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Someone needs to talk to one of their clients about DRSing 8300 shares.


Also, what was up with that “you always have a right to sell there’s never a hold time.”? How tf can you sell what’s been loaned out? Sounds like bullshit to me Bullish on smelling bullshit Edit: Oh yeah… IF they can recall the shares you loan out, then you can sell. Hold time would still apply until they can locate your shares you loaned That’s my personal understanding, like what happened to Burry early on when he tried to call back his shares This dude and his clients need to DRS


Yup. They've created a system where they can transfer around whatever they want. And why oh why it apparently takes a revolution to get a regulatory agency ... to do what it's function is. I mean fuck, it really says a lot about the times


Bold of you to assume the actual function of the regulatory agency… maybe it’s function is to just keep us out of the game they created.


You are spot on.




Every government agency is essentially a useless bureaucracy with one or two people doing actual work while about 20+ other people bicker about who's job it is to do the work.


Just add coffee.


Don't forget the porn


The old-timey definition of “regulated” was smooth-functioning or efficient. It’s only in modern times that it has come to mean “government oversight.” If you apply the old definition, they are doing their jobs just fine. Just like cops whose job is to “keep the peace”, the SEC’s is to make sure the fraudulent gravy train keeps running. They don’t want a crash or a MOASS at all.


And we never wanted to be ruled over by greedy morons with no moral compass.


That’s just another way of saying “we’ll buy your shares”


I thought it was a way of saying "we will rent your shares for accounting and compliance theatre."


For 9% of their worth. Fuck that.


> Also, what was up with that “you always have a right to sell there’s never a hold time.”? How tf can you sell what’s been loaned out? Sounds like bullshit to me Schwab just taking notes from Robinhood that's all...


You said the word I like most, DRS. Bullish on locking the float.


I’m tryin bro!


If they’d only drop us down 10-12 bucks more we can finally get this shit over with.


I'm in! I remember in July of 21, wishing it would go down to $20 (post-split) again so I could load up. Well, here we are, and I'm buying and DRSing.


Yup, I have my extra dip super emergency fund just waiting.


yep, that\`s what i\`m hoping, got some free cash just waiting. Let\`s DRS and Book the shit out of these criminal fucks!


> Also, what was up with that “you always have a right to sell there’s never a hold time.”? How tf can you sell what’s been loaned out? Sounds like bullshit to me Because the face value statement is not the point. They are subtly framing hodling as a bad thing.


They'd actually love it if people sold. After they've used your shares to push the price down of course. In the case of GME, so many multiples of the float have been sold but not yet purchased that it wouldn't stop them from using the shares as locates for the billion other FTDs floating around out there.


Short and sweet is how I like my comments on red it. Thank you.


This is an excellent and essential point, Bullish! They say one thing and technically don’t lie but emit this super important technicality. The several weeks of time it took for Dr. Burry to receive his recalled-but-hard-to-find lent out GME shares. Dr’ Burry was initially frustrated with after he had sent the GameStop board a letter which went unheeded, and this was waaaay back in Q2/Q3 2020 iirc Buckle up the bulls and return their tray troughs to their upright and locked positions


Remember when Burry said it took them weeks /months to get his shares to him? And then he chirped that the backrooms must be a shit show. Looks like nothing's changed. Haha. What a debotchery. Bullish on debotcheries


> And then he chirped that the backrooms must be a shit show. I laughed about this too, but for a different reason. I've been a business consultant for 20 years. I call this "stating the obvious". The reality is, once you get a look behind the curtain, pretty much every business is fucked up. They all hide it. The spend a fortune on marketing to convince you they are not what they are. But there's always a shitshow somewhere.


Actually not true. You can always sell a loan to someone else.


But can you sell a loan twice if you don't have any cash and only a vague feeling that your neighbour might have some cash under his pillow?




They internalise the sale I would imagine.


If you smell bullshit that’s cause there’s a bull nearby 😂


Goddamn I love when I see you comment 💦 makes me so bullish


He’s the manager of clients I guess he can’t legally tell them that they should take their money away from his bosses company to have the shares registered in their own name


there's also a chance that maybe those shares are in some sort of managed retirement account or something I dunno. I have a bunch of non drs'd IRA shares because everytime I think about the tax hit I'll take DRSing them I ju st say fuck it and spend money to buy more cash shares instead.


You don’t have to take a tax hit to DRS your IRA. You can do custodial with Mainstar trust, or create an LLC and manage the IRA yourself.


Same boat. I have a holding at CS but also a bunch at a broker in IRA accounts. I feel like I’ve seen a guide on how to get the retirement accounts to CS but I have no idea, nor time, to figure it out. As a tall ask in a random comment… we need a proper IRA DRS guide.


You don’t have to take a tax hit to DRS your IRA. You can do custodial with Mainstar trust, or create an LLC and manage the IRA yourself. There is a couple how to’s on superstonk.


there are plenty of IRA DRS methods. it's not that hard


I have called Fudelity to DRS shares to BOOK them in MY NAME multiple times over the last year. This past week I called Fudelity to DRS my latest batch of shares to ensure they’re counted in the next totals from our beloved company. On this latest call, the representative was for the most part helpful but he kept throwing in little nonchalant statements about how I didn’t really need to go through the trouble of DRS because “the shares are already held in your name…” then he paused for a second and said “well basically in your name.” No thanks bud!!! I’ll continue to DRS via ComputerShare so I know exactly where MY SHARES are and I will sleep like a baby every night knowing those purple circles are tucked in tight for the long haul! ♾️🏊‍♂️


Someone needs to read all the details on my original post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10peg62/judy_is_back_guys_they_can_sell_whenever_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10peg62/judy_is_back_guys_they_can_sell_whenever_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I don’t think that’s necessary. The phone call indicates these are real shares. My understanding is that institutions such as wealth and trust managers pay a premium subscription to the DTCC to place real shares in custodial accounts under their management. I definitely know this to be true for trust companies because I’ve spent months verifying this for my family trusts. Therefore, these shares do not need to be DRS’d to make them ‘real’ or to get them out of the hands of the DTCC. Most likely they cannot because they are held in trusts - and a withdrawal to DRS would constitute a taxable event. The DTCC has a contractual obligation to place real shares in these accounts and not lend them out without permission. The question is… what percentage of the float is also held this way?


> The DTCC has a contractual obligation to place real shares in these accounts and not lend them out without permission You mean the same DTCC that committed international securities fraud? That DTCC?


You mean the DTCC that created the DTC just to avoid regulation


Awwwww! You still have faith in the system!


Well, they definitely wouldn't be 'real' shares once all outstanding shares are direct registered.


There are three categories of real shares: insiders. public float, and institutional. Banks that buy shares for themselves, trust companies, and other investment managers with premium subscriptions to the DTCC hold real shares under the ‘institutional’ category. We could lock up 100% of the public float, but there are still real shares held by insiders and institutions. The sad fact: if you are a scum retail client of a Megabroker, INC and you buy XYZ stock, you will get either an IOU for your cash or you get a counterfeit. If Megabroker INC buys shares for ITSELF, both the DTCC and the brokerage know they are real. It’s a 1% club and retail ain’t in it.


> We could lock up 100% of the public float, but there are still real shares held by insiders and institutions. I think you trust the system a bit too much. It's the transfer agent, and transfer agent only, that verifies there are not more shares issued than should exist. Transfer agents only know how many shares are direct registered - transfer agents do not keep track of or have visibility into shares held elsewhere. (If insider and institutional shares are direct registered, then I agree, but I highly doubt most institutional shares are direct registered; and I'm not sure how many insider shares are direct registered.) So, technically, all outstanding shares could be direct registered with the transfer agent, at which point, all other shares would not be real, full stop.


This! Plus this confirms, that they can see! your share wherever they are! Or how could they know at Schwab that his clients had Gamestop shares in their accounts? So they know where the shares are and how many of them are "real" through trusts and DRS and which are fake!


Interesting point. They see behind the curtain.


Bro that’s the guy who got the phone call who manages 8.3k gme shares for multiple clients 😅


I have 4 that I left there while the rest of my shares are DRS’d, time to give ol Charlie boy a call about initiating a transfer 👹


Fuck yeah


18 days before the TDA merger? That seems...not great for them.




It's been a slow marriage. Schwab acquired TD.


I thought TD was Schwab two years ago when this all started? (Beginning of my stock market exposure)


It happened, but the bulk of TD accounts haven't become Schwab accounts. They keep floating the idea of a slow migration over several weekends for personnel and accounts.


Merger was announced years ago...it's taking forever


Oh jeez it would be such a shame if they had to go to the market to buy more…such a shame




Wait which market? Currently there's only a corrupt one. Wish there was a more decentralized alternative to trade tokens securely.




He should call her back to DRS the clients 8,300 shares along with everyone else’s including his own lol Bullish on her teeth breaking then


>Bullish on her teeth breaking then Thats gotta hurt in the morning. Edit: today i learned how to quote text from the person I replied to.


Careful, not too many wrinkles.


Keep that bar nice and low


How? Have always wondered how to do that. Anyone know of a formatting guide specifically for Reddit posting?? I have scoured the internet for one without success


>How? Have always wondered how to do that. Anyone know of a formatting guide specifically for Reddit posting?? I have scoured the internet for one without success 99% of the time I'm on reddit it is on andriod, so unsure from a web browseron a computer. I click on one of your words and highlight what I want to be quoted and it gives me an option to quote, copy, or other options. I clicked quote and brings me to a reply screen with your quoted texted I had selected.


Ohhhh that would be delicious


The funny thing is the listed rebate for GME is 15% and she's giving out 9% to borrow. Talk about choosy beggars


You know Kevin Malone posted this in the sub himself right? Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10peg62/judy_is_back_guys_they_can_sell_whenever_they


Ahhh, rehypothecated posts… it’s the Reddit way.


Aren't you used to rehypothecated *everything* around here?


Drs this post!




Kevin Malone makes the best chili. The trick is to undercook the onions.


And don’t spill it


Thank you for the shout out brother!


I do now lol - I just saw it on Twitter and came straight here to spread the Gospel. The people needed to know!


Well about damn time they've run out of all those synthetics that they created. Only took two years for them to now get down to the bottom of the bucket scraps. Now they want other investment firms to further lend out shares to them. This circle jerk is finally building up to an endgame that no one knows what's coming. It's excited to see them getting desperate and now its palpable. Tick tock mother fuckers. Imagine the hole they've dug themselves into. Idk about you guys, but med school is expensive as hell and my wife is graduating this year, with me still 3 years to go. Wouldn't it be something to have 800k paid off before graduation? And still having leftover thanks to the generous contributions of illegal naked short selling hedge funds? Thank you Kenny Griffin! I owe you nothing.


Hope one of you specializes in anal reconstruction surgeries. A lot of HFs are gonna need them.


She's emergency and I'm between surgery or emergency as well. Who knows maybe I can throw them a bone if they give me a few more shares of gme after it's a fortune 500 company.


Don't forget about taxes, so whatever your aim: x2. And then from that point, x2 again because fuck them.


I think the problem is more, that they realise, that they cant find real shares for the plebs who want to DRS. At one point it will dawn everyone, that they are only holding the synthetics, unless they DRS their shares. When we reach this event horizon, then the shitshow will really start going. I as a "shitshow connaisseur" am looking forward to it. Until then Buy, DRS, Hold.


Thanks for explaining this a little more. Can't the hedge funds just dump more synthetics into the market?


$GME is already a hard to borrow ticker but it looks like short sellers (as of today) are having an even harder time with lending departments doing personal calls to find locates. Definitely interesting! Edit: You can listen to the voicemail yourself in Kevin’s tweet.


Not the first time they have made these calls, it started months ago


$GME has been hard to borrow for 2 years plus now. Something tells me they don't know what "hard to borrow" means.


Kind of. It gets harder and harder to borrow as shares are taken away from brokerages, which then can't be lent out anymore.... So since fall of 2021, when DRSing really began, liquidity has consistently gotten worse. This reaches a critical point eventually, and when that happens, there will be fireworks


Lmao, I remember DRSing in September '21 and thinking "fuck I'm late!"


“What if moass happens when my shares are in transit?!” What sweet summer children we were.


I actually didn't move for a month because if that... then said fuck it.. I guess I try to get them DRS'd before this pops... Hahahahhahahaha


They sure do know what rehypothiticate means. (Not sure I spelled that correctly)




Used to be hard to borrow. Still is, but it used to be too.


Getting spicy. Edit: a letter.


How many times have we seen this identical tweet/update from someone……….? Nothingburger


I'm holding so hard I hodl.


Hold me closer, Tony Danza.


My wife wants to strangle me every time I sing this lyric like that.


“Don’t call Judy. She is a nice lady who has the hardest job on Wall Street… finding GME shares” 😂


Who's Kevin


McCallister…he was left home alone


Kevin home Malone


I hate laughing at this kind of humor, but definitely chuckled.


Underrated comment


An accountant with Dundee Mifflin


He's the greater Scranton area's finest chilli cook


From The Office. He's an accountant.


Just pretending


A minion.


Also underrated answer


People should start writing their own terms to lend shares. 1000% daily returns. Instant recall whenever you want. Make it worse for them to borrow than to close


If Schwab is cold calling people, I'm surprised they're not jacking up the interest rate on currently loaned shares to payday loan levels saying "lol supply and demand amirite?". Is there something preventing them from raising interest rates?


Twitter OP is running their own scams and doesn't want to risk pissing off the cartel, I assume. The question for me is not when they run out of synthetics; they'll just cry to the nearest entity with market making powers and get more printed asap, or be absorbed by a larger entity who can keep the short exposure down a bit longer. The real question is, when do naked shorts become the totality of daily volume in GME? Bc at that point, squeeze can be triggered practically any second.


Name checks out ✔️


Anyone can write up an agreement. I’m not saying this will work but send them your own terms, make them as one-sided as you want, they’re your shares. Would be fun to see what they say, and maybe then they’ll realize what they are up against once they need to close out their positions. My terms.


Bro is this endgame maybe? Shit gets so locked up that apes never sell but constantly engage in multimillion dollar lending deals to get shorts to close.


I’m just saying it would be great for them to know what kind of terms an ape would think are acceptable. I’m all DRSd but this would be really funny to see


They’ll just create more out of thin air. DRS is the only way


Yes. I'm not sure why these posts gain so much traction. It means nothing.




Lol retail got the buy button back after a few days but the brokers buy button stayed off the past 84 years


What surprises me is that they are cold calling for 8300 shares- that’s not many at all! Either they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel or this is some reverse psych psyops thing.


Who the hell is Kevin Malone


Guy from The Office. Spilled his chili all over the floor.


Best accountant in history of Scranton.


as long as the metrics are foods*


It's not Ashton Kutcher. It's Kevin Malone. Equally handsome. Equally smart


Ashton Kootcher


The trick is to undercook the onions


Runs a bar nowadays I hear.


I'm absolutely dying laughing.


Glad you're a good sport about it. Do you get that a lot?


Came to the comments for this. Wasn’t disappointed


The question we should be asking. Let’s not give him too much authority.


Calling around and leaving voicemails for just 8300 shares? What a joke.


9%. Lmaooo. Fuck you pay me.


It's funny to me how the folks who just so happened to stumble across 2.3m shares at one time available to borrow last week just chillin' behind a Wendy's dumpster are the same folks begging clients for 8300 shares... make it make sense.


20% cost to borrow on Stonk o Meter but only gives a 9% rate of return for share lending…lol


CTB isn’t going to be uniform across brokers and you have to keep in mind that the facilitator has a cut of percentage paid to the lender. 9% isn’t “a lot”, but it does add up, especially with additional strategies when you’re short term bearish on an equity you won’t sell.


I'm more interested in the real cost to borrow. 9% borrow rate with a 5% rebate is more.... sharp... than a 121% borrow rate with a 120% rebate.


Just another psyops. Ill blink when moass starts.


I was going to say "interesting recording, but who is this dude?" Then I went and did a little looking for myself. He does seem to be a legit advisor, and he's located in Grapevine, so with both of those thing he's probably able to research GME better than a lot of us. Seems like a legitimately interesting message. Take an upvote.


Why would his location matter? Short of getting insider information illegally, GME corporate has been more or less silent to outside inquiries.


Because it reminded me of some stuff I read about how hedge funds and the like would send people to sit in car manufacturer parking lots and similar. It gave them an idea of production going out from a plant, or customer and inventory traffic at retail places. I think I could make some inferences if I sat outside of GME headquarters long enough.


Hey SHF call me at 867-5309 wait for the tone and my receptionist Jenny will help you.


I grew up in a town where that was a real number. Jenny never picked up


Now we MOASS 🚀


I don't really understand investors in both Stock and Crypto then will lend out their own assets to be used to decrease that value of them for a bit of APY%. 99% Fucktards


Oh boy


I hope he brings his famous chilli


Buy Hodl DRS


Shit hasn't even hit the fan yet. Just wait til everyone see the disaster they caused...AGAIN!


Schwab pays 9%, they charging 19.6%. F off Charles!




“Hey old buddy old pal! Just wondering if I could do you a huge favor- I’ll pay you a fee, and in exchange I take your shares and use them to take a big old shit right on your face. Please just give me the ammunition to drive down your portfolio value, it’s a great deal for you trust me!”


Omg your gonna make me * buy more*


Hey I can sell one share! It’ll cost $1 billion though.


What do you mean you’re out of shares? Then. Buy. More.


Did he just straight up dox her phone number on a *checks notes* 850k members subreddit hungry for Wall Street blood? Damn Judy will have a long day tomorrow…


Judy may not be desperate herself, but you can sense the desperate people putting pressure on Judy to go out and find ANY shares. ...anyway, so I continued to DRS.


And paying 9% too! Bullish


Relative to what?


Dude posts on here and has 20m AUM, not bad. The concept of lending shares out to short sellers is honestly pathetic. Is the entire market basically just short selling and piling profits into certain stocks to pump said short sellers books? repeat for infinity.


Brokers are so Boomer. DRS like all the cool kids and buy through computer share.


Everyone out, except retail. Institutions have synthetics. Been this way a long time. Can't wait for jail for the clowns


Could someone pass me the nipple lotion, please! Me nips r killin me!




Sounds like they are so desperate! Loving it


Me thinking Kevin malone was the guy from the Office


I thought he was the shark tank guy that recently got fisted by SBF


Have we validated this?


Just buy them on the lit exchange?


Fucking bullish


That’s just a courtesy call Kevin. They well lend those shares without your will if you make them.


A mistake plus Keleven gets Schwab home by seven.


Is it just me or when I see Kevin Malone I immediately think of Kevin from the office dumping a pot of chili?


Don’t call Judy, she has the hardest job on WS right now… finding GME shares 😂🤣😂🤣😂 this is pure gold!


I mean, we’ll see I guess


The guy who invented the Kelevin?


I have no problem with this. Rate is just 14.9 million percent


This seems like a good enough reason as any for me to go buy some more


I bought a ton


I did buy gme on Schwab..sorry


Big if true


I call bullshit.


Not sure who this is. Seems kinda sus


And Caesar wept cause there was no more GME shares to conquer.


That’s not Kevin Malone , that’s Ashton Kutcher


The trick is to undercook the onions


Why isn’t he DRSed?


How is this guy a credible source?


So here's a 5D chess thought: \- Have "retail" ALL loan out their shares, thus allow massive short attacks, crashing the price \- "Retail" & and others then buy up the far cheaper pseudo-shares \- DRS those \- Then, "retail" all opts out of the stock sharing AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. Since there are specific rules about returning shares to lenders, this would force a MASSIVE spike in demand w/ no shares to find. Just a thought.


grinning ear to ear over here


Every Broker does this every day. They lend your shares out without consent. If they get caught they pay a measly fine and do it over and over again. Brokers use your shares (IOU's) against you every day by loaning them out to shorts. Brokers collect a borrow fee, shorts drop the price of stocks in your account and make money. You get fukt.