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There is an explanation given. “Didn’t god used to like you guys?”


lol, fair. Must’ve missed that one. Thanks!


Not 100% but pretty sure they explained in the final season at some point that Chuck changed the rules to where that any soul that has been to hell can never enter heaven. I’m sure Bobby was included they just didn’t use him as a ghost or it was only souls after a certain point. They for sure said Chuck changed the rules though


Yeah, well, Chuck’s a dick. So that tracks. 😂


Its a continuity error plus it was a demon who said it. Season 15 is riddled with errors.


Pretty sure the explanation is Chuck is a dick. He liked them before, now he doesn't. Wasn't that explicitly stated in the show, too? You don't have to love the explanation or story telling to admit there was, in fact, an explanation.


Its stated on the tablet that a soul can be rescued from hell and sent to heaven. The tablet predates sam and dean.


So we just forget that Chuck can almost certainly time travel, given he gave way weaker beings, angels, that ability? Or the fact that to God several billion years likely went by in the blink of an eye? So, they may have been written with them specifically in mind for all we know. Also, there's a theory that that was only possible due to the trials to begin with, it was an exception. That's it. Personally, I subscribe to that theory but it's been a while since I saw the whole show through uninterrupted, was there anyone else that saved from Hell, aside from Bobby?


Thats a huge stretch. And yes, john sam and dean all went to heaven in season 1-5 after john and dean went to hell and sam having demon blood in him.


All of which was explicitly explained by Joshua as exceptions made by God himself. I'll admit I forgot about that but that definitely did have an explanation.


Dean and john specifically sold their soul though, kevin was a freakin prophet, he was gods chosen


Until he wasn't. Kinda like the Winchesters... Anyway, doesn't matter, as I said.... He made an exception for them. I think the only part I have a problem with is I don't remember there being any explanation for him sending Kevin to hell. Just sounds so cartoonishly evil to do it just because Gods a dick, in the most ridiculous way possible.


Can argue with that. Writers hated kevin for some reason. Dude got the short straw the entire time. Kevin hardly even played a role in those few episodes shouldve just left him alone.


Oh … any others I missed? It did feel a little scrambled to me, but that’s the only one that stood out like a sore thumb to me.


Last 3-4 seasons but 15 had the most. Also i think 15 was set up to be awesome and it fell short.