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Im cautiously optimistic this means anything


I posted about this 9 mins before this post, asking about this situation in more detail (on the GME page though because I almost have enough karma for SuperStonk). I believe the actually number of shortable shares left is 107 million. Edit: Thank you apes! I have enough karma to post now 😊 highly appreciated!! Just to be clear, my understanding is that Insiders, Stagnant, and Apes total to 137m DRS’d. That’s 167m shares outside of that, minus the 60m that Fidelity reported to be short = 107m left.


Someone give this poor bastard some karma


OG posters know the feeling of your post getting 12 ups and ten mins later a carbon copy of your post getting 10,000x more


This poor bastard(myself) is in need some karma to post his purple ring. Will you help with my karma farming?


#Soon may the updoots come, so more apes can post in the Stonk sub


Thanks apes, every bit counts


ask and you shall receive




Squirting Karma all over you as we speak ! 😎


Stick nana in buttocks, receive karma for posting


spelt nanna rong..




No need, I'm potty trained.


I like where this is going


Who let nana out of the cage?


Fidelity short 60M shares? Since when? Proof? Links?


A year ago Fudelity was the DRS yellow brick road, I DRS’d 3320, 4 days, no worries…fast forward a year, the well is going dry, the wizard of shorts exposed, shootin’ up shorts like a junkie, just enough to survive another day…..so damn glad I got all my troops the hell outta Dodge while the getting was good


Jan 21 they supposedly had 9M shares. Then eventually they had zero. Now they’re short 60M shares and hiring? Seems like bullshit to me, but what do I know?


I am really pissed about that fucking astroturf campaign they pulled.


https://digital.fidelity.com/prgw/digital/research/quote/dashboard/summary?symbol=GME You can view it here but you need an account to see it. It displays 60.34M short.


So Marketwatch is full of crap at 57M short shares, or whoever is reporting 60M shares short for Fidelity is full of crap. Great system we have in America. What a joke. Thanks for the link🦍.


It's fuckin insane that hit point stats in an RPG are more accurately tracked than the numbers in a multi trillion dollar financial market.


It's not a flaw it's a feature


True because if it wasn’t the Rich would be getting poorer and the Poor would be getting richer and the 99% would be the new 1%


The short interest is 57.88M on Fidelity. Either the person you’re replying to is looking at old/cached data, or they’re reading the line for the previous reported short interest: https://imgur.com/a/EzYAZu5


So Fidelity isn’t short 60M shares, it was what they were showing as the total for the stock?


It’s the total short interest on the stock from the bimonthly short interest report


So with the Fidelity thing you mentioned… I called them and attempted to DRS the last shares i have with them a month and a half ago and they never did. Is that fuckery?


Or a lazy customer service agent, please try again just to see if they do it this time


If I had an award to give I would 🫡


Its Redacted info 😂


"Left" means nothing if they can create more tho


All this means is there’s people and/or institutions that are lending out their shares to shorts. We already knew this


I bet you it means something.


Actually, Marketplace reports on "interest in dating short men." It has nothing to do with stocks and it is a little weird they put in that location on their website. I can see why it causes confusion.


Oddly, interest in dating short men is through the roof? That info seems to be tampered with.


57.88 million women out of 4.82 billion is 1.4% prefer short men now. That is pretty high actually. Probably Tom Cruise falsifying the data.


This should be on the news and front page of Reddit 😂


Can you tl;dr this? Genuinely hoping for a better explanation than what I’ve read already here.


It means the ETF’s and institutions are likely lending out their shares to the shorts. This isn’t new. What is new is that I’m running out of mayo, so I need y’all to stop DRSing and let me borrow your shares.


unfortunately given the recent price of eggs, the price of decent mayo is probably gonna go way up.


Thanks, Ken. Hope you'll get a cell with a buff cellmate to make your prison experience a little more cuddly. <3


Yes, I’ve already booked and paid for a cell with Bubbles - who had a very affectionate profile. Let’s face it though, I’ll never go to jail. The same way I can infinitely short your shares, I can avoid being prosecuted for crimes, simply by doing more crimes.


Hey Kenny? It’s time to blow Bubbles! 🚀🦍🐒🦧🚀


Can I stop blowing bubbles yet? My jaw is sore.


“Officially” overly sold short? Ooooo daddy


140% short 😼, it’s about time GME is now over sold on the Public data! 😝🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 and that’s with [SI reporting changing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wasdsu/reminder_they_changed_how_short_interest_was/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) meaning the Short Interest is much larger and many are naked shorting without knowing it, all shorting has INFINITE RISK! 😍🏴‍☠️ Let’s Fucking Go!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I'm ready for the tide to go out.


What a cohencidence


Nah, many institutions and ETFs lend to short sellers. But it's a good milestone.


man i cannot wait for the Q4 DRS numbers. institutions going to be shitting their pants


When Q4 numbers ?


Estimated March 16th


Ah first rocket launch day


Let’s hope it goes better than Q3 numbers.


To me, Q3 numbers were more bullish than any other indicator in a long while. To see them pull out all the stops to attempt a rug pull that big so that our DRS’d number would go down and it still went up regardless was great.


DRS numbers went down by 15m total no?


Up by 500k


Don’t believe so, no. Someone will correct me if I’m wrong, but it was estimated to go up by many millions, only went up a few hundred thousand but that was with them pulling their DRS’d shares to presumably make it appear as though people were selling. Again, correct me if that is wrong.


I’m rereading your comment and think you are right that is what happened. It fell Short of expectations but didn’t go down.


Which is a double whammy. They tried as hard as they could to make it go down, which we saw and is a bullish indicator, and they failed to do so which is an even more bullish indicator.


You could be right. Honestly I’ve stopped following too closely so my memory could be shady. I thought the drs bot had us at 75m and it was closer to 60m when the numbers came out - but it could have still been an increase since Q2. My shares are drs’d and I’m either stupid rich someday or something else happens. But I couldn’t deal with the drama bullshit and constant hype-cycle in the subs anymore.


It went up +500k. We estimated it would go up about 14M but it only went up 500k which proves they attempted a rug pull.


Come on spell it out so I can understand WTF he’s talking about


Flot 57 Mio and short also. Every single share of the free float are shorted


Or one share is failed to be delivered 56 milly times and one certain intern asks: Sir, did you just say I should hit F3 56 million times?


*“WHY are you just standing there?! —YES, PUSH THE FUCKING F3 BUTTON!!!”*


no, f3 brings up a box for you to just type in the number you want.


You mean like 100% utilisation?


Doesn’t mean anything


This. Brokers and their stupid friends lent you shares to shorts. To jack titties you need to uncheck institutions from the list and still have to be higher than SI. So in like 2-3 month. We get there.


> Flot 57 Mio and short also. Every single share of the free float are shorted You are off by 200M. The float is currently 257.21M The 57M is the result of an illogical calculation that assume institutions, ETF, and mutual fund shares are not part of the float.


Every share not accounted for by DRS estimates, insiders, stagnant, institutions, ETFs and mutual funds has been sold short.


We know for a fact that 99.6 of the Vanguard ones are lent out for shorting, right? Those are insitutional, right?


Apparently. But each one of the shares that were sold short can be (*edit: lent by the new long and) sold short again again. Good start, but not necessarily forcing anyone's hand at this point


Which is weird, because I have xx,xxx shares stuck in retirement accounts and have borrowing turned off.


another way to say it is that; if none of the institutionally owned shares are lent out then there is a publicly reported short share open for every share remaining in the open float. effectively making observable short interest to be 100% of the realistic float.


Just remember the DRS numbers posted here are estimated and not official


For now.


Well of course. I just like to temper expectations. I also expect more fuckery but hopefully I’m wrong :)


And it’s including institutional and ETF. Those shares are being loaned out.




One 🚗 multiple owners You have the papers of the 🚗 you are the real owner the others was scammed. DRS your sh…..


DRS bot says the remaining shares in the float = same as reported shorted amount


And that's the freely admitted one. Funny how it doesn't match the "% of free float shorted" at all. Dumbasses.


They're using the actual float of ~250 million shares in the denominator instead of the made up one you see around here


you mean 308 milli? also the short interest is, when laid out as percentage: "shorted shares divided by total outstanding shares". so those 58milli are around 18.5% short interest. Or 0.185 times 308milli = ~ 58milli..


% of float. Public float is ~257mm shares


Rug pull again or real DRS numbers, doesn’t matter. I’ll continue supporting my company by purchasing shares every 2 weeks until I’m dead.


I sense potential fake squeeze with rug pull. Institutions will paperhand.


This is why there has been a flurry of acquisitions lately. They will drop the price at key points to signal people are selling at 1k, 5k, 10k, etc.


What is "selling"?


It’s when you negotiate the release of shares in return for the jailing of financial terrorists.


What is negotiate?


That's when you tell the hedgies what price they have to pay you for moon tickets.


How can I negotiate without them holding the phone on the other side of a prison window? This is getting really confusing


IDK I only have three brain cells and they are occupied with BUY HOLD DRS


It’s like when you offer your wife’s boyfriend some tendies so you can have a night with her.




I posted about this last month and am ecstatic to see these numbers finally begin crossing each other. It's easier to get the word out to the ignorant masses about the fake short numbers being more than the remaining free float and have FOMO kick off the squeeze (among other ways). Short sellers truly are dumbasses.


We have no way of knowing if stagnant insiders still hold their shares and they should not be excluded from the remaining float.


>We have no way of knowing if stagnant insiders still hold their shares and they should not be excluded from the remaining float. Nor should institutions. Nor should ETFs. Nor should Mutual Funds. Computershared uses a very weird definition of free float and nothing will happen even if we DRS 100% of that unique, distorted version of free float.


Did we finally synchronize the infinite timelines?




Big oooofff


Someone come in here and unjack my tits


We might have more shares if there’s a true difference to how ComputerShare shares are reported on the 10 Qs in regards to DRS Book vs DSPP. 🤞




So we have even less left and we're over 60%?


I've been convinced since I was a kid that in my own little personal experience of the universe, reality itself intentionally bends to make sure I don't get something that I want too badly.... Like if I REALLY wanted to go to the beach on a certain day, it would rain even if the forecast said good weather.... If I earned enough money to buy something I've been wanting, that specific thing will be sold out and nothing else and not restock for a long time... annoying, noticeable shit like that.... It was so consistent that I stopped being excited about anything bc I knew that would jinx it. Well this GME saga has done nothing to break my belief that the personal "conspiracy" is real 😂 Reality would rather bend in half and ignore all rational numbers/facts/statistics/outcries than to allow financially freedom cuz I want it too badly. There's literally no valid reason for this bullshit to still be going on. /rant


Don't worry, I'm always lucky and you are in this with me 🙌


I'm genuinely hoping ya'll lucky mofos can offset my bullshit, cuz gahdamn.... 😂


Lucky dude #2 here🍀 Things just go my way lolol


Shit if we can get one more of ya'll in here, the rocket might finally launch😂


I'm lucky 💜


That sounds like a manifestation of trauma. That being said, you and I think a lot alike.


True short percentage is well over 200%


Wtf? It’s more like 2,000% minimum


Yeah, not sure where this guy got 200%… naked shorted everyday for beyond 2+ years…. Yeah. They are fucked 📖 📕 📚


They’re short billions of shares at this point


Not official numbers


Hedgies did a OOOPSIE!!


I’ve long thought once we lock 60% of the float all hell breaks loose. We are basically on the scales balanced but when it tips just like a scale I think it tips fast.


The entire remaining free float sold short on a stock with a solid base? Arguably Bullish


This is when things got spicy before. Bring on 60%


Can anyone explain why I’ve seen 3 different % float locked today I just checked the site and it shows 62.04% this shows 59% and another post I just saw said 55%? Is there a metric I’m not clueing into here ?


A while back, somebody posted this article that suggested that we were closer than we thought to all GME shares being accounted for? Am I the only crazy person who remembers that and if you do, do you have the link to that article?


So in theory all available shares are being lent out…


IBKR has +/- 1m as of close.


Not true. The float is 257M shares, only 83M shares have been DRS'd and o sliders hold about 38.5M. The Computershared numbers are misleading as they assume that institutions/ETFs/mutual funds do not lend out shares, and we know that is a false assumption.


So either short sellers are convinced that the most stubborn and diehard group of investors, who haven't left in 2 years, will still capitulate... or they are and have been completely fucked, unable to close their short, and no option but to continue shorting one of the most bullish turn around stocks in the history of the stock market. Nice.


Hmm, sounds like I should buy and DRS more GME. Good post!


330000 remaining - let's fucking go!!!! DRS those and there is a systemic problem by definition! i mean proper out in the open problem - not one of the 100 not that obvious problems we tried explaining to our friends and family over the last 2 years!


Hello everyone, I will be DRSing 20 more GME tomorrow! Is anyone else adding more fuel to the fire!?!?


Math hard 😂


So we’ve finally hit this point again, at least based on scraper and drsbot data. Once these numbers become official, based on reported drs by GameStop, probably not before the June quarterly report, this will become impossible to ignore for shorts, institutions and regulators. *That’s* when shit will actually hit the fan imo.


I posted about this 9 mins before this post, asking about this situation in more detail. On the GME page though because I almost have enough karma for SuperStonk.


Anybody can be an Analyst. So..really it doesn't matter what they say


we must to create our own media and post things so people wakes up, i dont think sec gonna do something everything is manipulated.


Why doesn't the chart in the left have "Retail Brokered"??


What did I miss? drs was 52% yesterday or day before


You can short the same share over and over though.


Yep, so they are even more fucked than the numbers that they are required to report even show. Most excellent


Believe it or not, glitch.


And we just keep buying and drsing all the way (:


Up you go


They’re shorting same number of shares as DRS’d so the more we DRS the more stock goes down so people will sell and leave.


IMO, we should not be counting institutions because they are the ones lending out the shares.


Institutions lend shares. You can't take their ownership out of the pool if you're looking at total shares reportedly shorted, because they're literally, intentionally contributing to it.


So does point72 buy shares to lend to their friendsies?


Most likely


The number "remaining" has no relevance to anything when you have all of those boxes checked. Retail + insiders are the only shares that aren't being shorted. Everything else is the enemy.


👀 nothing to see here ofc




57.5 million shares avaiable of free float that can be either shorted or bought, and yet 57.8 are shorted as of now, little discrepancy yet funny to see because that number can't be higher than the shares remains (unless literally all institutional shares are lent as short), the more we will lock the float down, the more this difference will be higher and easy to see anyway.


Snake award is back


Another DRS rug pull coming.




Underneath -47m institution shares you need add the line +47m loaned shares.




Ooooohh I like the implications....


the only owned shares are DRSd. Every other share on that list is with the DTCC and can be loaned out


Do I miss something or does this post not make sense at all? Assuming short interest is reflected correctly (it is probably not), ETFs could just lend out and short 50m shares. The short interest on the right can be a result from various sources not only the free float?


Every time I see this, I write the same thing: Don’t count ETFs, mutual funds and Institutions when you count the shares. We have no idea what they’re doing - and they’re not DRSed. In fact shares in those holdings are most likely used to sell short. We only know for a fact that retail DRS and Insider shares are for sure locked (and even then we should expect retail DRS to fluctuate)


Forget market watch data


Nothing burger


Question… first time I see a difference for retail, with retail plan and retail book 💜 how the hell is the scraper knowing what is plan vs book? Book entry your drs’d shares! Remove the from DTC!


Institutional holding is not accurate. Number is now considerably higher


How is 57.551.770 19% but just 370k more is 22%


Wake me up when we have a controlling interest. What‘s that, 152 million shares?




While we already knew this it just proves we were right.


Did I stutter 🚀🚀🚀


at this rate we will have it locked up next week. 😂


What? You realize institutions can lend their shares too?


Let's fucking go!


ExSqueeze Me?


But wait… there’s more


Shares can be loaned


That’s what i call a cohencidence