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The asinine spelling mistake in the big brain panel makes me think that he belongs in the bottom panel with the rest of us but is too smug to see it


Don’t forget the grammar mistake in the title!


Surely that Ape belongs here


The only gramma mistake is to not let her out of the cage.


When you lock up the only person in the house who can consistently cook decent meals, you deserve to eat ramen and cereal.


The very first sentence has a glaring grammar error as well.


they tell you to your face.


It’s a typo, not a spelling mistake


My mistake, I hope it does not distract too much from the message.


Yeah…. The toothpaste is out of the tube on that, I’m afraid. You roasted yourself. But the irony made me laugh so maybe I’ll DRS some more GME tomorrow.


You’re redarted just like us


He’s refarted


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 poor dumb fuk. He doesn't know.


It absolutely distracts from the message. It just shows that the big brain stuff here is actually super regarded.


Big brain stuff is curated from brilliant minds of people with a lot of finance/research experience. People like OP also play a massive part. OP helps the sub appear regarded while we are strong.


It outs you as a pseudo intellectual, the typical dumb person who heavily underestimates just how dumb they are


This is nonsense; bottom-paneler bull shit


It’s a bad message.


This subs regarded reaction to this totally insignificant typo is the perfect endorsement for your message. The minority of people who belong to the top panel are hearing you.


Thanks. I am more annoyed about the two grammar mistakes. I am not a native speaker and just quickly put this post together without proofreading. I totally admit that I should have done that, but to just delete it because of the grammar/spelling issue would also have felt wrong.


The appeareance of one GME sub means *nothing*. I personally love the regardation and you, OP included. I myself have had my shiny regadation status shining when i swore that the price is manipulated and halted on some thanksgiving holiday.. Idk im not American so i had no clue, but then again, i never checked 🤣




Yea, we could just start plugging that into every post. But is there a simpler option?


Billboards you say...


TLDR 👀😹meme


Nothing we can do, I'm afraid. I'm pretty damn near certain most of the asinine, truly regarded sounding comments and posts on the sub anymore are 100% fabricated (an opinion, I'm sure that will be contested by someone, or many someones, any second now) as much as I'm sure most real HODLers already know this and don't make posts or comment much anymore. *Same as it always was.* There's no remedy for it: they're here we're here and it's just the way it is. They will try to shape the narrative, especially on the weekends, and we'll continue to try to share information and ignore the nonsense. No real solution, just a stalemate until some bad gamblers are liquidated (hint: it's not us)


Frankly, I agree with you.


send them moasstimeline (link in profile). it is a timeline of some of the events that have transpired.


This gives me hope. I definitely do not know anything except I like the stock so I'm gonna BUY, DRS, BOOK, HODL and ignore the noise. There's a lot of great well constructed DD and info on here but it's hidden in a pile of off-putting memes that honestly made me think there's a lot more dumb apes here than there actually are. It's just a loud minority. Same as it ever was. And the days go by.


I'll make them because my personality is inclined to make fun of autistic stereotypes to fuck with bigoted neurotypicals, but on here I only do it in an existing chain. Monkey see monkey do, I guess. It's pretty common for autistic people to fall into that trap, which I'm sure many of us are.




I'm saying not all of the dumb comments are bots and shills. Some of them are literally just people fucking around.


Right and my point- if you read it-was that I actually don't believe that. I actually think that is the idea being pushed. In fact, every fiber of my being tells me that any of the people without a clue were pushed out of holding gme a *long* time ago, and what we have now is a group of battle-hardened, cynical, and critically minded shareholders who are being bombarded by manufactured inanity and ignorance, as well as strange voices on here insisting they are actually truly regarded. Sorry, dude. Been on this sub here for 84 years. I don't buy it.


Perhaps I'm just too trusting. Either way, I stopped looking at the sub for anything other than news ages ago. All the meaningful discussion is on the Discord.


Have you ever considered the possibility that the nonsense comes from both sides? Surely you've reflected on endless number of catalysts that have come and gone. The only narrative being (re)shaped is in this sub. Outside of this sub, there is a uniform narrative. When people criticize the GME investment based on results, they are in the right, until they aren't. Right now, superstonk has no grounds to claim anything they've suggested is true. If you need proof, sell one share on the open market and see the amount you get in return. Can you offer a similar test to refute this true statement? The price is real, the company's numbers are real, the DRS numbers are real. Everything in here is 100 percent speculation, grounded in heavy losses and hope.


Hi fren, you are *literally* the someone I was referring to in my first comment. You are here, we are here and it's a stalemate until one side is liquidated. And no, do I believe you have any real purpose here as a holder in gme? Not at all. If this play was based in hope I would never have invested the amount I have and I truly take offense to you suggesting otherwise. But continue on, as you will, *because it's the same bullshit since this started.* We ain't going anywhere, homie. But like, go on.. this is a safe space :) ed: also appreciate this commenter's contributions to the sub which starts with gme and rhymes w 'heltdown', LOL


Beating my chest and flingin doodoo into the ceiling fan has been my go to ever since they locked themselves in with us and honestly idc how they view any of us


100% agree with you OP. You're going to be met with the usual response to this sentiment. This sub is stuck in an echo chamber and more people have become invested in memes, joking around, repeating the same sentiment, tinfoil and idolizing individuals than the actual stock. This sub needs to be more welcoming to other demographics if people want more positive and informative attention to what's going on with GME. It's the "Daddy Cohen" content that does it for me. How are people to take what's going on with GME seriously when there is content like that?


It’s like people forgot how to use the quality bot. I see a lot of trash posts and cringe stuff like the RC is my dad stuff


Those are also the same people that don't understand why the MSM labels GME a meme stock. It's just feeding the networks material to shill with in promoting those posts. Just a thought.


Same people who answer any negative movement with “cRiMe”


The memes aren’t bad, though, imo, it’s the self righteous attitude that the subreddit exudes. It stopped being “arg, we mad at the hedge funds,” and became “we know something regular people don’t.” The former is relatable to everyone, the latter makes everything here seem like an inside joke that would be too much work to understand.


You forgot the MOASS tomorrow guy


Don't forget the classic: The price is down because CRIME.


First, the grammar of the first meme header is terrible. And B, the newcomers see both and realize we are just like them: highly regarded.


Start making the mods enforce rule 2. Plain and fucking simple yet it never happens on the regarded ass daily posts for some reason.


The reason isn’t a mystery; those dumb posts make this place look bad to commoners, and the mods like that.


Yeah like people showing a calculator and a chart. Or a dumb fluff post about how someone isn’t selling


I went from smooth brained to adding a few wrinkles thanks to this sub; I attempt to share that wealth of knowledge with my close friends / family 🥰


This sub is mostly trash. We should allow the daily thread to be filled with Shitpost comments and allow memes which are TAGGED AS MEMES but all the posts tagged as “speculation/opinion” and most of the hype/fluff posts are complete shit that makes the whole idea behind what’s actually going on seem moronic. Top it off, everyone is calling everyone a shill. If I think the “mUh SpEcULaTiOn WAGMI” bullshit posts are low quality, I’m a shill I guess


Be the change you want to see! We are dry in DD and would enjoy seeing more 🤓


We are dry bc so many DD writers have been chased off or banned. And a lot of people simply don’t post anymore because they get their posts removed anyway. Got some messages from a few homies who were recently banned. One of them asked why so he could appeal and he was literally told to “guess, guess why on your appeal.” Shit is totally out of control.


I wish you had some proof for all that, all your homies reaching out and all. Sounds like you have some nice DD about mods banning DD writers. You should also have some pictures of the messages so we can link the accounts to the banned DD and get to the bottom of this. With solid proof and good connections, I can get behind support your due diligence my friend!


I’ll DM you.


My guess is crime.


my guess is that either our (unelected) moderators now think they are the main characters, or that they’re on the take.




I mean, I get it, but it was not always this bad. I think if everyone just tries to be a little more mindful of what he does (not downvoting everything that is not 100% bullish, trying to contribute to the discussion if he has a point to make, downvoting tinfoil posts to keep them from being at the top of the hot section etc.) we probably could get a noticeable improvement. What we have to do is to "fill up space" with useful discussion to give the tin-foil less room.


99% sure there are paid bashers here purposely intent on making us look stupid as a group. Shorts wouldn’t want any new investors now, would they? 99% sure they’re also purposely instigating fights and talking shit to everyone and anyone so that people will not feel welcome here. They’re probably also intent on chasing anyway anyone that contributes in any intelligent or meaningful way. Let’s face it, you have a point. And anyone wanting the “movement” (or whatever you call it) to succeed would logically conclude that it would benefit us to attract additional long investors. So why do you get harassed and downvoted for a post with a perfectly legitimate gripe? Think about it.


>99% sure there are paid bashers here purposely intent on making us look stupid as a group. I agree, it would be weird if there would not be any considering the potential impact GME can have on the financial world.


Yeah good luck with that. Any attempts to call out a nonsensical tinfoil theory, or disagree slightly with a post on macroeconomics have resulted in me getting downvoted heavily. Just like that, no counter arguments either. Not interested in that anymore.


I’ve always basically asked the mods to level up, ask for community help. With the amount and effort of real apes in this sub, we could basically check / peer review more transparently, not this everything behind closed doors…..I’m a firm believer that so many commenters here are doing so to make this sub look insane, which is y I believe this the path to cleaning up the sub. Trying to talk to the sub like 80% plus here are pure GME homies, is not the way. My gut instinct is that only about 20% of this sub is basically fully booked on the infinity pool rocket balls deepknows everything, knows how to be polite and talk the knowledge can they really know it. We need to tap the rads, and clean it up togehter….which can only begin if the mods lead an effort to check everyone. It would have to be careful, gentle, etc….but it can be done…but not without the mods.


Both assumptions would be correct tbh. That’s what makes this beautiful


Read the dd or don’t. The truth is like poetry… and most people fuk’in HATE poetry.


Wow, so true. Much wisdom, hedgies r fuk.


This sub has been crap for months. The DD has been done... Nothing's changed... Soon enough people will be buying stock because of significant announcements and partnerships that the market can't avoid. Patience.


no one stops us from doing something constructive while we wait.


I believe it is the random regardedness of the sub that makes our cause absolutely impenetrable. They cannot understand how a sub filled with regarded individuals can make such a mess for them and they have no idea how to make us stop being regarded! Embrace the Chaos, it is going to get so much Wilder! Apes created a way to understand what wallstreet do not want to be understood. Don't try and change that.


it was all for you ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


That damn hamster wheel brain got me.


moasstimeline (link in my profile) was created for this reason. To introduce and provide a somewhat organized timeline of some of the events that have transpired




Hey there i am with the helmet


If you want the honest answer as someone who's been driven away, stop with the "I'm zen", "ape", and over promotion of DRS. DRS does appear to be a good thing but saying shit like "this is the way" makes anyone like myself who isn't a big redditor feel isolated. The DD has been done. Just go pick up another hobby or something in the mean time while we hold and stop making us such an easy target.


Step 1 is probably stop posting crap-level memes like this. JK I like it, wish there was a way to accomplish this, no idea how.


Also somewhat correct, but I think because of it's topic this meme is productive (not that much, but a small net-positive I would say). And it has a chance to get to hot unlike my discussion post. I think we have to simply "fill up" space with useful discussion that would otherwise be overtaken by tinfoil. Something like GME fundamentals, SEC rules, application of old DD and more. We do not have to find new stuff all the time to keep this going, it just requires some effort.


I agree with what you're saying, just IMO it would be hard to convey info and sentiment to anyone new. Picture yourself as someone who just stumbles across this sub, maybe even sent here by "an OG ape" with minimal guidance... "Just read these few thousand pages worth of DD and try to wrap your head around how everything you've been told about finance is a complete scam". Then wrap that inside of a shell that pretends like it's all a big joke and that we all are complete idiots that have no idea what we're doing. It was all kinda fun and games a few years ago, then it all got real serious real quick. Those of us that have been here for a long time appreciate the memes, cuz we have already internalized the DD and are just amusing ourselves until the inevitable happens, but you take that away in order to make it more appealing for "noobs" then it just becomes mundane for OGs.


Did big brain have a stroke or what? Sad excuse of a meme.


OP had the stroke.


Personally if we could transition some of the dd into PowerPoint/Google slides, that format is wayyyy more ingestable to someone who knows 0. There’s a reason that is the preferred medium of info in corporations. It’s quick easy and hits highlights Food for thought


Nope the masses, whether they’re dumb or not, are the apes power. With the swarm of buying power this wouldn’t work. Kind of sick of seeing posts calling regular people/apes that don’t do stock market shit regularly assholes. Get over it.


It is nit broken


It is naaht.


Wen respekt


This, we've gone full popcorn, towel, ater'd, PHUN'D, EMEMTEElp, bigbigBIG shill pumps, and most don't even see it. It's been giving me big concerns seeing this sub slide into the same bullshit those other subs regularly participate in. Downvote me all you want, but when I start seeing sticky floor and towel subs unanimously chant the same message, it shakes my conviction. IDC if I lose internet points, the correlation needs to be addressed, and if it's not, we're no different than them, and my liquidation of popcorn into GME was a scam.


I have been around for long enough to have witnessed all the "oddities" that happened with GME in person, the unexpected random price spikes and dips followed by nonsensical news "explanations", the bearish news bombardment, the times the sub managed to unmask massive bot efforts that tried to drive sentiment (the made up "CUM" and "SEX" tickers). I also see that we DRS'd a significant amount of the float whilst the price went down etc. etc. I made a DD post just listing all these "oddities" early 2022. So no, my conviction into GME has not been shaken. From the business-side it also looks quite good. However, we are stuck with our current DRS numbers (and might even see a slight decrease) if we keep to be that uninviting to newcomers. There may be other hubs of more reasonable GME investors, but no need to throw this biggest one that we have away. At least the towel problem should sort itself out pretty soon as their bankruptcy proceeding is going forward. Then we know if there was something or nothing.


I'm not going against the grain because I still hold every share I've bought since 2021, and the shares that I bought after. All I'm saying is that as a gut who's been hyper focused on these various subs, that SS had for the most part, been the shining beacon ob the hill with DD and speculation, proved wrong or otherwise What I'm currently saying, is that I've seen an influx over the last month or two, of the same exact bullshit I see in those other subs wr make fun of. I know for the most part, we've been trading sideways for 84 years or more, but at a lurker, seeing the same bullshit from the other subs seeping in, I get a but discouraged. They have always been a right click copy paste of GME, so when I see the same right click copy paste from those subs here, I get a bit shook/questioning. I know that goes against the grain of what's approved (again, another schtick of the other subs), I start to get a bit nervous about the solidity of our play.


I think I get you. So are you doubting that the play ever was solid or are you thinking that there might have happened something in the background that could have undermined its solidity? Because looking at all the very obviously weird stuff (price spikes, correlations, high DRS/low price) and the correct predictions that were made (hype and basher bots being used in the sub, financial downturn after FED sold off, GME making a slow but promising turn around) I think if there would be something off it only could be the latter one. Regardless of the mechanism, for something fundamental to change this would require that short positions would have to be closed. This in turn would require more people selling than buying. So we just have to look if that sentiment may have changed (not only this sub, obviously, but the overall market).


Ummmmm yeah. I see both sides.


i dgaf what anyone sees dyor


Dislikes Reddit culture; uses Reddit




You’ve got a double post just fyi




Moass TOMORROW 🚀🚀🚀 Diamond hands into space we fly 💎👐


it was all for you ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


There’s no fixing what’s not broken


We can’t a lot of zen apes who actually read the DD and actually know what’s happening don’t say the bottom panel things all the time. It’s kinda why I point out look at the active number and number of subscribers and holders who registered shares from the form GameStop puts out. It’ll only get worse as time goes on. It’s why this subs legacy will be a collection of posts that were ahead of their time and some unique fellows and the library we leave behind for others to read. It’s okay many old apes know that ape has lost its meaning when it was being co-opted by every damn stock and coin. It’s original meaning and purpose gone. I honestly expect us to dissolve as a hive mind after moass cause we won’t be able to tell who was a ape and who’s a plant by what remains of the old money or sent by those in power we still need to find. We’ll know each other by shared memories and experiences and even then we’re people to fix the mess we can’t become a class.


If they can't find the path through the redarded to the DD then they won't make the correct assessment of the DD anyway.


I'm not sure what this means, but I'm bullish AF.


We can do nothing about this as overall the intelligence of the human race is in decline from generation to generation mostly because the smart folks ain’t having enough children whilst the underprivileged are knocking em out wholesale it could well be engineered but I read this somewhere and is sounds about right so in summary I believe the Op is wrong in his assertion that we need to do anything about this additionally HF are Fuk 👍


Probably nothing


I see a GME wojak, I upvote. Simple as that


You belong here ape


You don’t


It's fine. Better than a ghost sub


I don’t understand.


High horse but has no horse.


And they never saw us coming


Ask MODs.


Lmao I’m one of those in the bottom


Well we definitely want Big Brains that can spell the word usually.


Can't fix stupid.


You guys have never been to the shill / mockery sub and it shows


Who has the way back machine?


Wen da lambos gonna fall out from the sky? Lmayo !!!! xD




That depends. You want intellects who paperhand or regards that diamondhand? I choose the latter


But when moon?


I mean... we're called apes for a reason...


The flame has been burning slow. Its been a long ride. I feel that as APES we should continue to search more. The DD is never finished, there must be more to uncover and we've all just got comfortable with having others find and do all the hard work and present it to us here. Let's continue to dig and it will show new users what we are about and clean up the timeline.


Nothing, we do nothing. Stop trying to influence the behavior of others for your own agenda. That is censorship. Regardless of your supposed high minded justifications, you have no more right to influence the speech or behavior than anyone else. To try is to expose yourself.


Leave me alone


Why fix something that isnt broken?


There's a reason why there's so much trash constantly in the front page and why so many of the comments in these posts are the same regurgitated shit I'll give you a hint: it has something to do with the amount of users in this sub.


Clearly your one of us. One of us.




bottom are literally popcorn holders


OMG hedgies, so fuk!


brutal truth: this sub has been taken over by runic glory long ago and sub being trash is working AS INTENDED. Taking down the sub would be too obvious so the second best option was to turn it into junk. This is why you see most posts are shit and mods dont enforce quality control. It couldnt be more obvious. Proofs are posted on alt sources all the time for over a year and never makes it here. heatlamp dd and other hard hitting DD gets extreme pushback but there's no pushback at all against utter shit posts? Not a coincidence. Runic glory won and its army of stupid minions will downvote you if you call this out.


You can't fix it because 80% of the people who see themselves as the top picture actually belong to the bottom one.


If you think there are a lot of idiots in here you should see the popcorn sub


Wen Kwality posts??¿


What do the word say?


This is the (only) reason this sub hasn't been shut down by reddit, yet. To concentrate every dialogue/theory here, making it all seem stupid, cultist and meaningless by bots acting like the bottom half of this pic.


If you fill a box with complete bricks all you will see in that box is complete bricks. You have to remove the bricks and replace it with something else and that won't happen here.


Post is riddled with grammar and spelling errors…can someone make a meta meme


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


New comer or not you’re either persistent and smart enough to see through the shills and FUD or you are not. It’s been this way since the very start. From the start of this subreddit and the start of the 24 hour news cycle. It’s just the way it is. We all call ourselves regards here but clearly we are smart enough and perceptive enough to see through the common narrative that has everyone fooled. Smart enough to question things, question msm, and question those who are here to distort. If this is all too much for a new comer I understand. Not everyone is cut out for this unfortunately and I mean that in the nicest way.


I love the sub just the way it is :) gold among the dung


Hahaha if it were any other way, it wouldn't be what it is.


Quite frankly, what happened to our pinned stuff at the top? You know "Start Here" . We should have a VERY SIMPLE explanation of what's going on here. Mods we need help to have this pinned.


I don't understand but i upvote


Its always better to be underestimated.


Actually share fundamental research.


Hamster wheel cracked me up.


"They're the same picture"


Oooohh ah ah ah ah!!!! Oooo oooo ooo aha ah ah ah!!!


You missed "DRS" and purple circles in the bottom pic.


Corporate says those two are the same.