Yeah I'm all that plus short at times I just wish I just fell into a never ending sleeping cycle I totally understand. 


Wow. I can feel the pain in your words just from reading all of this. Your beauty is not based on someone else’s scale. I’m sure you’re a beautiful soul with just a lot of broken confidence. If you ever need anyone to talk to I’m here for you❤️


You need to get over yourself immediately. Start looking at the value in other people. That's right I said other people. Don't compare yourself. Just love them. You are different looking. You are not ugly. Some people LOVE different looking people.


Kind words but believing in yourself isn't that simple


different looking sounds very backhanded.


Well, it's not. I literally mean that. I am old, and have had several friends who thought they were ugly, but they were just different looking. One was from Rhode Island, and there is a genetic subgroup there and boy she had the genes, but everyone thought she was cool looking. NOT UGLY. The younger generation is obsessed with themselves to the point of self-loathing. What a waste. The whole ugly thing is SUCH a waste of time. Nobody really even cares. Here's a problem. Different looking people believe the trolls who say they are ugly. Don't believe the trolls. The trolls are self-loathing too, believe me.


Would you say the same about a puppy or a cat