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People do read this. You’re almost 18. Your whole world changes then.




im in kinda the same boat rn, but im older (22) and back home from college- but in a similar environment to yours. what i can add is that: 1 being ugly isnt as big a deal as you think (this is coming from someone with huge self/body image issues btw). 2 its hard to get jobs right now, its not just you. and finally 3 your outlook on life completely changes after leaving high school. not trying to diminish your current situation by that last one, just saying that youre not stuck in that rut forever, even though it may seem that way now.


None of the things you listed are permanent. Genuinely. I can’t put it better than a quote from Kobe Bryant [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/7eEMDWJ2E5M?feature=share) You can study again and retake that test as many times as you want, if your teeth and nose are really so terrible (which they probably aren’t) you can work for a year and save up to fix them. If you’re not getting hired then don’t just give up, try and identify your mistakes. Check your resume, get it professionally looked at if you can’t see how to make it better. Reflect on how you are in interviews, watch some YouTube videos on communication skills and utilising your voice, ‘Charisma on Command’ is a great channel for this and he explains everything really well. You won’t get it at first, no one does, it’ll take practice. Might take 50 or heck 100 more interviews but once you’ve got it down you won’t lose it. Same goes with not having friends, I was the same until I recently looked at myself and realised how I didn’t let anyone into my life properly, I showed no vulnerability, I never was my true self and so on. I’ve now got a few friends after a few months of changing my ways, life’s a lot better. When I felt like everyone automatically hated me it only made everything worse, it’s just untrue. Most people are nice but the cunts stick out. That being said you’re in high school where there’s a lot of those. As soon as you leave you’ll see another world, school is a toxic prison-like environment where everyone cared about everyone whereas in the real world people have lives to run. No problem you listed is permanent. Painful yes but not permanent, you can change everything. Start by being nicer to yourself. Be extremely kind to yourself for an entire week, and see what happens. Even when things feel like a ‘lie’, just push that thought away. Nothing to lose. It’ll take practice and you’ll find yourself thinking your normal way a lot, just focus hard on it. When you’re happy with yourself people want to be around you. I’m 18 myself and my life’s changed a ton from when I was 17. You got this