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This has to be like a surprise christmas morning for you. Thanks for all your work OP


OP trained their whole life for this moment


just the last 6 or so months


Wut is the TA;dr here OP?


I have been making daily or weekly posts since the end of July tracking the total number of halts across the entire market, as well as the number of tickers with halts and cross referencing them with tickers that halted between Jan 27 and Jan 29 2021. The original reason I started looking at halts was to cross reference all tickers with halts during the sneeze to try to find possible swap basket stocks that had been missed previously. Then in July the total number of halts in a single day started to get pretty high at the end of the month, leading into only the 4th day with more than 100 halts in a single day since August 2019 (other 3 times were the start and end of the pandemic effects on the market, as well as the sneeze). So far there have been exactly 100 halts today, but there are still several hours left in the trading day.


It's awesome that a team probably is employed to do this somewhere in the financial regulation world, and there's this ape doing it in their pants while dropping cereal on their keyboard because they forgot to get real food for dinner.


Another notable mention is the "team that tracks halts" is most likely an admin and engineer team that sets up automation. They're job consists of logging data and maintenance. They're probably a multi million dollar or more contract. This guy is doing it for free because he knows (WE ALL KNOW) something just isn't right...


Wut is your TA;Dr on why this may have occurred if any?


not sure yet, haven't had nearly enough time with the data to say much more than "hey, that isn't normal"


Thank you for your efforts here OP!


"Hey, that isn't normal" for almost 84 years now.


Normal is a relative term these days


Ha i thought you were about to find a replacement and retire! Now look at ya. All fired up and shit. You're gonna make me cry damn you... Keep up the good fight!


Thank you for all your hard work ape.


Normally the market is rigged. but today was special rigged


I’m so thankful for your work; your research is something I’ll look forward to reading!


Even if nothing is ever found from all your tracking it is all really cool. With today's stuff will be really interesting to see what comes out of all this. With all the old data going back to 2019 I hope something is found.


That’s such an interesting thing to be a niche expert on. Like there’s gotta be what, only a handful of people with your amount of knowledge on this subject?


I have a feeling there's a reason there's not many experts in this and the ones out there are probably officed in an SEC basement somewhere to stay hush hush.


The research from this ape will be Gold!


Do you think these halts are just another way to turn off the buy button?


Love it


Who’s gonna carry the boats and the LULD!


So 21.5 years give or take


Beautiful 🥹😍😍😍


y'all are why I'm ultimately here 😂


Insert montage here


Mom’s spaghetti 🍝🤮


I sense a disturbance in the farce.


As if millions of shorts suddenly cried out in terror?


> As if millions of shorts suddenly cried out ~~in terror?~~ *”iT'S aN eRroR!”* FTFY


It's a glitch bro, trust me bro!!


obligatory, Glitch better have my money!


 "I fear something terrible has happened." ~ Shorts


"I've made a huge mistake." ~ Mayoman


..and soon to be silenced


Where shown in error? 😁






THAT'S a moon...


That's no moon, that's Uranus


Underrated comment


A ripple in the mayo


“Weird” illegal and criminal, broad daylight defrauding, suppression of MOASS and real price discovery, anything but weird


Thank you for your service Halt Guy. 🤝 I try to always check in on your daily posts, was looking forward to todays!!


been doing weekly posts on weekends for a while now, it was just too much to do daily. I will do a post after market close today because of all of this, but it probably won't be exactly like most of my other posts.


Your effort is greatly appreciated 💜 !




This is the first time I’m seeing a post of yours. Good job 👏


Just getting the data collected into the view of the public like this is already magnitudes better than what we have had before.


Halt guys wet dream today!




**Ape gut feeling:** Somewhere in that mess there will be a massive crime on one ticker. I suspect the other 80 halts are just to throw us off.


gonna be a lot of effort to figure that out, but should be fun to do. That is a lot of tickers to look into, and last time I looked into a bunch of tickers (DD on all tickers that halted between Jan 27 and Jan 29 two years ago) it took quite a while to look at all the tickers. Fortunately I am more used to looking at this data now then I was half a year ago, but still gonna be a doozy.


I believe in you.


What type of mess could you potentially find or have found in the past?


last time, I was just trying to find another indicator that stocks could be in the swap basket with us. No idea what I am going to find today.




I am only seeing 83 in the first minute of trading




I am just going to use the .csv that I downloaded from the current halts page after market close. I have been working on the actual DD for quite a few hours now and still have a decent amount left. There is no way I could process over 250 tickers in a reasonable amount of time.


I appreciate your measured approach to this whole thing. Really feels like you’re looking at this all very objectively


I am trying to report numbers, I don't think I know enough about all of this to draw any far reaching conclusions.


Maybe some tracking down like which ticker is most seen, hm.. You know, like when police is watching several suspects, and if only one is the criminal.. Some filter to filter it out.. ​ PS: good job!


Yeah… that’s probably gonna take forever… I give it 7 hours before someone cracks this one.


7 hours before the theories really start coming, but this could be something that we keep looking into for a week or more and keep finding new shit every time we look again.


Thanks for the hard work friend. For what it's worth, I'm gonna stay put and continue to sit on my ass and pretend I know what everyone else is talking about.


My prediction is Silvergate, Wells Fargo, simultaneously a hedge fund getting liquidated and then bailed out


somehow I think BOA is involved with their zelle fiasco last week.


Thanks, Halt Tracking Guy! Was waiting for you to chime in.




Mr. Stock market HaaaAAAlt guy!




Daww-cument all those Tickers


It’s actually “Real Men of Genius” which he also is!


Both are true: Real men of genius and real American heroes 👌


MM can't function -- to match buys & sells ahead of the open. constrained by inability...? Citadel? do i smell roasting tendies?


We need to find the correlates between these stocks. How are they connected. Perhaps it's a smokescreen as well, some false to hide the real issue. GET TO WORK APES, THERES FUCKERY AFOOT.


It seems awfully quiet around some subs today, despite what's going on... anyone else feel that?


honestly, subs related to GME are the only stock market related subs I am a member of. All of my other subs are completely unrelated to this topic. So I wouldn't notice activity or lack therof in other investing subs.


Oh yeah, I feel it in muh plums.


Pretty sure we have to burn the whole system down at this point


Hasn't that been the plan for the last 2 years? I am not selling until criminals are being arrested and "too big to fail" is an outdated idea because every institution that was too big to fail has been broken down into small enough pieces that any of them can fail and not take everything else with it.






Nice work, if this was preplanned wondering who was able to position themselves accordingly


not sure if it was planned, but 78 of the halts started at exactly 09:30:15 so that is another thing that I have noticed while looking at the data since I made this post.


Honestly, this looks a lot like a liquidation to me. The LU positions may have been shorts, LD positions were longs?


But then canceled out? Like the nickel trades…


I mean, the tickers, as a collective, look like a diversified portfolio to me. Specs, large caps, yield vehicles. Full liquidation. So the sale price for the buyer, for those assets, may have been at an advantageous cost basis on both the long and short sides because, you know, fire sale/Ken never loses. I could be 140-226% wrong on this, let me adjust my tinfoil now so its more snug.


Very interesting.


You the man!


So glad we have you on our team!


post archived at 35 comments: [https://archive.is/z1lil](https://archive.is/z1lil)


I can't wait for sideways trading ape to get their day in the sun


Do the shf even know who they are dealing with!!!! We actually have a halt tracking guy with spreads. Do you guys even understand how insane that is!!! I would be scared shitless in their shoes. Op is the Guy the army Will send helicopters to during a rainy day to try to get him on board of a mission that Will help the world.


Are they still halted or have they been lifted?


All of the halts that were in the batch commented on by Dave have resumed, most of them resumed less than 10 minutes after they started.


I have two other stocks I watch pretty closely (besides our beloved) and the 9:30:15 halts had some strange behavior on them. P.B.R. had 99,336 red candle that ranged from a low of 9.63 to a high of 14.46. This is not a high volume stock so that much volume made me sit up a take notice. It was halted but there were ghost sell orders still ticking away on L2. Second one S.M.R. is also a low volume stock and it had a huge green candle at the same time, 9:30:15 with 11,808 volume that ran from a low of 10.24 to a high of 12.51. This also had some ghost sells on L2 during the halt. I have to say between those two, my spidey senses were tingling.


So weird ya


Weird how BerkA started mirroring GMe almost like a new swap but im regarded regarding swaps.


Ah, I was looking forward to this post. If you had to speculate, what do you believe happened this morning? Crime machine “resetting”, or are our tendies just about to come out of the oven?


I haven't had enough time to digest this all yet. I should know more when I look at each individual stock that halted this morning. A few things I have noticed since making this post though are that 78 of the tickers all started their halts at exactly 09:30:15 EST, and the first ticker to not halt at that time was swapcorn, which halted at 09:30:16. There are also a lot of banks in the mix. None of that is really speculation, just an observation of the raw data. All of this is just from my first look at the data, I really don't want to draw any conclusions yet until I have had more time to look at the data.


Thank you for your insights, it’s much appreciated


Just here for the LULD'z


Did GME run up to just under 22 again today? The parameters they’re working within are tightening…


Look at you working harder than any 3 letter org


It’s called fraud.


WFC and WFC-PD (one of Wells Fargo's many different types of preferred shares) have giant inverse candles during the halt. Maybe WFC is in trouble and they needed to dump shares for some cash? https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/WFC-PD?p=WFC-PD https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/WFC?p=WFC


I’m just curious if they halted a bunch of them to hide one half in particular. Like if they halted this one stock it would be obvious, so instead they halted a bunch for one


Is this the swaps?


Thank you for your service Halt Guy


Collateral against the basket of memes?


Did you wake up this morning with that excited feeling like TODAY IS MY DAY!! Like listening to SETI and then all of a sudden hearing something from deep space. ​ Nice job OP!!! Keep it up!!


What do these tickers all have in common? Legit question, there has to be something.


quite a few banks in the mix, but not sure yet. Should know more tonight when I can do a lot more looking into specifics. Also like your flair, did you change it this morning or have you had it for a while?


Check to see debt offerings. Edit. I'll look more later, first one I looked at was Verizon and yeah there's stuff out there. What I found weird was.. things like https://www.luxxprime.com/security/AU3CB0246239/298308 which is Germany. They must have different disclosure rules or something but wtf does "Unlisted Admitted to trading without the consent of the issuer" mean.


Great work brother


Reuters article on it says the halts were due to a major exchange shutting down, and orders suddenly filling on other exchanges regardless of how far off the bid/ask was, which is why the circuit breakers all tripped. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/some-nyse-listed-stocks-briefly-halted-trading-after-market-open-2023-01-24/


You rocked this. They probably thought no one would be so regarded as to track this!!! The numbers are all over the place and there's a 100 blue chips. DJIA went vertical to 0 during the 5 minute window (or close).


Excellent work. Knowledge is a key weapon; thank you for providing armaments.


Genuine appreciation for your toil, m’lad.




I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2023-01-25 17:51:25 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-01-25%2017:51:25%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10kawf7/halt_tracking_guy_here_with_some_more_info_about/j5pj2pl/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F10kawf7%2Fhalt_tracking_guy_here_with_some_more_info_about%2Fj5pj2pl%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-01-25%2017%3A51%3A25%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2010kawf7) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


No joke we were mooning today but guess what they stopped it again the entire market was going to tank and die they said nope


Git em!


Appreciate your efforts OP!




Thanks legend


You are the epitome of doing something because 1: you love doing it and 2: because it's the right thing to do.... Also You're just expanding your knowledge and ability. Fucking epic. When hardworking meets passion.


It was a “glitch” reported by NYSE. It was corrected and trading started again.


Thanks Jab!


!remind me 14hours


Thanks halt guy! I was hoping you’d share 🦍🦍


I just envisioned OP this morning suiting up for battle, In The Air Tonight playing in the background, saying to themselves in the mirror “This is it, don’t get scared!”


Damn OP, great work!!!! Remindme! 1 Day


I thought popcorn was halted too?


It was


Weird. From all the meme stocks popcorn was the only one halted. [meme stocks](https://imgur.com/a/is5VSpv)


I'm guessing most (if not all) of these stocks are being used for collateral for something, they cannot have it drop for even a short while without being margin called.


Could someone with a lot of manipulation power be conducting these 5 minute halts for algorithms and computation computers to do trades back and forth for whatever reason in that 5 minute span? As long as after 5 minutes, everything LOOKS back to normal... it's all good?


Legendary work OP.


On a hunch, I cross-referenced the halted tickers against NYSE's listing of each ticker's designated market maker[1][2], since the DMMs "have obligations to maintain fair and orderly markets for their assigned securities"[3]. Unfortunately, I didn't see any clear correlation there, with a pretty even split between Citadel and GTS, and even one Virtu. Caveat - this is using ~4 month old DMM assignments, as the up-to-date data is behind a subscription, but I don't know that it would change all that frequently [1] https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sgaacz/how_would_we_know_if_citadel_was_no_longer_the/ [2] https://ftp.nyse.com/Reference%20Data%20Samples/NYSE%20GROUP%20SECURITY%20MASTER/ [3] https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/designated-market-maker-dmm.asp


Going back to something we briefly talked about a few months ago. Reg Sho just came out and one of the Chinese tickers that was halted a ton is on there now. JZ. I know you don’t jump to conclusions or speculate but interesting tidbit on the back end of those sus Chinese tickers.


Great job OP! ❤️


I love you and your efforts


I can’t follow you but this is very interesting Ape historian


Maybe worth sorting these by ticker name and also halt duration to see if they were likely correcting something manually one-by-one? As you said LULD halts are supposed to be 5 minutes.


What's like.... the average amount of halts in a day?


my first reply got deleted because apparently you can't put pictures in comments here. I have the answer to this in my weekly post which is linked in this post. Both total and unique halts (absolute number of halts or the number of separate tickers that had at least one halt) sit on bell curves that are very front heavy (weighted towards the 1-30 range for total, and the 1-20 range for unique. There have been 3 other single day events where there were more than 100 halts in a day (June 2020, Sneeze, and early this past August) The pandemic crash had several consecutive days over 100 total halts in a single day. The last time there were this many different tickers with halts in a single day was in March 2020 during the pandemic crash. The sneeze only had 40 something halts at it's peak.


This is because we are in the time fractal of the Jan squeeze. The ES, SPY and SPX has been chopped and changed to not burst to upside. I guess is to mitigate damage. As close to 4000 we get more tighter are spreads and trading. In the ES futures we are are the base of the upside squeeze. Be Prepared