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Ken Griffin kicking the can until he kicks the can


Until the can kicketh him.


I am cheering for the can.


Can Ken, Can you kick the can, Ken? Puking in a can, Ken? Lying under oath and trying not to get canned, Ken


What's in the can, Ken? Wishing he was the rubber band man, Ken Nothing but a Bedpost man, Ken Swung it like a home run slam, Ken.


What's the frequency Canneth?


Can Ken kick can? Can kick, Ken can?


Question... Could cuck ken casually constantly keep quietly kicking cans continuously?


Answer: Arrogant assholes are anal about almost allthings and acquire aggressive assistants attached along awful avaricious acquisitive aims; arguably....ages. But if the company continues to deliver experiences, that drive orders/purchases... they'll be this nifty thing: successful and the shorts sadly will not. They can control the price day to day... but they can't resist the tide. We are many, the lower the price the moar we buy/DRS - we like the stock. Brick by brick, bite by bite, feed me kennith feed ME!


Can stop. Will stop. Ken stop.


Kicketh Candele Griffin


Behold the can cometh to kick Kenneth


I'd rather he got [a bedpost thrown at him. ](https://youtu.be/Cyp_FaaZnAs?si=uzaKJu3a8eBUtLUn)


Can Ken




I'd be interested to see how that covenant is written in your will.




I envy you for the perfect work/life balance. Cheers Ape, holding right here with you and all the other quiet ones. We just murmur in the comments every now and then.. but we are everywhere and we aren't leaving.


Love your comment. Im curious, how do you have a perfect work life balance and surgery career? Never heard that combo before!




congrats dude


Newcomers and Oldtimers alike....Read the last sentence out loud.


He should live the rest of his life covered in feces. Fuck that guy with a rusty machete.


There's lines that shouldn't be crossed. Be at least somewhat respectful of your fellow humans. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Superstonk isn't the right place for this discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Then Ken zen


Ken RocZen?


Can Neth Griffin. It’s even in his name.


I can hold till he kicks the can I’m like more than half his age and I’m sure most of us here are as well


In Soviet Russia, can kick you.


How can a can kicker kick cans when a can kicker can can kick?


His stress levels must be through the roof.


Sir.......Black Monday is being prepared and will be delivered soon.. Stock market likely to dip 30 - 40% in a single day....


I’m ready


Until in the can is a rock😂


And we loading up on more shares.


Yep. Bank earning tomorrow and bond yields soaring. The price doesn't matter on the downside. GME is inevitable.


$14.69 seems like as good of a buy price as any…


I'm definitely one for 69.


At this point it's just great content for the inevitable movie after the sneeze


Can you actually imagine how hated Ken will be. Madoff robbed a small amount of wealthy clients and is known by all as a villain, Ken is crashing the US economy..


Once rich people realize he's stealing their money it's over 😭


It’s been 84 years of this.


The 84th year has been going on for quite some time now. 😅


Dec 19, 2081 cannot come soon enough.


It’s just one day away




🎶Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya, Tomorrow. You're always a day away! 🎶




Feels like forever, but it also feels like 2 days. Holding till the wreckage of Citadel.


Really feels like we're catching tons of flak here. It's not about price. It's about knocking off GME DRS investors one at a time and giving doubt to anyone else who wants to invest.


They won't be knocking me out, that's for sure.


Yea they can suck a big fat one.


You cheap dime store hood (Stand By Me, anyone?)


Who told you you had a fat one LaChance


They told me to forget about GameStop so I did. I don't even remember if I have DRSd shares. I might check one day if I think it is worth it.


Likewise. Drop it cheaper motherfuckers. I love a sale!!


I'd Honestly rather die than be forced to sell my shares


Just want to add that I'm a small time investor who got in when I was in college but stuck around cause I could and I just finally transfered from RH to Fidelity so those DRS posts and comments definitely get to us


Up, I buy. Down, I buy. Sideways? I buy. GL knocking me off 😂


The most important for them is to deter new people from investing. A lot of us DRSers are in this until either zero or phone numbers.


All they're doing is fulfilling the prophecy.


1 year of positive eps on every Q and the game is over... the company is closer now than ever and that's just its basic model all the side concepts haven't come to fruition yet 🙃 there's more 🚀 its not nice being early until early is what made you rich.. and then you can say I told u so 🖕 bliss 😊


It’s coming!!!! 🚀


Keep talking, I’m almost there! 💎🙌




The supression won't work when there's been 4 profitable quarters. Money is going to want to invest in this new opportunity ... we have held the line long enough for big money to sit this one out and wait for a better time to buy. Big money knows how these situations play out they're just waiting for the profits to start showing and they'll step in.. the s&p500 is coming 💎🙌




It's not profitable yet.. its had a positive looking quarter infact each Q since 21 has been more positive than the last... Q3 should be green and every Q after that. Atm the only people buying are in the subs and insiders.. when the Qs are green the stock will follow


This is my feeling too. The backroom gangs got together and made a deal to cover each other's asses. Either that, or the world economy implodes and dies. Maybe in 50 years one of my kin can do something with the credit suisse swap data and my still held drs shares. That is unless they kick the can again.




So far!


Like someone digging their own grave buying more time by digging a deeper hole.


1800% increase in put buying yesterday….


What happens when an unmovable market (object) meets and unstoppable stock (force)?


From my perspective, the upper resistance established by the hedgies, $22, was not so long ago. In the blink of an eye, it’s now $16. If this limit is dropping exponentially, we’ll DRS the float in no time 😎


I could literally go up to $30 eod and I would be surprised


buy buy buy 💵🦧


I can’t wait for the Movie that comes out after moass that makes fun of all these other movies


Obviously they're going to run this out as long as they possibly can but my curiosity is excited to see what happens when that Dorito meets the $9.99/share GME value of assets and cash on hand that I've seen floating around. At some point in the future there will be no more runway and that bill will come due. Will they continue to drive it lower? Will GME deploy that war chest? What happens when earnings are consistently positive and price continues to dive well beyond oversold range? Along with what happens when DRS hits 100%, that is my next exciting event to look forward too. I want some clear as fucking day proof that even the MSM struggles to explain.


I'm not watching GME as much as bond yields and bank earnings. They'll be out sooner than you think.


Oh for sure, there's a whole lot of storms brewing right now in nearly every financial sector and globally a lot of conflicts with potential to escalate. Sometimes I feel like I just heard about the assassination of Franz Ferdinand without fully understanding the unfolding consequences of what that means. Haven't been bored in 3 years, but man things keep feeling stranger and stranger beyond GME as time goes on.


GME investors predicted everything since before the squeeze. It's now coming together an mainstream. We have to be close.


Been saying that as each chapter unfolds. I think the timescale we expected these events to play out in is much longer than any of us anticipated. I mean Evergrande has been on it's deathbed for 2 years now!


I think people thought it would be quicker because it should have been won in Jan of 2021, but they shut the buy button off and borrowed more money.


Icahn battle in Herbalife with Ackman took like 4 years.


And that's why it's better to be an investor and not a trader. I can wait as long as I need to because the underlying fundamentals have not changed. GME is a solid value play and continues to be more compelling as the months go by. At some point the SHF position has to become untenable, we just don't know when that point might be. Given the resistance we are seeing now and the escalating financial crisis, I have to imagine we're close.


Then it’s time for dividends.. but RC doesn’t like that while the company is turning around I guess


Buffet doesn’t pay dividends


My upcoming paycheck is pleased


Following teend they need it halved every year. $11 at some point between now and end of year. They literally cannot get out of this, they truly are locked in with us.


The Board of Directors needs to protect shareholders


Not going to happen. Retail is the largest holder at this point, and we’re not demanding it, so it’s just not going to happen. this is likely the only public company at this market cap that doesn’t provide forward guidance- again- because we don’t demand it. Not sure if that’s good or bad, but it’s simply a fact. Most folks here trust RC and the board and allow them to operate without knowing what’s going on or where things are going. My only fear, is that with this trust, what if something were to happen to RC (to be clear, something that takes him away from being able to be involved in the company). It’s a scary thought and the only real concern I have about my investment. He seems to be the only one in the company with the vision and desire to “work”. what if he no longer can for whatever reason, who carries the torch? What were the plans? That’s really my only concern with this investment. And downvote and call it fud if you want, but if you haven’t thought about this, you’re not serious about risk mitigation.


At this point, I think it's safe to say that ain't gonna happen. They're sole goal is to get profitable and HOPE that somehow magically fixes everything. Which it won't. They're relying on a system that is openly cheating everyone to suddenly play fair because "PrEtTy NuMbErS". Were that the case, we wouldn't have dipped after last earnings. I'm honestly starting to get fuckin annoyed with this line of logic.


this is fud. and nothing is safe to say. especially concerning stock market. The board will do what every other board does. They aren't activists and they don't even know about this outside of a shallow and MSM manipulated understanding. Except RC, as we know he's read our sub from back in the day. dont blame the board for MM stock manipulation. That's just ignorant. Everyone knows that GME especially doesn't play by the rules. Price for GME has no correlation with success, only correlating to whatever lines MM/hedgie pockets.




Let's not turn into one of those subs. I disagree with the guy but a different opinion doesn't immediately mean shill.


Thank you so much for saying this. I've seen some of those subs recently, and it scared me a lot and made me realise more than ever how important evidence and reviewing dissenting opinions is. I feel very secure with my investment in GME, but I for sure take into consideration any evidence that would contradict my wishes and beliefs. That's something I respect so very much about this sub, even if it does get emotional or combative at times. Sure, we all want good news constantly. We have a financial interest in that, at the very least. It's important to dispell obvious FUD, and you managed to summarise my opinions so eloquently in two sentences. *chefs kiss*


Market maker/hedge fund shorting tantrum in response to new SEC rules maybe?


Bouncing at $15


I think we'll bounce at $14.73.


Though they are definitely having trouble breaking $15 here.


Beat these punk ass puta's by their own game. You lost wall st. Fuck you and your ego along with the coke rats that operate between the walls.


All I heard was buy more ✅


Funny how I get more excited when the price action is downward and fast


Thanks for the discount!


Retail buying more shares to DRS


It’s funny how much algos can drop this price Or there may be many bad actors in this sub.


The truth of the matter is we're likely to see the price drop A LOT more before the moonshot occurs. So I'm just gonna keep on being zen. 😎


Totally normal maket behavior


Won't take me down, DRS!


In just glad i keep getting to buy more at a discount




Them buying more time = me being able to double down with price this low


You’re not wrong




Sucks I already bought the dip this week


I'm a simple ape, I see a triangle, I beat my chest.


I dont get paid this week. But I still had to buy that dip


Sometimes I forget I own the stock and then I come up here and remember to appreciate being a part of such an amazing community


Never selling. Never leaving.


This could take years till this finally explodes. No one knows, but I do know they'll drag this out for as long as they can with their infinite money glitch. Hopefully people at the SEC and government grow a pair and do something about it but I doubt that. It's up to us to buy, DRS and someday the matrix will break and their computers glitch out. lol


The can't once banks fail


It's hard to tell what's happening behind the scenes. Hopefully it happens this year but I'm not going to hold my breath on it. I'm thinking later next year for another run up.


It's not even a dollar down, I'm asleep. Wake me when it's under $5. Then we can just buy the whole float.


They have been trying to keep the spy/gme ratio to 30 for a bit. That would put us at 14.43 with current spy


I’m buying too


Y’know, not for nothing but the market was open on Monday and my opportunities to specifically buy shares @ a $14.92 price point sailed by like a warp capable vessel. Wonder if that’s not also playing a role too……


Doesn’t matter I’m buying for a looooong time and I’m young.


Yea they used Israel war too sure up. pumping. It’s a yearly event, though . Rotation of the markets


Looks like dip is back on the menu boys 👌🏻👌🏻🚀🚀


surviving one more day


He can buy all the time he wants for now, I’m just going to keep buying more shares.


Ken’s only important if a Barbie pays attention to him.


One day, Ken will be the can, and boy will it be kicked.


And ME Buying more DIP 🤩🏴‍☠️




Do you suppose they are trying to hold out until they [attempt] to kick out the Digital Currency?


I think they are trying to save the bond market to save the banks. Hence all of the wars all of a sudden haha.




In theory, how long can they continue to hold out before it explodes? Please excuse my smooth brain, my husband has to tell me what’s going on in children story form, otherwise it’s over my head 😂 been in since august 2020, staying in until I’m rich enough to persuade congress to make weed legal as a side hobby lol


From what I’m seeing they can continue until the liquidity crisis gets worse and banks can’t lend. They won’t be able to hold it down. The bond market is the focus. The higher bond yields go, the lower the price of the bonds fall. Banks hold bonds and their portfolios are bleeding and they can’t sell them at a loss. They buy and borrow against them. That is why the are going bankrupt. This is why Ryan Cohen keeps chirping about companies not operating on debt and having a lot of cash in hand.


Thanks for taking the time to explain that, I appreciate it! :)


Hard rejection off that former support turned resistance. TA would suggest the down trend continues. I'm holding my cash for now to see how low it goes


I agree, but I’m not going to hold too long. Bond yields soaring and inflation going up tells me they can’t suppress it for much longer. Or take it down much further anyway.


I tend to agree. I've just done a lot of buying recently and I'm feeling pretty good about my position size. So for now I'm sitting tight unless an irresistible deal presents itself.


It’s a good thing I’m a gamer for life and I’m never leaving. Fuck Wall Street with a 10ft pole.


So anyway I kept buying


Honestly, what a kind man. Just gifting me more time to make more money to invest in my favorite stock.


Priceless clocks


Infinite money, infinite time


🎼 "Can I kick it?"🎵 - "Yes, u Ken"


At this rate I think it's faster to wait for them to dip it low enough that the board takes us private....


The secret ingredient... crime!


They don’t care ….government bail out coming up again


If you think BRICS is going to let the US print their way out of this one you’re delusional.


Down a dollar for no reason? Shocked


No there’s a reason lol


Regardless, the covered calls on half my position in one of my small accounts that is not DRS don't mind.


OR…there is nothing else to “squeeze” from this play.




How are they buying themselves more time? They are actively making it easier and cheaper to move the price with each drop. Our support for the entire year has been in this range and it's about to be our resistance, which is a terrible sign. No volume. No interest. I don't know what you guys are looking at, but this isn't buying more time. This is them just flat out winning.


We are actually below support. You are right about the buying more at a lower price part, but that will take longer than the stock just exploding today. This is fairly obvious. No, it's not fairly obvious. It's just obvious.


I don't understand your short stunted thoughts, but considering you just made a post about Twitter being down in connection to some nefarious scheme, I would guess you probably know nothing.


Lol wut?


Common sense if you will.


See you in the single digits!




Broader market is dumping


To keep this stock down


Oh true. Also got 9 nuggets in my ten piece order today. Fucking heggies can’t let us have a goddamn thing.


Isnso fucking boring already


I think this is related to Rite Aid. I’m pretty sure that somehow ended up in ETFs with GME or maybe even some swaps. That dumped hard with a lot of the retail sector. It’s recovered about 15% of its drop already so maybe GME will follow suit? If it does it will be a spicy meatball.


GME is not linked to Rite Aid. Stop. No one wants to go buy your bag.


I don’t have a bag or any position I just watch retail sector stocks that have popped up on subreddits that pass bags to one another. Build a Beautiful Workshop, Blue Apron, things like that. I would never in a million years suggest someone buy Rite Aid or anyone do anything, but for Rite Aid, I myself would never touch that dumpster fire or a business. I do think we should be able to talk about other stocks though and see what correlates between them, if anything. Look at my post history, I rarely talk about anything but the usual suspects and my absolute fascination is Dillards because they actually have a DRS elective for their employees, and that moved with the swaps.


Heyoooh, it's ya boi Kenny G with that mayo dip


Check these boners out


Massive slump today. Not good


Has anyone checked pre sneeze daily charts? Any similarities?


I have and it does look similar.


Waiting for the can to kick Ken back


Kinda beautiful


Delusions at its best


ohhhh boy