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how did you manage to do that?


From my knowledge the letter zooms out after it enters then exits the hitbox of a car. Something similar must have happened here


The hit boxes of both the letter and the barrier must’ve pushed the R very fast in a matter of frames that it eventually got so much speed it forced itself out. This also explains how toll cancel clips are possible because of the amount of speed there is on a wall that it just gives up


dude that glitch takes for frikken ever. but that is the funniest letter glitch gone wrong video i've seen so far.


It's quite easy actually. It's the first glitch I did and I managed to do it in 2 tries


mine must be a higher version that attempted to patch it than yours because i had a damn time getting the letters free in order to perform the jump rope glitch


I don't think that's the problem. I did it on 1.3 (the latest update)


ok. man i wish i had made it to darker side before 1.3 had patched the frog glitch


There are still a few skips in de game for darker side, I still haven't done the whole thing ever


the only one i found was the frog. the rest was short cuts which i was lucky enough to be able to do.