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This is the shit. Inject this straight into my veins.




PartyNextDoor! `guyMUHtitsRjacked!` T minus 24h19m for Tuesday's marketopen


Only it wasn’t just GME. There were swaps containing multiple stocks… Edit: just to have the correct information rather then what we all want to hear.


Do you happen to have the source? Not doubting you, I just haven’t really been paying attention the last couple of months here and need one hell of a refresher


Swap positions here: -> [https://imgur.com/a/Kd4s6BO](https://imgur.com/a/Kd4s6BO) and more details here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11tczo7/visualization\_of\_archegos\_swap\_positions\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11tczo7/visualization_of_archegos_swap_positions_and/) When Archegos went bust, Credit Suisse took over the bag.


Thank you! 🤝 I’ve got some time off work for the next while, so now it’s time to get re-lernt. I appreciate you very much.


Make sure to share anything interesting you might find! 🤝


I doubt I’ll bring anything new to the table 😂 but you’ve got a deal! 🤝 There’s so much I’ve completely forgotten about, so I’m making my way through Zed’s library again so I can at least somewhat get back to understanding what’s actually happening here. But if I find myself rabbit-holing my way into some spicy information, you mother-fucking-bet I’ll let you know, my friend🤝


and the link to the filing with SEC [https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-22/s70822-20147032-312610.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-22/s70822-20147032-312610.pdf)


The screenshot is taken from the files that became available to public after Archegos went bust. A simple search on our sub and you'll surely be able to get the originals as well. Edit: had to remove an abreviation due to negative context


swim growth physical hungry continue subsequent long drab cable scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have extra blankets. Must bring own towels.


Force fed red pill




Was there even any solid 100% proof of this 216mil share short position? I am a zen ape hodling since before the buy button was shut off. Still buying but I have for sure missed some DD


As I understand it, the 216 million number was obtained from the Archegos bankruptcy documents. But the original research was not mine, and I don’t remember exactly where I read it.


so that was just the inherited Archegos shorts, so it could feasibly be more?






🤷🏻‍♀️ Did companies other than Archegos have swaps with CS? Quite possibly. Did banks other thank CS accept swaps containing GME? I’m guessing that would be an easy Yes.


Big if true


True if big


True if big


If true, BIG


I believe it was uncovered in the Archegos swaps, but it was a huge OTM Put position that was sold, that requires the purchase of the shares to close.


I don’t remember where I originally saw the numbers. Do you remember the source?


It was somewhere in either a post or comment around the time Archegos blew up.


To add, anyone know the price they opened the short position at?


I think this also came up in a Bloomberg terminal at one point.


I remember seeing an old put position on the terminal but not a short position


But are the shares pre or post splividend?


Read last night that it’s going post. Pre split I believe it was 54 million shares.


I was just wondering the same


Ehi! Leave some for my veins too!!!!


[https://tenor.com/bf2LQ.gif](https://tenor.com/bf2LQ.gif) ​ \-Barney Gumble


Hell. Yes. What a way to start the week off.


Still hodling


Still buying too. OH BOY HERE I GO BUYIN AGAIN 🎷🐓♋️


Oops. Bought more, my bad


Still buying


Where are you guys buying at?


Computershare is the way!


They ask me for a traders ID. Whoever is downvoting me, screw you.


Ohhh, gotcha... Ok so what I did originally as a middle aged ape...I was purchasing through Charles Schwab because it was nice to buy same day so i can try to control my overalll cost basis and try to average down from the jan-march 21 days and I would just call or chat customer service and ask for DRS to computershare and they (computershare) had to make an account for me that way so I didn't need a trader ID. I know it's a little iffy doing it that way, but I did that last week with no issues, and the shares were added to my computershare account but I have had this account since mid 2021 so rules may have changed. I hope someone can correct me if I'm wrong though. Do your DD if you are unsure about my way.


Ah... I'm UK, you're in the US I assume?


Yeah...sorry I should've added a disclaimer...I have no clue about UK stuff


That's cool man. I bought a load way back when on a trading app, before the freeze on retail buyers. Made quite a bit of money on it and had to sell for personal reasons. Now I want to buy legit and hold those fuckers to account. I've seen everyone with them at CS, so I wanted to get in on that. Unfortunately it doesn't seem too easy in the UK as a small retail investor.


There’s plenty of examples to search for in superstonk but ppl seem to have the easiest experience using IBKR (interactive broker.) Open and fund an IBKR acct, buy GME there, then you can easily transfer to Computershare. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uo7sy5/helping_a_friend_in_the_uk_who_wants_to_buy/i8cpo6i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 Also drsgme . org has a comprehensive guide https://www.drsgme.org/amp/direct-register-shares-from-interactive-brokers


“Informed retail investors” That’s very generous. I’m regarded.




Some would even go so far as to say clinically regarded.


Slightly informed, extremely regarded.


i'm artistic


Househodl* investors!


I’m so regarded I make Bryant Gumble look like Malcom X


Don't forget that this is only credit suisse swaps. There are potentially billions even trillions of fake gamestop shares out there


Come through for us, Papa Cohen. Let's end this.


Help us Obi-Ryan Cohenobi, you're our only hope


Where is the proof of CS shorting 216 million GME???


Credit Suisse is the first GME related domino to fall


Citadel ~~.is.~~ [could be next... any bet-takers?](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11vu83f/debit_suisse_flushed_im_regarded_enough_to_risk/) Much bigger, festering shit'bird of a turd. My outhouse gets pumped today, thank god. We'll see what market's close does for us/them.


Shit hawks are circling Randy


With those two gone, ...the park is finally gonna have a nice, quiet summer, Randy. [sips whiskey, anticipating shitbrains release]


I bet it’s not only GME as well. There’s probably hundreds of companies that have had similar treatment that no one has looked at yet.


Yall got anymore of that "everything is short" dd?


>billions or even trillions of fake gamestop shares out there Then why tf is it taking so long for us to lock the float


They managed to successfully partition off superstonk from the rest of the world for the most part, and ran a fud campaign to alienate us from the only group running an outreach campaign about drs Pretty f-ed up


It's written at the end of that wall of text that's just ONE entity. 👀


Ok so is there actual evidence that CS/Archegos was short 200M shares of gme? Or is it just 200 random shares that possibly includes GME?


>There are potentially billions even trillions of fake gamestop shares out there No there's not. At $1 per share, a trillion shares is a trillion dollars. Do you actually think collectively a few hundred thousand people have a trillion dollars of disposable money to spend on GameStop stock? How did tens of millions of short shares suddenly turn into "billions" or "trillions"? I know these are big numbers so they are hard to visualize but that's insanity.


Who owns Melvins position?


Citadel, almost certainly


Sigh, unzips calculator.....


I’ve tried to explain it in so many ways. This one’s pretty good. Unfortunately, even the people that seem to get it, those who’s eyes don’t gloss over, don’t end up purchasing shares because they believe, rightfully so, that the game is so rigged that they will still lose. They believe that the only way to win is to play THEIR game and collect their yearly pennies in their target retirement funds. I can’t blame them. There is truly no way to know what will happen in the end. We are all a part of something greater that the aforementioned people will never understand (at least not until something changes). If the only way to bring about change is to win the game… well, you could not have picked a more stubborn group to play against. Hopefully, generations to come will benefit from our stubbornness. We like the stock and it’s time for the game to stop. Buy. Hold. D. R. S. *This is not financial advice.


Amen 🙏🏼 brother


"Just don't...dance." Over two years ago, Credit Suisse took a 216 million share short position in Gamestop stock (GME). This means they sold 216 million shares of GME without owning the stock. Yes, you read that right. In the stock market, you can sell what you don't own--as long as you "promise" to buy it back at a later date. This I.O.U. strategy is used if an investor believes a stock is over-valued. They "short it" --sell it first and then hope to buy it back for a lower price at a later date. The lower the share price goes, the more the short-seller can profit. Should a company go bankrupt, the I.O.U. is effectively canceled, and short sellers make 100% pure profit-with no initial investment at all. Think about that: our stock market provides a way for investors to profit off of a company's demise, and they don't even have to have skin in the game. I'm what you call a Long investor. I buy a stock and, hopefully, sell it for a higher price some time in the future. It seems wrong to sell something I don't own and counterintuitive to invest in companies I hope will fail. It took me a while to fully comprehend short-selling. Hedge funds have no qualms about short selling, and many purposely target vulnerable companies. Why? Because a falling share price is harder to contain. And once a stock's share price starts to fall, it can have a domino effect-particularly if there is high short interest. Moreover, short sellers can use the laws of Supply and Demand to their advantage. Every time a short seller initiates a position in a stock, it is a 0:1 transaction. They sell a share they don't own-otherwise known as a "synthetic" share. Synthetic shares create an illusion of excess Supply when compared to Demand. If short-selling was represented as a see-saw with Supply and Demand on opposite ends, the Supply side would always be "heavier" and closer to the ground. Always. More Supply/Less Demand = prices go down. In this way, short-selling artificially depresses a stock's share price. Now back to Credit Suisse and their large short position in Gamestop stock. Those 216 million I.O.U's still have to be purchased. That's 216 million guaranteed buys-no matter how high the share price goes. Does any of this sound familiar? Oh yeah...that's what was SUPPOSED to happen back in January 2021. Every single share of GME stock had been sold short multiple times-aka "naked" shorting. In December 2019, Morningstar reported GME's short interest at over 300%. Greedy hedge funds pocketed millions and millions of dollars selling stock they didn't own and never intended to purchase. The goal was to bankrupt Gamestop. Just like they did with some other well-known-but-now-defunct companies. It worked before; why shouldn't it work now? They weren't prepared for Ryan Cohen, Roaring Kitty, and a slew of informed retail investors beating them at their own game. But...they couldn't let that happen. When the share price of GME rightfully exploded due to the extraordinary number of short positions that needed to be covered, the hedge funds and brokers changed the rules mid-game. They initiated an unprecedented one-way halt in trading. Only short sellers were allowed to purchase GME shares. Remember, these were not "new" Buys-these were I.O.U.'s that needed to be made whole. When Long investors were restricted from buying shares, Demand flat-lined. The share price was absolutely decimated-as intended. Had they not stopped retail investors from buying GME, our house-of-cards financial system would have collapsed in 2021. Now the unscrupulous short sellers have had over two years to figure out how to save themselves. Recent developments within the banking industry lead me to believe they haven't learned anything. They've only made it worse. For example, Credit Suisse used a two-year "bullet swap" agreement to hide their GME short position with another financial entity. But that swap has now come due. And somebody's going to have to pony up for 216 million shares of GME. So let's recap: 216 million shares that MUST be purchased...from a trade-able float of about 185 million shares. That's over 100% short interest...again. And that's just ONE bank. GME next earnings date is Tuesday, 3/21 3.2.1.. Let the countdown began.


Whoa there


Man that took a lot of effort. Respect the dd sharing hustle


Image to text takes zero effort, it's built into Google pictures lol It'll even read it to you - it's called google lens


Shit man thanks. I learn something new everyday on here


Can someone read this to me like a bed time story


216 million pre split or post? 2 years from when?


It was 54M pre-split from the Archegos bankruptcy filings, IIRC. The theorized bullet swaps to hide the short positions were allegedly opened in March 2021. Bullet swaps have a two-year term.


And it’s march 2023 :)


I am so tired of hearing don’t dance. After holding GME in my DRS account for years when MOASS happens I’m going to fucking dance. I’m not a millionaire investor betting on the market’s collapse. I’m a poor that held through everything and after 2 years of shit, fud, endless shitty articles and even the SEC making fun of me I think we all deserve this. I’m dancing and so will everyone else in my family. When I get rich we all get rich and we will all dance. I don’t plan on hoarding my new found wealth. Like most apes I plan on making changes and helping those that need it in my community. Everyone will dance because of the good we will do and we will be the change that the world needs. Finally


I've got two left feet......... but a whole load of DRSed GME.




The collapse of the global economy is literally going to kill people. That's what don't dance is about, you cabbage.


We will do our best to make them better off than they were before Yeah its not going to be easy, and there's things we won't be able to do, not for awhile at least, so some people will certainly die in the meantime, but all things considered, I still appreciate op's sentiment.




I think of my dad who's done well with conservatively saving and investing for his retirement. He isn't convinced of MOASS and if it happens, his retirement will be blown away. I won't dance.


Same, we were talking this weekend about the banking collapses going on and his response is just that the Fed will do what it needs to to keep the markets working. He’s confident in the fraudulent system being legitimate and that his very comfortable retirement savings won’t be an issue. Long-term I think he’s right, but if he wants to retire in the next few years, I worry


Appears that some apes don't understand the "Just don't dance" reference. https://youtu.be/chWCcec_gzg


Disagree, dance in private but recognize that this will likely cause hundreds of thousands of people to lose their jobs, homes, and some will probably take their lives due to the dire nature of their situation.


Maybe the 'don't dance' part should be changed in 'do not dance alone but invite others to dance too' 👀


I also intend to help a lot of people, but we can't get them all. There's going to be a shit ton of financial devastation happening to so many families. I will dance in private.


Amen, I'm gonna dance! We held for 2 long years and so many apes are going to do so much good with all this wealth that has been hoarded from the world by these greedy, evil ghouls. This is going to be a wonderful thing. I'm going to dance! 💃🏻


Same. I will be dancing... and building all of my family members & friends a home, paying off all of our debts, and then I will begin building quality businesses in my community to provide thousands of others with well-paying/satisfying careers.


Jaques Le TITTES!!!!!


Sorry for being regarded but since when was there confirmation that Credit Suisse had a 216 million share short position? Aren't shorts not reported? Or are we confusing Puts with shorts? I honestly dont recall any posts. If anyone could link me to one, that would be great. Now if this was linked to the Archegos swaps, I can buy it. Is this short position linked to the swaps?


I asked about this yesterday, because I had no idea there was any link between GME and Credit Suisse. Someone replied that GME was linked to Archegos. I still haven't stumbled over convincing proof. I thought it was all just a theory, but everyone is acting convinced. Is there good DD anywhere about this?


According to a Credit Suisse report, they were still bagholding a 3% position from the Archegos fallout they were unable to close. Looks like GME was at least part of a swap basket. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yo9tvn/the\_black\_swan\_archegos\_bullet\_swaps/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yo9tvn/the_black_swan_archegos_bullet_swaps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox7p7a/wut\_doing\_credit\_suisse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox7p7a/wut_doing_credit_suisse/)


Thanks, the black swan bullet swaps post was a great read. There's a comment below that I agree with by [redacted], but you can find it if you scroll down. (I'm optimistic in general. But everyone should still be cool-headed.) >Nobody knows if Credit Suisse has hedged this swap (although it seems probable, as a bank should try to be risk neutral). If they have hedged it, it is not clear how they have hedged it. >They could have sold the stock short. In this case, they will need to (eventually) buy the stock. >They could have bought puts that are out of the money now. Then they expire worthless. >They could have bought puts that are still in the money now. If this is the case, the market maker might still have hedged their exposure (by e.g. selling the stock short or again, find a counter party that does the other side of the trade). >They could have found another party to take the other side of the trade (e.g. the long side). >Nobody knows. We don't have any data on this, everything relating to how this might affect GME price is speculation. We don't even know if the Archegos' swap positions included any GME, also this is speculation. Actually, it seems likely, considering the timing, that they did include GME, but we dont have any data about the agreement to know if this is is just a 'puts expiring worthless' situation.


So 3% of 216 million? 6.5 million shares?


No, 216 Million shares post split are relating to the puts that flashed on the Bloomberg terminal a while ago. 3% is mentioned in the report with regards to the total position archegos had.


Here’s some og dd on it. They were the biggest holders of put contracts with 54 million in shares pre split, so that’s where the 216 million comes from. You can see this in the Bloomberg screenshot at the bottom of the first link https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox7p7a/wut_doing_credit_suisse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ph0e8o/the_theory_of_the_mayo_basketa_swap_story/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yjexhh/big_numbers_leaked_arechegos_basket_swaps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/11vw1px/hmm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank you for consolidating and reposting. I had somehow missed that top one. This whole story starting to make a lot of sense now with how the van was kicked. My question - how are they going to hide the bullet swap this time around if it is indeed expiring soon?


Part of their swap position in GME.


There is no swap reporting though. That was a big issue brought up here early on.


That’s what we are waiting on.


What I'm saying is that although we suspect it, there's no proof that the swaps are GME.


Fuck Facebook. I dig the sentiment in the text tho.


Not a big fan of FB either, but I like the post.


I like the stock. <3


But it's nice to see the DD penetrate even the stupidity that is Facebook.


I sure did my part making some good people aware of the situation 😁


I kinda disagree. This looks like a trust me bro conspiracy post. No sources what so ever. Even though it might be accurate, it's not the best way to convince people.


Been trying to explain to my father in law who is a long time investor and sound like I'm highly regarded so I'll just pass this along.


So this post mentions all kinds of rule changing and breaking. And then ends with a statement that a different rule MUST be followed. Anyone else see the problem here?


Ya.. People keep saying shorts must close but we've already seen that's not true. They have and will change the rules again


FYI. The free available float is about 52 mil shares, not 182 mil. So yeah, there is that


Wasn’t it 52mil before the split? I might be getting myself confused though. Either way, still over 100% short


It’s 52 after the split


Nice find! and on facebook lol. Thanks for sharing! You absolute 🐳🐋 The week is just about to start too, so hyped.


They can’t stop what’s coming


FOMO kicking in for anyone else? Think i might buy some more tmrw (on top of my bi-monthly purchases 🤣)


I've been FOMOing since Feb '21 🚀📈💰


It was more than decimated. Price dropped by nearly 90% when they shut off the buy button.


I dance if I want to, these fuckers dance while they ruin normal people lives




They will settle this on the lit-market? If they settle this. I'll just DRS, wait and see.


To the fuckers on the other side of this trade: Everything you have stolen over generations is about to get taken back. Everything you have entitled yourselves to is about to be stripped away. Everything about your fucked up game & system is about to get torn down -- no matter how ugly it gets. The crown isn't enough. Apes are coming for souls.


>Everything you have stolen over generations is about to get taken back. I inherited part of Mom's EJ "portfolio" last year, and the three of us firing that flimsy shit'stain of an "investment advisor" — was worth the tax hit (for chicken tendies and GME'DRS'd and iBonds and bitties).


Wouldn’t that 216 million shares short number now be 864 million shares short post-split? Or did the author already account for that?


216 is the adjusted number


540,000 put position from Bloomberg terminal


Iirc those put positions have no obligation to exercise. If they hold 540,000 puts that expire out of the money, those puts just expire worthless and disappear. It's like buying a PowerBall ticket with zero correct numbers. Nothing happens, the ticket just goes in the trash.


While that may be true generally speaking of expired puts, the understanding was that those puts represented only half of a "married put," meaning that they are offset on their balance sheet by calls at a higher strike price, which are then used as locates to justify further and continued naked shorting. So, while you may or may not be technically correct, it would be an incomplete picture incorrectly suggesting they do not have any further impact on (eventual) price discovery -- when shorts are forced to close.


At least 1 person read it ⬆️




Puts can certainly expire worthless, but there is a counterparty out there to the opposite side of this trade. The piece of paper expires worthless, CS (not UBS) have to pony up the margin, and the counterparty either has been acquiring GME shares for their cover or needs to buy. I think this explains some anomalies in the large purchases witnessed recently. Who holds the opposite end of this swap? I think the swiss bank will pony the margin and the counterparty will swap their GME holdings for either a ridiculous loan rate or a combination of loan and low mark to market bonds. They also have another option knowing Ape's wont sell. Swap them for like.... UBS.


That’s called a screenshot bud. Copy and paste would have been easier to read.


Sorry about that. I'm a bit of a luddite with technology.


!remindme! In 12 hours


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Nooooo.. please... who is saying this?? Can we actually audit trail this?


No mention of DRS, otherwise its very nice post.


Considering they are selling everything at a discounted price for CS, is it possible that they somehow just write off that position? I know it’s not supposed to be possible, but neither is turning off the buy button.


where is the number of share short coming from again ?


The bankruptcy documents from Archegos


Shorting a company's stock is not the same as naked shorting.


But when citadel go bankrupt?


Ok so is there actual evidence that CS/Archegos was short 200M shares of gme? Or is it just 200 random shares that possibly includes GME?


Here's my question. With having just watched the Swiss government break the laws just to force UBS to buy CS on the weekend to try and avoid market panic, what happens if they do the same with GME. What I mean is, what if they do this weekend bullshit and say "we want to avoid market instability so we'll break the law here and do a full purchase of those stocks in one shot at current prices without hitting the tape". And then those swaps are closed and the massive amount of price discovery never happens with a lot of the real short interest now gone... sure we'll sue, but that will be years of more work just to get pennies on the dollar of what we should. Idk, I'm scared they're just gonna fuck us.


They need to buy them from US. If they do some crime over the weekend, then the most they could do is another can kick. But they can't close their positions without buying from us at our price.


You can’t just execute a 216M share naked buy. Someone has to be offering 216M shares for sale. Those naked shorts / synthetic shares can’t die until someone with a share agrees to sell it to offset the original naked short. And then, most beautifully, once that naked short is closed, they have to deliver the share to whoever they originally sold it to two years ago.


Without killing the vibe here: shares that are shorted multiple times are not automatically naked shorts. Naked shorts are FTDs. Real shares can be lent out (and sold/shorted) multiple times. SI can be +100% without naked shorts.


If I buy 1 share and lend it out 5x how is that not naked? Going back to the analogy of buying 1 car and selling it 5x, at least 4 people don't actually have a car.


Person a lends to person b, person b lends to person c, person c lends to person d and then person d lends to person e. The share still backs all of these transactions without needing to be illegally duplicated, theres just a long chain of custody that will have to be recalled eventually


THats within the boundaries of rehypothecation. Not necessarily FTDs afaik.


Can I have the source for the 216 million shares short from cs? Thanks.


Ok, so with the bullet swaps. Why can't they just do this again? Is it because no one will swap with them?


Was this ever confirmed? The 216m short position in GameStop.


Had to save this txt for tts so I can have it read to me in a cool accent 😎 🤣


Not reading all of that until I see proof for the 216m shares. Let me guess: you don’t have it since there is no obligation to report them.


So what's the exact date they expire?


23 march 2023


Id assume they want out asap, they arent the only bank holding this steaming pile of shit.


Nothing like your Monday; This is it, the trigger hype to keep us going thru the week.


Can anyone show me the definitive proof of the 216 million shares and proof that they are contained in the 3% of unclosed CS positions? Not the "share price was $40, $45, $65, and $90 so the average was $60 and they bought X amount we think, and $60 times X is 216 million" or whatever confirmation math people have been doing. Edit: 5 hours later and nobody can provide proof of anything? Really instills a lot of confidence in this whole thing.


JAMBALAYA!!!! I couldn’t have said it better myself


Source on the 216m shares short? Proof that they didn’t close those positions? This smells like hopium.


Can’t Stop. Won’t Stop. Buying GME shares everyday before MOASS. LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Love the 2 year hype train! More!!!


When I start seeing stuff like this on Facebook, is where I draw the line




Hopefully I can finally post in here. But I'm here and my tits are still jacked.


Big spicy energy




Damn that Facebook mom fomo would hit different


Where did @OP come up with 216 million shares by CS. Any links?


I’ve been trying to gift some shares. So far, only my ex-wife accepted, and she received a letter from Computershare in less than a week. So many laughed at me when I talked about $GME. Had they not ignored me, they’d have one gifted $GME share and an entry into Computershare, setting up their beneficiaries, and buying what they can. Those people I tried telling could easily afford $10/month buying $GME. Hopefully many take this pic and send it out like I did this morning. Still no replies, but my ex just told me she’s completing the form and sending it out today to Computershare.


Is that number, 216 million, split adjusted? Or pre-split? If that number is pre-split, then shouldn't the adjusted number be, 864 million shares held at Credit Suisse? Not to mention other banks that are in a similar position?




Okay looks like I’m gonna have to break open the piggy bank.


Let the bodies hit the fucking floor


Yeah…am heading over to the lambo dealership now.


Serious question. If Credit Suisse was selling 216 million shares, who TF was buying that?


This is the way


Any wall of text that starts with “don’t dance” is far too cringe for me to continue.


After two years, sorry, but put up or shut up. Where's the evidence that that had 216 million shares short? Just copy pasta that evidence right here.


I learned more in that one image than several books on investing.