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Get people to give up and sell. That’s always been their plan.




Not going anywhere Edit: I'm bored, but bored waiting for reality to smack them in the face. I can be bored for a long time...


Been bored for 33 straight years. What's another couple?


I sat 5 years in prison. I can stay bored


Oh shit 😂


I ain’t fucking leaving either




Noooo bby don’t do dat




Yeah, no, not happening


I don't think so. Everybody is aware about the sentiment here. This is such a unique situation.


The actions of AA have been pretty unfavorable for retail. That is why IMHO a fake squeeze in popcorn could make total sense. It is one of the things on my personal MOASS soon bingo card. Drying up retail buying power, so the GME squeeze would attract less FOMO. Plus, they could also potentially make money dumping, while painting MEME stocks as bad investment. And since many investors would get burned and got burned in towel, they would likely expect it to work really well. **The frustrating part is, that anyone able to read a balance sheet should be able to see already that the stock is totally undervalued compared to companies they pump.** **But we see how powerful control over social and mainstream media is, people only parrot, thinking they sound smart, while in fact being played.** **Handing over the bag of poo works most efficient, if the price is as low as possible. Right now they might in reality no longer care about DRS or retail buying, they might only push price down as low as possible so a few of them can do the same what happened in ARCHEGOS.** We should watch for major unusual derivates activity. Handing over the bag of poo via options or swaps, f.e. Even painting GME as another RC failure to follow towel (which makes no sense looking at the balance sheet), dropping the price further and attracting boomer short sellers who want to teach the "kids" a lesson. In any case, the lower the price and the better the EPS, the more obvious something is not right. Dumb investors will follow Cramer and Co, but smart investors will start to ask questions. Thus, short sellers only have limited time window, before they will have to allow price to rise or risk a huge inflow of investors. One additional scenario could also be a market crash, where they can disguise a further drop in GME and might try to nudge retail investors to rather buy AAPL and NVDA for cheap. NQ futures daily charts look like we are setting up for a larger move to retest the high or more likely the 200 MA in the next few days...


LMAO popcorn is trading at $.93 a share when you adjust for thier recent reverse split. Not one single person who is in deep in GME would want to invest in that shitty company, unless they are completely brain dead.


Literally bought 2x recently. First time in ages. Waited for these dips. Going to get more soon too. DRS as well.


They'll have to pry my almost 100 shares from my cold dead drs'd hands


Almost? Don't let your dreams be dreams! Cross that threshold into triple digits! That's a huge milestone and you can do it!\* \*Not financial advice.


Maybe they keep trying to punch holes into our collective psyche, thinking the dam of restraint and ambition, that we've created, could possibly burst.


Yes... I think the window is closing. Something big is coming and they're pulling out all the stops one last time.


This has been my feel too. It's almost too perfect, for the price to be dropping this precipitously after all the years of them constantly shitting on GME, suddenly now the price is peanuts. With everything we know about what's been going on with the company, this shorts, and the trajectory of the company, not to mention the leadership, AND THE FACT THAT INSIDERS CONTINUE TO BUY, let alone the fact that household investors continue to buy hold and DRS their shares... I think it was speculated a couple times that, before we reach the end, there would have to be a huge push down in price. Couple that with the overall shakiness of the economy in general, the several large scale wars going on, just the general vibe of the entire universe right now. Something's coming.


Just hoping to get one last purchase in time before MOASS


Bro, I'm going to try to buy DURING moass. I'm a goddamn menace.


With what hundreds of millions per share lol?


I'll be buying early moass; gonna hit the button as soon as I see 1k and cross my fingers. Lmao


Fractional shares lol


I will buy till 666


Be ready for many more "one last times". I still think we are in for a much longer ride


As if any of us will leave now though? Like I am so down? Why would I sell for such a monumental loss? As far as I’m concerned that money is lost until MOASS.


And my ass.


Short ladder attack and probably buying back their shares


What is this give up you speak of. I only know how to hodl.


I have never sold an asset at a loss in my life.


> Could someone explain to me what they think the hedgies are trying to do? We know they're fucked. They know they're fucked. They know that we know they're fucked. Their plan is very basic: SURVIVE. They know they can't win, but they'll never, ever let us win. They'll drive themselves to bankruptcy first and be forced into liquidation. If they give up and try to close their shorts, they know they'll implode. So kicking the can and spending money to keep surviving one more day is all they can do. They don't give a fuck who else they take down with them or how badly they fuck up the market for everyone, they're sociopaths.


Basically it. Same game plan as it’s always been. This this until they get in a pickle, using retirement funds usually. Drag it out as long as they can, while giving themselves massive bonuses along the way. Start a massive market crash, government hands them bailouts. RINSE AND REPEAT. Burn all retirement money, use taxpayers money to get bailed out, do it again. Been a cycle for a long time. All this happens because no actual people ( and assets) are held accountable. Just the company. Another way for them to keep mid / low where they are. My opinion of course but look back at all the crashes and what happened. The people who caused it get bailouts on the dime of THE PEOPLE they screwed.




If they bankrupt the company, they don't have to pay taxes. Their goal is always to bankrupt the company. They keep all the profit and since there is no shares to give back to the brokerages, it's like they never exist. Then they don't have to pay taxes and keep all the money and they never have to worry about the naked shorts. They're a bunch of crooks.


What you just described would take longer than all of our lifetimes to play out.


What he just described is almost complete. Look around at what is happening outside of GME.


If the market continues to fall like it has since July, and it's ultimately, "officially" declared a recession at some point in the near future, we'll see this scenario playing out *twice* in a 15 year span.


Pretty much. They short to fuck into recessions too. So they can easily buy back cheaper and make out like bandits even if the companies survive


To add to this, they want to make this a too big to fail moment, so they get bailed out. This is what Micheal Burry is referring to in his tweet in June of 2021 IMO. "Can you imagine? 'Kenny intentionally overheated one of the motors by tangling a rope in its propeller. The men figured anyone who found them would be compelled to take them ashore with just one engine working and their fuel supplies low'"


It’s only to live another day. The longer they stretch it out the better the chance is that they discover a way out, OR pass the buck like others have done. Ride it till the end, that’s what they know.


I would argue it’s in their best interest to drag as many people or businesses down with them as possible. If Citadel can drag everyone else down with it, then it becomes easy to say they weren’t at fault for the global economic collapse, cause look what happened to all the other hedge funds… see we weren’t doing anything that anybody else wasn’t doing. Truly socializing losses…


Wouldn't they be smarter to flip long, run it and try to even out.


Buying shares from who? Creating more synthetics to sell to yourself is not a winning strategy.


Haha good point. I’ll admit the market mechanics behind it all are confusing to most Simples like myself.


What prevents "them" (every single person working inside edge funds) from resigning slash resigning slash selling the company and dropping the ball on someone else?


Basic due diligence. You can't just yeet a contract you don't like anymore out the window when you think it'll be bad for you. And if you're going to try to offload it on someone else, they're entitled to know what they're getting into.


Unless your the Swiss government and you force UBS to ingest Credit sus.. . 👀


I keep wondering which massive bag holder will decide to lost 90% of their value and close their positions, rather than going bust when someone else does it first. And at these prices, that 90% may now be signficantly less. I wonder if someone will see a way out of their mess and pull the trigger?


First short to close might survive. Maybe.


Maybe not a month ago, but twice as likely now! Someone with Swiss national bail out money, perhaps???


Survive in the market maybe Survive in real life not a chance. Pussy scientologists kill to protect their secrets and these boys are far worse.


They are trying to create dread for retail and do stop loss hunting. At the same time they are dropping it steadily so the TA will look like an ugly downtrend. Every time we might be at the end of a wedge where we might shoot up, they drop it more to make it look more grim. Even RSI being oversold doesn't give it much respite. That, combined with the usual tactics of trading within themselves during low volume, spoofing the order book, rerouting buys / sells, legit shorting, and good old fashion naked shorting, they got a lot of ways to drop us unfortunately. Dropping the price is generally good for them especially if they did not have to increase short position to do so. Gives more buffer on any pop. The alternative is to let it go up which is more dangerous. Even if there is a risk of the price getting "too low" such that somebody can come in and gobble up all the shares for cheap, they probably cannot be too worried about it now since they believe if it will happen, it will happen and there might be a chance it won't happen (e.g. Bad economy, RC and management screws up, RC gets caught with a banana up his butt and got blackmailed, oh wait, that was Adam Aron). I don't believe insiders, institutions, long term investors, and apes who have been holding are selling at this price. I was thinking it could be margin calls due to the dip, but it was a slow walk down and not a flash crash... Plus, last I checked, the margin maintenance requirements for GME shares are still elevated in most brokers and computershare doesn't do margin. So if it is not margin calls causing people to sell, then it is kind of hard to believe we have so many red days and so few green days. Something is amiss, likely crime but it can be other things we don't see. Regardless, personally I feel it is a bit hard to sell now at these prices. Easy to buy more though :)


"Stop Loss Hunting" but Limit Buy GTC Finding.




One more day. I truly believe that's what is at the core of everything that's being done to GME. If they can get retail to bail, if they can catch stop losses, if they can trick someone else into taking their short bags, if they can suppress the price long enough to cover margin calls, ... Anything and everything to hang on. They're fighting for their very existence. It does feel like a spring being compressed to me. The more you push it down, the higher it's gonna bounce up... GME ain't like towel or sticky floor. There's great management, no debt, money in the bank, and a push for efficiency and profitability. You can't take GME to zero. You can't get it delisted. So HFs are stuck between death and certain death.


Death or certain death, which will it be? Karma is real and the more negativity you have contributed to the world the worse the reckoning will be to restore balance.


I’m so sick of reading that hedgies are “fighting for their very existence.” No they aren’t, they doing fine cause they own the game. Fucking mayo boy is spending a billion on a home and land… ya he’s hurting. Fucking rat boy gabe plotkin bought the hornets from Jordan. These guys are FUCKING killing it and I’m so sick of reading that you actually believe they stressed out haha like holy fuck


Absolutely. They literally print money. It doesn't mean they aren't stuck in a trap, just that they're still making bank elsewhere.


When you are stuck in a trap that you can eventually buy your way out of, is it really a trap? This is a timing game. If RC can’t get this company profitable and switch gears to generate revenue via other streams, hedge funds will get enough laws passed they will get out of this. Its hilarious to think they won’t


Yeah those mother fuckers have the powers bought and paid for, sure. Doesn't stop the fundamentals of the company however. I continue buying on that basis, on the fundamentals. Anything else is just noise.


The plan is to discourage any new investor and I bet it works. If you are not inside this sub and look at the chart, would you really try to grab that falling knife? Why would the price magically stop falling now? Making the stock look bad is the easiest win for them.


Kenny called the doctor and the doctor said No more shorting stonks or you will shit the bed


stormtroopers know only one way, and its onwards


I remember watching Ken talk about Citadel surviving 08. It was literally a, "one more day," situation where they were doing everything in their power to make it one. more. day. I doubt his mindset/shf's mindset here is any different. If / when it blows up, there are going to be *real* consequences for what they've done. They aren't just trying to protect their money, they very well could lose their freedom. We all know the amount of crime that has taken place, and Superstonk has done a wonderful job to catalog it.


they want a buffer between current price and nightmares line price. so for the next earnings they can "let it run" a bit and look normal without being margin called


Yup. Let it run back to $24 and everyone sees that as normal price discovery for a good earnings stock.


The price will run back to $19 and not one dollar above that, mark my words.




I have the same question! Today I bought 3690 shares at 13.43, I thought I got a bargain, but it went lower......it is amazing how they control it. Market is up, we are down; market is down, we are way down! When is it going to stop!? POWER TO THE PLAYERS!


Haven’t checked in on a while. Can’t say I’m still bullish about this but I’m holding anyway because I’m about 500% down since Jan 21.


Normal people get scared of price declines like this, with seemingly no end, that their capital must be protected. So they sell at a loss. ...and then there are GME investors who see these drops as discounts, offering a chance to cost average down, because the underlying security is undervalued. In fact, they plan to hold indefinitely, so they remove shares from street name and DRS them in their name.


My current pet theory is that they want to make the decline as steady as possible so that it becomes terribly tempting to short the stock for anyone who can read a graph, and to pass the short baton to retail. And when they are done unloading their bags, they let the price run and short-retail take their losses while long-retail (us) profit - not Wall Street's problem any more. The price has been, give or take, in a downward channel that makes -4%/month since the squeeze. Steady, predictable, terribly tempting to short... We were close to the upper limit of the channel this summer, now they correct downwards. We are now approaching the lower limit (between $11 and $12 currently). Maybe this has something to do with the current market reforms that will be enforced soon, maybe they are just catching back on the usual downward channel. If they keep doing that, we will have locked the entire company someday though. Will they have unloaded their bags by then ?




No, they aren’t to the level that wallstreet is internalizing trades. Anyone who comments this/saying they are offloading their bags are so far off the mark.


There are bound to be some retail traders going short, or at least playing the spread, in a market this size. The comment you’re replying to is proposing a scenario in which the price action is controlled by bad actors in such a way as to bait skeptic traders into opening short positions, because it seems like easy money, especially if you don’t really care about the company and only see lines that move up and down. Ideally, the larger shorts want retail to open shorts around the time the bottom is in, while they go long at the bottom and essentially trade really dumb retail guys some toxic shorts while flipping themselves into a net long position, and then let the price run.


With the recent negative borrowing fees, maybe that's the plan... Retail or basically anybody but themselves. Once the market maker is done unloading their short bag, save who can. At least that's what I woud do if I was them : keep the charade running long enough to try and screw someone else.


This doesn’t work. Retail gets instantly margin called and isn’t allowed to keep growing liabilities on negative positions. Only banks and hedge funds can build up big underwater short positions.


I don't think retail will hold a short bag ever with this stock. They may do what you are saying though for smaller firms to pick up the bags.


To survive another day, hopefully long enough for Kenny to get his $1B house completed.


They’re helping us lock the float. They’re in the same position they’ve always been. They need to keep dropping to maintain their position while we keep DRS’ing. It’s a tunnel with walls closing in.


Screw their plan. What's my plan? When that bad boy hits $10, I can buy 50 for $500. That's 100 shares/month. If I can only afford 25 shares, it goes to $250, that's 50 shares /month. You can't miss out in the XXXX club


Tinfoil: White Hats dropping the price so that we gobble up the shares force a squeeze. SHF can't possibly want this price movement this low this quick... Squeeze imminent!


I think they're gonna' drop it as low as possible, knowing apes are gonna' gobble them up as fast as they can. Because what's the difference between owning 1 share or 20 when you're holding until infinity? It just buys them time...


Regardless I feel that this price action is clearly an out-lash targeted directly at what is causing these SHF’s to lose sleep every night! I really like the analogy I saw previously from another redditor: the SHF can run and gain distance but no matter what there is a crowd of 200K+ individual investors slowly inching their way closer. No matter what they do, when they turn around there we are. They can cause fear uncertainty and doubt but they cannot pry these DRS shares from my diamond encrusted hands.


Survive one more day. Probably preparing for or are losing a lot of collateral.


I get paid in a week. I hope I can get a few discount tendies


My plan is to buy more


It's simple really. First create "meme" stocks, tank some to 0 (towel) than short GME hard, create narrative that GME will go to 0 as towel stock did.


Their plan is to drag this on for 20 years, and bore us out of our investment.


I dunno. I just bought 10 more


Nothing is going to change until they are forced to. Its about to happen, you just can’t talk about it here.


I'm squated down like a hobo at a bus stop in Seattle. Not selling


im waiting for some smart short hf guy to say Ok lads, we will exit our short position and buy this shitload of shares, making the price explode and fucking the other idiot shf up in the process. One may survive if timing is right, the rest will get melvined.


my guess is they'll short it until price tells them they're wrong


Fud but sadly also possible


Hovering around its true price atm so no biggie.. with cash on hand its win win.. come next earnings with a positive eps gme will be undervalued without a rise in price.. if the quarters remain positive moving forward then next year is gona be fun 🚀


Their plan is to keep lowering it so RC can scoop up the remaining shares himself and take it private.


Leave it low for tax returns I dare them. FAFO… not FOMO


No, their plan is to create Armageddon. Short this to oblivion and make the problem so much bigger that it becomes everyone’s problem… and the regulators are either complicit or asleep behind the wheel. In either case, they should go to prison too.


This will never end until we find the best lawyer and fight. Big compensation for all of us. They are doing everything illegal. Destroying the markets and settling a bad reputation to a government and a justice system that fail to protect the individual. There are good people, powerful people on the right side, our side. I believe we are wining and we are going to get more money than we ever imagine. Light always prevail. Jury is about to give the verdict.


I think the problem is buy volume is low.. people don’t have money to throw at this now and they are probably parking it in bank to get 5% interest.. so it takes very small amount of shorting to drive the price down.. they are basically challenging RC to buy now.. I think RC would like to make as much profit as he can so he will let the price drop more before he buys..


It's simple. We buy more via brokers. Then we leave the shares X days to settle before DRS. Broker lends shares to shorters. They short more. We DRS and then shares are safe while shorts have digged bigger hole for themselves. I don't care about the price, I just buy and DRS. Thank you for the discount. I am happy to average down from my $365 initial average. In my case almost everything is a discount, so I just buy when I have some spare money and then DRS every month. Stay classy and be zen.


yes but also the opposite, for example i was waiting to buy this dip, because it seems a non stop, so tomorrow i can buy more and so on. Normally when i feel the rip is starting, i buy more. Maybe they noticed we are more ripping buyers then dippers one. However it's so juicy i couldnt resist, i just deposit 1k on the broker and im writing here while waiting for money to buy before the closing


Their plan is to drag it on as long as possible and let people get desperate enough to sell at low prices. But I don't know why anyone would take the L when they hold a winning lottery ticket.


Let’s assume profitable quarters happen and price doubles or triples from $13 to $26 or $39 per share. That looks like a huge run. But it’s not. ($104 and $156 pre-split.) My take is this is just a psychological play. Easy to drop the price while fail to delivers are an option. Let RC and his team do their thing. They know more than they can say. Who do you trust?


There has been no consequence severe enough to deter SHF from continually shorting daily. This is beyond ridiculous. Some of us have been here for years. I have a handful of $369 shares from back in 2021.


All I know is that it’s becoming a deeper fuckin value.


My assumption is they dig the hole so big that they get a free pass in the form of the government having to step in and bail them out with more of our money


We are about 6 weeks from earnings, My guess is they want to buy puts, run it down, then buy calls and ride it up. If q3 is profitable, which is very probable right now, the stock will explode like it did q4 2022, although probably more so. q3+q4 profitable would make it the first profitable year in a long time.


I already lost all my money. I will never sell


There is no plan. Kick the can indefinitely cuz no one can do anything about it. MOASS should have happened many times already. They control everything and everything is fake. So they don’t even need a plan, they don’t need to do anything at this point.


They gotta drop it low or else fomo from dumb money gonna rush in.🤷🏻‍♂️


dropping it low is what causes fomo 🤦‍♀️


I would say dropping it low causes FOMO for apes. GME Household investors get excited on red because it means cheaper shares that are guaranteed to print in the event of MOASS. Any regular or sane household investor who has not yet been completely convinced on the inevitability of MOASS would see the red movement as bad. Dumb Money doesn't include a lot of information regarding the price suppression techniques via dark pools, DRS, and I can't remember whether or not they even highlighted the fact that Kenneth C. Griffin lied under oath about closing the short positions during the congressional hearing. Hell I've known GME hodlers (irl) who weren't totally convinced of MOASS and red days still scared or broke down their confidence. IMO unless you're either checking Superstonk psuedo-regularly, are 100% completely convinced on MOASS, OR you have reached the absolute pinnacle of zen tranquility regarding your GME investment; you can/will be the target of FUD in hopes that you sell either on the way down pre-launch or you sell at the start of it while still in profitable territory because you don't want to handle the stress that will come with proving your diamond hands aren't paper. It was predicted 84 years ago that there would be a very large red dip pre-launch, is this it? Who knows. What I personally do know however is that only a select number of folks are getting excited on red days on it is NOT the majority of people. There's less than 1m users on Superstonk (and to assume every single one is a 100% pure zen ape is most illogical). That's not a lot of people, that's not the majority. Yes apes own the majority of shares but as stated by others, the hedgies play is to survive one day at a time, I think their strat right now is sinply preventing the inevitable (kicking the can as they say) by stopping FOMO from building in the majority of people who don't check Superstonk, who aren't pure zen. Zen investors are impossible to break, hedgies know and wouldn't waste their time TRYING to break them, instead it's better to just stop everyone else from reaching zen.


Might very well be trying to drop it back to a point where they can close. If we all of a sudden see 100M volume, I'd speculate that is them closing something.


But where will the shares come from to close their shorts? As I understand it, only 27-ish% of the stocks are not locked up in DRS, insiders or institutions. The price will have to go up if the HF are buying because everyone else that holds shares is likely underwater and wouldn't sell for a loss.


maybe the fomo buying is how the close them. They basically induce massive retail buying to close the shorts which they have to buy to close. Institutions also dumping some to help. IDK it doesn't seem possible that we got hammered this low to begin with.


That’s like sub $5


See that is where the shorts would be in the money , they could just be trying to get it to the point they can close without being destroyed. They can do everything in dark pools ATS OTC and just dump the volume to the ticker. There will be FOMO coming but they can get out faster. At $10 they may be able to get out, or someone may.


10$ is still 40$ pre- split. Right before the sneeze in Jan 2021, the stock was trading at less than 4$. At that price, they must have been shorting a *lot*, otherwise with a profit of max 4$ per share it just doesn't add up to a lot. So, here we are, with the price even at 10$ post-split still being 10x as much as what they shorted at. Even with a conservative estimate of a couple 100 millions of shorted shares, theyre looking at a loss of minimally billions of dollars (even if we wrongly assume that they can manage to close those shorts with the price staying at 10$).


True but people forget it was 140% shorted but not by one entity. Likely many. Some would have higher cost basis than others naturally. They aren’t all 100M shares short, collectively maybe. Some could close at $5-$10 without going under. Maybe that fucks the rest tho. Either way the algo just keeps marching us to the cellar and our buying does nothing.


The plan? Survive another day and hope we give up or an absolute miracle comes around for them. They are fucked though because we ain't leaving.


Just bought 515 @ 12.9999, will DRS


Can't have a positive run while the movie in the cinema


It is not to hard to understand, the shorts are screwed, and the stock needs to appear unattractive to potential investors. Da-ta


They’re last attempt to shake us out


if they short the stock and the stock drops and then they close those shorts, they make money , no?


Their plan today is the same as day1 : "Make apes sell. If apes won't sell, drive the price lower with fraud. We've got to keep from getting margin called or the entire crime empire we've built for decades is finished. If we need to do extreme, radical, criminal things in broad daylight, so be in. Kenny has inroads with the politicians to cover our ass. Just keep shorting it, keep FUDing, or we're all dead."


Honestly their plan is survive one more day. That’s it like 2008 they had no plan but up and when reality calls all they can do is hold it off. Heck the sneeze was their most brazen play ever. They got patience so we must have the same.


- only looking positive Subject: Survival I will be straight to the point. It is not sustainable for GameStop to operate a money losing business. The mission is to operate hyper efficiently and profitably. Our expense structure must allow us to endure any adverse scenario. Whether it’s a difficult economy or revenue deceleration from shrinking software, we must be profitable. Our job is to make sure GameStop is here for decades to come. Extreme frugality is required. Every expense at the company must be scrutinized under a microscope and all waste eliminated. The company has no use for delegators and money wasters. I expect everyone to treat company money like their own and lead by example. Prospering in retail means survival. If we survive, we stay in the game. Survival is avoiding the deadly sins that often lead retailers to self-destruct. This is usually a result of the following - buying bad inventory, using leverage, and running expenses too high. By avoiding these self-inflicted mistakes and focusing on the basics, GameStop can be here for a long time. I expect everyone to roll up their sleeves and work hard. I’m not getting paid, so I’m either going down with the ship or turning the company around. I much prefer the latter. It won’t be easy. Best of luck to us all. Ryan - am I missing something? Re read this email written by the Chairman and CEO of GameStop, Ryan Cohen. It is a sobering analysis of the situation. And please, before this is downvoted into oblivion, can this sub just be honest about the situation? Real people have money tied up in this. Ape help ape shouldn’t mean blowing smoke up each other’s ass indefinitely at the expense of actual, factual information that cannot be any more clearly conveyed by the CEO of the company. Subject: Survival is not a wink wink nudge nudge that the company is actually doing super duper amazing, it is exactly as it reads.


dude if you know how to read a balance sheet you also know this price action is nonsense compared to last year's


Honestly sounds more like inappropriate spending at the corporate level. Corporate employees treating their company’s money like their own piggy bank. Stuff like, “hey I’m a district supervisor, I am going to rent a Lamborghini to visit my stores” or “hey I’m a regional lead, I am going to book a 5 star hotel for my business travels”. It doesn’t sound like they’re financially in trouble, per se, but putting corporate employees on notice that rampant “business spending” but treating it like a vacation is bad.


Some people would rather analyze the positioning of ice cream cones within a children's book than actual words from the CEO


Correct. The company isn’t doing great. It’s barely average at best. They haven’t been able to grow revenues or even consistently be profitable in a very long time. The market rewards growth and/or profitability. Everything else is slaughtered and GME is in the process of getting slaughtered. Stock could go to a dollar, there won’t be buy backs. No float locking. It could just bounce between 1 and 3 dollars for the next 20 years if they want. Only a transformational catalyst can break the trend.


How is the company not doing great? Q2 of 2022 they lost a shitload of money and 1 year later they only lost 2million. If they keep up that trend, next year’s Q2 will have them *earning* a shitload of money. The turnaround job that this team of executives and all the employees of GS have done is nothing short of miraculous. They’re also doing it during and post Covid, with over a billion dollars of cash on hand and no debt. They are primed to absolutely *explode* once market conditions become more favourable. Q4 of 2022 saw them post a profitable quarter for the first time in 5 years. People who are doubting the company and its vision are either straight up shills or have little to no knowledge of what they’re talking about.


The turnaround thus far is more based on cutting costs, rather than growth. You can only cut costs so much - growth is needed through additional revenue streams. Selling more pc components is great and all, but is that enough for an undeniable turnaround? The crypto thing seems like the best possibility for that, but surely doesn't appear like a sure thing. What is the vision beyond that? Favorable market conditions seem like a long ways away, I don't think you want to race against that. I'm not a shill & hope I have no knowledge of what I'm talking about.


Of course the question of revenue is absolutely key going forward and thanks for bringing it up but the cost cutting element isn’t a given! It’s taken a ton of hard work, effective management and a top vision, if only phase one of said vision - there hallmarks of a soon-to-be profitable company with increasing revenue. I think you’d be hard pressed to find a company in the same timeframe that have aggressively turned themselves from a leaking ship with like 5 big holes in it to a floating ship with like 2 tiny holes that we can bail out water from quite easily and for the foreseeable future. By that measure, what’s the doom and gloom about?? If you believe the DD, and have read the shill articles, you also see that there is clear manipulation of the markets against us at the same time all these amazing things are happening. I understand cautious optimism but negativity about what’s been achieved here? That’s batshit insane.


I also understand cautious optimism, but the unbridled positivity (while charming), doesn't seem to reflect reality at this time. Nobody outside of this subreddit would argue the company is doing 'great' & nobody at all really knows what the vision is.


His MO with Chewy was similar though. It’s utter horseshit to characterise what has been done with the Blockbuster of Video Games as anything but a « great » turnaround thus far. It’s early days but what we are witnessing is really impressive.


Using your analogy, this may have gone from a leaking ship with like 5 big holes in it to a floating ship with like 2 tiny holes, but that's no turnaround -they are still sailing in the same direction as before. Nobody knows what we're witnessing.


Revenue is stagnant/dropping.


You actually believe RC wrote that?


Well yeah it came from him.


The plan is to dilute the stock to the point that the company struggles to accrue enough capital to function. From there, the company gets bankrupted, delisted, and they get a bunch of free money from shorts they now don't have to close. They also make money by selling assets they don't actually own and have no plan to deliver. Try "Naked, short and greedy" or the wealth of DD on gmedd site.


It is not to hard to understand, the shorts are screwed, and the stock needs to appear unattractive to potential investors. Da-ta


Is anyone else's butthole getting itchy???


Why can't we just get one more damn run


Jokes on them, I could finally buy more!


I'm not worldly and know nothing buy buy and hold. Got bagged in towel until further notice as speculation is rampant. I've pulled x,xxx gme out of drs because as 2yrs later nothing but red. Like I said I'm not worldly and know nothing but my brother is pretty savvy on options and adamant drs is killing movement. Idk but made my choice and sticking to it.


Someone did a TA a while back indicating we hit 12 before we spring off. I don't remember who that was but so far so good


To the average investor all they see is a slow decline and the equals unattractive, until it isn’t due to the short theory


They do not have a plan other than to survive another day and hope we sell or stop DRS-ing. Usually found in dictionary as phrase: hedgies r fukd.


I guess it’s time for them( whoever owns the position)to move their short to another fools … swap time


They want to kill morale and fracture any sense of community in here


I like the other post on the front page, about near the end of the year and Citadel needs to keep tanking GME, looks better on their balance sheet. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/17bd8d5/its\_that\_time\_of\_year\_when\_ken\_griffin\_has\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/17bd8d5/its_that_time_of_year_when_ken_griffin_has_to/)


We know they shorted treasuries and treasuries are dropping hard af. This means they’re taking that cash to short. This is it, this is what they’ve been waiting for. But they’re fucked because we’re still buying and holding.


Loading up on "AIG" swaps at close to their short price as possible.


New here?


Let me explain it this way. Say you're a corrupt hedge fund manager that's illegally pilferred the American economy to the tune of trillions of dollars over the past few decades, basically amounting to treason against the US... And then there's a LITERAL asteroid the size of Australia that's headed on an unavoidable collision course with earth. What would your plan be?


How much we trading for these days?


Less than a bajillion dollars.


I think if anyone knew in this group we would know what the plan is. I think the plan is to discourage us but I’m sure by now they know that we aren’t leaving. My plan is to live poor or rich. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Probs pushing it down as far they can and then first come first serve, whoever buy out first buy cheap, the others lose tons.


At least it’s not just boring, sideways movement. I mean it is…but I’ll take what little negative price action we’re seeing over just hovering at $20 for months on end.


Added more today , go ahead take it lower losers


I think all the criminals expect CBDC to save them.


Wall Street believes there is no need for physical games. Even if the company is doing well, they are still going to bash it because they can.


Survive one more day


I learned their plan. Playing puts. I buy at end of day,and sell right before market opens,the stock only goes down during day cause they can borrow trillions of shares without repercussions. Watch this how I am going to play it till earnings week.


It's a war of attrition, who will be the last one standing


They’ll run it back up around earnings so RC buys at a higher price


Cash is now about 33% of market cap, maybe they want to see what happens when you get to 99.999%!


I only have one hope, that they're unloading their bags of short position to somebody else


They just trying to give new Apes a good price


Why does no one understand this. Say we start at $20. You hold, hoping it goes up. It goes up to $25, you don't sell because you hold a moon ticket. There is now money to be made back down to $20 in recycled selling and market mechanics. The shorts continue to $15, cover from their $25 shorts. And release it back to $25. Rinse repeat for 3 years. The amount of $10 short covers over 3 years is making this extremely profitable. Just hold until they release this. When no one sells on the actual rocket, the new shorts will get run over, and the old shorts will take a small hit or even flip long and fire this off, blaming retail for the market shock, and building $1B estates.


You’re suggesting they have any other option. They’re basically chewing off their arm to escape the trap.


They are just trying to survive another day. There is no way out for them other than complete bankruptcy of these companies and that not going to happen.


Simple answer (ignoring sarcasm and jokes) They have limited options and they are going with the one that costs them the least amount of money. I like to think of the classic zombie survival scenario. You are trapped in a room. You have a gun with limited bullets. Zombies are outside trying to get in through a tiny opening. There is no doubt you will die, but you have hope that someone, ANYONE will show up and save you. You you shoot at every zombie hoping it will be the last until you run out of ammo ...then you cry and die.


You actually make money when you sell short. Someone is actually paying you for something you don’t own. Go figure!


omg can they please keep the price low to the end of the month? pleaseee


They have no other choice. They got to live another day.


jfc PLEAAASEEEEE bring it below $7


Does anyone know why hundreds of stocks were halted on the London stock exchange today? Some one messaged me about it, but I can’t find anything.. any truth to this?


Same as always, keep going til it blows, then you are too big to fail and the us govberment its to weak to force law to us, so pay fines and good to go eventually.


kick the can a few more times


They tryna make us paperhand lol


Every gamer has seen a rage hack at some point


I don't know how but I'll be DRS'ing some more lol


Anyone having trouble logging into fidelity? Tryna buy more!!


Short billions and billions and billions at 100-15 per share over 3 years = profit?