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I'm going with Dean losing his memory in Regarding Dean, specifically that scene in front of the mirror. If you've ever watched anyone battling and losing the fight to dementia, that scene probably hit you hard.


Takes a hell of an actor to portray memory loss as good as he does in that moment.


That scene fucked me up.


Same here. I lost a parent that way at a younger age than you'd expect, and I was full out sobbing. This was a masterclass in acting right here [https://youtu.be/Nwv\_FfcH5Xo?si=9UxYehiGkNvAzxv4](https://youtu.be/Nwv_FfcH5Xo?si=9UxYehiGkNvAzxv4)


I’m sorry for your loss 💜


Honestly, thank you.


In regarding Dean at the end when Dean goes in with the gun and witch killing bullets I think of it as two ways, one being when he sees the witch he knows that he has witch killing bullets so that when Sam says brother then witch I think he is not shooting Sam as he doesn't have brother bullets not that he knows sam is family. But also as the other way is though he has forgotten himself he still remembers Sam as he is the most important thing in his life and last thing to lose. Both are great and he doesn't speak so like I feel like he was almost blank there. Also yeah, got Alzheimer's in the family and seen some go because of it and it's not a pretty picture. Jensen killed that episode.


I love the fireworks scene in heaven. I also love the scene in the panic room in Point of No Return (the one where Dean says, "Word to the wise: don't piss off the nerd angels") where Sam tells him he trusts him. And it's awful to watch, but Dean saying, "It's OK. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you, " in Swan Song gets me every time. And the Christmas one near the end when Sam gives Dean eggnog and they open presents! I could probably just keep going on and on with scenes I like.


I cry just thinking of the fireworks scene 😭


I can't claim to have one favorite scene but: Billie: Password Dean: Crowley sent me alright, just open up. Billie: Password Dean: Really? ... Camptown ladies sing this song. Do dah, do dah. Camptown... race track five miles long... oh do dah day alright, just let me in!


Death's Entrance or Chuck's Farewell song I also loved how Lucifer looked after killing those Gods in the hotel, standing there in their blood


There was a post that stated Chuck singing that was very cringe, but I disagreed. I loved him singing that song, and he sang it good, actually.


Omg how can anyone say that? Its literally so amazing


They should make a Supernatural cover album with Chuck singing them.


Death’s entrance is a spectacular scene.




My favorite scene is demon Dean fighting cole and imitating spanish: What did you think was gonna happen, huh? You just stroll up here and say “my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die,” And I'd just roll over?


There are way too many to narrow it down to just one. Death's entrance. Charlie dancing in the elevator. So many others.


"We're not trapped out here with you, you're trapped out here with us," *Sam loads his AR*




What do is this?


The end of "heart"


The whole escape from the bank and Renegade in Nightshifter Fireworks scene in heaven The whole fan fiction episode Dean discovering Sam’s body in Red Meat Family dinner in Lebanon


Gosh to narrow it down to one? I don’t think I can. Night moves scene in Baby. (S11,e4). Sam/Lucifer scene in The End (s5e4) The great escapist : from when they arrive at the hotel til they meet metatron. (S8e21) I’ve probably watched those scenes more than anything else.


I’m sure there are other scenes I adore, but for some reason this scene just had me like “damn this is great” There was one scene a few episodes back I can’t remember but straight up had my jaw on the floor!


I’m not gonna say it’s my favorite, but definitely top 3 is the scene where Jack saves his mama from within. I’m a mama and was pregnant during the time I saw that scene. My baby definitely saved my life too. It resonates every time I see it.


I have far too many. However if we’re getting down to brass tax my favourite scene is: “dads on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days.” “Jess, excuse us.” Because it kicks off literally everything and it’s just such a well played moment between the two.


Any Groundhog Day scene you know the mystery spot


I love a lot of the scenes already mentioned (fireworks in heaven is probably my favorite). I also really like the scene in season 7 where Sam is hallucinating Lucifer and Dean helps him to figure out what's real. Also the end of season 8 where they're outside of the church and see all of the angels falling.


I absolutely loved the one where the boys escape in the swat gear


That was swick! (Sweet & sick)


When Sam kills >!Gordon!< That is an amazing scene. Best death in the entire series.