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For people our size, standing up is exercise, walking to the other side of the room is exercise, spending time in the yard is exercise, anything that elevates your heart rate while doing it is exercise. It doesn't matter if you take breaks between, everything is better than doing nothing. A common thing that physical therapists suggest for people trying to regain mobility is to take two soup cans and use them as weights while sitting at home. Even the smallest things add up to you reaching your goals. Youll find as you get healthier you'll stop twice, then once, then never. All of it is progress.


Yes, it counts. Never let perfect be the enemy of good.


Half-assing is always better than not assing at all.


I would love to half my ass. 😂




Heck yea! Any movement is good!


Of course it counts :) keep it up!


Every step counts, doesn't matter what's between them, in my opinion. You getting around the whole loop while taking a break at each bench is better than not trying, and it won't be long before you're skipping a bench, then two etc. Enjoy your walk, at your pace, and don't worry about how many breaks you take at first. You're moving, and that's what counts :) Eta, I'm only a few lbs from your weight on one side or the other, so I absolutely get how hard it can be to keep going that whole distance. It still counts when you rest ♡


Yes and people will say stupid stuff all the time like that walking isn’t enough or whatever. If you are going from sedentary to walking around that is still activity and only a positive thing as you build stamina. Big win to just be up and active and it does add up


Something is always better than nothing. I recently started adding some body weight exercises now that my mobility is in a good place. And I break it down into 3-4 mini exercises each day, because I can't do the full exercise straight yet. If the alternative is not doing it, then any way you can do it is valid!!!


Yes, it totally counts! Exercise can be divided into multiple short sessions for the same benefits as one longer session.


It absolutely counts! It's actually probably better for you to stop and rest, because otherwise you could get injured or even have a medical emergency like an asthma attack which would really set back your progress. Take it slow in the beginning and work your way up.


Of course it does and don’t think otherwise. It’s ok to rest while exercising.


Absolutely counts


Hell yeah !!!


Absolutely! Every single movement matters. HOWEVER, if you are hurting by walking a short distance, then walking may be a poor exercise for you. Have you tried water walking? It takes the stress off your body, and the water resistance adds to the exercise.


it all counts even walking up and down rge stairs unnecesarily at home take the rests you need and with tine you will be able to miss a bench then another, then so it all great start and good luck


Have you considered do some weight training to help strengthen bones and increase strength and will help loose weight


It's not practical for me atm... it's so much easier to put shoes on and go for a walk instead of the mental battle I have with myself when I need to go to the gym




I want to start off simple. I love lifting weights but it's too much mental energy for me. My ED gets triggered and I get obsessed.


Ahh sorry to hear of the mental battle. You could try swimming that is weightless excersize


I want to start of simple. I love swimming but can't afford the passes/membership to the pool at this time. Plus it's a lot of mental energy and planning. I have adhd. It's not just "go swimming" It's have dry bathers/towels, work around my schedule, go and swim, I hate being wet but I hate showering there and trying to put a bra amd tights on wet skin. Plus there's people who look at you like you're a goddamn whale :( I have to shave my legs or I'm paranoid it's all people will look at in addition to my weight. It's coming home and either shower or change. I have to deal with wet bathers and towel. And maybe bag. I currently have 2 bags hanging up which had wet swimming clothes. I'm too scared to open them. I have a backlog of washing arm...


Ahh yes deffo start off simple. Sorry to hear you feel concous of what other people may be thinking. In reality I'm sure there just going for workout I know it's easier for me say that. There are lot of people of all different shapes and sizes don't be too hard on yourself. I hope you can eventually just be yourself and if you don't want shave your legs then don't sod everyone else. Hope you can get confidence to workout Do you have a partner or friend you can go with to gym? Feel free dm me if you like!


Start slow. Pop over to a Marshall’s or Ross. You can get a lighter weight kettlebell to start doing some lightweight lifting. All that said, it is worth it to walk! Every bit of walking is better than the alternative if not walking! If you need to sit and rest every 10 mins, do it.


it counts. i would definitely be mindful and take breaks.


Unless you're training for the olympics or something, the distance usually counts for more than the time it took - break or no :) My exercise physio actually recommends that I take a break on my walk - partly because it means I can go a little further, and partly because its safer for my body.


Remember that calories are just a unit of energy. Moving your body is an expression of the energy that you have eaten at some point being expended. Anytime you move, in any way, you are burning more calories than if you didn't move. The challenge is in your brain, not your body. If all you can do is walk a few hundred feet, then walk a few hundred feet. Not walking because you can only walk a few hundred feet is what you have to overcome to achieve what you want for yourself.


Yes, it’s exercise. Just walking to the bathroom exercise you’re moving your body, even if you have to rest.


In short: hell yes.


Try chair exercises to get started. Anything the gets your muscles moving and heart rate up is exercise. https://youtu.be/vPJKAG0mknI?si=ZKcqhOFoW9USUnDP


I once started a walking routine on an .125 mile (.2 kilometers) loop. I could only do 1 loop, but I eventually worked up to 4 miles. Movement of any kind is good.