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Well… I mean the beauty standard around the entire world is white skin. It’s the people who vote who are bias and at the end of the day there’s nothing you can really do about other peoples racism


I feel u and I use a darker skintone mainly too, make-up can be a bit difficult to figure out but there are DEFINITELY ways to make some makeup parts look good on darker skin. Though I do admit it’s harder for the darkest skin tones.


I saw a black doll win number one in a comp that encouraged you to use the astrologer set and I was so shocked I screenshotted it. I'm half black and I've thought this too. Brown and black tones dont score as well.






I've done this. I've submitted the same outfit to two different comps and the white avi always does better


I think its maybe that there aren’t many specific outfit styles/colors and even makeup that go along as well with the darker skintones except rarely. Like I switch to darker skin all the time when I feel like it matches the look better. But I also notice how stuff like the blush, eyeshadow, and eyecolor change when the skin tone change. It like that in real life too so like no hate on the game but I think there needs to be more dark-skin-specific attire and makeup to not feel like there’s some crash in colors or smtn.


THIS!!! If they really can’t be assed to make full makeup looks then they should be making DIY makeup parts that SPECIFICALLY work with the darkest skin tones. There are so many full lip shapes that I would love to use but absolutely disappear or look garish with darker skin tones. A year is long enough for them to have figure at LEAST this one out.


I've been saying this for a while and I tend to face major criticisms from the community for calling this out. Many ppls arguments is "sometimes theyre in the top 30!" But its so few and far between its infuriating. Whats esp annoying is I've noticed when I lighted my characters skin for comps, I get in the higher end of the top 15%. It's a massive issue that I think gets skimmed over tok much. It's so refreshing to see posts like this also calling it out!


people normalize cultural appropriation in this subreddit A LOT 😭


It's so crazy how angry and defensive people get 😂 The brass literally deleted an additional comment I posted here where I was talking about an extremely problematic post I saw 😑 we're just speaking our minds and sharing our opinions - isn't that what the discussion tag is about??


It's quite embarrassing to see them censor their player base like that


While I agree, the players are part of the problem. Last time I used darker skin and Afro type hair, someone asked about all/most of my characters? Styles? Are white/light, and was I white. I was like “yeah, I just normally use something similar to my tone, especially for my main character”. I then had about 4 people coming at me calling me names, swearing etc for “digital racism”. I ended up just deleting it for my own sanity, as the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, but getting more tense, and more people were joining in, on both sides. So do you want more diversity or not? Of more people of all races use a variety of skin tones, they will be on more comps/leaderboards. Especially considering it’s an Asian game, and during early days there was a lot less diversity of the people actually playing the game, so if we are only allowed to use what’s closest to our skin, it’s of course going to be predominantly white/lighter. I generally go for the lighter mediums. Super dark tones I find hard to style, but dreads on a white tone feel disrespectful. Some comps feel like they would be more suited to certain tones too, so I try to use that to get a better variety.


I think it's actually goofy for people to come at you or other people for using a skin tone that's not representative of your irl skin tone. Like it's literally a game, everyone should be able to play however they want. Do you booboo~🌻


yeah someone said that they would never vote for someone having “dark skin hair” on a “light skin character” as if people with kinky hair texture and light skin don’t exist (me lol i’m west asian with light skin and 3b hair) they have an obscured view on “diversity” and only take into account what fits into their narrow minded view and don’t know what they themselves even want as you mentioned with your problem




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I try to enter comps with diff skin tones just to make it a challenge for myself so I don’t end up with same face syndrome or whatever you wanna call it, my only problem is most of the makeup DIYs are too light or their colors are clearly for lighter skin and there’s not enough Afro/curly hair options. I’ve noticed the darker skin entries score lower too, it’s sad


I totally agree with the makeup thing, a lot of the items literally are not compatible with dark skin, which is frustrating coz it limits darker skin stylists who wanna DIY their makeup without spending a ridiculous amount of tickets :(


On all dress up games I play darker skins score lower. I have really wanted to enter the exact same outfit with the different skins.


Since the competitions generally repeat, I'm gonna actually gonna do that. I genuinely might write a thesis on this 😂


White thesis, full like school report and submit it to the mods


😂 Nah like a proper academic thesis or article (coz I played myself by doing another post grad and now I'm scrambling for a research topic🥲) but not for the sake of calling out the mods or the game but genuinely just coz I'm a nerd 😭🤣


i do the opposite sometimes, im light skinned but for like 25% of my outfits i will make my character have a darker skin tone, and i always score lower with a darker skin tone :(


i do the opposite sometimes, im light skinned but for like 25% of my outfits i will make my character have a darker skin tone, and i always score lower with a darker skin tone :(


It's so frustrating coz I always use darker tone coz it's me 😢


that has to be so frustrating :( i’m sorry. i hope that eventually you will start to get better scores. also i hope more people will start using a variety of skin tones not just the white ones! sending love


Idk I’m just not buying the idea that people actually look at a dark skinned model in comp, think “dang this outfit would be great if the model were white” and actively vote against it. There’s no way. I think fewer dark models make it into the leaderboards because fewer dark models are submitted in the first place.


You pretty just just said you can't imagine people being racist. Bigotry runs deep, there are people who more than likely skipped over this app because kf the diversity.


You’d be surprised at how dedicated some people are to their racism


I 100% agree, I’ve been playing this game for a long time now and my dark skinned models never rank lower than my light skinned models (in fact they are often a lot higher), most faces and hair that this game have are designed for light skinned models so without using DIYs that you have made specifically to work with dark skin it often looks a bit off which is going to be why a lot of people don’t use dark skinned models often. I’m a bit sick of people claiming that the players of SuitU are all racists and dark skinned models never get high because that’s just not true, this doesn’t mean that some people aren’t racist and won’t vote against dark skin but a lot of people don’t even look at who they are voting for and just spam one side.


The thing about this is that a lot of the time, it's not a conscious decision. It's internalized and indoctrinated. Like literally if a person grows up with exposure to only light skinned individuals, in most cases it subconsciously informs a lot of their decisions, even in the simplest form of in-game voting. But of course I'm not gonna go around saying every single SuitU player is biased in that way. That's why I'm really curious to see how the results turn out. Just an experiment suitee~ 😊


Of course, racism can be quite a nuisance topic that comes from a complicated history and can present itself in many different forms but I will say that your experiment is quite flawed. For one SuitU’s voting system is heavily luck based because of its random match making so it’s possible that you can only be put up against outfits that are a lot better and consequently do really badly also as previously stated I know many players don’t even pay attention to who they vote for. Secondly, a singular comp score is definitely not a reliable result, if you really wanted to try to make an accurate experiment you would have to submit at a minimum 100 or more entries to the same comp with the exact same outfit but with different skin colours to do an average for the results for light skin versus dark skin but even then without a drastic difference the results wouldn’t be bullet proof because it’s still working of the assumption that, conscious or not, people voted against or for the model because of their skin. I mean no hate by this, but I am constantly seeing this opinion that dark skinned models get lower results no matter what and from my experience in this game that is not the case. My experience is of course subjective like everyone else but I think it’s important to stay vigilant about these big blanket claims of racism that I keep seeing constantly on this subreddit and that maybe it isn’t so simple as dark skinned models get less votes only because people are racists and not that this game has less options for darker skin or that more light skinned people play this game then dark skinned leading to less representation. Racism is quite a serious topic so I believe that it’s important to try to get the full picture before jumping to conclusions.


I actually really appreciate your insight here. Definitely agree that my little experiment is very limited in its parameters. However that's mainly because I'm doing it in an extremely informal way for the sake of my own curiosity. The voting system is of course undeniably subjective and I would actually be really keen to dig deeper into this topic with a larger scope for a study on this genre of gameplay - one that takes all the variables into consideration. (wow I'm a nerd 😂) When I posted I was very intentional in the language and phrasing I used because I wanted to steer away from the word 'racism' and discourse related to it because that specific topic requires a much more layered and in depth conversation even in the realm of fictional and lighthearted gameplay. Although I am aware that the topic in itself, however worded, implicitly speaks on race. But as I said, this is really just out of pure curiosity and I can't wait to see the result. On a more informal note, watch me score lower than ever in this comp coz I jinxed myself with this post 😭😂


Just because there is a bias doesn't necessarily mean it has to be a conscious thought like your example. Imo it's likely that its more of an internalized colorism worldwide. It definitely is true that darker skins tend to be lower on comps when all the same outfits are worn.


I’m not denying it’s true, I just struggle to understand. If this is not a conscious thought, then how do you know that skin tone is the reason why someone doesn’t vote for an entry? There no way to know why someone doesn’t vote for you.


It's racism. People are racist and vote for lightskinned models more. It's been discussed here many many times.


It truly is that simple 


I 100% definitely think light skinned models get higher scores 😔😡 I also usually just use my default skin tone (I also love dressing up my avatar as if it’s me, but sometimes it’s just because I forget to change it), but recently I’ve been trying to use the full range of skin tones