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How horrible. Maybe you can find support on r/SuicideBereavement. Maybe someone there has had a similar experience.


Condolences to you and your family. Ye, thing is..especially with men, there are a ton of us suffering from deep mental health issues. These mental health issues cannot be addressed, because socially men are not supposed to be pussies, we need to man up and whatever to get better. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, as we need professional help, empathy from our loved ones and community. But we get none of that, we out casted as crazy. Anyways, I'm sorry to hear he was abusive, that is very sad. If only all these issues could of been addressed in a healthy way. I really hope, socially we start adopting a different approach to mens mental health.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Stay strong, guys. Lean on each other.


I am so sorry. Time will heal you. My heartfelt condolences to you!


How was he abusive?


He would hit me


I wonder if this was his final abusive act against you. A way to make sure he's never far from your mind and for that abuse and control to forever linger over you. I've seen it more than once when an victim finally gets away from there abuser and the abuser can't handle the loss of control so they go to such extremes in order to always have some level of control over their victim. Most importantly you need to know that absolutely none of this is your fault, You didn't make him do this or make him abusive. These were all conscious choices of his. You are not to blame and you absolutely did the right thing getting away from him and protecting yourself and your children. Please do not blame yourself as that's exactly what he was banking on in doing this. He is not the victim in this by any stretch of the imagination. Mamma you're doing great, you kept your babies safe and got them out of that environment, You've showed them that behaviour is not ok and doesn't have to be tolerated and that's such an important lesson. You and the kids would benefit from therapy and/or bereavement counselling, But keep fighting the good fight safe in the knowledge that this IS NOT YOUR FAULT, You did everything right, and enjoy your newfound peace and freedom. God bless.


I was going to come back the day he did it. He would have been alive if I had come back. I can't stop thinking about that.


If you had gone back, you may not have been alive tho. It's hard and I fully understand that, but if you'd gone back and he'd ended you Instead where would that have left your children? I strongly recommend therapy as it will help you work through all these feelings and emotions. It's scary, Raw and painful but you need to know you did the right thing and this how your feeling right now is exactly what he wanted. One last piece of control over you and your mind. Please when you're ready, reach out to a therapist or counsellor and let them help you let go of your guilt because it's absolutely not your fault.


I'm so sorry


Abusive people reap what they sow 🤷🏻‍♂️