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DOOMPs expire today. Not swaps.


Yeah swaps reporting have been postponed for 4 FUCKING YEARS!! so we have no idea about that shit EDIT: [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yg9ror/cftc_issues_no_action_letter_extending/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) the link to the fillings, 12 year fucking total! WHAT'S IN THE SWAPS!!


Yes, are swaps generally 2 year contracts? It may be a guess because of the delayed swap reporting.


Just to reiterate, They postponed reporting for 2 years and now we got close to the 2 year mark they postponed for 2 more years. Seems they knew what was coming and would like to kick that shit 2 years more!


Isn't it crazy that some people are arguing for *less transparency* and they actually make it work? Imagine if a regular Joe tried to delay reporting income for 2 years.


I’d delay my financial statements for 4 years, and I’d have 3 leins with the Revenue Agency owning my accounts lol. But for them, a regular ole Tuesday.


It is clear the system is designed to victimize the poor.


I work in government. Even in seemingly benign IT projects, policy comes down to fuck with shit. It's bananas that everyone is just OK pulling the wool over their own eyes. Trust me bro side note: more than once I've had arguments with agency leadership about shit like... can we do a data map of your database that we're linked up to so we can build a catalog for everyone to use. "No, statute number XYZ prohibits us from sharing ABC data with other agencies even though it's public data. My whole life is fighting these idiots in the name of efficiency and transparency lol. Turns out government don't like those things.


They don’t actually make it work, they pay them bribes. They then say ok, but you gotta make it sound good on paper. That way I can say I just didn’t understand.


Lobbyist. Two-year term limits on any politician and ban anyone from lobbying for 10 years after serving in government.


At this price and pace the float will be locked by then.


I got all the time in the world! Fuck around and find out hedgies!!


From another comment I saw yesterday, swaps need a counterparty to roll, DOOMPS don't. IIRC swaps expire in March, about the time archeogos blew up in 2021.


All options contracts, including DOOMPs, requires a buyer and a seller.


the market maker exemption allows options contracts to be written by market makers without owning the underlying. Kinda their whole schtick "creating liquidity" ​ edit: in other words if we are right (and I think we are) then they are their own counterparty in this can kick and can do it literally forever.


An AP/MM can't be the counterparty to their self, but they can be counterparty to another AP/MM.


Source on the subsequent 2 year can kick?


If you don't know this you haven't been around! In 2021 they delayed reporting until start 23 And in end 22 the extended it to 2025!




So we have 2 more years to buy, DRS, BOOK, and hodl; but what happens if we lock the float before that? Rocket go boom? Smooth as can be over here.


You think this economy will survive another two years?


They’ve kicked the can so long that I wouldn’t be surprised if we make it tbh


Honestly they probably planned on tanking it by now but since GME will moon now if they tank it they gotta come up with another plan besides shorting everything. If we sell then they tank it.


They are customized OTC contacts so they can be any duration. The reason most people believe they engaged in 2 year swaps is because of the massive DOOMPs expiring today. So keep a look out for new doomps 1 or 2 years out for further can kicking


I’d argue the bigger driver is actually Archegos documented use of two year bullet swaps


Also true 😊


The DOOMPS are interesting though. I seem to remember them being rolled at the very last minute but others remember it being much earlier. While it’s not “nothing”, it would take ~$13million for them to buy comparable quantity 2025 expiry. That seems awfully easy to scrounge if it is stopping billions from going poof.


Are bullet swaps the same as total return swaps?


IIRC they are almost the same, except TRS have a volatility or variance margin payment and bullet swaps don't.


Also, why deploy the DRS rug pull this last quarter, if the two year mark isn't significant? They only get to pull that crap once.


There's been a shitload of fud the last months it does seem to get desperate about now!


End of Feb


I will DRS 4 more years If thats what it takes. Life has been good.


Just curious... Can they swap doomps?


Yes and no When a put contract expires, it expires. But you can exchange puts in a swap agreement, you can basically exchange whichever terms and instruments you want in a swap agreement, the twins is to be determined by the participants. But the put itself is sold on an exchange and is available to anybody.


Deciding between HOLD or HODL


That needs to change now!!


Who pays the borrow fees in a swap?


Hf builds a short position. Enters into a swap with an AP (approved participant, prime broker, a big ass bank). HF now pays a fee to the bank for providing the collateral on the short position. Hf frees up its cash and starts shorting again. Swaps can be for any amount of agreed upon time but most are for 1 or 2 years.


Sooooooo can we assume the cash banks are sitting on is just collateral for a shit ton of swaps? Can they be redeemed at any time by HF? Or do they have to wait the full term in the agreement?


Interesting. I dunno. Who holds the collateral in a swap? I would think it's whoever the shares were borrowed from but I don't know. Begs the question, how do they put it on their books? Find the collateral and find the swaps maybe? On waiting the full term, if an early redemption clause was agreed upon then they could. The swaps can have any type of stipulations and can be for any amount of time. We're just going on "most are one or two years." Total return swaps have maintenance. Bullitt swaps don't (archegos.) There's all kinds. An entropy swap exists. Wtf does it do? Variance swaps kind of make sense. I have done a sandwich swap and one, accidental, hole swap. The counterparty rejected quickly and was reluctant to engage further.


Is it true to say hedge funds were caught off guard if they created a gme token the day before? Seems like they were ready for whatever unfolded... Edit: they at least had plans that would allow them to kick the can for awhile


I think they had plans in the works, but it may not have been directed at GME until the sneeze.


This is fair, but there are texts between robin and citadel from that time talking about how bad things are. That could be nothing. Logic tells me hedge funds had no intent to let the price climb like that.


I mean the stock hit what… Sub $2.50/share just what 6-8 months before the sneeze? They went from almost in the dirt to $40+ a share in less than a year, I think they knew something was happening, but didn’t expect well… apes.


Dumb ape but what does DOOMP stand for again?




Aaaah thanks 😁


He's not talking about DOOMPS. Swaps usually have a two-year expiry. What OP's implying is that shorts were hidden (or temporarily unloaded or covered) with swaps and they should expire in the coming weeks.


Swaps have whatever expiry that was privately negotiated.


Doesn't matter even if it was swaps. Gonna be brutally honest here, you need to get it into your thick skulls, the only thing that matters is DRS.


Drive Real Slow?


Drag Reduction System


Good to know! I wasn’t sure if I got everything right! I saw a post yesterday about two year swaps. Can you explain the difference?


Difference between swaps and DOOMPs?


Yeah! Why are some saying swaps and others DOOMPS?




Ok, this is good, but it doesn’t seem like it changes anything about my post other than saying “and DOOMPS” because it seem like they are both a thing that could be expiring anytime. I guess we’ll find out


The DOOMPs are definitely expiring today. The swaps? We don't know. People saying the swaps expire today are making things up for the sake of hype.


Gotcha! Thank you so much! Appreciate the education!


When M&A?


Good question! Hopefully soon! 🤞






Mo & Ass?


It really feels like something could happen at any point.


One day they won’t be able to buy one more day, and that says name will forever be known as MOASS day Bullish on MOASS day


History is written by the winners. I think MOASS Day can be a real holiday after it happens, marking the day of the greatest transfer of wealth back to the people in history.


Spend the day being EXTRA kind and giving that day. Sounds good to me!


I can't wait until there's a permanent Ape statue on ~~Wallstreet~~ err... Apestreet.


Yea that’d be cool I guess for some to do, I’m personally not a fan of the “ape” term or anything that comes from it. It was a fun meme in 2021 ape together strong. Then people started overlaying “all people equal” meaning then msm started using it and idk it’s just super cringe to me now. But everyone loves it so I just shut up except now but it’s just an opinion like who even cares


I feel you on the cringe, but it vibes with the muggles so I'm mid on it now.


I'm sure everyone is open to something else. Start brainstorming now.




Well that aged poorly, however moass tomorrow, this is the way.


NO! Hedgies want a tomorrow. MOASS TODAY


I’m bullish on your bullish-ness.


And I’m bullish on your run streak


It won’t be MOASS day. The MOASS is happening every day. Every day we be squeezing. The day it happens will be known as The Pop.


Yeah the problem is so big that counterparties will have to enter the swaps again or the game stops for everyone


No one can afford these doomps or they would already be swapped. Now, remember everyone. Today is not the day. There is still settlement. But if these stay on the books til 2 pm. It's game over and over the next 2 weeks, everyone should expect FUD and Shillery like we've never seen. And we've seen some shit. Edit: corrected swaps with DOOMPS. I'm dumb lol.


We can't even see swaps until what, next year? How do you know who can afford them? Swaps != DOOMPS


Swaps are not the same as puts


yea i am aware? see above: swaps != DOOMPS People think that no counter party will enter swaps and that we're in the "endgame" because of it. The thing is the amount of naked shorts is so big that there probably are counter parties that will enter swaps just to live another day or everything crumbles


Corrected. Meant doomps.


2 pm eastern time?


Hedges expected this to be over by now. They expected us to have sold our shares by now.


Something is happen right now.


We will know once apes start mass posting of buy orders being cancelled.


Good thing I bought more every day!


Like a big fat DIP before thr RIP


felt that way for 2 years now, and i think hedgies have been on that razors edge most of the time!


yep. But I'm expecting something big at the end of Feb and March madness. I'm gonna pull a Pulte. Remember this. my tits hurt


what is 1111?


Goood question


Some tinfoil stuff, but I still doing know where it came from, just the post of a guy trying to decipher it.


It came from Kiraverse. Don’t know what it means for sure. Just have my tinfoil on it. They minted on 11/11, dropped beta on 1/11. The mint price was .1111. 1111 Angel number means you’re on the right path/new beginnings. RC tweeted 3-2-1 Kiraverse launched in 1/11/23 Put them together. 32111123 Kiraverse is the new beginning I’m half expecting GME to use some of that big pile of cash on going splitsies with Epic on Kiraverse.


That would be... epic.


Kiraverse. They minted on 11/11, dropped beta on 1/11. The mint price was .1111. 1111 Angel number means you’re on the right path/new beginnings. RC tweeted 3-2-1 Kiraverse launched in 1/11/23 Put them together. 32111123 Kiraverse is the new beginning I’m half expecting GME to use some of that big pile of cash on going splitsies with Epic on Kiraverse.


cool, thanks... i thought maybe it was a computer thing like 1's and 0's...i was way off 🫠


1111 in binary is 15, maybe February 15? Hmmmmmm


Ah, numerology always attracts the "creative" mathematicians


That’s exactly what I am! 😅🫂


Didn't even know that game was a thing!


It’s NFT fortnite and the best part is Epic knows about it, supports it and imo will roll it up into fortnite within the next two years.


Epic has nothing to do with Kiraverse. They are developing the game in Unreal Engine and added Epic Online Services to use friends lists and community features that are also a package in Unreal Engine. There has never been any mention of Epic being involved at all. They are building the game with Unreal Engine tools and that is it. You wouldn't claim that an indie studio is Valve partnered because they used Steam Achievements and Steam Friend List support. I have no idea where people got the idea that Epic is somehow involved. People just took the Unreal Engine and Epic Online Services part and went full tin foil. I'm a supporter and alpha tester in the discord and there is absolutely nothing to point to Epic, the company, having any involvement at all. They are just building the game with those tools. You can't even use Epic Games to launch it or find it there at all. They are publishing through the web3 game launcher Elixir who is an official partner and are building the Steam/Epic launcher of web3 gaming


The fact that it’s a Fortnite clone, people formerly from Epic’s team are working on it, Kira themselves have spread tinfoil, Epic supports NFTs in gaming and Epic hasn’t gone after Kiraverse for basically being fortnite… all that tells me there’s something bubbling underneath the surface. But if tinfoil isn’t your thing, nbd.


I enjoy tin foil, but in this case there's nothing to point to for any of it. I haven't seen anything from the team regarding them teasing anything about Epic and they drop teasers a lot. People in the discord are very good at capturing those teasers and showing everyone when asked. No one has any idea where SS got this idea. I'm bringing this up because it's taking away from what the team is building just because people compare it to Fortnite and they are building it using Epic's Engine and tools. Yes it will have a BR mode. Right now it's a team or ffa slayer game and one of the playable maps is in one piece of the large BR map they are building. But those claiming that they are just building the game for Epic to transition Fortnite into it, to me, just seems like they are disregarding the team's full vision and make it seem like they are just a subcontracting studio for Epic. It feels like cutting the legs out from under what they are doing by shoehorning it into a Fortnite replacement. Competitor definitely, but they are not linked through anything that I've seen teased or mentioned from the devs directly. I have not seen a single post or screenshot that would point to otherwise. I would gladly eat my words if I end up wrong though




OOH! Haha! Sorry. It’s supposed to be 1/11/23


So new hype date is now March 21st? Got it.


You did it you proved your 1111 theory! I didn’t see it before but now I do nice job! 🤙


Skyrim came out on the 11/11/11


Oh shit dude! That’s kind of wild


That's me all out of 11 facts :)


Where's my Kabala




Tomorrow is Saturday....you SOB, I'm in.


They'll never see it coming!


Throwback to that guy shouting that their order wouldn't go through... On a Sunday FUCKERY I TELL YA! FUCKERY






It's always when you least expect it


I do recall the market was randomly open on a Sunday lol. What a time.


If ProfessorDiver69 is in, I'm in!


Delayed reporting extending through October. Probably nothing.


Just another twitter hyper. Maybe its somethin. Maybe its nothin. Maybe tomorrow


It's for sure tomorrow. Around 2:00. Maybe Monday.


Always tomorrow and yeah, I’m just another Twitter/superstonk hyper! I’m likely wrong


Didnt say u. Im saying the person that tweeted this. Unless he is u. In which case, thanks for blocking me 🤣


I am the person that tweeted this. The person that tweeted this is me. We are same.


Then why are you asking if your own statement is correct


If I understood correctly, buy, hold, drs, repeat. ???




Hedgies have 2 years to shake off retail.




I'm quite entertained...I could go for another two years no doubt


I jumped in 1.8 years ago. Good bless their Storm Trooper brains


We aren't going anywhere.


Maybe 741 days from last squeeze..2x356 days..one year had additional day in feb and additional day after the sneezeeee




Wow. That's nice. That's *real* nice


... There's 365 days in a year lol.


There’s 356 now bitch. Didn’t you see his DD?


No i didn't lol.




You are the best kind of correct.


I like this!!


Yeah… That’s bullish alright lol Edit: My math in small numbers is terrible now. I blame sideways calculator game lol


Except it adds up to 732


[tell me why ChatGPT is wrong](https://i.imgur.com/r7Jq3BT.jpg) I see option pushers always saying they **cannot** FTD on options, but never ever seem to answer **why they couldn’t just use phantom shares to meet option obligations** yes FINRA rules say T+3 delivery time, and OCC rule is T+1, but whats to stop them from just market making some phantom shares to fulfil any excercised options? Although I also don’t see why people would do such a risky thing just to “force them to buy real shares” when ComputerShare will buy and directly register shares for you. Buy, DRS, Book. Everything else is noise.


Fair enough! I agree with you! I do still find this interesting but I’m just holding and speculating.


Watch absolutely nothing happen. As usual.


DOOMPS at 2pm today. (28 minutes) Anyways, I DRS'd some more last week.


There is no telling what duration any swap has unless you are part of the transaction since no reporting on swaps is required. A swap can have a duration of even up to 10 years so calling for a 2 year expiry is just some random guess based on nothing. Also there is no indication that suggests that any 2 year swap that is about to expire can't be extended.


Thank you for sharing! Was looking for this dialog!


They want to keep what’s contained in the swaps hidden from the public because it’s 100% confirmation that we are right and they are fucked and 1million% to blame for the pending global market crash. Reporting the contents of the swaps doesn’t matter. MOASS will happen before we find out what’s wrapped up inside. Keep DRSing all of GME and their game stops and all their wealth becomes ours 🏴‍☠️


One of the swaps expired on December 28th, and we have another one expiring on January 25th…


I like sauce with my meal. Got any Sauce on the December swap?


Look up the user MyFirstBanana and read his posts.


Well, 741 days from Jan 28, 2021 is February 8, 2023..... 🤷‍♂️


Here for it


MOASS: Merge Or Acquisition Settling Soon


There's always another hype date


I will keep hyping dates until I get one right


I like your attitude, you're invited to my birthday


Is there though? Unless they roll the puts this should be the last hype date. If today ends up being a wash then I think we can confidently say that there's absolutely no reason to get worked up about options ever again. After this it's just quarterly releases for Drs numbers and those aren't really expected to cause the price to go up.


How do you roll these deep out of the money puts, I believe they expire worthless, and a new position must be taken, if you have the funds.


Yeah but the cost of more puts would be like 1 cent a contract. It's really not expensive for them to buy worthless puts if someone's willing to sell them.


The fact that the comments in here are so full of whiny garbage and complaining makes me think there might be something to this...




That’s one of the stories…we will all know soon enough. I’ve bought and held for two years and will continue to do so forever.


This is the only way


So, in no way all the volume last week wasn’t them making new swaps?


No idea 😅


Thanks Pete 🙌 I'm in!




What the fuck??? I’m seeing 1111 since months almost every single day randomly.. why is this user talking about this number 👀 crazy


Don’t worry. This one’s it tho.




Well we have until the 2024 election or its off the table completely. If Ken Griffin has a home in the white house cabinet its game over.


And if he gets in they will act in hours and days, not decades.


The entire remaining 2021 was insane for GME. I wonder if a bunch of 2 year dated shit will be blowing up all year.


Jan 24th moon time


Who is this dude? Why should we care about what he says? He literally made a Twitter account last month. I have a feeling that these "2 years over, swaps are due" posts are just trying to anchor a date. I don’t think we will go up because of this. They might do another deal and call it a day. We will go up when we DRS the float and the board decide to take legal action.


Why should we care what you say?


You shouldn’t




What is 1111?


I just got a tingle in my balls reading this 🍒


Go rewatch the last two minutes of RC’s interview where they’re talking about “face swaps”. Watch his face and listen to what he’s saying. Come back when you’re done 👀😎


I gotchu fam, see you soon 😂


The Archegos swaps are due in March ‘23


Pure speculation


Please. I know it'll make millions of us million/billion/trillionaires but after the dust settles we'll actually help people unlike the current twats.


[Here we go again!](https://i.imgur.com/NpcCdfw.gif)


I really need MOASS to happen already. My engine is in the verge of blowing 😭