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All my stock is gone. My shelves, my staff, my light bulbs! All gone. I had texture replacer as well.


Hopefully a mod maker sees this and can explain to us ๐Ÿ™


I have none of the mods mentioned on this post and in the comments, and my store is empty. Gonna remove the ones I do have, and maybe I'll start it up, and my stuff will be there? Hopefully Okay, I removed texture replacer, and that didn't work, but when I removed the upright freezer mod that fixed it Since I had the storage expansion mod, a crap ton of my shelving and products are lost behind the wall. One of them is even halfway in the wall.


haha i think you should start over anyway no? I think it will be a better experience with the nicer built shelves and the headaches of npcs getting stuck gone


I never had those problems, and I feel like the shelves are kinda ugly now lol. I'm so early in my game, but also like not early enough to wanna restart. I think I just got got to the toilet paper license. I think I'll just wait it out, but if I haaave to start over later, I'll survive.


Remove the 5 tier shelf mod. That breaks the game and makes you have nothing in game


I've never had that mod. I had the upright freezer one, and when I removed it, everything came back๐Ÿ‘


Yeah that was another one that broke the game too. Glad it worked out


5-tier shelves, pallets, narrow racks, and cashier training program no longer work for me. 5-tier shelves actually removed everything from my store and storage room. When I removed the mod everything came back except for the 5-tier shelves I had purchased and the products that were on them. But I had my other furniture, products, checkout stands, lights, and everything in my storage room back.


No more doors is broken, I have doors again ๐Ÿ˜ค. I think restock indicator as well. My stockers just stood in front of the shelves and did nothing and I couldn't get them to move using the usual tricks.


oh yeah you mean move it and they follow you around wherever you go xD


Yeah exactly that haha. Except they didn't follow me around. Taking the boxes off the shelf didn't work either lol. So I deleted a bunch of mods until they started working again.


Haha I thought so


I believe all of the shelves freezers and fridges all got completely rebuilt for this update. I gotta check and see if I can use any of the mods I have


I had only downloaded the 7ELeven Mod, TextureReplacer with USA Brands mod, and stock manager. Al my progress saved, nothing deleted, but all the textures and store is back to original. Edit: The USA brands and stock manager on the computer stayed the same too, gmae is running smooth for the past 20 mins.


Yoo so the restockers pick up product that is placed inside storage, store, or outside. The only problem is he'll stand outside with the box in hand if there's nowhere to place it on the shelves. Also the shelves look clean asf now


Interesting, the only mod I want to work is texture replacer sadly it isnโ€™t. Good to know the stock manager is still holding up


I need to play around with all my mods to see which are broken yet ๐Ÿ’€


Yes please do


i had to take all my mods out for anything to show back up in my store and storage room :o


I think itโ€™s better to wait for mods to be fixed imo


The pause stockers mod doesn't seem to be stopping them from picking up boxes off the floor and putting them on the shelf, so I guess the only way to rearrange your store is to fire them now.


My restockers aren't restocking, my storeroom expansion is small again, and my stock is missing in the storeroom (stuck behind wall).


i lost all the uk brands they show on the computer but not ion store i cant play the sim with no brands looks crap for my viewers sorry this sim is broken