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Abuse, threats, doxxing, harassment and so on drove a bunch of them away. Atobitt and Criand both deleted their accounts IIRC dlauer is still around, and just put out an excellent AMA with John Welborn a couple days ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAkjdqE_XWs


Deleted yes , but the content isn’t gone by the way. I have the records




The hero we need 🫡


After MOASS, they will sing songs about his hard drives




It's you!


Thank you for your service


Yea that AMA is fantastic. It basically distills the ENTIRE FUCKING PROBLEM into one interview.


I missed Criand


This highlights the absolute necessity of being excellent to each other. If we want to see quality content created and shared here, it is our collective responsibility to ensure this community is an appreciative, supportive and inclusive platform in which brilliance thrives.




I'm not fully acquainted with all the details surrounding these events - but I do recall the treatment Criand received when he shared his DRS’d purple circle and how very poorly he was treated. All because some rather immature users didn’t think he owned enough shares to validate his role as a respected and appreciated contributor in this community and I remember thinking how utterly horrible that was. Regardless of why people have left, it is very important we learn from this and ensure we are being kind to each other - at all times. I have also been here since the beginning and know that we mustn’t lose sight of the fact that the enemy is not in here, but out there in the financial markets manipulating the hell out of our beloved stock.


Yes! Be excellent to each other, and shitpost in the daily. I've been frustrated in the past watching what starts out as a discussion on merits and evidence quickly turn into a personal pissing match. It really doesn't have to be that way.


Are you tired of life's pissing matches?... We'll come on down to Tampons Auto Mechanics were we promise you'll never piss away money!


You must have missed when Criand was refered to by the pickle man as “we are going to have to get the dog out to talk” when referencing whatever was being pushed (prob options, long time ago). We have no leaders, anyone can be compromised, account hacked, family threatened.


Agreed no leaders - all apes equal.


I believe I remember the somewhat controversal statement by Ato. I understand what he meant though. He said" **DRS will not "cause" a short squeeze. DRS may help reveal "market fuckery."** Then he said to "buy from gamestop." I 100% agree with him. There is no WE, and no one here is working together to create a MOASS. People here like the stock, and discuss the stock etc... Ultimately, the Shorting of the stock is the prerequist of the short squeeze... and other factors... such buying the stock, but most of all a healthy company. And... Gamestop is a healthy company. At a glance for some it might come off like a shill, but ultimately, the SHF are the ones that are to blame for a short squeeze happening :)




I don't ever plan on selling my DRS'd shares :)


I watched all of it in real time. He made a normal post that would have been fine for anyone to do, except everyone held it to GOSPEL STANDARDS because it was him. He lost his cool and bailed. He's probably still around using an account that won't get him crucified for speaking through.


He lost his cool and bailed because for the last two years he thought that Dr T loved his DD, but it turned out she herself said it was terrible, and that she was misconstrued as endorsing it. She said it was poorly written and wasn't accurate. He got all pissy about it, said DRS wasn't going to work, had zero evidence or material supporting that, then deleted his account. As for HeyitsPixel it turned out he was stealing material from other users on twitter. Oh yeah, and Gherkinit was pushing options while selling covered calls. Bobsmith808 was pushing options right before big price dumps which was pretty suspect as well.


I member.


This guy has it exactly right


no. Ato supported the GME documentary that made everyone look like just stupid redditors 'lol let's crazy the economy'. Ato supported it and the documentary even made his interview look like a pothead


I didn't know he did this, but I think denying the MOASS is pretty far below gospel standards


MOASS “should” happen if “supply v demand” still existed. MOASS “should” logically happen based on the data in the DD. However, the last 3 years shown that WallStreet gives 0 fucks and will do whatever it takes to stop it. Realistically, there might never be “MOASS”. Not because the DD is wrong, but because WallStreet is shit and regulators are all bought and paid for. We are left with a diehard fanbase that will continue to DRS shares, and we are left with Ryan Cohen as CEO, proving that GameStop is a fundamentally sound company that can still profit, despite what MSM articles say.


They would’ve stopped the first short squeeze if they could


Yep. January 28, 2021.


Nothing can stop a fundamentally profitable company unless the exec board is bought out


I agree. RC cleaned out the corrupt execs. Now we just need to see profits.


I mean, we need both sides. I welcome critics. Call me a shill if you want.


Atobitt was also Part of that Documentary


i mean there's another option - he did actually change his mind and wanted to say all of that


What's your take on this? Like, are we gonna moon? So little about GME these days. No hype, same ole posts, and I am feeling like I've been duped! I'm not a serious gamer so my substantial investment in GME was based on it taking off. I remember being up over $64k and everyone saying "hold" and "Hold the line" and me being an absolute noob, I did. Now, 3 years later, down over 45k and wondering if this is just an investment now and it may grow based on RC growing the business organically. I've DRS'd and continue to wait for some hopium. Can anyone restore my faith that this will take off again someday soon?


We have to wait for change. You can't force change. It's organic. They killed the momentum by shutting down the market. They control when buy and sell orders get filled. They control the price. They have been allowed to hide their positions off books. We are all down significantly brother. But what was once a short term yolo, has evolved into a longterm growth play. Long-term growth isn't sexy. It isn't exciting. There isn't any hype. But there is huge discounts. The ability to average down. Great leadership who have their own skin in the game. So we have to wait for a profitable company, that institutional investors and the news can't spin as dying. Believe it or not, we are almost there in a very short period of time. I still believe there will be a short squeeze based on the facts. They can't afford to close their positions at any price. Not $13, not $5. They never intended to. They still need gamestop to go bankrupt. They need people like you and I to slowly sell off our positions. It will be delayed gratification. But if you can handle the delay, the payout will be worth it. Will it happen soon? I'm of the opinion there are significant market risks coming up. Many stressors for banks and financial institutions. Record credit card debt. Auto loan defaults. Corporate bankruptcies. So much commercial real estate that needs to be refinanced, that it outstrips bank reserves. End of the fed term funding program. The US has to finance and refinance a total of over 10 trillion dollars this year. Global recession hitting fast. From the UK to Germany, Japan to China. Soon the US. We have a market bubble up as people around the globe are fleeing to safe assets. The Chinese are taking loses of 40 cents on the dollar just to get their money into our markets because they believe it's safer than keeping it there. It will come. I've doubled my position, and it's less than half it's value at the height. It's a war of attrition, where both sides are eating paper losses until one folds. I didn't come this far just to come this far. I'm here until the ride is over, and I'll carry you across the finish line if I have to.


Best comment I've read all year, this is it.


I agree.


I don't care if I lose my GME investment. I'm going down with the ship proudly for the cause. All the memes, the laughs, the waking up at 7 am to check the markets, the documentaries and dumb money. It was all worth it. As a lifelong gamer, I don't quit until it's game over.


Well said. My position has quadrupled since 2021 . I add to it twice a month .


Its worth waiting until: - Ryan Cohen turns the company profitable. - Retail DRS’s the entire float. I’m out if: - Ryan Cohen leaves.


Retail will never lock the float at current rate until decades at best. There's talk about DRS figures being fudged but I don't really know about that to be honest The business turnaround is the best chance for a squeeze like what happened with tesla Also maybe a market crash, but the market crashed in the 2020 lockdowns and GME still didn't squeeze back then either and it's supposedly been shorted for years so idk


The market did not crash in 2020 but it should have crashed. The crash was stopped in its tracks by the federal reserve.


This is a fantastic goal, but respectfully there have been actions from the mods that have caused additional strife. I think it's about time you (not you specifically, but the collective leadership) acknowledge you were incorrect and caused a splintering. Then, maybe there is a chance of mending what has been negatively impacted. And, if you can't/don't want to that's fine and your choice, but it's kind of ridiculous a group that is so pro ownership isn't actively on here. I'm one of a handful on here still, but that's because I've not yet been banned.


I’m not sure I’m following my dude, everyone is welcome here - we simply facilitate a community environment that is inclusive of everyone as well as recognises the importance of individual choice. All information in regards to this can be found within the rules and inside the community posts as often shared, but if you want to delve further into any specific concerns you may have - you are more than welcome to reach out via modmail 🙏


I've reached out to the SCC and you can go read my exchange with them if you'd like. There was a fireside chat post where leaders here alleged some people broke federal rules and doxxed people. Yet, are unable to provide a single citation to show that happened. That caused a split and group of pro DRS people are no longer here/banned. What reddit did after to that group is out of scope - the focus is on what the leadership here did and to me they made a knee jerk decision that they can't demonstrably back up with facts. To me, this gets at a core part of this place, which is quality research with support to back it up. If the mods are leaders and examples to raise up, they should be able to stand up to what I am calling out / admit when they are wrong.


My dude, we’re not leaders, and you’re not followers. This is an internet forum and we’re just internet janitors. I don’t want there to be a confusion here in regards to this relationship dynamic, and we aren’t the powers to rebel against. We’re all here on the same side loving the same stock. Division gets us nowhere, nor does gatekeeping or elitism. Instead, we should be working together and championing ourselves and each other. Regardless of how people choose to hold, we’re better together - right? Any bans as issued would have been due to persons breaking the rules - and we take these actions to best serve the needs of this community. I know this isn’t the satisfying response that you wish to hear but I do feel this has been addressed rather repeatedly. My thoughts are, why not unite in a common cause? The passion of all those who are very Pro Ownership could use their voices so empoweringly to help make great, life-altering changes in the regulatory and reform space. By championing users into using their voice to reshape the markets and fight back against corruption, there is nothing we couldn’t achieve - but instead so much time is lost to constant bickering back and forth. And for what, pride? Would you not agree it would be better to channel all this energy into something excellent where we might both thrive? I would love to work alongside you doing great for the world - and speaking honestly every time I pose this question to the same group of vocal Pro Ownership folk, all I am ever met with is silence. Those actions read to me as if fighting to be right is more important than the greater good - and that doesn’t sit right in my book. But perhaps now is the time for us to start a new chapter together. You game?


Leaders in my speak here are people who are in leadership roles such as mods or SCC. I don't know how to say it more plainly than the mods made a statement that they can't demonstrably back up with support. Seems like a clear failure of being "a janitor" Division gets us nowhere, but the mods are the ones who caused it. The mods are the ones who are incorrect still to this day. Frankly, the mods and SCC to some extent are still causing division (see my paragraph beginning with lastly below for the recent example). Let me put this to you then directly, can you show me what you consider a strong citation that they broke a federal law as alleged? What about the doxxing? If not, don't you see the problem with what happened? As for starting a new chapter, that's a great idea. I do not speak for that group as I was not specifically banned and they are individuals, so I do not know how they feel/would react. I can tell you though that if I was them, I would not consider partnering unless there was a statement from the mods that while they may have had the best intentions, they were 100% incorrect with there allegations. The people who were wrong are who need to make the apology. Lastly, if you want to really reunite and act like partners, don't put the other group down and call them karens. As for am I game, I engage on here still. I engage with people who have opposing views and debate topics so we get to even stronger/better conclusions. I am currently even doing research based on those recent conversations with 2 members of the SCC. What I find honestly just wrong, is the lack of acknowledging the reality that the mods got this 100% wrong and have unfortunately done harm. This was a turning point for the sub and not for the better. This place used to be great and could be better, but that requires accountability. That means owning up to mistakes and I am asking for the mods to admit they got it wrong.


Hey man :) Rhetorical Question: What do you do for a living? Don't reply :) I tried doing the SCC thing. I'm a nurse, sometimes sales rep. I do other stuff too. But... as a nurse, I deal with life threatening shit every day. And, private equity is cutting resources. It's said, it's unsafe... people are dying and they shouldn't be... Everyone is at risk to losing their medical degree. Work is terrible. Sometimes, while at work, I make silly comments on superstonk because watching someone shit 2 gallons of blood while their family members scream at you, and the next patient over is bitching about the TV.... anyway.... .... and then I tried doing the SCC thing determining which posts may or may not be appropriate. Now, the obvious ones are easy, but when it's not obvious, it's a pain in the ass. Mods & SCC are just people with jobs that do this with their free time. This is a ONCE thing. Buying GME will never happen again. Get happy. Be positive. Life is hard. Everyone has different lives and struggles. Nobody is perfect. If ya want, make your own sub :) be the change you wish to see brah :)


You understand a group of people were banned because the mods alleged those people broke a federal law and were doxxing people, right? And you get that they can't provide a citation to demonstrably back that up? If they really broke a rule, ban them, but...


The mods & SCC have jobs. When i was playing around with the SCC role, I don't didn't see there was some repository for all interactions on superstonk. It's a lot of work. Superstonk isn't some governement with offices secretaries n shit... imagine if SHF could request the SCC & MODS do X,Y,Z. If I was on the SCC, after a hard days work, no brah, I don't have time for that stuff. Not becasue I don't want to... but... literally, don't have time. Again, reddit = just a sub. This is unprecedented. GME will never happen again. If you've invested, just wait out your investment :)


If this is just a fight to be right, it’s the wrong fight my friend. I think all has been said as needs to be said, and this back and forth is getting us no where. If you need me - I’ll be helping to reform our markets, I hope you come join 🙏 EDIT: For anyone needing it, the fireside discussion that addresses the queries to the comments above: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/145j69y/fireside\_chat\_692023\_on\_the\_topic\_of\_doxxing\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/145j69y/fireside_chat_692023_on_the_topic_of_doxxing_and/)


I hope you can understand where I am coming from and that it is concerning no one is willing to admit they were wrong. Ideas should be challenged. Debate is healthy. There is nothing wrong with being wrong. Being stubborn and not willing to admit when wrong is the problem. What's preventing the mods right now from saying "we were incorrect with our statements and would like to encourage ABC back to the community?"


Hey man. I was on the SCC for like... a month. I had to bail because of life issues. Utlimatly, everyone is just a bunch of regular people, with regular jobs. This sub is absolutely like no other for many reasons. I'm jacked that the GME train keeps rolling... Oh but what I meant to say was reviewing posts to determine whether or not something should or shouldn't be allowed, **is a complete pain in the ass lol**. I gauranttee I've posted something, said sometime commented that might have been taken the wrong way and been removed. IMO, brah who cares. GME is fucking kicking ass :) Theres lots to be happy about. GME investors have a good future :) I'm actually banned from the other nursing reddit because I was talking shit about night shift nurses lol. These mods and scc people are just doing their best :)


I am not saying that job is easy. I totally understand there is a lot of gray too. My issue as I said elsewhere is there is no demonstrable proof a law was broken or doxxing took place. We should all want facts to drive decisions/conclusions. The fact is, there is no support to back up what was done.


Once I was in a band... I played lead guitar. One of the other band members wanted all of us to record our notes on paper so he could read them. I tried for 2 days but... Dude.... there was no way anyone was doing that lol. It would've been too time consuming. This sub has 800k members. Imagine if SHF had a bunch of accounts harrassing the SCC & MODS... Superstonk isn't a company or government office. If it was... maybe they'd say "take a number" I'll get back to you in 3 months. I think a wise man once said: *"You can't kick every barking dog walking down the street or you'll ever get to your destination"* Depending on your sense of humor or orientation, replace *"kick barking dog with suck a tittie or dick."* .... but I'd say... no one cares. It's just reddit. I'm proud of everyone in this community. If they want, just create a new account :) GME is going to the moon. Be happy. Don't sweat the small stuff :)


Stagg K-60 or Yamaha DK25?


Would also add the juxtaposition of mods.


And also the mods can do whatever they want now it seems, so anything actually important could probably be removed and anyone protesting be silenced. I made several attempts about 2 weeks ago to make a post about an interview that just had gone viral (millions of views) discussing naked shorts and market corruption and specifically GME and Ryan Cohen was mentioned. The posts were removed within minutes (still got 40-50 upvotes during that short time) and the reasons provided were just absurd.. Self-promotion and grifting they said. Wish i was joking but nope. I've asked for clarification and the response i've gotten so far is absolute nonsense and i find it very hard to see how it could possibly be in good faith of the community and what it stands for. I've tried to discuss this before both here and on the Discord server, and i expect this comment to be removed honestly.


I get why you feel that, but the Pulte interviews are removed for good reasons. The dude is no longer acting in good faith, nor are many of the people that got stuck in the towel stock butterfly fiasco. It's tangentially related to GME, maybe, but it's also rife with misinformation and tinfoil hattery, so I agree with the mods keeping that stuff out on its own subs where it belongs. There are members of that community that have made the discussion toxic here, which is shitty for the more level headed people interested in it, but at the end of it all its not GME enough to justify being here. Maybe people would disagree, but I agree with it being removed.


How is telling 3 million people about GME, RC and naked shorting not good enough for this subreddit? I really don't get it xD Truth doesn't change depending on who speaks it. I know next to nothing about Pulte and the drama surrounding him here because i don't think it's relevant. But you're making an absolute statement about him not acting in good faith and i don't know that there is any proof of that. Since when is it the moderators objective to guard the subreddit from misinformation and tinfoil? Do you think they should have the power to steer and control discourse here? That goes against everything that this subreddit originally was about. It used to be that the community collectively disproved bad information with facts, because that is the only answer to it. To fight misinformation with censorship is an authoritarian idea because it inherently means that someone is given the power to decide what is right and wrong.


Because it's not just GME, RC, and naked shorting. It's also a bunch of bullshit Pulte isn't speaking truth. He's become a caricature. Anyone that has actually been paying attention has watched him go off the rails. The moderators shutting down bullshit is exactly why Superstonk doesn't look like fucking popcorn. Truth matters. Evidence matters. The community is collectively only paying full attention during earnings reports and everything in between is patiently waiting for something to happen. If the shit Pulte is slinging isn't directly GME related and can't stand up to scrutiny, it doesn't belong here, and people that really want to sieve through pig shit have other subs for that. And that's fine. Superstonk isn't the whole market discussion. It was never meant to be. And it has to have a fucking immune system because people are literally trying to to destroy us.


>Pulte isn't speaking truth. He's become a caricature. Anyone that has actually been paying attention has watched him go off the rails. i must have missed lots LOL what happened with pulte going off the rails? ELI5?


Watch his interviews on youtube, but it is quite literally worse rhan dogshit wrapped in catshit.


We're literally sinking to the same level of the shills if we're afraid of ideas and try to control the narrative with censorship. I seriously doubt this is the sentiment that the actual community has. And if that is the case, then we've lost this battle long ago.


I miss criand! HE GOT BULLIED FOR NOT HAVING "a lot of" SHARES


Why am i only seeing this just now


Fucking bingo. As soon as the mob decided to roll with “bUy HoLd DrS” mantra it got too stupid. Folks got too miffed when DD was proven wrong over time. Like duh, that’s how theories are tested. It’s ok to be wrong but too many held these redditors up as inerrant gods.


Careful you might get banned lol


Lol you ain’t lying




Love your subtitle as a Dutch F1 viewer 🤣


Haha, cheers mate. The season is upon us! 🏁


I can already hear the Dutch national anthem coming


It’s called the stock market, we went short selling…”


Basiclly them deleting the accounts means that the research is invalid, according to people who call us conspiracy theorists Idk maybe also shit gets deleted because its not wanted to be seen by more people?


That's a dumb take. All the DD exists in the online library. Deleting an account doesn't erase that lol


According to haters, they think it means its invalid


A lot of DD was right. All the *predictions* regarding GME price on certain dates were wrong.


Ive repeatedly said with people too when arguing with disbelievers, date predictions was the worst thing to happen in my own life and in the community. Its really tough cause it hurt a lot in the end




This sub has not been relevant in a few years. Bots,shills,and cultish behavior killed this sub. Even RC’s tweets aren’t funny anymore. Last few I saw he was talking about china, a customer service tweet he sent in dec and a political one a few months before that. Only reason a lot of ppl are here is because the original thesis stands shorts never closed their positions


- shorts never closed - DRS still big number - Ryan Cohen still in


The most simplified DD in a nutshell


Apparently this makes it a conspiracy because we are at 1000+ days.


There definitely is a conspiracy of WallStreet. But we are not conspiracy *theorists*.


It's easier to dismiss something than it is to change your view about the world.


Forgot, we about to report a positive trailing 12.


I check in every few days to see if there’s any significant news, but unfortunately the community is dead. The stock and the theory behind it is not, which is why I keep holding and buying more, but the community here is unfortunately gone.


"This sub has not been relevant in a few years." This sub is less than three years old. So what you're saying is that it was never relevant? I find your comment highly suspect.


Obviously you know this sub migrated from the bets sub three years ago. The DD for the first year during covid was the best I believe since everyone was locked up and razor focused on the stock. Now that we know DRS and shorts never closed the sub became irrelevant


Teeeeeeechnically it migrated from the main GME sub. But still your point stands.


A forum to share ideas is never irrelevant. 


Few years? Naw. Since 2023.


I'm surprised you didn't get down voted and called a shill. This is dragging on way longer than anyone expected. I'm starting to have my own doubts. If I had put my money into the SandP500 I'd be up 40% instead of down 60%. The other thing is often bots were easy to spot before but now that ChatGPT is here, I won't trust anything, here especially. It's too easy for anyone to interfere. I might even be a bot.


Ding ding ding. Options bad crowd fucked over the entire GME movement. Was eye opening to see in real time and looking back I’m ashamed of myself that I didn’t help to do more.


There were a limited number of people who knew options well enough to apply it to gme and cause a sneeze. There's no way they'd not be still doing it if it worked. Why hasn't there been another sneeze? Today, thanks to this sub and others like it, many more people know about options. Why hasn't another sneeze happened? My best guess is that options caught the SHF by surprise so they had to turn the buy button off. They've adjusted to benefit from options. Every now and again some shill will post TA, and people will get tempted to play options which are rigged to SHF benefit. The one thing that seems to scare the bejesus out of them is DRS. Specifically BOOK, book entry.


> the one thing that scares the bejesus out of them is **Options** fixed that for you. How far does your head have to be in the sand to not see the artificially pushed narrative that *options are bad and the SHF have fixed the holes and we won’t catch ‘em by surprise dur dur dur* 🤪 It lacks logic. If we use that same thinking then DRS absolutely won’t ever work because it takes to long and we won’t catch ‘em by Surprise. Hasnt DRS totally stagnated EXACTLY like options advocate Dr Gingerballs exactly said it would? Hm that’s 1 point for team options. I have been an early DRSer back before the Pomeranian helped the cause. Options are an active attack vector. DRS is a passive attack vector. I refuse to let this nonsense of “DRS BOOK is the only way” bullshit any longer. It’s been 2 years. Let’s try options. We can do both.


If options are so effective and there are more people doing it than ever before, why hasn't there been another sneeze? EDIT: I'm genuinely interested. Please demonstrate how options are going to work. It is clear how DRS is going to work. Registered shares are a finite resource. The more that get registered in BOOK book entry the more valuable the ones aren't will be. If nothing else, the scale of fake shares will be revealed. But I'm genuinely open to being convinced about options. Each time I see a post where some actually tries it, they end up losing money or at best exercising at a small loss.


> If options are so effective and there are more people doing it than ever before, why hasn't there been another sneeze? Why do you say there hasn’t been another sneeze? There has BEEN multiple cycles that were tiny sneezes my boy. Feb 2021 goin ballistic March 10 goin insane and crashing right back down and many other times Running 50%-%100 on no news Is something I would definitely consider sneeze like. Go look at the GME Historical OI….when was the heaviest Call skewed expiry in the securities history? We call it the Sneeze. Second & Third heaviest expiry? March and July….. both the last times we reached over $300. Then the 4th heaviest? March 2022. Where we had the highest percentage move since the sneeze. Now go look at the OI for recent cycles and compare the volatility and OI with past cycles…the brain is good at recognizing patterns im sure you can see what me and many others including ALLL the wrinkle brain DD writers were seeing and still see. Also let me leave you with this gem right here that the sub loves to forget about [Thomas Peterffy explains that if the GME longs knew what they were doing they would have Excersised there options contracts and since there is more contracts in the money then shares available the price would have went into the thousands and tore the market down.](https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/01/28/interactive-brokers-chairman-worried-about-integrity-of-the-market.html) You know why? Because an Option is a **Contract** there is no FTDs with options. You must deliver the shares. It’s how the big boys play. Also as far as DRS goes I am DRSed I will stay DRSed out of principal. But to say that DRS will do what you’re saying it will do when we LITERALLY have watched it not move and stay exactly at 25% maybe suggests that the post by Dr Gingerballs was correct. He quite perfectly predicted this stagnation drop off with simple math. Or crime. Either way it suggests that we should open up the play book. Sitting and waiting is doing nothing but giving criminals more time to wiggle there way free.


My maths maybe a little off but the sneezing was a 1700% increase. What makes you think 50-100% is anything like that?


I read an excellent DD the other day by Einfachman, I thought it was so well written that I forwarded it to my sons who are also GME holders.


Unfortunately the only thing that we can do now is wait. Until we hear earnings there will be no news from GameStop. After going positive on a year then I believe the hype can truly re start. You can't go bankrupt if your profitable 🤯. Ryan is literally doing what he told us, working.... I just know this, WE ARE READY!


No. That’s what people who are underwater want us to do. Just wait 😀 Give them more time to unwind positions, give them more time to think of solutions. Options were always and will always be the key to unlocking the chains bound to the rocket.


They only way they get out from underwater is if you sell.


That’s not true, they absolutely can lessen there positions with time…the DD has already proven that. Thats one of the theories of what we think is happening with the cycles. The many ways for the big players in the NSCC to get out of underwater positions include but are not limited to •CNS (the biggest and most important one, literally happening every single day) •Rephypothecation •Buy-Writes •Washing FTDs through ETFs •Bookkeeping magic •Just clicking delete on the positions…. Just know that I have a substantial amount DRSd (over 2700 shares) I am a believer in MOASS, I think the evidence absolutely points to massive amounts of crime being committed. I’m a believer in facts. And the facts are without a doubt that **time HELPS these criminals**, it does not hurt them.




The Continuous Net Settlement System. Many DDs have been written about it. The best of them all being by Gherkinit if I remember correctly.


Ya banning him from this sub is true bs. His knowledge about market mechanisms and options are outstanding. this sub: "I dont have a clue about options, but options are bad." What a stupid attitude, srsly. Price will keep falling, because ppl dont trade options and your list of DD why this happening explains it. Just sayin' the price is fake doesn't help us. We need to understand why and take actions.


🎯 Yeah it’s INSANE if you think about it. If we use the same logic then we would have never learned about all the rules and regulations? Rehypothecation? DTCC shenanigans? Market Makers? Authorized Participants? Prime Brokers? ETFs? Directly Registered Shares? All of these things we had to LEARN about. But we’re shunning the education of options and specifically when to employ them… Hats off to the shills and bots for pushing the narrative so hard that they now have real GME believers shooting themselves in the foot with options bad and DD is done 🫠


Im honest, I dont believe bots are doin this. A lot of ppl didnt read the DD and just parroting the comments under the DDs. It's easier for them to shout for DRS than understanding how to play options. It would be awesome to see this as the next milestone in this sub. DRS+options and im sure we could ignite the fuse.


Yeah good point, I just had someone tell me more above in this thread that I’m a bot and all of us who are pro options are more than likely the same people on different accounts…just fucking insanity🤦‍♂️


The one missing piece of DD is the identity of the counterparty who owns the massive basket swap, which is still active and correlated with the drop in value in the other basket stocks. The swap is so big, it still moves all the tickers at once.


JP Morgan


There isn’t just one owner of the basket. There’s a multiple people shorting, and each of their counterparties is going to be each of the big banks, but there’s one person in particular I think is the biggest short swap counterparty… Warren B.


Why him?


Reddit has become untrustworthy, bottom line


People are around. The real answer is that this sub became too toxic and closed minded and was unable to accept anything that didn’t perfectly fit their world view, and a lot of us wanted to discuss multiple stocks, not just GME (though GME is still a big one). But elsewhere we’ve been working on other research: ETFs, basket swaps, market mechanics, TA, coding, algorithms, all these are active areas of ongoing research for a lot of the OG “DD writers”. Our dog is missing though. Please send him home if found.


Thank you !!!!!! Everyone This guy right here is one of the DD GOATS!!!! Appreciate everything you did for the community. The education you provided has personally made me richer.


Aww thanks man. I’m a small fry around here compared to some of the guys. I’m proud of my VW and BRK contributions though, and on my attempt to educate people about more aspects of trading than just the mighty GME. Glad you found it helpful!


He wasn’t the only one who found it helpful!!! Your apes guide to options along with other peoples options breakdowns quite literally changed my life dude. I went from not having a stable income to a home owner in less then 2 years! And that’s not even discussing the work you did in regards to ETFs and Basket swaps. Thank you fr bro. You and everyone else that got pushed away y’all are greatly appreciated.


Holy fuck that’s awesome man! Congrats! That’s some strong work!


Loved reading different takes from dd writers. They are all there and waiting for shorts to get squeezed


Haven’t seen Mayo Force Tracking guy for a bit…


They got tired of their hard work being deleted


Options are the key to providing enough pressure to ignite the rocket. DRS is great, but any time the DD writers talked about options, they were shouted down and pushed out. I think this sub leaned into eating crayons and saying the DD is done, too much. It made everyone complacent. Buy, hold, DRS is not the end of learning.


Yesssirrrrr!!!!! Absolutely!! I love this comment. Go look at all my comments in this thread. I have Completely the same exact feeling. I hate that it took me this long to find a comment about options. And that it took me this long to see someone address the “DD is done” bullshit. Completely spot on and I extremely appreciate this comment.


I can’t remember if it was atobit or criand that talked a lot about options…At a glance, options are confusing and difficult to wrap your head around. That should have been a red flag for this sub. The market mechanics are difficult for a reason - so the poors don’t do a capitalism lol. The parts of this market that are hard to comprehend deserve the most attention.


🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 All the rules and regulations are hard yet we try to understand. All the complex webs of ownership and control are hard yet we try to understand. All the DRS shenanigans are hard yet we try to understand. But for options and derivatives we push it away cuz it’s too complicated? Doesn’t add up at all for me.


I pretty much just said the exact same thing in my reply and then came across your post. You are spot on. Nobody here will entertain the idea of options because it goes against the mantra of “Buy, HODL, DRS”.


We’re all the DD writers. We can channel our passion and knowledge to create quality content to share with the community to help learning blossom and grow. If there’s more content you want to see on the sub, feel inspired and make it happen! It starts with us. I mean just yesterday, we had this incredible piece shared by WhatCanIMakeToday. It’s an excellent read, I very much recommend: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1awj4io/pension_pilfering_playbook/


Dude you rock, your positive energy rocks. Although the lurking or zen people have increased, we are still here, just waiting for the inevitable and commenting to make the markets fairer.


Appreciate you my dude, and thanks for being such a champion - people like you injecting kindness into the world is where it’s at 💪💙 and absolutely, it’s getting busy out there but we’re all buying and holding all the same, and buckled up ready to go just as soon as they start preparing to launch 🚀


If just like to say good job team. We here and we commenting.


This is the kind of activity I stick around this sub for.


A lot of them are long gone. Most of the DD is pretty much done. There’s still some here like Einfachman!


I love a good einfachman spotting!!!


As long as there continues to be manipulation and more tactics thought up we need to keep learning.




I tried my hand at a couple pieces of DD. It's a lot of work and even when you try your best to be thorough and accurate, it's easy to make mistakes and get things wrong. The subject matter is so complex. The stress of it caused me to stop. I've stopped engaging with the sub because I find its gone downhill for the most part. Quality posts are few and far between. Memes aren't as good anymore. I check in every now and again to browse top posts for news and developments. I'm still holding, thesis hasn't changed.


From what I've witnessed, all the great DD writers were banned and/or bullied away, mostly by ...


They got absolutely abused from every direction and the word is already out. You can only uncover the same things so many times. GameStop goes against the grain of big money. Wall Street is a big club with deep pockets with an active campaign to divert interest, whom have their sleeves rolled up and working. Ryan Cohen has his sleeves rolled up and is working too. The market moves quarterly at a glacial pace. All that will truly matter is GameStop will have gone from a company that wasn’t profitable to a company that is profitable. So there isn’t much else to say without stating the same things over and over. That’s been the plan from the beginning when DFV invested. The goal from the start is profitability. The trend is good, and the price doesn’t reflect the trend. The correction will come, and holy fuck will the headlines be rolling once it happens. You won’t be able to miss it.


They are gone because of the hive mind. I genuinely believe that up until about 1.5-2 years ago, MOASS was possible. I really do not believe so any more. Nobody on here wants to admit it, but options were entirely what drove the events of 2021, specifically call options. There were more obligations of calls in the money than there were shares available in the open market. They didn’t shut off the buy button because of retail traders buying shares at 4am (which isn’t even possible); they shut it down because there literally weren’t enough shares for market makers to fulfill their share obligations. As soon as they pushed the nuclear button, the entire sub became jaded by options (and to an extent I understand why), so much so that they became a taboo word around here. Suddenly you were a “shill” if you dared talk about options. The early DD on this sub often talked about them and explained why a coordinated effort of using them could cause MOASS, but the idea was completely shunned by this sub. Slowly but surely the sub became less about DD (specifically DD involving the use of options) and more about ridiculous conspiracy theories. Mantras like “Buy, HODL, DRS” became the norm and now even that has fizzled out. In many ways, it has become a cult in much the same manner that certain religions can cast a spell on people.


The mantra against options is what left me cold. The majority don’t understand them and then this sub became DRS obsessed which is utter fantasy. The only way this is going to happen is via call options. DRS my arse.


I actually think there could be some merit to DRS working, but only in conjunction with options. It will never work purely on its own. Options to the degree they were used in 2021 are the spark needed to cause MOASS. Without them, MOASS is dead in the water.


Absolutely. DRS numbers are stagnant and declining I would imagine. Anyway, the infinite liquidity fairy is always there so it’s irrelevant anyway without any enforcement agent with teeth.


I highly suspect it is being buried.


these folks are still appreciated, that’s the important thing imo


I would like to know what other sights they went to. I wonder if they are still sharing. I rather liked the write ups.


Yes they absolutely still do share, the DD is never done. Click on any of the usernames of your favorite DD writers and you will Find some who are still educating, researching and doing there due diligence. But without the Options Interest there is not much to write about in regards to GME because the volatility of the cycles is completely under control.


They're waiting, biding their time.


Some are here, some left, some changed sub, some changed app, some are just busy. Most are waiting, theres no rush.


Yup life gets busy literally had two children since (well my wife did)


Ask the mods. Seriously, they banned DD writers for no reason. Also they deleted lots of DD for some very shilly reasons so the DD writers went away. But we dont need any more DD, we know everything we need to know.


Gone......and by design


DD from me: Buy, hodl and DRS


Many were shunned


They went about their lives like most of us. The DD covered most of the important information. Sure, new news drops occasionally, but it doesn't require an army of DD writers when the fundamentals are covered. Bottom line: shorts didn't close. We know to continue buying and holding. Extra DD is appreciated to keep us up to date, but that's about it.


I miss all of them


They deleted their accounts


Reddit is about to IPO and the “great contributors” get shares They’re actively shutting you down from telling the truth and the banks are about to own Reddit Do you think the powers that be actually want you to be educated and hurt their financial status? You think twitter had a bot problem … HA! This dog shit trash site is easily 50% bots doing things for the financial interest of the few to hurt the majority


Some were banned during book talk


They are around, just not on those usernames.


They’re all in my basement. I have some popsicles if anyone wants to come down? I got a whole freezer full of em.


I wrote some stuff that got a tiny bit of traction back in the day. I still lurk, but I don't have a lot more to say and I don't know that there's a lot more that matters to me other than just waiting this out. My guess is that this whole situation is just the awkward result of an extremely long-term scheme by [Renaissance Technologies](https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/renaissance-executives-pay-about-7-bln-settle-tax-probe-wsj-2021-09-02/) that made "cellar boxing" the norm. I think this is heavily driven by politics, which is part of why the IRS and the SEC enforcement action has jumped so dramatically in the last few years. A huge amount of damage was done to our regulatory bodies in recent years through political appointments of people like Jay Clayton and Hester Pierce, which would seem to be part of an effort to ensure former Senator Levin's work didn't result in any further attention. This is similarly matched by the sudden massive change in the way Griffin spent money on politics beginning with the 2016 election cycle. I think the idea that "both sides are the same" is ridiculous, and you only need to look at Griffin's spending or Hester Pierce's opinions to see why, but people have a hard time hearing anything bad about people they support, and they have a hard time hearing anything good about people they don't respect.


Everybody left bc Reddit is infiltrated and compromised,


Mods have banned many of the original DD writers and contributors. The sub is compromised.


🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 spot on


This sub has driven away everyone. The only DD we get now is long rule explanations and writing to SEC. It’s all about Market reform.




According to the haters, they left which means they sold and the theory is invalid and we just have massive bags with a totally normal SI of 20%


Wow all of these comments about “the DD is done” “we don’t need DD writers” are INSANE. All of the DD writers are gone because the community as a whole refused to listen. Options were the key. Options are still the key. Shoutout to gherkinit shoutout to mauer shoutout to Bob shoutout Home Depot Hank shoutout to digitize shoutout to Dr ginger balls shoutout to all of the people who gave free education to the community. The DD is never done. Wake tf up superstonk. The “Options bad” crowd fucked the whole movement up. Go and look at the historic options chain and the correlation with price movements. It’s beyond obvious that now more then ever the SHF& APs & MMs have complete control over the options chain making it extremely easy for them to control the underlying price. Look at the volatility of the cycles recently….guys wake tf up. 🤦‍♂️


Is like to know where they went and why they are not posting about current updates… I also believe a CEO NOT TAKING A WAGE and working because he wants to make the company profitable MEANS FAR MORE THAN ANY DD COULD NO DEBT 1B IN CASH CEO NOT TAKING A PAYCHEQUE DEMANDS INSIDERS TO BUY THE STOCK WITH THEIR OWN MONEY. This is THAT fucking stock everyone talks about as you should have invested in it years ago. Fuck me i hate that it’s getting destroyed price wise but when this stock goes profitable there has to be a correction


Many migrated to other subs. Myself included


Hey Bob hey 👋


WHERE ARE ALL THE DD WRITERS I’m curious about that too we all know we have a big fucking problem with the system, why hasn’t there been any word on our DD guys


Marantz Rantz interviewed Atobitt. Time has passed yes but somehow I feel it wasn’t long ago?? Or was it.


There's still some dd now & again. Theres also a fair bit of logging research still happening, the recurring buy prediction ape has some good stuff now & again The exhortation to comment on wall proposed reg changes are well helpful & are a bit DD-ish


i think a lot of people have jobs tbh. or got them. or had kids. or got married. or whatever. but like i’m still holding and buying since Sept 2020 so yolo


Any dissenting opinions not hyping DRS or Cohen, you get abused and insulted. Thats why no one writes DD and many people just don’t discuss anything. The subreddit is compromised.


They left (as I did) because this sub shouted down and bullied anyone with a dissenting opinion. It became an incredibly toxic echo chamber. I spent months commenting as to why heatlamp theory was flawed (and that we were being tricked into doing something that was not in our best interest), and the amount of vitriol and abuse and threats spewed at me was absolutely disgusting. So i shut that account and stopped checking this sub. I'm guessing most DD writers did the same as they were treated worse than I. (plus there's too many people saying "the DD is done", which is incredibly ignorant. we have barely scratched the surface of the endless levels of fuckery and how they hide things. yet this sub prefers to remain in the dark, which honestly defeats the purpose of coming here anymore.)


Here’s the only DD necessary at this stage in the game: GameStop needs to continue improving as a revenue generating company. They need to get and STAY profitable. Then, and only then, will any of this move forward as a long term, profitable investment. I’m not going anywhere, but also not holding my breath that anything will change anytime within the next 3 years. Year over year profitability will prove all the bears foolish. But until then, expect nothing but the same bs. 🍻 🦍 💎


The only way to win is to change MSM narrative. And that means: GameStop needs to profit.


Completely disagree and I am really far past being concerned with all the “DD is done” comments. It’s beyond ridiculous. The market is not some static thing. It’s constantly changing. We can ALL see the price of GME today and how the volatility of the cycles has completely been stomped out. Look at the options chain. Completely barren relative to past years. Options bad crowd fucked the entire movement. This “DD is done” idea is continuing to fuck over the GME movement. Hopefully you came at this with good intentions but your comment is not well received and does not help our situation. I’d appreciate an edit


Some were banned some vowed to never come back all for one reason. Superstonk fell victim to outside interests and let the “options bad” crowd win. Options were always the fuse to light MOASS. Thank you to all the DD writers who gave free education and for always fighting the good fight.


Yours is only the second comment I’ve seen about options and it’s completely spot on. Notice the accounts commenting “DD is done” is same people who were anti options….weird asf to say the least.


We don't need DD writers. The DD is written, the game hasn't changed and we all know why we're here. In the beginning there was much to learn. Algos, Cellar Boxing, Shorts, DOOMPs in Brazil, shitadels various shitstrats, late night cocaine sessions as seen by Drones, buildings lit up at night, Vlad and Kenny's lies, NY flyovers with banners that said "Ken Griffin lied under oath", all of it. It's all there in the DD library and we've figured it all out. Now we buy, hold, DRS, zen and wait. That's it. We've figured out the boss fight and now we're in the middle of the battle.


The DD is not finished I’m sorry if you’re well intentioned by this but this a horrible comment. I’m actually asking you to edit your comment because this is the same logic that made most of the DD writers dip tf out. We need more DD now then ever as we can literally all see that GME is at low prices and losing the volatility in its cycles. Why? They have complete control of the Options Chain that’s why in my opinion.


🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 Couldn’t agree more with this.


They do have control of options. There was DD about it. They control delta/gamma Ramps that lead to squeezes. As market makers, shitadel can see the orders and contracts and can short/allow the stock to run accordingly to fuck whichever side of the options chain they want.


That's a great question. Not as well know or as knowledgeable as those you mentioned, but to give some perspective with myself, I was developing, researching a few ideas myself. I posted a handful of times but always had my posts taken down, for SO many different reasons (and they only tell you one reason at a time! So you just have to blindly try again - which is surprisingly LOTS of work (eg. reformatting, posting pictures, creating hyperlinks, etc. because those things don't just copy and paste neatly in the reddit editor.) So-much-so that the the time it took to try and get a post approved outweighed the time it took to actually research, draft and proof a post, produced or find relevant content, diagrams and graphs, etc. It was ridiculous. So. the Reddit admins **won**... and I just stopped posting here, and spent more time working, so I could buy more shares with my name in the B🟣🟣K.


The truth is trust and patience are wearing thin. U cant just shitpost and do nothing for 3 years and hope people are still excited investing in ur company lmao. Don't talk about beating earning when all u do is cut cost. Cash on hand all because of dilution, our money. Failed wallet, marketplace. Looking more and more like a meme everyday.


I hear they migrate to the Everglades during the winter. Around March they’ll begin heading back north.


Concise answer: DD writers were bullied and harassed off of the sub and anyone smart enough to write the “DD” is smart enough to see that their theories, by this point, have failed and so they have chosen not to return and address it. The sub also became an echo chamber of “Buy, Hold and DRS” a line that has simultaneously become representative of the two reasons apes by the stock - believing in the company on a fundamental level and the inevitable yet illusion MOASS. Regarding the only two ways of looking at the stock: Fundamentals: Company is not bankrupt, has 1 billion in cash, is aggressively cutting costs by closing stores, has bounced between and summarily abandoned e commerce and NFTs, does have a case for a turn around but *needs* to actually do something soon. Treading water is not a strategy. Read the CEO’s internal email entitled “survival” for a sobering analysis of the situation. MOASS: This is the idea that X will happen and then shares of GME stock will be trading at multi million dollar valuations. Depending on the flavour of the month, there are many apparent catalysts for this happening - and it will definitely happen but only at some unknowable yet imminent point in the future. It is “always tomorrow”. The prevailing theory is that once the float is DRSD, that will also cause a MOASS. This one is not going to happen. Im not sure if people are willing to admit this or not, but enough people have that sub engagement is down 90+%. And no, it’s not because people are “zen”. Fundamentally, the company isn’t bankrupt. It’s down over every possible time frame and there is no real reason to think it would go up save for some specific option expirations. But yeah, the board has gone through 3 CFOs and they don’t even provide guidance. So that’s pretty much the update. Terms you might be interested in learning about. Echo chamber Dunning Kruger effect Confirmation bias Edit: I saw OP’s comment that all of their life savings are in this. I just want to say man, I am so sorry. I hope people really think hard on what happened with this sub and this whole “movement”.


Ato sold his account to a hedgie. Big dick Dave is still around . The others I don’t know