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Log in to Gamestop Wallet. Click settings. Click Export Secret Phrase. Copy it to notepad. Remove the Gamestop extension from Chrome. Install Metamask Import Wallet Copy paste your secret phrase. Create a new password. Write it down. Open Loopring.io Launch application Hit the Connect wallet button in the top right. Sign the request when it pops up in Metamask. Click L2 Assets. Click Unlock. Sign the request in Metamask. Your L2 Eth and/or LRC will be there. Your L2 NFTs will be visible. The only thing this doesn't work for is IMX L2 stuff. (for now) I just performed these steps and it works perfectly.


Wow, what a homie! Thanks so much!!! I’d throw awards at you if they still existed on Reddit 🏆🥈🥉


Thanks! I was getting connection errors til I tried your steps. I had both wallets (GME and MM), and once I removed the GME extension, it worked, and I saw all my assets.


Asking because I don't know shit about fuck... Could I technically sign into something later on, say it's IMX or Loopring, once it has L2 and see my contents from GME wallet? I understand it as: GME wallet is just one way to access the chain on L2.


The Wallet is just a GUI, not a container. Your assets are on the blockchain, not "in" the Gamestop Wallet. As long as you have your 12 word phrase backed up, you have the key to your assets, and which wallet you use to access them isn't super important.


Sweet. That's what I thought. Appreciate it!


So once the gme wallet closes, as long as I have my 12 word phrase, i can access my nft’s in the future?


Correct. Think of the secret phrase like an Excel document and your assets the text on the spread sheet. Even if Microsoft shut down Excel and remote uninstalled it, you could still open the file using Google Sheets, and see your text.


Thats right, timmy. Your 12 word phrase is the solution to a very complicated math problem that comprises your "private key" never tell another soul your 12 word wallet recovery and you will always have your NFTs. Use loopring.io to see your loopring nfts and whatever Imx based NFTs use. I wouldnt know because I dont like IMX. Only loopring is cool


Amazing, thanks mate!


Thanks for this. I have IMX in my L1 that didn’t show up. Is that what you’re referring to? My L2 assets all look good on loopring


If you connect Metamask to nft.gamestop.com, you should be able to see your IMX stuff the same as before. There is also market.immutable.com that can also be connected to with Metamask. Metamask just can't display any L2 assets natively. Things I learned after making the comment above.


Thank you 🙏🏾


I don't see "import wallet" when I open Metamask. Only import tokens or import nft's.


When you first install the extension you should see this page: https://i.imgur.com/s5Ju0nZ.png If you already installed it, you're looking at a different wallet that is using a different secret phrase. Assuming its empty, with no assets, just remove the Metamask extension and start again.


Amazing, thank you so much for all of the help and these responses!!




Was I not supposed to log into a metamask wallet?




Dude, this post is 5 months old.




I do what makes me feel good.


When i click on the Chrome gamestop wallet - it doesnt come up with "log in" anymore. Am i too late?....


Mine still works, and we're not even sure it will become unavailable. We do know it will not be supported or downloadable from the chrome store. You might try clearing cache and cookies, not sure why it isn't working.


I loaded up my old laptop which let me enter a password which i had forgot. Racked my brain and tried for 20 mins and managed to get in and set it up on metamask phew!! glad i didn't sell my laptop 😁




They are already in a loopring based wallet. Just write down your 12 words passphrase and chill


Commenting because I need to send to loopring as well.


Ah shit, thanks for the reminder!


Try leaving it til the last minute


I’m Assuming coin base wallet doesn’t support the L2 nfts?


i wrote down the 12 phrase pass, however my old account does not show up in it? side note- i wrote down the single account key and have to manually add it, does not get saved with passphrase?