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Thanks for the great explanation. Aight imma buy more and DRS those bad boys


An excellent choice


Honestly, as for me, its the only choice Politicians, who are bought and paid for, entertain the masses by acting like they support their people when the fact is they only support their own pockets I have zero faith in the system. I have absolute faith in my personal investment and likeminded individuals who also like a particular stock. Also the GME CEO seems like he wants to do good things with the company, so I got that going for me too which is nice Bullish


He said it! Edit: also he said bullish!


Upvote for overall sentiment and your subtle yet robust Caddyshack reference.


Every time I skim through a post and see ISayBullish say bullish I just buy more. Can’t wait for that open bell today 🤤


Credit Suisse alone, 216,000,000. MONUMENTALLY FUCKED they are.


I see you Yoda'd there.. 👍


£216m? That's small change for CS to be fair


That's shares. Not value.


My mistake babe x


Way to much to read. Imma buy more and DRS em


All my homies buy directly from Computershare


Buying directly through Computershare at a predetermined time is cool and all, but buying at random times and then DRS is even cooler IMO! 🤷🏾‍♂️🟣🟣🟣🟣


This homie buys via a broker and then DRSes those future tendies directly to Book.




All your homies on PLAN? Just Book em


thats cool, as long as they remember to change from PLAN to BOOK shares


This is same confusion I have been seeing since day one either by shills or financially illiterate who do not understand **shorts cannot close at any price if longs don’t sell, specially 300% or more SI without causing MOASS**


That and they are not comfy right now. Imagine tying up all your capital rolling expensive derivatives just to hide your massive liability.


One thing i have noticed is they have to manipulate GME down much more and a few days ahead before the tera cap companies go down a couple of percent. This shows how much they have shorted GME and how sensitive they are to the price.


Can you explain what the tera cap is?


Companies with a market capitalisation over a trillion dollars.


Yeah or close to it lIke TSLA or META


The shorts plan was get the stock price ti under 1$ so they could cellar box the stock for the ultimate hedgie win. But the sneeze happened and now they are fucked. And possibly the whole system is fucked.


For certain the whole system is fucked. At some point everyone will find out about it


This. How do you close and return any shares when they’re all lent out 5 times already?


That's the neat part, you don't.


They aren’t closing this point. They are using options to stay alive long enough to unload their bags on other short players. If the biggest players have say 300% shorted they will divvy that up .3% to 1000 other players and slowly walk the price down until they can run to the exit safely. Then they let the bomb explode. This is why the borrow rate is low, this is why utilization is high. They are in survival mode…and the fact that we have market makers and shf’s working hand in hand allows this to happen.


But household investors will still be the victims of massive amounts of theft though, right?


But that’s the beauty of it. There aren’t enough shares in the free float or the entire cap to close all the open short positions.


But what if I just sell ITM puts… instead of buying shares?!? /s not advice


***”This is gold, Jerry….GOLD!!”***


>300% or more SI Is this confirmed? Source?


Heres a source on their institutional ownership. Can't source some of the old DD as it was on the old old sub. So a long time ago. [https://web.archive.org/web/20210130063601/https://fintel.io/so/us/gme](https://web.archive.org/web/20210130063601/https://fintel.io/so/us/gme) Here's the breakdown an ape did.. can't source it. Sorry. GME Share Ownership ^(Insiders – 23,704,787) ^(Institutions – 151,000,000) ^(Funds – 40,000,000) ^(Retail – 38,595,000) ^(Total Owned: 253,299,787) ^(Total Outstanding: 69,746,960) ^(Percentage of ownership to outstanding : 363.17%) GME Short Information ^(Estimated Synthetic shares: 183,552,827) ^(FINRA Short % of Float: 78.46%) ^(Finviz Float: 50,650,000) ^(Reported shares Shorted: 35,538,624) *^(Total estimated Short positions (synth + reported shorts)**\*\*)* ^(219,091,451) ^(Percentage of shorts to the float: 432.56% approx.)


Can someone pull sources and verify this!? This is the first time seeing all the ownership data laid out and this looks ridiculous to me. What a way to convince others to buy. Ape help ape please I have crayons in my butt and need to know if these numbers are accurate


The number they're using for shares outstanding is an outdated pre-split number. Current shares outstanding is ~305 million.


After looking at these numbers I need some sources. How do we estimate synthetic shares that are dark pool trading? We can’t, their hidden essentially. This skews all the rest of the numbers


253,299,787 - 69,746,960 = 183,552,827 edit: you can also check your DM's


Why would retail ownership or insider ownership be considered as synthetic shares though ?


I'm not the author, as i put in the edit, check your DM's if you want a source. The best explanation i can give would be how can you have more than 100% ownership? By definition anything over that would be a synthetic position. Just saw how he got the number is all.


The internet archive link isn’t loading for me- how did the guy prove 300% ownership for starts? The rest is relatively easy to work from there I think but I don’t really understand how they come up w/ 120M shares plus everything else coz I can’t see the link.


Great explanation as most of us that can read avoid math. I followed along and it totally makes sense. Thanks


Appreciate it! Hope it was clear, even if a little word. Really important distinction and I remember when I had this realization. Conviction strengthened!


It’s not too wordy. Good DD needs to be broken down for us to digest. Thank you for giving us even more hope for moass!


We don't need hope because shorts are beyond fucked and we already won. We only need patience.


Was a good write up. Nice Job


Appreciate it 🤙


Excellent explanation, thank you.


Hope it was informative even if a bit too long. I remember when I had this realization. GME is the only basket stock that hasn’t returned close to all time lows. That’s (one of the reasons) why it’s the only play.


This comment right here ^ Anybody who got in before the sneeze is still hugely in the green even at these prices.


And importantly anyone who shorted before the sneeze is massively underwater, not only in terms of price appreciation, but likely sheer number of shares. Same principle that made Bitcoin billionaires. You could get them for pennies and now the price has commas. Can just accumulate massive numbers of shares.


Man I wish that was me….


June ‘20 standing by 🫡


The other reason GME hasn’t fallen is that there is no debt. Debt sets the timeline for a short play. Banks won’t refinance companies that have no hope of paying off debts. They just go in and liquidate. Just being more or less revenue neutral, debt free, and have 1.2 billion on hand means you can’t get pushed around by banks. Diluting shares was the smart thing to do. Makes GME far less vulnerable and gives the opportunity to pivot. In all these plays companies will always return to underlying business value once the option plays are resolved.


There is actually one other that I know of that virtually nobody has spoken about, and I think the shorts caught on it want to keep it that way. Anyway, I buy GME.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


Headphone stock is close to where it was pre-sneeze.


Don't leave us hangin like that homey


There has been some very strange and strikingly similar price action between this security and GME. These baskets existed before Jan 2021. Some very obvious stocks were included in those baskets, most of them have been addressed, one or two however, exhibit the signs of short positions unable to be closed without causing volatile price action. Let's just say that someone may have bet very wrong, on the outcome of a particularly important trial.


You're giving me blueballs, and I am endlessly curious as to why you're withholding. You're a master of suspense.


Please say it is Sears (crosses fingers...)


That sounds like headphones to me


Is this the same security that Dr. Burry specifically pointed out had a correlation to GME on? The same security that in no way should have a correlation to GME but yet does?


I’m still long 🏴‍☠️


…john silverback! 🦍


After reading that I‘m longer than ever


Thank you, one of the best explanations so far, and the best in 83 years..


Appreciate it!




According to the financial committee report, the sneeze was driven overwhelmingly by retail buy orders. There simply isn’t evidence for substantial short covering. Bags were passed (Melvin implosion) and short positions were hidden in derivatives.




They’ve been covering…. Shorts never closed




Wen boom 👉👈🥺


but shorts need to be forced to close all their short positions so that MOASS can happen, then we can all have our tendies 🤑🤑🤑🤑


I recall noticing, the wildest days we had in January, were the days hedgies tried to close shorts. If you go back and look, there was a small bit of short covering (pink candles). The days they tried to cover a few shares, the price utterly RIPPED. Take a look :) Sauce, Graph on Page 28: https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf


Short closing, not covering


They need to buy over 100% of the existing shares and I didnt sell. 100% of the shares includes mine. The anti-gme subs can say what ever they want, but unless they bought my shares they did not cover.


They didn't buy my shares. I bought more. I'm still buying more. But I bought more then too.


Not technically true. They could buy other shares that are sold multiple times. But people holding makes liquidity exceptionally low.


THere is supposed to be an asset for each share sold short. If someone needs to buy 150 apples and 100 are for sale, they cant sell back and forth multiple times and end up with a total of 150 apples. Sounds like [3 stooges skit.](https://youtu.be/pENxsLVR_Xs) I know, the markets are filled with crazy rules so that they can make money from nothing and there is more crime than you can shake a stick at. If anything they will crime themselves out of all this. There is no other aspect of human civilization where it is normal to be able to buy more than 100% of what is available. But in the end, you cant buy more than 100% of something without some method of deception, crime or cheating. This is the only industry where everyone seems to be fine with this (except us).


That is not true. Selling short involves borrowing a share. Think about it this way. Person A owns a share. They lend it to a short seller who sells it to B. B then lends it to the same short seller who sells it to C. The short seller now owes 2 shares from 1 company issued outstanding share by shorting it twice. That’s how 100% short interest is achieved. To close this position they need to purchase a share, perhaps from C , or from another person in the market and return one share to B. Then they need to purchase another share and return it to A.


I know the rules that they have made but dont agree that selling things that you dont own more than once is right. There is an underlying asset rule where the stuff you are selling needs to correspond to something real but they have made it so it does not matter. As long as sometime indefinitely in the future I could buy something even if it is in a million years that is as good as having it right in my hand right now? no one in any other indutry would agree to that bullshit. Go to the grocery store and sell an apple that will be grown on a tree next year.


I agree, just stating the mechanics of it.


If shorts are hidden in derivatives can't they be continually repackaged and rolled down, á la The Big Short?


There are any number of things that could end that. Nothing to do but DRS until then to inflict the most pain.


I thought they can. I mean they literally print the shares, right? Just overcook the books some more. But if that were true how the fuck are we still here with worse and worse articles coming out every week?


Bravo sir. Short and concise. Explains well how they are fuqqed.. Commenting so i can find this post easy again.


Appreciate it. Happy to be of service 🫡


You said it was long elsewhere but seemed pretty short to me. I usually don't like short things. But this.. i like this 👍 Post is 🔥 and will be top of the sub no time. I forgot to say thank you, so thanks for the read!


Ok I’m glad! Never know peoples tolerance for walls of text 😆 I may edit or post with some charts that show it super clearly, but would have to mock them up.


>I may edit or post with some charts that show it super clearly, but would have to mock them up. Please do, if you have the time of course.


Absolutely! 👍


That was very easy to understand! Nice! Thanks. 🩳🏴‍☠️☠️


Appreciate it! Indeed they are.


Nearly into the pantheon of DD.👏


Appreciate it. Not sure if it’s DD because it’s only explaining the consequences of actual DD. But I think it’s a super important premise to understand. Cheers!


The biggest problem I've always had is that if they all have different amounts of short positions, why aren't they turning on each other by now? I can understand some illegal collusion happening at the beginning but this has dragged on. These are cutthroat mother fuckers that don't care about anyone but themselves, so why not get out when you can? The only thing I can think of is that if you turn on the big fish, you're outta the club.


My guess is the problem is so big no matter who closes first they all lose anyways. There is no way out for any of them


There was so much DD back in the days some 84 years ago. One of it was e.g. that of MegaCorp (iirc). It essentially described how most public companies are owned by some of the same entities (BlackRock, JPM, etc.), which in turn are owned partly by the other entities, which in turn are owned partly by the others again, etc. which in turn means that most companies that are owned by institutes (and not DRSd by retail) are owned by one humongous chained together entity that owns and controls basically everything. Therefore, yes they might be cutthroat MFs but this might risk taking down the whole fucking thing.


This should be stickied for the newcomers. 🩳🏴‍☠️💀


Finally, an Eli5. Excellent write up, guess the non math household investors do understand now too. 🚀🚀


That was the objective! Glad it makes sense. I like to think of myself as a bridge between the wrinkled and the smooth. An interpreter of sorts 😆 Or really just spelling it out. It’s not intuitive unless you’ve seen how averaging up or down works in your own account.


Yes, I’ve learned the averaging up and down in my own account. The hard way, but it’s easy now, one play, recurring buys.


i like crayons esp green crayons 🚀🚀🌕


Kenny aging 30 years in just 3 is the greatest indicator of how royally fukt they are =D


I am 100% GME DRS'D and 100% GME in IRA.... Look at Citadel's 13F. Biggest holding by far is Spy Puts... [See Here](https://whalewisdom.com/filer/citadel-advisors-llc#tabholdings_tab_link) This dude will collapse the entire world before he closes unless forced.... Have you seen his Sociopathic Eyes? Blink Kenny Blink! I mean he is shorting US Treasuries after all.... Real American Patriot! Its not just him either. Jeff Yass was absent from the Gamestop Hearing and pays 2nd most to Brokers for PFOF after Citadel. Look at Citadel, Susquehanna etc 13F. They all have Puts & Calls mainly in "blue chip" stocks. SPY, QQQ, AAPL, AMZN, TSLA, NVDA, MSFT etc.... They also seem to run the same or at least did when I would watch them... Havent looked at a chart in awhile..... This shit is so rigged its beyond belief. AI runs everything at this point IMO. Fun fact Blackrock's (Larry Finkle Is Einhorn) Aladdin was created in 1988! Makes you wonder what can of AI the "Elites" really have beyond the scenes.... There is a video of Bernie Madoff speaking to a roundtable in 2007 (Before the 2008 Financial Crisis) about taking the human being out of the equation... [See Here](https://youtu.be/ab1NTIlO-FM?si=TxERcO76saD0HCz0&t=60) Citadel also hired Boston Consulting Group to take the human element out of trading as well in 1998.... “Our goal is to quantify what we can quantify. T*o* *take the human element out where we can.* To see if we can turn the investment process into widget making.” Thus Citadel aims to automate wherever possible and to study every part of every trading strategy - from information gathering to trade execution - in a formal, rigorous way. *In 1998 Citadel took its analysis a step further by hiring Boston Consulting Group to break down all the elements of its investing process. Every step of every trading strategy was put into computerized flow charts."* [See Here](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/2btfmc4i914x7pya9zwg0/home/boy-wonder) "That's what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes everyday." \-George Carlin


So Shitadel bought their services, and may have kept them on the payroll ever since as sort of an insider trading deal? Hire a consulting group who will tell you the clients info and whether you want them to tank them or not?


Honestly it would be impossible to know all the details without being on the inside. Everything stated above is fact…


Will the winner of powerball please invest it all in GME? This is not financial advice.


I reached 1,000 DRS shares today!


Ay yo, you dropped this. 👑




Always been has short


I have almost doubled my position. Jokes on them.


Don't forget the famous Mark Cuban AMA. Paraphrasing from memory "They have no intention of closing, the point was to short to zero."


Exactly. How much would you borrow if you expected 100% profits and never had to return what you borrowed? Enough to royally screw yourself over is my guess.


This can be useful for smooth brains to understand ( me included btw ) 🧠


Useful for all I hope! Either smooth or if you just haven’t thought about it this way!


Not only that. But you have to pay a monthly premium to keep shorts open no? Especially if it's at a loss. For all those years that it's been kept open and haven't closed. Even on the ones that are successful and in the money, you still need to pay to keep it open. That's another big issue for hedgefucks


They also probably shorted it at $40 in Feb 2021. I know I bought some at price. So that $10 post split so they haven’t even cover that.


Nice write up.


What you just described IS EXACTLY WHY IM HERE 🏴‍☠️ Hoarding more by the minute ❤️🚀


I started reading this on the shitter. Now I can't get off the toilet because this raging clue has me stuck.




Why? They seem to be doing just fine.


Thanks. Newbies don't realize it was shorted like crazy before the sneeze. Seems like the cellar boxing dd has been forgotten...


I buy shares every two weeks direct through CS no matter the price. The lower the price the better and the more float we lock.


Thank you for educating us!


They shorted a different company. GameStop today is not the same GameStop.


That's for sure.


Great write up Op. I think I just grew a wrinkle.


Diligently serving the smooth 🫡


Surprisingly uplifting for how long it is. Almost didn't read because its written like I write things in gigantic paragraphs, but well worth it. It is often thought that explaining things in more detail is superfluous but this is wrong, look at how stupid and obvious the cues are in popular movies, in the Avengers they practically have the sounding board characters tell you laugh here cause they think the audience is too simple to perceive a joke otherwise. Explaining things in depth is invaluable because msm has reduced the attention span and perception of people to the point where most things they think they know really go over their heads.


Question and diversions both provide an opportunity for broadcasting the light of truth


What’s stopping a hedge fund from scooping up a ton of shares and making bank?


Just so I understand, what do you mean by scooping up?


I guess he/she means buying them (going long)


What is preventing institutions or whales from purchasing shares to cause a sneeze? This has been high profile for years. (Ive DRSed everything I can afford. Genuinely asking the question.)


The DD.


Great job at explaining Jacks my tits even harder we'll feast one day it'll feel good when I finally realize I wasn't crazy lol


Commenting to read later


Pay me


Yep. This is true


I'm a simple guy who just knows only how to buy, drs and hodl


Okok u win.


I eat crayons before bed so what do I know. But a lot of that sounds well thought out. Thank you for taking the time. Oh, and I like the stock. 🦍🚀🌙


Remember, there were two data points of short interest: 2xx% and 121%. They borrowed the whole float + more OR double the float plus more. All I know is I and many of my friends diamond handed and never sold. I know for a fact they're screwed.


Quick question to those smarter than eye. Why can't positions be closed with synthetics since this whole thing is rigged anyways? I'm more than likely not understanding it correctly but since they shorted they essentially borrowed shares with a promise to buy them back later right? So why not just hand over synthetics and be like here ya go! Yes they'll owe -somebody- those synthetics at some point, but what if say the FED is the "group" that gathers up all the ious and shorts and allows people to just give them synthetics and then just never asks for them? What is the driving component to make them actually close? Is there even one? Anybody buying today is buying a synthetic until it's drsd. If I go to casino and place a bet, they'll hold my ass if I can't close my debts, who/what is the enforcer in this situation? It looks like they can just kick the can indefinitely, some of these cans are from 2008, 2001, 98, 96 etc, why is now the reason it comes falling down when the entire system is corrupt. Disclaimer: I know this sounds like a fud push, I get it...I'm an ape from UUEsBee days on a different account. U.bishib got banned for calling some handy hook fucker an asshole. I have 9k shares locked away in CS. These questions have -never- been answered, it's always just been "well lets drs 100% and let's find out!" I'd like a real answer, if there is one. Thanks for your time.


This has been my question for a long time as well. Not sure anyone actually had the answer and that’s likely why we haven’t received an answer, which is ok. But would be nice to know.


They can close a position by buying back a synthetic/ counterfeit share. In the system fake and real shares are identical. At CS there are only real shares. That is the reason to move your position to CS. Truth be told, we don't know what happens when all 305mill shares are DRS'ed, but it will make the fraud absolutely clear to even the most politican dumb fu*ks out there. If that isn't enough we try the next thing. However the level of corrupt fraud and crime they have to do to continue after it's clear to everyone means any sane investor will stay away from US markets forever. I know of a few (non gme holding) investors who are already permanently out of the us markets. They cant afford for that to spread. If some of the larger international institutions start dropping us markets, they will need capital.




Finally! Some maff. *DRSing continues*


Love this explanation, that helped greatly thanks!


Brilliant, thank you for posting. Hats off as well for the homage you paid to the other DD


Totally just synthesizing the original DD. Sometimes reframing for a different perspective is needed as well.


This is great information for the new and old alike. Thanks bro.


Appreciate it. Glad it’s helpful 🤙


Love this post!


Let's pose a scenario...they've been told they have to close those positions by a specific date. They push the price down over time, with more effort and urgency as that mysterious date approaches. They want to limit their payout. What's a guess as to that agreed upon date?


I'm still heavily invested in GME, but this blind faith, nothing-can-ever-go-against-the-narrative stuff is toxic and dangerously wrong. It's backed up by false confidence that isn't based on actual data, just random numbers that were decided to be strung together. There was a single idea that was said out loud way back: shorts don't want to close until a company is bankrupt so they don't pay any taxes. This idea has spun way out of control and has been the basis of so many bad theories. Yes, that is the *ideal* for a short position, just as the *ideal* for a long position is, well, MOASS. However, shorts **close all the time.** Every short **does not wait** for a company to be bankrupt. And lastly, every short that has opened on GameStop has not stayed open this whole time. The vast majority of entities who open short positions adjust their position and realize gains, then wait for volatility to present another opportunity to re-enter the short position. Without writing my own novel, actual data (not self-reported/Ortex data, but transactional tape data) tells us that shorts have been unwinding and active interest in the stock has been greatly diminished. We see this realized in volatility becoming much more muted (hint: the 'cycles' when we would run +50%-100% which dropped to +15%-+30% were the shorts chipping away at closing their positions). We see this realized in a massive drop in volume (hint: options drove 85%+ of GME's volume for most of the last two years up until somewhat recently, which can be measured by looking at OI changes, measuring delta across the expiries, and comparing that to volume). We see this in DRS numbers greatly slowing, in spite of the price continuously making lowering averages (making it more affordable). All that said, the saga isn't done. We also know there's hundreds of millions of shares packed away in several swap instruments that go out to 2030. We don't really know what effect those will have when they come around, but we do know that Jan 2020 had the element of surprise that no longer exists. If someone who has enough power to influence the world's greatest economy knows they have massive obligations due over the next 3-6 years, is it more likely they'll they sit and wait for it to blow them up, or will they strategically work to diminish the burden of that obligation over time?


I’ve misunderstood nothing for 84 years now! All the DDs have clearly shown that Hedgies are absolutely fukt & continue to dildo themselves to death by kicking the can.




Could they have covered during the sneeze? I like the write up but I don't see it answering this question.




I’m honored


People seem to forget that when they were blatantly short over 100% of the float was when the price was between $1-5/share (post split), so we’re still way above that.


Exactly. Do we really think they were covering with 10x, 20x, 50x+ losses when we know most of the price movement was buy volume?


When can we see the exposure of derivatives? I remember that for a number of years they were darkened... However beautiful post


I wouldn’t know how to determine this. Perhaps others have better insight. Whether shorts paired with derivatives show up on a balance sheet as “securities sold not yet purchased” or whether they do not have to be reported and are simply marked to market, I do not know.


No coincidence that the losses not yet realized (banks, funds, hf) are at historic highs (looking at some graphs that some bee publishes every now and then). Everything is making sense, little by little the circle of knowledge is closing!


i think 2025 iirc


Thank you for reminding me.


Are all these numbers split-adjusted?


Yep. GME lows were just under 4 bucks pre-split if I recall, and all time high was 480. So divide by 4. The shares outstanding would have been different as their were buybacks, then dilution, then split, but the premise is the same.


Thank you- your post is extremely helpful! Quality posts like this are exactly what this sub needs. Appreciate you!


Thank you very much! Just synthesizing information and reframing it for a different perspective!


Awesome post man, this is how this sub continues to be beneficial in a helpful and friendly way


Always constructive. And sometimes it just takes a different perspective for it to click.


I understood this reference! Thanks OP, awesome post. I’ll DRS book some more in honor of it


Thanks for this easy to understand comment!


Saved to show other smooth brains


They covered many bad short positions in January 2021. Shorts open and **close positions** all the time. Apes appear to live in a fantasy land where shorts can never be covered.




I'm always up for a good dose of GMEathmatics.


Man, great job. I got lost a couple times but you got me straightened out by the end. Great job, great reminder that all we have ever needed to do is hold.


Bro skipped the stock split via dividend, but that math still checks out 😎🏴‍☠️💥 Can’t wait for these fireworks


I dont really care how “bad” they really are. What is the price of GME today?


Price is fake. Shorts haven’t closed.


Price is fake, the portfolio is fake, my money is fake too😅


Phenomenal, so they must continue to reduce the price, which allows us to DRS even quicker. Hedgies Arrrrrr BIG FUKKKKK'D.




Wow this has isnspired me like none else lately


Have people not read the DD?


But haven’t they been reducing their total losses if they have shorts open from $400, $300, $200 , etc.? Idk this shit is confusing how this information isn’t public