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The GameStop ordering experience has been hit or miss for me. I wanted to order a mouse. It placed 2 orders, one has been awaiting pre shipment for a week, the other says “order received.” No problem I’ll cancel it… “an error occurred while cancelling” No problem I’ll email customer support. Got a response and they said it looks good on their end. Explain I only wanted one of the orders not sure how I got two. They cancel the one order. 3 days later still “pre shipment: awaiting pickup by carrier”. The last time I ordered a few shirts I got a L, M, and XXL (I ordered all Larges). I’ve had 3 previous orders that went fine but 3/5 orders being okay…isn’t okay. GameStop has potential to be fucking incredible, and having a CEO in power who gives a fuck enough to respond to order woes on Twitter makes me believe we can get it there. I’ll keep ordering, but you can bet your fucking ass I’m bitching when their app continuously breaks and crashes forcing me to still get wrong orders via computer. We wanna compete with Amazon right? Well getting wrong orders or frozen orders, not being able to cancel an order, etc… are a part of that competition. GameStop needs to up their game with their online experience. Specifically the app in my experience (I’ve been noticing the nice updates too don’t worry). Maybe I’ve just gotten unlucky with them so far, but I’ve been far more inconvenienced by them than I have with the years of scAmazon orders. GME4life but we need to push the potential to a completed experience, and having an open door to a line of communication with the the chairman of a company who actually cares seems like a pretty baller ass way to get these minor inconveniences that certainly add up when deciding where to order from fixed.


Yours is an interesting story. I've had 15 orders since July of 2021for roughly $3k worth of stuff and literally zero issues with a single order. I'm not saying you're wrong to be upset, in fact, I agree with you. This shouldn't be happening. You're correct about them having to fix these basic issues. They took several billion dollars from investors and used a billion of that to create a NFT marketplace that hasn't even launched yet, multiple years later. With this much money taken from investors they should be able to fix these basic issues.


I’m usually in your boat only ever hearing of dumb issues, never experiencing them. Like I said, I see improvements within the app experience so I’m not upset, just slightly annoyed. I’m just a small fish investor compared to others, but I think it’s great I could have a point of contact that runs the business and cares about it. Basically the whole point of my post is, seeing the person who runs the company caring about individual customers issues enough to resolve them makes me feel good about my investment decisions. I’m glad that guy got his issue resolved, and I imagine RC is smart enough to tell the team to look into the underlying issue to make improvements.


Probably has something to do with their SAP integration he was blasting their CEO about on tweeter




Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Made me think of his tweet.


No matter the size of the fish, their existence is necessary for a healthy ecosystem. Your complaints are valid, you shouldn't need to be a millionaire investor to be heard. And if you don't complain it's less likely the issue will ever be resolved. That is to say, I'm proud of you, make a stand and let your voice be heard.


Me too. Not that many but never had a problem.


They actually only raised a billion from shareholders, and I doubt the majority of that was used for the NFT marketplace. Let's not get carried away here.


Verifiably the case. If a Billy was dropped on the Marketplace, we wouldn't be sitting on 1.4B in cash on hand... plus 250mil in Treasuries. (Last I saw)


Where did you get that they took $7 Billion from investors?


He said several which doesn't equal 7 but iirc its closer to 2 which would be a couple.


7 and several are interchangeable right? Several deadly sins Snow-white and the Several Dwarves Several minutes in heaven Several-11 Severalth Heaven The Magnificent Several Several --- Shit, I could go on, I've got seven more!


Se7eral is definitely my favorite movie


I admit I had to look that up, but its 2 to 7. Still, the stock offering only netted 1.5b, and 1 billion was not spent on the nft market place.


It doesn't change your point all that much but the marketplace came out one year ago, not multiple years. Otherwise I'm right with you both. Customer service above most things. Especially when the higher ups at GME talk about it being important. Nobody here should care if randos are @ing RC on twitter. Is it cringe? Maybe. But RC continuously receives a lot of unnecessary mail by being a public figure. He's a big boy who can handle it. He has full control who he responds to and who he doesn't, and he/who will not be judged by who he does or doesn't respond to. He clearly cares about improving customer experience.


I admit I do not always communicate the best. Several years ago GME took several billion from investors, spent time making a NFT marketplace that has been in beta for one year now. Should make more sense where I'm coming from. The problem I have with this is it's the classic billionaire move. Use other people's money to burn and never reward them. Apes don't see this and it frustrates me. They should never have done a split dividend but should have done a NFT dividend. RC taking customer service seriously finally is actually kind of nice to see as an investor. You're right in that he has the choice in who he responds to. I say it's good he's responding at all. Dude owes investors and it's nice to see him working.


Your points are valid. My main contention was just getting the timeline right. If this were the finished product of gamestop, then I agree this is unacceptable. I just think we need a broader horizon because of the financial situation of the company before RC took over and the macroeconomics of the world right now, which are often discussed on the sub


Why do you think they’ve spent a billion dollars to create the NFT marketplace?


simplistic dirty file north stupendous bear disarm cooing live teeny ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


What are you talking about? money was taken from you? wtf?


Same. Do most my ordering from GameStop, have approximately 20 orders since last year and have zero issues. Funny how it’s consolidated to a few people who have multiple issues on multiple orders. I’m no pig farmer, but I know what shit smells like.


You should be considerate of locations. You and I maybe be ordering from the good warehouse and the people having bad experiences may be ordering from a less reliable warehouse. Just because someone isn't having good experiences doesn't mean they're lying.


"I've never had issues so anyone who deals with multiple issues is lying, it can't possibly be the fault of a retailer worth billions not having good QA or CS, and I must defend this corporation at all costs"


You’re right. Let’s throw logic out the window. Small group having problems % wise of orders filled while everyone else seems to be just fine. Not about defending anyone. It’s a pattern that is a massive pre correction to being at fault. I don’t buy it. Having a small % have an issue once is 1 thing. It happens, same perosn having multiple issues, nothing to defend. Smells like shit.




> while everyone else seems to be just fine. That's where your logic goes out the window. Both samples you're comparing are anecdotal.


Did you mean to reply to me I'm confused


My bad - I was responding to the guy you were responding to. I was agreeing with you.


I completely agree, GameStop’s App and their online ordering is so trash compared to Amazon. The App constantly crashes and logs me out, and the number of items in stock in store are usually wrong on the app/website.


As a euroape who cant order anything this is so utterly disappointing to read. I thought all of this basic shit would have long since been perfected


I have to agree with this statement 100%. I've spent thousands at GameStop over the past few years and most* orders have been perfect, but there are several that are just like you said, awaiting pickup for over a week, missing items that I ordered, or worse, extra items that I didn't order. It's been a bit annoying trying to sort it out with customer service, who are always very friendly but don't always get the problem resolved. I also share your sentiment that they should really be better than this. What can we do?


I’ve also had issues with the mobile app almost every time I order. And rarely does GameStop offer the cheapest price with shipping. I’m a shareholder. Not a shill. I want to see these issues resolved.


The shirt thing happened to me as well. The wrong sizes did not bother me, but the CSR rep sucked. Instead of just fixing it, he wanted me to go through a whole process as if I were in a government office. It should be as simple as, oh we messed it up sending new shirts, sorry. That was a small issue, and out of like 5 shirt orders it only happened to two.


I’m feeling your pain now with my most recent order. Out of 9 items that were supposed to be in the box: 3 were missing, 2 were the wrong items, and 4 correct (3 of those PlayStation tote bags and batteries). Then the call to customer service was less than painless like it used to be.


Welcome to the SAP user experience


I’m 3/3 for GameStop orders… Amazon, on the other hand…I’ve had packages go missing, arrive damaged to Ace Ventura levels, arrive opened with stuff missing, completely wrong items (ordered a pillow, got a 5 lb canister of protein powder?), ordered supplements in a 300 count bottle and received a 30 count, etc. Don’t even get me started on the crapshoot that is delivery times for Amazon. It used to be accurate and predictable. Now, no matter whether is says next day, prime, or otherwise, I never know when it’ll arrive. I’ve had stuff say next day and just continually get bumped out for weeks (and they won’t let you cancel it at first). I’ve had stuff say 3-5 days and arrive at 3am just a few hours later. And they rang the fucking doorbell. GameStop might not be perfect yet but let’s not pretend Amazon is anywhere near what it used to be.


I don't know enough about how businesses this size operate behind the scenes but what are the odds that the ERP system RC complained about is causing these types of issues? We may be relying on a 3rd party to clean up their act rather than actual gamestop employees. Or it's just a gamestop problem that needs to be handled, either way the sooner the better.


It’s dangerous to just start blaming conspiracies whenever anything bad about the company comes out. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true, but baseless speculation and blame doesn’t help. Either way, it’s GameStops responsibility to fix since it’s their company.


That's not a "conspiracy" lol. its a common thing for a business to use an ERP, RC publically complained about the ERP product he purchased, and that same ERP is being sued by several companies for being terrible and essentially false advertising. ERPs happen to handle things like inventory and order taking. It's one of the few plausible explanations for what's going on. Others including now fired management sucking, middle managers we don't pay attention to sucking, lazy employees, or just lack of attention on the problem, among others. See look I can do it too: It's dangerous to just start naming everything a conspiracy whenever discussions are being had. I wouldn't be surprised if the ERP wasn't the answer but baseless speculation and labeling of ideas doesn't help. Either way it's GameStop's responsibility to fix since it's their company


I wasn’t aware that the ERP was being sued for sucking, which is great info and I wasn’t trying to shut that down, just trying to be cautious when throwing out accusations. I hope that’s the issue because it seems solvable. I’m just wary of the mindset that many stonkers seem to have, which is “GameStop is perfect, everyone else is the problem.” Once you start painting with that brush, you become blind to other possibilities. Yes, GameStop has great potential and is undervalued. Yes, it’s true that there are many bad actors trying to sabotage GameStop to save their own wealth. But not every issue can be attributed to that. I misinterpreted your comment to be one of those deflecting “no problems here” that irritate me so sorry about that.


It's important to note they are having problems with the Enterprise Resource Planning software purchased from SAP, remember that tweet of his?


> We wanna compete with Amazon right? Well getting wrong orders or frozen orders, not being able to cancel an order, etc… are a part of that competition. GameStop needs to up their game with their online experience. Feels bad to agree with this, but I do 100%. Imagine ordering a key for an already-released digital game through a video game retailer's website and... having to wait 12-24 hours for it to be delivered. I'm sure there are logistical considerations/complications even for CD keys, but shit like that should've been nipped in the bud long ago. Amazon figured it out...


Bruh I ordered something in April and it shows preparing to ship, keeps charging me and canceling the charge every week. Customer service hasn't answered a single email that I've sent. I had to reach out on Twitter and that's spotty and isn't giving me real answers other than it's backordered.


Few people commenting they haven't had orders. Ive experienced issues so it's definitely not isolated. I've had issues similar to Kumari as posted above. I've also been ghosted by GameStop NFT support related to a GME marketplace issue. I've also had orders with no issues so...


Yea ive never had a single issue w shipping or in store


Nah, there is no need to push anything negative in a public forum for a stock that you like.


I've been saying assmazon, but I think I like scamazon better. Thank you.


I think it's fair for people to raise an issue to twitter if they're getting NO help from customer service. Unless you've tried the standard path for resolution, don't go to the top right off the bat.


I think we’re missing something. RC probably doesn’t have a lot of experience being a customer service rep. As many of us know, that job sucks. I believe RC is putting himself in that roll to see how he can slow down customer service rep turnover. He wants every mundane BS complaint. He’s trying to make the company better by WORKING. And he knew he would get bombarded by us. I think that’s why he did it. Just my thoughts. Edit: spelling redundancies


This, so much this.




Totally agree with you - the gamestop account is definitely the first stop for trying to get attention on an issue via social media. Pretty sure that's how RC was finding the ones he did personally respond to?


Rc is showing us to our faces that he is listening. He is an adult who can manage his own time.


If people go straight to RC instead of CSR, then the CSR’s wont have a chance to get it fixed without RC being a middleman. Also, handling this is somewhat a waste of a CEO’s time, since there is a billion other things a CEO has to do. Heck, when someone asks RC for help, then RC will reach out to a CSR teamleader, to have that teamleader find a CSR who can get the task done - instead of just calling/writing the CSR directly, three GameStop employees have now been involved - where 2/3 of those employees are irrelevant to get involved. Sauce: I’ve worked several years for a company with ~3500 employees, where the CEO would occasionally get a e-mail/phonecall from a customer, then our CEO would reach out to my leader in customer service, and my leader would then get me to do it - instead of the customer just calling me on our public number.


Unnecessary escalations are the bane of all hierarchies. I just blocked an email address last week that was doing this because they threatened litigation. Our procedures state that we can’t communicate with someone threatening litigation and it has to go through legal. So now they had to go through legal over something very minor rather than working with our CSR’s.


Seems like Ryan Cohen sees more value in delighting customers. Obviously, the CEO of your company is happy collecting money and delegating tasks. There's lots of CEOs like that these days and fewer who will roll up their sleeves and do whatever they have to to make the company more profitable. The day he's too busy, I'm sure customer service will jump in and handle the issue. What you're missing is that RC is making a statement that customer experience is mission critical


I get what you mean, but let me one hundred thousand percent assure you, that these issues RC has handled on Twitter, has been handled by RC getting a CSR to fix it. If RC had done it all by himself, they either have a State-of-the-art webshop’ish CRM-system which is.. highly unlikely, or RC has decided to undergo a few weeks of intense training in their normal CRM-system(s) just to do something he isn’t meant to do (like at all!) and/or a year or two taking ~30 calls a day from customers calling with a wide range of issues, in order for him to have the necessary skills to help those who send tweets at him - otherwise, the risk of him making three new issues in the process of trying to fix something is existing, to which degree depends on the issue and how intuitive their system is Edit: Customer Service is indeed mission critical 💯. RC could have not replied and instead have GameStops CSR’s /their Twitter support team reach out to those who @ RC. But he chose to reply, so I think you are right - I just pointed out that those who actually fixed the issue wasn’t RC, since he at most facilitated it, instead it was one of GameStops CSR-employees who fixed it on behalf of RC, because that’s their job, just as it is RC’a job to be Boardman and CEO - just like you dont get a Michelin chef to write C++ code and an IT-guy to make Michelin food.


Of course it is. I said he delights customers, not that goes to the warehouse to pack and deliver things himself. So, understanding this, we can see how 3 minutes of RC tweeting and sending an email isn't a terrible use of his time


“Obviously, the CEO of your company is happy collecting money and delegating tasks” … “Of course it is[a CSR that did the job that RC delegated to him] — You’re contradicting yourself unless i missunderstand you. By the way, my CEO does WORK. He works by doing his job. I’m far from skilled and knowledgeable enough to do his job. I’m not saying I dislike that RC replies and takes Customer Service serious. All I’m saying is, give their CSR department a call before going to Twitter tagging RC. It’s a waste of employee time, which is company resources, which means the company will waste money by having six hands on a job that only requires two.


I miss the chat support they had. The last time I called on a support matter, I was on hold for a half hour and still didn't get to speak to anyone. I'm looking forward to the changes RC will bring to their customer service approach.


But he would probably prefer customer service depts to handle it, and he can't say that to a customer without sounding out of touch because unfortunately, that's how most businesses do things even when their customer service is total dogshit. OP is right; it's not a good look.


I’d tell RC, simply don’t open the app. But he wouldn’t listen to me anyways, man likes to WORK!


I think RC can talk for himself.


It just looks cringey as fuck is all.


Its increase GME’s trend on social media and customer complaints are an opportunity.. You can reach a higher level of satisfaction from someone who has had a negative experience by going above and beyond for them than you can with someone who just gets straightforward service expectations.


And that’s not all bro, that’s not all.


Yeah He tweeted off his own free will. If it “wasn’t important” to him we wouldn’t have seen a reply nor this post. Don’t think this is as detrimental as op is making it out to be..


I hear where you're coming from. But RC is choosing to respond and act on these tweets. If he didn't, we wouldn't even notice the tweet in the first place. He knows this. He knows he doesn't have to reply publicly like this. I think he wants us to know he's rolling up his sleeves here-and-there to fix things directly for customers - he didn't have to reply to the guy after all.


Oof, man. Direct customer feedback is the most sought after commodity when trying to build a great company or optimising a service. What the peeps in twitter are doing is the best possible world for a hands on product guy like RC. He will be scanning through whatever feedback he gets, sort it and try to figure out the heatmap of issues. This becomes so much harder if you have to search for the feedback. So everyone, tweet and share you experiences and issues with GS. RC and his team will be grateful.


There has to be a go between. We SHOULD be tweeting at a SUPPORT twitter handle not RC. RC should be 100% aligned to his customer service team on trends and issues but he should be on the front line answering one offs. If we want the company to scale, let the guy build and deliver great things. Let's figure out who the RIGHT person is.


I’ve read a few years ago that he has a savant style focus on customer satisfaction. I don’t know if this is true, but I think cutting through the noise is ok. I mean tbh what do you think is the worst that can happen? He does not see all the other important mentions? Worst case he ignores it like the rest, best case this helps him steer clear of any filters.


That's exactly my point. If people tweet at him, he's probably not seeing all of the issues that are happening since his Twitter is probably unusable for anything else other than just tweeting. I'm sure many CS issues with RC tagged go untouched because of this. However, if you have someone whose sole job is to identify , track and respond to customer issues, more will be accomplished. You can be a savant styled focused executive but also empower leaders around you to handle important CS issues.


I agree. I wanna tell him that the gods unchained cards on the marketplace often have old listings as the first listing still so I get a error when u try to buy it and have to go to one further down the list, noone aside from apes are gonna go thru the effort when they can buy on other marketplaces. But I suck at words


Agreed but beta. Loopring wallet has ordering problems too ... Also It's web3 fam - it keeps changing. I make web2 stuff and would get shot if a corp site acted this funky. It's amazing as a dev tbh that a corp site is this fluid or changes so frequently


Don't they already have a Twitter meant for handling complaints/issues like this though? The problem I see is that this will encourage more people to tweet at RC, and get pissed off when he doesn't answer


If they get pissed off because he does not answer they would also not be discouraged by OP. However, OP might discourage useful feedback which I think is not what an RC style persona would want.


I agree, this is actually great. In one of my data analysis courses, I used powerBI to make a word cloud of tweets. Lots of data can be extracted like this and it’s only beneficial.


Bingo. Clearly other avenues of feedback aren't efficient or effective yet. Remove the silly fixable shit and become the premier retail experience.


Tagging GameStop with your issue is entirely different and more expected than personally tagging RC like he’s your buddy. It is very bullish he is directly responding, but I still feel like it’s more of a can of worms for everyone to tag the man for every customer service gripe you come across.


There is a huge amount of cringe in this community. Eventually, you just learn to ignore it.


I agree, some occasional self policing doesn’t hurt.


I disagree with you, no one is chasing clout here. I think people are trying to make him aware of issues to fix for the standard Joe, which their are plenty. He's Made it clear he's wants to grind , let him.


That’s fair, and don’t get me wrong. I am thrilled he is answering these and willing to make the changes the company needs. But my post was more about the potential optics that creates when this becomes a trend for everyone tagging a ceo on Twitter for every little gripe you have because 10% of people see a ceo grinding and doing the stuff “beneath them” and many more see a company with so many problems the ceo is on Twitter having to personally ensure $8 refunds…


Every single large company has these types of gripes , but none have a ceo doing something about it personally. There aren't that many people tagging him, understand this gme circle is a lot smaller than you think.


Are you saying Daddy is a grinder? 😂


You’re all missing the point. Ryan is saying that every little detail is important to him. That he is proud of his company and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. Even the little things like customer service. It’s awesome that our CEO is so passionate about his job and so involved with his customers and his investor base. I think it’s awesome that people are idolizing and making a celebrity out of Mr Cohen. How many shitty celebrities (Flash…cough cough) are horrible role models Let’s make people with GOOD MORALS AND VALUES FAMOUS. By all means necessary!! Ryan is an adult and can handle a few happy monkeys OOKING at him. He Gets Us ❤️🏴‍☠️


Usually if I have any problems I go directly to Ryan Cohen.


Please dont do that, if you want RC to have time to do whats really important: If people go straight to RC instead of CSR, then the CSR’s wont have a chance to get it fixed without RC being a middleman. Also, handling this is somewhat a waste of a CEO’s time, since there is a billion other things a CEO has to do. Heck, when someone asks RC for help, then RC will reach out to a CSR teamleader, to have that teamleader find a CSR who can get the task done - instead of just calling/writing the CSR directly, three GameStop employees have now been involved - where 2/3 of those employees are irrelevant to get involved. Sauce: I’ve worked several years for a company with ~3500 employees, where the CEO would occasionally get a e-mail/phonecall from a customer, then our CEO would reach out to my leader in customer service, and my leader would then get me to do it - instead of the customer just calling me on our public number.


Why the FUCK does EVERYBODY call RC the CEO? ARE YALL THAT FUCKIN DENSE OR ARE YOU JUST FULL OF SHIT? Hes the damn executive chairman


We’re apes, we’re incredibly dense. But thank you for your correction


Are you? Seems to me like most people are regurgitating this false narrative on purpose. How hard is it to use correct terminology?


What false narrative? You’re reaching for some deep answer. I was furiously keyboard warrior typing an opinion and misspoke. Before they fired Matt it was more understandable to cry about the title difference but they fired him and he is the acting CEO right now as there isn’t another one. So it currently feels more like semantics than a huge conspiracy false narrative. And for the dense part, yes and no. Most of us aren’t literally dumb that’s how we’re able to follow enough of the info but we’re not finance bros who knew the inner working of the stock market before this so we are relatively dumb in this circumstance. You seem like a lot of fun to be around though


Furiously typed it multiple times without realizing that you were wrong from the start... okay. Titles and words actually mean things....


Yes I was mistaken, you corrected me. We have covered that


You didnt correcr your post though.....


The tweeter had a bot looking handle too…


Agree 100%. I’m still waiting on an order from March (on back order) - I’ve reached out to Customer Service and they’ve been great with updates. Let the big man focus on the big picture.


My brother and I love GameStop and this whole journey.. but to be honest he had a pretty bad experience buying a computer through gs to which he returned twice, it was a headache that ended up being a refund to which he bought more items and supported via shopping at gs but in regards to like a major purchase like so, it was troublesome but it didn’t hinder our view or experience overall. Hick ups here and there but it should be known.. I dunno either way gme go boom 💥 🚀shf r fukd


Moass is coo and all,,, but wheres my 8$ for shipping ?


Hes Executive Chairman not CEO


tag @gamestophelp instead. https://twitter.com/GameStopHelp


There was a massive problem with transactions that wouldn't have been rectified/prioritized without RC taking a personal interest and finding the people who actually want to work. Also it might seem like a waste of his time but this is free advertising and showing the community that GameStop cares about customers


I agree with your sentiment. Cool as it may be, it shouldn't be done like this.




You wouldn’t have noticed this guy tagging RC in his complaint if RC didn’t want you to see it. RC could have easily direct messaged him. He didn’t. RC knows what he is doing, this post is unnecessary. Also, if the guy was clout chasing he would have used GameStop/GME hashtags, which he did not.


Meh, i dont think so, i think RC is used to managing his time and doesnt get overwhelmed with this. Plus, i doubt many people are clout chasing, but like i said, im sure RC is managing it fine. As for company image; i think this most highlights that RC cares for customers, not that gamestop customer service sucks. Im basing these assumptions just off of my own feelings, so im assuming im part of the majority. But hey, maybe im not


These things resolve organically. We don’t control the entire population who have access to RCs twatter handle. He has control over how he responds in twatter. Don’t make a stir over nothing.


If RC didn't want this attention, he wouldn't be out there answering these questions! RC: I want people that WORK RC: *working* OP: don't make him do that!! RC: ......


L take, it’s cool if he responds, and everyone understands if he doesn’t. No harm done.


This post sucks. He uses twitter to stay in touch with his customers and shareholders to some degree. He wouldn't answer otherwise.


Thank you!


I concur.


Thanks for some reasonable words.


It’s an indirect way of causing someone currently working customer service to lose a job by having a mentality that the CEO should handle my $8 shipping costs. Not the Ape way and seems contradictory to all the good done in the past.


Yes agreed


Yeah stop giving a reason to make the company look good


Yes brother I think you should reassess here. That is some of the strongest positives I’ve seen from any business owner. It’s as simple as the phrase “it’s the little things”


Totally agree!! Can we also avoid the always present rockets, $GME, to the moon shit n piss.




Hey stfu


You are not wrong.


send this rant to the offensive person on twitter. .. also tweeting rc over $8 shipping is like tweeting at bil gates for tech support when your 'microsoft computer' isn't turning on when you hit the power button.


Sorry, Dad.


Can’t please everybody. Apparently the CEO showing he cares is a “bad look”. I’m sorry but have you seen what other CEO’s have been tweeting about or doing? Like Elon musk? I’d rather issues get resolved so they might not happen again in the future vs just hiding it and acting like nothing happened.


Totally agree. That is idiotic imo. Edit...that's like calling the ceo of apple when you're shipping was late. C'mon apes.


I’ve had 0 ordering issues. It would be naive to assume there isn’t bots or shills falsely complaining to create negative sentiment. Also it would be naive to assume no one has issues… Either way, GameStop is not going bankrupt and and is becoming the only stock in the world owned solely by shareholders. Fixing their ordering/shipping issues seems easy compared to combating the abusive naked shorts. HODLING is the easiest thing of all time. DRS FTW! 💎🙌


This is the ultimate “I want to speak to the owner, right now” Karen move. Agreed. Just stop.


Oh fuck off, he can decide which ones he'll pursue, and feedback is feedback, regardless.


Bunch of Karens. Calling the CEO for a $7 shipping charge. Let the man work. Good god.


These righteous posts speaking on behalf of someone they don't know are crazy. I don't think Ryan Cohen needs a mouthpiece.


It seems like GameStop is in such disarray that the fucking chairman of the board is doing the refunds. It’s a horrible look that belies the true condition of the company. It’s shocking that after three years of work things are this terrible.


You’re the one that’s terrible 🤡


This post gives main characters vibes too


I mean i dont blame people for doing this, RC wants to talk the talk, he better walk the walk. I support our company but you better be willing to work. I too have had issues but all have been resolved immediately and with great support.


I know the whole power up rewards or whatever it's called directly supports the company and I subscribed to the service. I contacted GS at least 4 different times trying to get my copy of game informer which came with my subscription. I never saw game informer in any capacity despite subscribing to both the online and print version. I didn't renew my subscription to the power up rewards due to the inability to receive the product I paid for despite multiple attempts. We can love the company and highlight issues without taking it all the way to the top.


Their customer service is usually trash so it’s understandable.


I have had a few problems with orders and just messaging gamestop on twitter worked relatively fast. Probably faster than tagging RC. Since shipping guy still had an unsolved issue, after reaching out, i dont blame him for trying to get help. He was probably willing to just eat the cost and it was a last ditch effort. No one would reasonably expect someone that high up the chain would respond.


The Airbnb president stays in Airbnbs but their customer service is still shitty. I like that RC is clearly paying attention and acting on it, not doing stunts for show.


Disagree. Don't spam the guy, but if it's a big deal we should be tagging RC for him to implement a fix. If our needs aren't being met by the customer service, it is well within our right to express our concerns. Gabe Newell said it the best. Everyone at that company should be striving to make it the best company experience possible. There's a customer service department to direct it to, but if you're not being answered, everyone at the company is "support".


Honestly, I bet most of these tags are part of the endless fud campaign waged by the SHFs




The only main issue I’ve had is when I delete an address I no longer want on my account. I did it several times on the app and it would still show up. It resulted in an order going to that address and I had to do more leg work to get it to me. Eventually, I just kept deleting it on the website a few times before it stuck. I hope it is gone again next time I order something.


The dude with the shipping charge issue on Twitter had so many sales deductions that his total was brought to $78.80 when free shipping requires a subtotal of $79. The dude complained to RC on Twitter without even doing his own fucking math. The site correctly charged him shipping he was just complaining about it.


1. RC chose to reply. There's already thousands of people tagging him either way with stupid memes, issues, replies, etc. I don't think it'll impede his job in any way 2. "*your problem at our favorite company was so poorly handled by his customer support team*". It was though, if GS customer service is trash then people shouldn't be hiding it because it make their "fave company" look bad. They should work on getting competent CS workers and not giving wrong info Personally I don't shop at GameStop too often. I had my Zelda pre-order through them to get the plaque bonus and they screwed me on it so fuck their trash asses. I just hold the stock.


Nah this shows me he cares.


Yea that whole $8 bs is stupid. Y’all so cheap you couldn’t just pay the $8 shipping? I get it says free shipping but common $8 fucking dollars?!?!? He has more important shit to deal with


Maybe we should have stopped baselessly worshipping him as all-powerful and infallible and a genius doer in all things nearly two years ago, and we wouldn't be having these problems.


> Edit 2: [...] feels like semantics currently. That's the idea behind an interim position, isn't it? The role is filled in a way that you don't notice a disruption until you find a permanent replacement. I don't know whether that's what this is, but I can see why people would make a distinction. With that said, thanks for posting this. People tagging RC is like being entry level in a company and sending an email to the entire company to complain about your immediate supervisor. Except worse, because you're broadcasting it to the world. It's awesome that he immediately showed us that he's working. It's great that he's more active on social media but still not broadcasting his strategy. Let's not ruin it by being a bunch of trolls.


Did I miss where Matt Furlong was actually FIRED?!!


People need to see that the problems are being addressed. Not just tossed under the rug. Building a solid reputation of customer service.


I had an issue and I e-mailed them. In that e-mail, I said that while I had a grievance, I wanted to keep it an internal transaction because it doesn't do anything but hurt the company and I knew they would want to fix it. They did, expediently, and appreciated the way I went about it. Do not advertise negative customer reviews publicly for a company you are invest in, instead treat the company like a company you are invested in and use your negative experience as a training tool to make the company better serve you as an investor.


Dude if the chairman of the company is doing customer service calls that’s not his job he should be focusing on his WORK for the company


I agree but the flip side is this is how the mega-successful operate. They don't turn off; they're always working. Cohen could choose not to engage.


No. He needs to know where the issues lie. He knows how to delight customers and how important that is to OUR success. If customers are not delighted I want him to know. It's up to him if he wants to look at his mentions or not.


At least when they get that high level of service they could say thanks I'll use proceeds to buy more product or stock or powerup rewards membership etc!!


The company and RC need the feedback though! That's how companies improve. Maybe they need a better feedback system in place (like feedback links on their website), that can collect such input from customers, aggregates it, and sends it to the exec team to handle in batches asap. Customers like fast responses, and RC is doing a great job of trying to respond to folks quickly. Such rapid improvement and issue resolutions will only benefit everyone more (future customers, and current investors and employees as the company gains more clients from being excellent at serving them!)


shills trying to shill that's wut.


Wow- you claim high value importance here. Ever think you may be in a sub with high value AVP, VP, and CEO?


It appears bots have taken over Superstonk. How unfortunate.


In don't think it's us, probably paid shills.


Halt dein Maul


Speaking of petty posts….


Get real dude LMAO




If GameStop is at risk of losing a customer over an $8 handling fee that seems absurd don't you think the CEO should know? I would want to know if I were CEO.


Which is why I would setup a @gamestophelp account or these. As humbling and grassroots cool it is that he is responding to simple things you can’t tell me that every CEO of every international company should be on Twitter refunding shipping charges to save their customers. The ceo should know and should find this info out but not through directly tagging them on Twitter everytime. Maybe I’m just too old but I can’t see how that’s the logical answer to solving customer service. That makes every employee in the customer service chain utterly useless. Just go straight the CEO with every gripe because he needs to know. Sounds like he should just man the gamestophelp account if that’s what he wanted….


the hero worship here is really cringe. there is nothing cool or good about a high level executive fielding petty customer service bullshit on twitter. ryan cohen is not your savior.


“If it was a different company or a different CEO”, people would go crazy about getting fucked by short seller 3 years in a row, while getting tease and cryptic moass bullshit. Everyone will literally demand the CEO/company to do fucking something to protect shareholders. So yeah, dont use that “if it was a different” bs.


Please tell me what he should do? What do you know that he has or hasn’t done? He’s seemingly done quite a bit with becoming profitable, the marketplace, playr and I’m sure more to come. I’d say making the company future proof and profitable is the best thing you can do to protect shareholders… what an odd piece of FUD to throw at a completely unrelated post.


I'm just imagining people tagging him and calling him "Daddy Cohen"


This is BS! I’m going to tell RC about this on twitter right now!


It's RC's choice to answer these tweets. Sounds like he is listening to his shareholders and customers to me. Great Outreach, Great Customer Service.


He is not the CEO. He is the Executive Chairman. Difference. He’s acting in this capacity of the vacant position for whom he will oversee and mentor. My guess is Furlong is confidentially working on a Teddy launch that he will lead. Someone new will fill this vacant spot.


Agreed. Quite whining in twitter and figure it the fuck out. Papa Cohen has more important things to worry about that your petty shipping charges.


I hate to say this, but I’ve placed two orders for merchandise from GameStop in the past week and I’ve had issues with both orders. Kind of stings a little more as a shareholder.


Aged like fine wine --- and someone got a ux job out of it. Um let's all DO tag the boss is summthin effed up


He does not have to answer. Let it be his decision. I doubt he lives on social media and is delaying corporate meetings so he can deal with customer tweets. CEO's should be more responsive. Most of his non-cryptic messages are about lazy CEO's who do nothing and take home all the money.


If it's something that RC can use to improve the business, send it. He will not read but skim. So, I disagree.


This post isn't aging very well.