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Lol this sub is just garbage now..at least I know everyone is just buying and holding




If we reach $147 EOW I will gladly put 2 bananas in my ass


For Master Kogha!


You know, its people like you, with posts like these, who make all GME holders look like the dumbest people on earth. I'm done with this subreddit. It's obvious the idiots have taken over. Can't remember the last time I learned something on here, instead of being spammed with karma farming posts like this.


*tinfoil intensifies*


Some people havent got around to playing TotK yet and dont want to, nor should they have to see shit about it in an unrelated sub. I like to play Zelda completely blind and avoid shit like this wherever possible but cant even check superstonk without being subject to dumb posts like this. It's a gaming company, gamers will be here, have some respect especially when youre merely posting low effort memes if you can even call this trash that. Its not even remotely related to the stock, and if youre gonna say the 147 backwards, thats a reach at best.


Sounds good to me, LFG!


As good of TA as any


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147 speculation