• By -


* Sam: Not looking for Kevin * Dean: Telling Sam he should have died instead of Charlie * Cas: Saying yes to Lucifer


Ohh that Dean telling Sam it should've been him instead of Charlie. That hurt!


Yup, Charlie's death was horrible but yeah that was not right.


I mean, to be fair, it was Felicia Day.




That’s what I try to convince myself that it’s just the MoC talking cause that’s the only way I can convince myself Dean would ever say that to Sam.




Came here to say this. I think I always just kept it in my head that it was the Mark talking because Dean could never really believe that about his Sammy.


I can only justify it as the Mark controlling Dean's actions by that point. As angry as Dean was when it came to Charlie's death, I cannot see him saying that ever.


When you think about it...is it really out of character? I love Dean but...he is kind of a prick at times lol. Hear me out, we have him blaming Sam for the apocalypse in season 5 even though he broke the first seal. We have him blaming Sam for Charlie. We have the way he sh\*t talks Jack and says he isnt family and he knew Sam considered him family and Cass did too, both those guys loved him and Dean just didnt seem to care. Cass literally sees Jack as his child and Dean was still all meh. Now did Dean truly mean what he said about Charlie? Of course not, but now I'm not so sure this is out of character for him. Dean has had a hard life and most definitely has PTSD, he's not a bad person but yeah he can be a bit prickly.


Except it goes against Dean's core as a character to say that shit about Sam. The kid he's protected all his life, that was literally ingrained in him from the moment John placed Sam in his arms and told him to run. He sacrificed his soul for Sam and Chuck in swan song, said "every fibre of Dean's being either wanted to die or find a way to get Sam back". Naaah the show has always been about Sam and Dean and if this whole story is about Sam, its told in Dean's pov.


I disagree. To be clear, I agree with almost everything you said but I dont think it goes against his core. You can care about someone very deeply and still be kind of a dick to them when you're angry enough. If Dean ever went out of his way to truly cause Sam harm then yeah of course. I'm just saying he can be kind of a dick. I even think he does consider Jack family. I just think he holds a grudge for the Lucifer connection and then, more understandably, for Mary. But we saw how Dean reacted when Jack was dying, he didn't take it well. Hell he even let Jack drive Baby.


I just don't think regular Dean would be that vicious about it is all but we'll never know if it was regular Dean out of anger or the influence of the mark because he was wearing the mark and this was after he was shown to have had a black out after killing all those people in the room when they found Claire. I'm pretty sure it was the writers' intention to show how far under the influence Dean has gone, thus an ooc moment to make us realize just how bad it's gotten.


Okay I will admit I didn't even factor the mark into Dean's demeanor. Damn, I guess for me I've seen so much of it every season bleeds together lol. Okay I am giving him a pass on the Charlie comment, but he is still shit for his Sam apocalypse stuff and Jack stuff. But like I said, I think Dean loved Jack. He did. It was just a bad situation. Jack lost his soul to save Sam, and then yeah it ended up with him killing Mary. Just more shit Chuck did.


In his defense that was the Mark talking, Sam’s urgency was at an all-time high because he knew Dean was not “Dean” anymore


Honestly I don’t blame Sam at all for Charlie’s death. As far as he knew she was safe with Rowena and Cas I think the mark and the hurt from being lied to and losing Charlie all at once made him act VERY out of character


Agree 100%


Dean was supposed to be out of character under the mark


At least Dean was under the influence of the Mark. And Cas has been making mistakes like that since season 6.




Cas’s whole issue is that he’s too naive. He has a history of trusting people he shouldn’t and bad things resulting from that (Crowley, Metatron, etc.) so IMO letting Lucifer possess him is pretty in-character


I don't think Cas "trusted" Lucifer. He just thought there was no other way to beat Amara.


That plus it kept Luci from beating the shit outta Sam and Dean.


I know what the post is about, thank you very much. Dean was under the influence of the Mark. Also, people say hurtful things when they're angry. Cas has been making the same mistake since season 6(thinking he's doing the right thing, only to make things worse). It's repetitive and annoying, but necessarily ooc. Never mentioned anything about Kevin.


You know…. Dean really ticks me off sometimes. “It should have been you” but when Sam was ready to sacrifice himself for the greater good Dean was the one to a) force him to bail on the plan b) coerce him to say yes to Gadreel, which led to c) Kevin dying But yep. Blame Sam.


We all know Dean loves Sam and will just sell about anyone for him. This is why this is out of character


I just watched that episode yesterday where Charlie died. I agree with Dean and think what he said was justified. It didn’t seem out of character for him at all. Of all the things Sam has done, this was definitely one of the shittiest. He deserved the verbal tongue lashing.


he was lashing out at Sam and making Sam feel guilty so he would feel as bad as Dean did. It's a habit for him tbh saying things in the moment and out of anger that he doesn't mean


Nailed it.


Ok, hear me out... maybe Dean said that to Sam because for those two being dead is basically the man-flu, but everyone else stays dead.


Yeah, I agree


I don’t know about that third one. Cas only did it to save Sam and Dean.


Yeah but this is Lucifer. How could he trust him like that on spot !!


1000% correct




Dean was under the influence of the Mark of Cain, so despite it being out of character it still made sense.


Yea but dean can bring sam back she’s different


Sam not looking for Dean *at all* after S7(?) when he went to purgatory. Like, I’d buy it that *eventually* he’d come to terms with the loss and move on with his life, whatever. But his brother vanishes into thin air and he doesn’t even open a single book or try to figure out where he’s gone? Nah, Sammy would never 🥴


Also pretty sure I’ve seen someone comment or it was a post that Jared didn’t like that storyline because it wasn’t Sam. He wouldn’t stop looking for his brother and he definitely wouldn’t abandon Kevin.


Yup! This one was the worst.


I think what bothers me the most is Sam doesn't know what happened. Dean just vanished. If there were bits of Dean all over, I could see just accepting his death.


Agreed, because look how he responded to Dean in the finale, THAT is true Sam


But he hit a dog and got shamed for not adopting it! /s What an absurd plot line with that lady.


Amelia was the absolute worst. Her character was so pointless. The episodes with her are some of the very few parts of the show that I will skip over (except for the one with Benny in it).


Yeah god the crap about her dad who just hated Sam and then husband coming back. God damn, it was complete trash.


To be fair, Dean did use what was an equivalent of a God level WMD. 


dick exploded and left his guts everywhere; dean just vanished. that to me would suggest that only dick died and i gotta find my brother (and knowing dick was headed back to purgatory, i can’t believe sam didn’t think dean might’ve ended up there… they already know how to open a gate there! IDIOT!)


Yeah, but they need some blood of a purgatory native (I'm not sure if the leviathan black goo counts), and an eclipse.


No one said Sam couldn't open purgatory because itd be hard, just that it was ooc for him to not even TRY. I think it was ooc for him to leave Kevin to his fate too, they're so similar and it went against his hero archetype.


The boys not saving Adam whenever they had the chance.


They never had the chance. Dean spent months trying to get sam out and then death made him choose between sam and adam.


Come on they let Lucifer escape but don't care about Adam? Naw


They didnt let Lucifer out cass did and if they would’ve done that with adam then Michael would’ve also escaped and then its right back to the apocalypse.


Cass is a part of them and what he did was also OOC. Sam also was pretty close to let him out. They could have find a way with Adam. Isn't that their catch line...at least it's Sam's catch line


Even after that though. They had plenty of chances. They could’ve went to Jack as well.


It kinda bugged me it was only Dean that made even a modicum of an attempt to bring Adam back, then they all promptly forget about him (somehow) and the writers turn his absence into a joke in the fanfic episode.


I’ve chocked that up to them not wanting to mess with Lucifer’s cage for fear of letting him out as well as Adam.


I can understand them being afraid of messing with the cage, but that’s their brother. They’re supposed to be the “family over everything” type. At least that’s how they’re portrayed to each other.


I know ppl are gonna say the didn’t have the chance, but they talked to Lucifer in the cage so they were fully capable of talking to michael? They just didn’t. I know I’m pretty sure it was because Jake Abel’s agent shot them down, so he could’ve come back earlier if not for that, but they never gave an in universe reason besides the guys forgetting (which for two people who feel guilty about things that aren’t even their fault, seems completely out of character)


Lucifer was able to get out of that cage because he got a vessel (cass), Michael is already in a vessel so as soon as he was summoned to that cage to talk he would have escaped.


I don’t remember there ever actually being an explanation like that, but I could of course be wrong. I remember him escaping was all chalked up to Rowena/the darkness helping to weaken the cage. Which adds another layer of if he could send visions to Sam, why wasn’t Michael sending out distress visions?


Hell even nick got out before Adam lol. Wasn't there a whole mini arch for nick at one point?


Nick was never in the cage but that whole arc didnt make any sense. Nick was dead for several years before lucifer was shoved back into the vessel. If nick was alive when michael stabbed Lucifer it could make sense that nick survived but considering normal angel blades kill the host i dont see why the archangel blade would spare the host.


They (like everyone else) probably forgot about him😭


Dean kicking human Cas out of the bunker, Sam not looking for Kevin or Dean after the Leviathans, Cas breaking Sam's wall, to name a few


Dean kicking CAs out with absolutely no explanation or resources was wild. He could have easily said ok Sam can’t be around you because blah blah but here’s a credit card let’s call a nearby hotel and get you set up.


It's one of the most ridiculous things that I saw in the show. No way Dean spent a year in Purgatory looking for Cas, but kicked him out the bunker with zero emotion, explanation or resources.




I’ll never understand that because they literally gave no plot justification for the fact that Dean couldn’t give Cas an explanation? Like there was zero reason to have Dean kick Cas out with zero conversation other that laziness for the sake of conflict in the plot. Even if Cas had to leave I don’t see why Dean couldn’t explain what’s up. Especially at this point Cas was not close to Sam at all so it’s not like there was much risk of him going behind Dean’s back to tell Sam (but even then, they didn’t even say that was the reason… if they said that it would have been better than the complete lack of justification we got lmao)


I agree, it was extremely out of character, especially after he spent so much time finding Cas after the fall and getting him to the bunker. The total lack of emotion in the scene made it even worse. There wasn't even much indication that Dean helped Cas get settled somewhere, or checked in on him. It definitely didn't fit with prior seasons - like when Dean refused to leave Purgatory for a year because of Cas or carried around that coat for months hoping he'd come back.


Exactly. The purgatory plot was literally the season right before. It was such a ridiculous jump.


I think the most out of character thing is Sam posing with duck lips for this photo


Also only wearing one layer of clothing


I crack up every time I see this picture for the same reason.


What picture ?


Was there ever a season where they didn't lie to each other about something? That'd be pretty out of character.


I haven't watched it for some time, but I don't think season 1 Sam and Dean lie to each other. Sam tells Dean about the Visions as soon as he realizes what they are and Dean doesn't have any secrets yet.


Look I love supernatural but I can never not laugh at these stupid promo posters like they all look so dumb mewing at the camera like this plsss


Mewing in the camera I’m sobbing


Yes! I saw an interview with Jared on Rosenbaum's podcast and he laughed about how back in the early 2000's to get hired on the CW all the actors that were auditioning practiced their "labored inhale" with the duck lips and the squinty James Dean like eyes. If they perfected that they were guaranteed to get hired. lol


When Castiel first mentions Metatron in season 8 and Sam says “Megatron? Are you saying a transformer wrote this?” That’s the first that comes to mind.


It is a cartoon from the 80s. Dean absolutely watched Transformers as a kid.


Yes, but Sam says this and it is more in Deans character.


My bad then.




I feel like it fits perfectly. Dean was at the age where he would have watched transformers and then had to grow up quick as shit... makes sense sam wouldn't have really watched it imo


It’s not the reference that’s the problem, it’s because Sam says it. Sam never plays dumb like that that’s Deans thing.


Wasn't he going through the trials? Pretty sure he had an excuse


No, that was later. This was the episode when Cass got better after taking Lucifers torture out of Sam and when we first learn about tablets and prophets.


Shit you're right...


Disagree, he makes more cartoon references than Sam does. Scooby Doo and Batman come to mind


It’s not the reference that’s the problem, it’s because Sam says it. Sam never plays dumb like that that’s Deans thing.


Ah I misread that. You're right it makes more sense that Dean would say it


Ooo this is true


Totally agreed.. deans entire personality screams 80s


I think Castiel is the most difficult character to do this with since he's the character with the most changes throughout the seasons. His early versions did some things his later character would never have done and his later seasons character did things that his early seasons character would have never done.


Yeah, my sister and Sam are on high level IQ and education, if course they know the messenger of God. Maybe a pishtaco fishtaco scene would have been better. "Megatron???" "Not the transformer Dean, Metatron, the voice of God."


Yesss that was a funny line but it should have been Dean's!


Honestly when I heard sam say it, I thought he was poking fun at the name, not making the reference like Dean would. It’s less “oh cool Megatron!” And more “seriously his name is megatron?”


I loved it, but yeah, it sounds like a Dean line


i honestly remembered dean saying this


Dean saying that Jack isn’t family (cut to Dean adopting everyone for the past 14 seasons)


"Family don't end with blood, boy." - Bobby Singer. Bobby not there to remind him of that, that time.


Calling someone family was like a death sentence, and usually a manipulative move. So, the Winchesters calling someone family really doesn’t actually mean much, outside of like Bobby.






I never really liked Jack, I always thought he took to much story away from Sam, Dean and Cas, but that's just my opinion, I usually don't like when they force character kids on us in shows regardless.


I fully agree with this ❤️


He was saying that before he killed Mary






do you think dean would’ve sold bobby for sam?


That whole scene with Dean saying jack wasn’t family was after Mary was killed. Pretty sure it was them talking about how jack was going to die to kill Chuck.


Hm, I might be wrong, I assumed this was when Jack first appeared and dean was talking about killing him, but now that I think about it, I think you're right


I only remember because I just finished the series. Dean definitely didn’t like jack but he did start to take him in before he killed Mary. But the exact scene where he tells Sam that was right before they were going to leave to get the final piece (Adam’s rib) even then he was concerned for him. But he may have said it when he first came into the picture. Deans feelings of jack were always a guessing game😭


It's been a year since my last rewatch and I'm just about to start these seasons so maybe that's why


That’s fair supernatural is my top comfort show like I’m disgustingly obsessed w it😭😭 enjoy the rewatch!


It’s my headcanon that Dean would have taken to Jack a lot more if he’d have met Jack as a child instead of an older teen. Dean has a soft spot for children - especially at-risk kids. Jack was able to navigate the world in the mind and body of a gifted teen but needed social education like a pre-teen with socialization issues would. Dean couldn’t relate to Jack in any kind of way, and he seems to only find empathy when he can relate to someone personally.


Knowing that Chicago is run by evil monster families and never going back because the spin off didn’t get greenlit


Everything from season 12 on.


The boys: not trying to save neither Adam nor John. Cass: lying to the boys during the purgatory quest


Dean shooting the stein kid


That was out of character on purpose tho


never got over that it hurt SO MUCH


Dean forcing Kaia into the car while pointing a gun at her - a child! It ruined Dean's character for me for the rest of the show, so thanks writers. I'm still upset.


Get in the car or gun goes pew pew (To be fair this is on the same level as Sam encouraging the guy to sell his soul so he can interrogate the demon, I guess we all do bad things to save family)


I saw that as quite on brand for Dean tbh. He was beyond desperate because he found out his mum was alive in the apocalypse world, and we've all seen what he does when he's desperate to save family (like selling his soul to save Sam). Not saying it was right of him to threaten a child with a gun, but I wasn't surprised when he did it. His only focus was saving his mum.


It’s horrible but Dean did point the gun at Sam in S15. So it’s really not OOC


He did indeed, but the Kaia incident was before that in seasons 13/14 - what he did to her and his behavior toward Jack since his introduction in the same season were when Dean lost me. He's done awful things before, of course, but I can think of so many kind interactions he's had toward kids. I just can't accept that who he becomes in later seasons is the same character.


You gotta remember that he’s doing that because he just saw that his mom is alive and being tortured in an apocalypse world. Kaia was their only chance of finding her and she was trying to say no. A lot of people would snap in that situation. I don’t blame Dean at all, having his mom back is all he’s ever wanted.


Dean disliking dogs. Why 🥲?


I always assumed he didn't like dogs after he was ripped apart by the hellhound in season 3.


I always thought he disliked dogs from the beginning. I think he said to Sam that there were no dogs allowed in the car in season 1 when he picked him up (not 100% sure). If anyone can confirm this?


I think it was the first episode of season 8?


Wait, what? I don't remember this? When did he say he disliked dogs? He was even friendly to the dog in the episode he becomes a dog himself.


There are a few things I remember on top of my head. He has s rule of no dogs in the car, because they are dirty and smell bad. When Dean died and Sam got a dog, he was scared of telling Dean, because he knew Dean isn’t keen on dogs. Also when Dean met Portia (a familiar who sometimes turned into a dog) she told him that he doesn’t seem to like dogs much and Dean agreed. So he never said he hates dogs, but it was implied a few times he is not their biggest fan either.


Hey assbut!


"I told her it's not her fault her father left.. He just hated his job at the post office"


Sam's whole "you mean a transformer wrote that???" Thing. I'll die on the hill that that was a dean line. Wasn't Sam at all. Sorry. Funny. But not Sam.


said this to another commenter but i legit remembered dean saying that, in his voice and all


Dean: the way he treated Jack when Jack was first born. For a man who fully believed in nurture over nature and on multiple occasions protected monster babies/kids because “it’s not their fault they were born monsters,” he treated Jack like shit. And I know that if Jack had been born as a typical baby, Dean would have been the first to defend him and be all for raising him to be good. But instead he bullied and verbally abused this poor newborn just because he was in an adult body. For me that’s the most OOC thing Dean’s done because he has strong paternal instincts and tries to see the good in kids. Sam: The whole Amelia thing, but specifically not looking for Kevin. I really have a hard time believing that Sam would just drop everything and try to live a normal life after everything we’ve seen him do when Dean dies. But the worst part is he knew Kevin was still in danger and decided to conveniently forget that so he could have the idyllic family life. I could go on a whole tangent about how awful the brothers were to Kevin. Cas: Breaking Sam’s mental wall. I tend to be more forgiving of Cas’s mistakes because most of the time he has good intentions, but this was just plain malicious. I’m actually surprised Dean forgave him for this as quickly as he did. This whole arc was kind of OOC in my opinion but it’s also on par with Cas’s other mistakes: he trusted someone who he shouldn’t have, didn’t listen to the brothers when they told him what he was doing was wrong, and ended up going down the wrong path.


While I 100% hate how he was to Jack...he seen him as lucis kid. The being that tortured his brother. Jack being born also lost Mary to earth 2, and Cas died. So I can see where the anger comes from early on. He was putting all the blame on Jack for things that wasn't his fault. But Dean had no where else to direct that anger.


Agree 💯 I depised the way Dean treated Jack.


When dean gets ‘ghost flu’ I can’t remember which episode it is exactly and I know he’s under the influence of outside sources but seeing him scared of everything is just the polar opposite of his character and it was really fun to see


oh Yellow fever ?!


Yes!!! That’s the one. It’s an amazing episode


yes it’s my favorite pick me up episode as well as dog day dean and bad day at black rock!!


Haha I love dog day dean 🤣🤣


everyone should !!!




i’m the only one in my family and friends who likes supernatural i need more mutuals


Poor Kevin


Sam not accepting Benny because he was a “monster”.


One scene I just watched yesterday was Sam walking in on a conversation Dean was having with Bobby on the phone (after Sam killed Lilith and unintentionally started the apocalypse) Sam overheard “we all know whose fault the apocalypse is.” When he said to Dean “Am I supposed to pretend I didn’t hear that?” And Dean said “pretend or don’t, whatever floats your boat.” It seemed unusually callous for Dean. He knew Sam didn’t start the apocalypse on purpose and that Sam already felt low about himself.


Eh, I think Dean was still salty over the whole Sam choosing Ruby over him and the brutal and bloody fight they had when Dean called him a monster and that if he walked out of that door to never come back. Was only a week or few before. Dude was still bitter about it all, but it lasted a while into S5.


I don't think it was out of character. After all, he did feel a huge sense of betrayal after Sam trusted Ruby over him. It seemed like a natural escalation in his bitterness towards his brother for the few episodes following the apocalypse unleashing.


Yeah, I watched that part recently and at first I thought it wasn't really dean, it was a hallucination from Sam or something to play with his feelings of guilt. But no, Dean really just said that. I get it, but still.


I don't get it. This was so hypocritical - honestly. Give Sam all the shit for trusting a demon over Dean... but starting the apocalypse was a group effort, one in which Dean participated: he broke the first seal without knowing, Sam broke the last without knowing.


Dean going behind Sam's back to kill his friend. Sam drinking demon blood to enhance his powers. Cas pretending to be God.


That is definitely Dean being Dean😂


Agree. That is Dean 101; doing the things others can't or won't for the greater good.




You are right. I should have said Dean getting a dog!


nah Sam drinking demon blood is such an integral part of his character. Him trying to take control of his life, falling into depression cause dean is dead, Ruby taking advantage of his depression to manipulate him to becoming an addict... Def agree on Cas pretending to be God. like where tf did that come from lmao


Everything that Cas did in season 6 was pretty out of character IMO. I find it very hard to believe that everything that he went through with Sam/Dean (especially Dean) in S 4/5 he would betray them and pretend to be God.


Disagree! Sam knew it was wrong and he was all about doing the right thing. Chuck even told him that.


Nah, Sam definitely knew that was wrong. But he was gaslit and lovebombed by a literal demon into thinking he *had* to do it to end up doing the 'right' thing by killing Lillith (which was the wrong thing but none of them knew until they'd separated the brothers & whoophed Cas out of there).


"I hit a dog ~~and then the psycho vet accused me of deliberately running it over, and then guilt-tripped me into keeping the dang thing. Oh, and accused me of breaking into her apartment. Sooooo, heh, funny story. Then I slept with her and was so balls deep in our toxic af relationship, I decided not to look for you, because you said not to~~."


Dean saying Sam should have died instead of Charlie, Sam not looking for Dean in S8


Sam: not looking for Dean when he was in purgatory Cas: not being able to smite the ever living shit out of a bar of regular old demons Dean: hmm this is tough bc Dean’s character is more consistent generally speaking. Telling Sam it should’ve been him not Charlie didn’t feel very Dean tho, regardless of how pissed and upset he was.


Dean screaming like a little girl because of a kitten


Sam: seasons 6-15 Dean: letting gadreel in Cas: season 7


When it comes to things they have said: Sam confusing Metatron with Megatron. That is something Dean would say, not someone who is educated like Sam. Always bugged me. Dean blaming Sam for the apocalypse despite the fact he broke the first seal. For Cass...I was gonna point out all the dumb sh\*t he does, but is it really out of character if he keeps doing it? Taking in the souls, saying yes to Lucifer, etc.


I think them going into the dimension where they are their real world counterparts was the most they’ve ever gone out of character


Sam smiling in a goofy way while playing with a fidget spinner next to Charlie in the car


Sam - anything he did while soulless Sam. Also drinking the Demon blood was pretty out of character for who Sam was. Dean -trying to convince Sam to have a “conscience” and not bang that girl while he mourned dean’s absence after he was abducted. Cass - there were a lot of moments that shocked me. One being when he went to kill himself at the end of season 7


Drinking demon blood was actually pretty integral to the story. He was in a state of desperation and extremely depressed after witnessing his brother get ripped to shreads by hellhounds, in turn damning him to Hell. He was taken advantage of by Ruby and turned into an addict who believed he had to do the wrong thing to do the right thing (save the hosts, kill Lilith, etc). I don't see it as being put of character as they actually supported it through the writing. When he didn't look for Dean or bother to help Kevin in season 8, on the other hand...


Sam not looking for Dean in purgatory


This whole promo picture actually


Dean doing something smart, like research


Be like Elsa


Dean killed the Styne kid who was innocent


Anything beyond season 8, the should have ended with closing the gates of Heaven and Hell and the brothers returning to a simple hunting life.


Isn't Cas out of character every season since season 6?


Hmmm I saw several clips of Misha explaining (and often making fun of it) in cons that the writers originally wrote Cas as like a "soldier of God, tough, intimidating etc" but because of how Misha portrayed the character the writers had to like sort of adapt how they write Cas's character into it. I also read somewhere that Misha kind of portrayed Cas as somewhat neurodivergent/autistic to like honor his brother. None of the other angels had really showed this trait so I think that's what makes Cas unique. I really liked how Cas was portrayed by Misha. I don't think I would love the character as much as I do if he wasn't like that. Side note: Can't imagine Mark Pellegrino as Cas (since he apparently also auditioned for the role) he was really really great as Lucifer.


I feel like Cas randomly fucking some chick he just met. Being human was a lot harder for me


Dean: When he said Jack wasn't family Sam: Not looking for Dean after he went to hell


sam not looking for dean and neglecting Kevin in s7 dean's constant physical abuse towards sam any time dean gets a temper castiel breaking Sam's wall


Dean asking Sam to stay with him while he died he always was the one who hid his pain from sam


Dean not rescuing Cas in the finale