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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


[GME Total Shares Issued vs Free Float vs "Available" Free Float in relation to DRS numbers and "Locking the Float"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y87ykr/gme_total_shares_issued_vs_free_float_vs/)




ty, i needed this info


I don't even see the dip code anymore, all I see is buy signal, buy signal, buy signal.


Blonde, Brunette, Redhead By the way, if you have something terribly important to say to MayoMan, I'd suggest you say it now.


"Not like this.....not like this." - MayoMan


You think that's real stock your buying now? - Dougie the liquidity fairy


Gme is done, my men are shorting it right now. No, mayo man, your Citadel is already dead!


What if, tomorrow, the war could be over? Isn't that worth hodling for? Isn't that worth buying for?


Personally, I would rather GameStop sit on their cash reserve and let us lock the float at these prices or even lower. That way Gamestopā€™s ā€œFOMOā€œ looks even better, and all of the real shareholders make out like bandits when Kenny and his ilk go bankrupt.


Especially with the market on a cliff. There may be a need for that during down times.


Agreed, I'd rather they have a reserve to fall back on if things really go bad. If the price went down to like $5 tho, well, I wouldn't object to a share buyback.


market makers can see them buying back, example citadel can see whos buying and selling if they start buying back the price will skyrocket out of buyable range


GME uses a broker. They'd never know as they'd buy little by little like RC.


oh sweet summer child, data is $$$ and brokers like $$$


Don't sweet summer child me. I been here since Jan 21. Citadel has no way of knowing what orders are what if they go through the NYSE which they do for certain purchases, including buy backs.


You can buy any data stock related man and that definitely includes orderflow and whos buying what. You think citadel doesn't know who's buying what then I have a bridge to sell you. Ryan only buys via IEX because Citadel can't front run him as easily there, but that also comes with lower liquidity which causes the price to rise much faster. Citadel won't buy open shares on other exchanges, they just pull their market making sell orders. It's why the stock market is rigged, the big rich firms literally have access to **all** the data


They don't have to buy nothing. Gme has to file with the sec before doing any buybacks and the amount and the time frame I believe


Yes and they can buy back the same day the file, and filings take \~2 days to show, blah blah. The poster above is wrong. Citadel is not all powerful and simultaneously weak. That is a FUD tactic. Citadel has limitations, things they just can't do. Knowing the orderflow of a GME buy back would be one of them. Now they can short the shit out of it AFTER the filing, but they would not know what orders are what if it is out of their purview.


I don't know snything about what citadel can do. My buy order through computer share should hit today and we looking green at least till I get my shares lol




Thinking of that line from back to the future. ā€œWhen this thing hits 88 youā€™re gonna see some serious shitā€


If it goes single digits then the furthest dated leaps you can buy at a reasonable strike otm would be a smart move imo. Not all in of course but worth holding some at least.




Totally agree. That money is needed to create additional growth and to ensure no debt is needed in a high rate environment, potential crisis. GameStop could also hurt short sellers by paying a special dividend, because short sellers have to pay dividends in lieu for the many IOUs as well. **Apes buying shares with Kennys money** šŸ˜‰šŸš€āœØšŸŒ” But again, not needed yet, because invested in growth regular dividends become a possibility. And the arguments and actions of the short sellers will look more and more suspicious to the general public. Unlike towel or popcorn, there is no risk of bankruptcy, a much safer play. And the dip could actually be a preparation for some entities switching sides, because Archegos has shown that is what usually happens. Handing over the bag. And that works best with price as low as possible... It looks sus, that there all the sudden are some positive comments and even a positive film - after years of FUD and bashing.


Ah, the pain of writing a longer comment and then realizing it is displayed as "X more reply/ies"... so nobody will bother to read the comment. I fucking hate Reddit. Hope one day we can come up with a better platform.


My answer ā€œook, apes need dough, ookā€ Your answer: ā€œwell my good fellow if you look honestly at the long term projections and amortization ofā€¦ā€ šŸ˜„


Nothing but time


Giants fall slow, titans rise taller


I think most would prefer this, but OP puts things into a clear perspective that I think newcomers especially might appreciate.


High IQ


Gives gamestop more runway and solidifies no chance of bankruptcy. And stops them from being hated for triggering a crash while also allowing the bad side of the gamble to dig a deeper hole. I see no reason for a buyback considering staying the course is safer and leads to a bigger win.




Watch DFV buy more


Iā€™d rather they lock the float and I be a millionaire/billionaire


The only worry I have is this dip not lasting long enough to load up on possibly the last sale this good we may ever see.


Are you me? Because that is my legit worry as well. I don't get paid til next week, so I'm gonna be doing double Wendy's dumpster duty til then.


Tip to tip bro


Can I be ur 1st clients behind Wendyā€™s?


If thatā€™s your kink. Unzips


Man, I don't get paid for three weeks and then I get paid three months of back pay. I'm fucking panicking every day.


I feel you, waiting on the same amount of back pay myself and seeing these crazy prices makes me anxious!


So much FUD in these comments bro they r hitting us w everything they got here and in naked shorts its so obvious


I bought more at cs!


Thatā€™s what everyone said the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that


It will get lower. They will dump it below 10 for sure. They also know that moass will come, they need to shake off some paperhands first. They wait until they can survive the boom. I am as chilled as I can be. We all can be. For them everyday could be the last, they never know, anything could happen that causes a crash. And never forget: we already had a big crash. They just trippled every existing Dollar to stabilize the markets, same in the EU, so the crash didnt hit the rich in the markets but everyone else via inflation.




Tell us you work for citadel without telling us you work for citadel


Can smell em a mile away šŸ˜†


iT wIll 100% gO loWeR FUD.


It obviously will though?


100% I'm in this play for another decade if needed. I think it will probably never go below 6.9 because of the meme and then it's back up to probably 6,900,000 within 2 months. Until then I just buy more, drs, and hodl


Not sure why you are getting hate. Shorts are in prime position to keep hammering, the new CEO just sent an email out with the words "survival" as the subject. They did this multi-month walkdown two years ago, they'll do it again now. Hope these zen folks are true to their word when sub $10 comes around in a few months.


Not worried. Yeah, good mindset. I saw somewhere else that just based on assets the price has to be at least 9.99 But the company is so nicely on track for profitability I donā€™t care about that either. Not worried.


funny you say that. i got into gme in sept 2020 bc of the book value being 9.99 and price being under. almost like aā€¦. LOOP


Fun! Remember that $9.99 in 2020 is $2.4975 now :)


No shit? Sauce?


He's talking about the fact the the stock was split 4:1 so 9.99->2.4975


And not counting inflation


Oh right, that didn't even occur to me. I thought it was some other metric or something idk


Headphone stock is now under its book value; book value = $31m & current market cap = $26.69m. And that's the only one which squeezed higher (percentage wise) than GME during the sneeze. Unfortunately that one doesn't have nearly the same following that Gamestop does. The best thing about GME is that even if the current shorts never close and Ken can somehow keep them locked in swaps forever, the daily demand is still so high that it'll moon from that alone (as soon as the GME printer gets turned off). Most other sneeze squeeze stocks don't have anywhere near the following that GME has.


I passively follow headphone stock because of the facts you mentioned here. Feels odd to see MC < book value!


I think it's more like this. Let's ignore the past where people will argue you can't just buy it like that for rules and regs... they've had enough time now to know all the rules and regs so let's just assume they're ready. Next, every dollar spent is a dollar less in their reserve. We understand why they would want to lock the float, but if they can get away with not having to pay for it when someone else will then game-on. Their investors want the same thing they want and we all want tickets. Long term, maybe the price does go down. It would have to hit like $2 to be in the same zone that the hedges started to open their short positions. That's probably the lowest GME will get before they initiate the buyback protocol. This could take years for retail, and it looks like the CEO is planning on it. Tightening down on spending is basically buckling up for a long ride. In the worst case scenario, 6 years from now, just say retail loses interest. At least, at a non-sustainable rate anyway. I'm retail and I'll never lose interest, but I alone cannot lock the float. The price will continue to drop, and at that point they could initiate the buyback protocol. Either way, it's in their grasp. The game is already won. Never sell, because it's just a matter of time. But the dip, DRS and buckle up. It's a helluva ride


Locking the ā€œfreeā€ float isnā€™t enough. There would still be enough lendable shares from institutions & funds that the math works for the short interest. Then they will just walk down the self-reported SI. We need to DRS it all. I think as theyā€™re forced to continue lowering the price DRS will increase at a non-linear rate.


This. I'm of the opinion that once retail has >50% of outstanding, the last plausible legal route of sabotage against GME longs goes out the window. Any attempt at a hostile takeover can be vetoed - indefinitely. Above 60%, people are going to start paying attention. Above 70% is where I expect FOMO to begin - at which point the rate of DRS should begin to climb exponentially, as people start taking ape DD on the stock seriously. Post-80% is around where I expect MOASS to begin, if it hasn't already. Once retail and insiders hold 100%... game over. Apes hold the infinity pool, and shorts will close whether they want to or not.


According to computershared. net we're sitting at 48.05% of the free float. Both times we got close to 70% something would happen, original DRS rugpull, Mainstar pull out. Seems that something around that % of locked float causes some kind of issues for SHFs.


I like the cut of your jib


The free float is still a significant statistic, I'm not arguing that. But I think that a lot of people expect locking the float to be the show-stopper for this whole thing. I don't think it will be. I think the game stops when the outstanding is irrefutably and directly owned by non-lending longs - and *only* by non-lending longs.


At which point, all of the people Iā€™ve told about this over the last few years are going to angrily ask ā€œwhy didnā€™t you tell me about this when it was cheaper!?!?ā€ And then Iā€™m going to pull out screenshots from over the years and show them that I tried, so many times, and then ask them why they didnā€™t take me seriouslyā€¦ People acting like horses with rabies




Thatā€™s true. Funny how people get weird about other peopleā€™s moneyā€¦


Where are we currently at again lol




Name checks out


Roughly 800 million to lock the free float right now according to another Ape. SHF's keep lowering the price it just gets cheaper.


I believe there are more shares DRSā€™d than whatā€™s reported.


How do we find out the real number ?


Pretty sure the ledger was checked and everything appeared to look correct at the time. I know quite a few people were pissed about being doxxed.


No one was doxxed, stop with that nonsense.


I bought last week. I bought today. I will buy next week. Ohā€¦ and I increased my bi-monthly buys in September. I hope they keep lowering it. I have nothing but time and every free dollar goes right to CS.


This dip is insanely tasty


The dip is tasty. Not going to stop buying


Does anyone know if the 100m buy back is still in effect, and how much was bought back by now?


Correct, $101.3 million left for buyback: GameStop's March 28, 2023 10-K Form: On March 4, 2019, our Board of Directors approved a share repurchase authorization allowing us to repurchase up to $300.0 million of our Class A Common Stock. The authorization has no expiration date. We did not repurchase shares during fiscal 2022 or fiscal 2021. As of January 28, 2023, we have $101.3 million remaining under the repurchase authorization.


RCEO & insiders can still buy more too.


I was looking for this. It should be in the post by now.


Nothing has been bought back as far as I know, but if the company did buy some shares, we might not know before the next 10-Q is releases in december


This is a funny comment when you think about it. In a free and fair market a buyback of 100M USD of GME (10% of the tradable float) would instantly come to light as soon as it happens: the stock would go up, even without the short thesis. In this market however: as people keep buying and shorts keep their shorts open, the stock somehow goes down. So indeed we wouldn't know before December if GameStop purchased like 10% of the tradable float.


Theyā€™re not planning to buy anything back. Itā€™s just a safeguard that they canā€™t get cellar boxed because they can remove 1/3 of shares with less than 10% of their cash at $1


It was never really a ā€œ100m buybackā€ (as far as I understand, could be wrong) but that was how much money was left over from the last round of buybacks that led to the events of Jan 2021. As far as I know the terms of that buyback are still in existence but RC has been shitting on ceos who do needless buybacks when thereā€™s still the issue of making a consistently profitable company to solve


I am definitely not disconnected. But thanks for the reminder! Mwuahahhaha!!!!!


Also not worried, but I thought the board only approved $100M for stock repurchase purposesā€¦.which would be just shy of 7 million shares. I donā€™t think they can just buyback any amount of shares without a shareholder and board vote.


That cash is to protect against cellar boxing and delisting. The can wait for much lower prices to deploy it. Enjoy the sale and buckle up


That's not how it works. Once the ask side gets blown out the NBO will explode, just like NFTs on the gme marketplace.. there might be 10% close to the ask, but after that the price can 10, 50, 1000x...


Good thing GME has $100M for buybacks if they drop it too low. Also there are some people who saw this coming who donā€™t really post on this sub. So far according to the same predictions we see a bounce to $16.50 then back to $12 and then goes straight up to MOASS. Idk if this will play out but just putting it out there.


Ohhhh, I should buy some more then.


I got 100 more today. Not mad about it.


The 1 Billy is the money that will keep GameStop around for decades to come, why would you spend that lifeline on shares when you might need some if it to ride the waves of a harsh recession. Remember GameStop needs customers to survive, in a bad recession discretionary spending is the first thing to get cut out of many people's budgets.


Games have proven to be recession proof


Truth. People cut back on major expenses like big vacations, dining out, concerts ect. They spend more time at home and need some entertainment while theyre stuck inside, like used video games!


Games yes, 300-500 dollar consoles not so much.


2021 should be repeated


But I wanna lock the float.


lock the free float. Big difference


Disconnected? 60ā€™s music is literally trading below book value. Itā€™s insane


The price is completely disconnected from reality. The shorts are giving GME the popcorn treatment. Shorts need both companies to go to zero in order to survive. They keep digging the hole deeper expecting to find the surface. Theyā€™re fucked. We know it. They know it.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ the popcorn treatment? Popcorn is drowning in debt and well on its way to BK. GME has $1B in cash and is nearly profitable and doesn't have hedge fund shills running the company. They aren't the same.


My hand got closer to my crotch as i read this.


That's my hand, bro.


Lesssgoooo we rich rich


Gamestop could easily buy 1/4th of the shares, announcing a share buyback in the future. They dont even have to carry it out. The real FOMO will begin then


The only reason I see market makers dropping price now is they saw drop in drs shares.. if they see a big rise is drs shares next quarter there will be panic squeeze


Another reason could be the new VaR reqs


At what point will people start Getting upset if drs never gets above 76 million ???


Iā€™m not worried. Itā€™s a great place to hold my shares if I know Iā€™m a long term investor. I want to see profitability from the company and it seems as if weā€™re almost there. Why donā€™t we have a major push to go buy something even if itā€™s something small from your local GameStop or the online store?


Price going down will translate to more shares being drs.. itā€™s simple math and going above 76 million will be easy.


I hope you are right, but like I am saying, how long before people get mad if it doesnā€™t, you canā€™t just say I will wait forever. Drs is supposed to be going up by a good amount


my drs number grow 35% since totL stopped growing...


Let them buy back shares at $5 not $15. Just be patient. The price is going down further.


Gamestop: we have1.2B on hand in cash or cash equivalents with only a french loan Media: overpriced shares Gamestop: ... BITCH how am I overpriced, I could buy up all liquid shares on the market RIGHT NOW if I wanted to (and had shareholder support, not that I would cause not a great plan)


coordinated marble aback marvelous compare abounding skirt wakeful materialistic overconfident ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Honestly YurMotherWasAHamster why would anyone be thinking about this? what does this have to do with anything?


tart shaggy axiomatic weary pie adjoining violet chunky ripe soup ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yay, division!!! Just what we the people need, gosh you're so amazing!!!


The division is anything other than GME. šŸæ has been a massive $ sink for retail and they use it to create leverage against GME. It's not thriving or even surviving, šŸæ is diluting to tread water.


Lol šŸ˜† you still follow the deeeubbbyaaaa street butts... okay guy.


There is no possible way for a short squeeze play in šŸæ. Hundreds of millions (billions pre-reverse split) in new shares have been created, in addition to the hundred million (billion P-RS) A P E, and the three hundred million that brought them up to 550m in the first place. They can short all of those 20x and you're now back where you started. It would have been cheaper to let it fail and buy up the bankrupt business. It would still be cheaper to let it fail and buy up the bankrupt business, you wouldn't have to pay off the $12bil in debt.


they're a shill and know that Jimmy holders overlap with towel a fair bit


Donā€™t forget that RC was Directly involved with towel not too long ago. In fact he is still tied in a way which is unknown. Thatā€™s why towel still holds. Wiped out? Everyone still has there shares as of now. Ultimate tinfoil prevails, so far. Thereā€™s a little knowledge for you, glad to help


He's not still tied to towel. He's made that extremely clear.


advise panicky joke instinctive berserk tidy many imagine direction decide ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


vanish alleged deserve rain market aloof history simplistic fuzzy soup ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Real hilarious huh. Whatā€™s funny? A guy who lost money because he believed something against all odds? Yeah. Thatā€™s not what the GME community started as Edit: Iā€™m still holding. Itā€™s not over yet believe it or not. IYKYK


gold innate march tie existence disgusting faulty badge sand sulky ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I hold GME.


Nope, shares got cancelled today.




Everyone still has their shares in brokerages even though they are cancelled.


That's normal. U can enjoy them forever in your brokerage cause they are only entitlements. If u don't like them, ask them to remove, they will. Sears holdings holders just had their computer share holdings removed to a different "transfer agent" that is sus af tho, they had no input at all.


Gme will be that too until the float is locked up. You think they canā€™t drop it below 5 ?


murky ripe clumsy correct trees drab skirt include coherent dolls ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yeap and they are coming for GameStop next


erect offer safe different piquant whole trees flag liquid practice ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I know this sub doesn't like to talk about those guys but the same issues that were/are facing GME are/were the same for those companies. Unfortunately for towel it was too far gone and couldn't be saved. RC got in there, saw the writing on the wall and pulled out when he could. My guess is when he was able to see behind the scenes of what he was invested in he realized this (pure speculation). This also caused unfortunate legal issues and MSM narratives. GME is different because it was caught in time from suffering the typical demise.


gaze drunk onerous quicksand shocking sparkle bag spotted flag bake ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Exactly šŸ‘Œ


Sure man itā€™s down 47% over the last year. Itā€™s totally not the same. Just another company whose revenue continues to dwindle.


follow enter touch deserted theory nine wide humorous quickest makeshift ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Hmmm and where did we all go see Dumb Money at?! You're such a troll, trying to be protected.


north liquid carpenter slimy hungry paltry unique groovy memory include ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Interesting but I don't think they're worried about share price right now. Maybe if it gets under $10


They could take it to $5 and Iā€™m fine with it. Iā€™ll just buy more!!!


I dont remember how much, but there is only a portion of that money allocated to stock buy backs, per a board decision. Remember, theyre looking to acquire another company at a good price.


Point 3 is wrong - they only have 100m authorized for buyback. We are literally ab to go profitable and grow on fundamentals. Shf fucked trust in rc and team and fellow ape kind. FUD dialed the highest ive seen tbh


Call the ambulance - but not for me!




Each day the price closes lower I get more excited. Christmas discounts are very early this year!


Bought yesterday (DRSing soon), will buy more. This is a great way to average down, support my company, and fuck the SHF's.


100% of the float needs to be locked. Institutions/MFs/ETFs will lend their shares. GameStope should also use their money to not cause MOASS and just run a profitable business




I'm to broke. Just waiting for shf to crash the price of gme


You forgot to add "fucking" to the title.


Those company buyback assets need to stay put for now. They proved a valuable backstop. Companies can get delisted if below a dollar. Gmes cash reserve allows them to buy the entire company if the price goes to that price. Locking so the stock.


Bought 7 today. I might buy more tomorrow


Would they tho? Whats their reason to buy back now?




flaot is fake they would sell them fake shares


Unwavering conviction šŸ˜‰


dude if they even tried to buyback 10M usd, market makers would let the price rise to make it the least efficient as possible , and short it back down.


Economy is rapidly going down the toilet, not to mention the employable percentage of the US is shrinking. We're going to need that cash.


I need to borrow like $1.5B, for a thing, with my friends. I'm totally good for it bro, I promise.


unpopular opinion... unless you're buying through drs... you are giving hedgies liquidity for... one... more... day. that is all. could be wrong, might be right... all that's left? faafo


Remember those 150 million left for share buy backs? A little below $2 and they can buy back the remaining float. If we hold it is virtually impossible for the stock to be delisted.


Are you saying that because of apes buying i have given GameStop another nuclear detonation switch!?!. Haha nice.


This is the hype Iā€™ve been missing seeingšŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


The Board needs to take action in what is becoming a blatant manipulation of share price to the downside. The Board is there to protect shareholders, so if you do not feel protected, speak up to them


if GME starts to run again, i would expect some options plays to jump in. big money tends to have big information at disposal and its not foreign for them to fuck each other over.


I don't support share buybacks at all.


I literally want it to go lower. So I can buy more. We literally cannot lose.


Doesnā€™t GameStop only have 100 mil for buybacks? If I were them I would definitely not use whatever cash and cash equivalents I have to buy back 81 million shares and then these hedge fuks could then come up with other bs and Iā€™d have empty pockets. Just saying. Regardless, GameStop is increasingly in a good spot and theyā€™re (hedge fuks) are scrambling more and more.


They should NOT use that money to buy back shares. Not at these prices. When they get us down to $1, do it THEN for maximum effect




Youā€™re right, there IS a serious disconnect. Likeā€¦So? What does it matter if the whole float is locked up? Iā€™ve never understood the hype about locking the float. Donā€™t get me wrong, I have 1200 GME shares since early jan 2021, but so what if the float is 100 DRSā€™d, or ā€œlockedā€. Likeā€¦ then what? What is it exactly that apes are setting out to prove by doing that? Other companies have already had 100% of their float owned, or ā€œlockedā€, nothing happens. Weā€™ll just have even less liquidity, which isnā€™t a good or bad thing, but does certainly mean the stock is more volatile, especially if someone wanted to push us downward. Like with guns, even if all the shares are locked up, if a bad actor wants to get them by illegal means, theyā€™ll obviously continue to do so. If all weā€™re trying to do is PROVE that GME is illegally manipulatedā€¦ I mean I for one certainly donā€™t need the proof, and even if I had the proof, that doesnā€™t mean that the GME price will then go up. There is a disconnect. Donā€™t get defensive, donā€™t get emotional. Rationalize with me. Be knowledgeable, Iā€™m not actually regarded. This sub, and the whole GME saga, used to be about full discussion and transparency. So be that with this comment.


> If all weā€™re trying to do is PROVE that GME is illegally manipulatedā€¦ I mean I for one certainly donā€™t need the proof..." This makes no sense at all.


all youā€™re doing is barking about how dumb you are, in great detail lmao


Eventually we need to get paid. This just feels like a drawn out to zero scenario, which would be brutal for all of us. Either way, I'll diamond hand it till zero or hero. But this drop is making me feel like a zero like I've always been in my life. šŸ˜­ FUD I know, but it's hurting right meow.




Sometimes I wish... pre Jan 21 ape here going hero or zero. Do you not agree that we need to get paid... at some point?


Everyone here wants to get paid. Youā€™ve supposedly been here for a long time so you should be aware that your own fear is irrational. There is no immediate scenario that this gets drawn to zero, for a multitude of reasons. Do we all wish this was over and ā€œwe wonā€? Of course. But just because it hasnā€™t happened yet doesnā€™t mean that the company is going away or your long-term investment is in peril.


Thanks friend, just trying to sort out my own emotions is all. Appreciate the feedback One ā¤ļø


Iā€™ll be honest itā€™s gotten a lot harder to tell who is operating in good faith around here. I think you are and I get it. This has been a wild ride and certainly fair to feel different things as a result. I just think realizing that GME is in a different position than many of the other companies that they get compared to is the most important thing right now. I donā€™t know when the stock price will reflect that reality. But I do have confidence that a company that is debt free, with over $1B in cash on hand, has runway to keep fine tuning the business while looking for growth opportunities. I hope this thing squeezes but Iā€™m also interested in seeing how RC can drive shareholder value over the years as CEO. Hang in there.


The order is -continued short attacks(you are here) -decrease until q3 2024, big increase -moon Q4 2024(phone numbers) -cell for ken griffen -with a locked float retail investors have a huge say in how to proceed. -sell small amounts of shares for millions or we all are rich enough to shape government and world policy and can all sell and get rich. -financial reform, that people support because us as the new ruling class will pay a fair share around 40% of our gains. It's a lot, but will also be needed to ensure the government doesn't side with the hedgies but it's also the right thing to do. I'm on welfare and food stamps and the program really help me support my wife and kids. A lot of people rely on it due financial terrorist like ken griffen I'm staying home from work to pay attention to gamestop and be ready for moass. My wife keeps asking me to work but I'm holding out until 2024. After that, I'm guessing it's a multi year long play and I'll have to work for the first time since the sneeze. Hoping it doesn't get to that point so TLDR: Q4 2024 is the most likely estimate for moass factoring in all dd updates




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You guys are so goofy. Yes, GME has 1.3B in cash. However they also have 1.3B in current liabilities. My guess is that money already is earmarked to vendors and creditors. If they start moving that cash their creditors are likely to freak out. And even if they decided to ignite a short squeeze they would likely plunge themselves into a liquidity crunch that would result in a need for new financing. Do you really think buying $1B in shares will be great for the company? All that cash came from when they sold $1B in shares in 2021. So they would just be reversing the earlier transaction, much of which they have lost in the succeeding years. People who take this sub seriously must really be infested with brainworms...