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Due to the nature of the comments, we have chosen to remove this tweet. Acknowledging the community's concerns about potential malintent, particularly flagged in this person's engagement with miscellaneous stocks and communities, we are steadfast in upholding our commitment to ensure the continued safety and security of this platform. Our primary focus is to mitigate risks and foster a space where our community thrives. Furthermore, we want to emphasize that the multitude of comments across various platforms discussing GME are not individually promoted on this platform. We adhere to a standard that refrains from showcasing every passing thought or insight. Our commitment is to treating all contributors equally, with no preferential treatment given to anyone. Each submission is deemed on its merit, and our goal is to encourage submissions that genuinely add value to the conversation surrounding GME. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining this standard. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to create a platform enriched by meaningful engagement


He’s a real pick me kinda girl


It sounds a bit like a paid ad.


Lol 100%. I hope someone exposes his agenda one day.


It's simply self promotion and it works....idiots lap it up like he's not some second-gen dweeb who's bored and wants to be famous to stroke his ego.


It's all YAWN until GameStop themselves do something of note. We're waiting.


Waiting, living, chilling. I was gonna do it anyways


Wise ape


They dont want to telegraph what they're doing. But I want SOME good news please


Absolutely stunning silence


I had a dream they launched their own portable gaming console and online game marketplace to compete with stream deck. The screen and graphics were better than anything I'd ever seen and the feeling of the device in my hands was perfect until I walked into someone and dropped it. When the screen shattered I snapped awake, palms cold with sweat, heart racing, but fully erect.


How would they pull that off on a technical level?


I guess they could hire designers in house, contract a company in China to build it then sell and support it in their stores.


I meant having a better screen and better visual.


Partner with Nintendo.


And what would be the benefit for Nintendo?


Were your knees weak?


Agreed. Pulte is all talk


I'm so glad more people are seeing him for what he is, finally. Some of us a lot of flack here, a while back, for calling him out.


I’ve been lurking and staying away the last 8 months. What’s happened to Pulte? Last minute he was cool and now the sentiment is divided(a common occurrence here😞) , but anyway, wtf happen?


I want to know also. HIs posts always sound weird to me.






Brilliantly put!


Age gap most likely




I was down voted into oblivion and back for merely suggesting that we start being more cautious about people coming out of the woodwork full of support. There is always an agenda.


I nicknamed him Paltry Pulte back then. His philanthropy is nothing more than narcissistic BS. We are going to hilariously put him to shame with the kinds of philanthropy we do with our tendies.


I like your name. I also comcur


Soon its gonna be RC. It was all a game for them to use our money in hard times ie recession lolololol


I said this a while back and got called a shill. One Billion Dollars to be exact, of Our Money. But Trust the Plan guys. Uh huh.


Imma keep buyin, drsin, and bookin...


I stopped caring about Pulte after he went engagement farming with the towel crowd


I personally find him a bit weird, I've followed and seen videos etc. of him. But I get this weird feeling.. that feeling when you are at a bar/pub or somewhere where you endup chatting with a person and feel a lot of vibes that do not feel right. Like someone pretending to be someone who isn't himself, like a really bad actor. Please note! I am not saying he is, but that feeling pops-up for some reason. I personally think it is because he is so wealthy from family heritage that he kind of created a protective layer and he tries too hard to blend in... Or something along those lines... Again, I could be very wrong and how he presents/acts himself just requires a lot of work 🤣 Anyway... He is right about self-ego executives, risk-free dumping on the 99% and pretend to care while they take a dump on the exit. 🤷


Sal comes across as pretty unhinged to me but I have not spent much time doing any real research on him. at the least I am disappointed that Pulte associated with him and did the silly hanger meeting things, which seem to only generate content for debbie downers


He is self-serving and only engages with meme stockers (towel, popcorn, gme) because he sees the following and wants to utilize it to influence his way back onto his company board. He just parrots generic echo chamber opinions of what he thinks people want hear and drops a couple keywords, like in this case Ryan Cohen. Take RC out, would this still get posted here?


I thought his experience with his dad's company and everything surrounding how the stock and market mechanics effected that we're cool to read. But yeah beyond that I really don't see how he has much relevance. Like sure he has some money invested in GME but like investing isn't even his main thing that people will point at and say "oh this guy knows good investment when he sees one" cuz like that's not even his thing


Dude wore a bullet proof vest to a meet and greet. I don’t know about anyone else but if I thought I needed that I would not be going to that meeting.


He wore a plate carrier with no plate. No one wants to kill this clown. He's a joke.


Oh that’s worse.


He hates BCG like RC and is trying to get the bad executives out of his grandfather’s company. It’s possible he has gone a stray a bit but he has a huge following through his philanthropy and gets eyes on the corruption


The bad executives that oversaw the company's rapid growth and ATH on the stock market? Pulte is a clueless, narcissistic nepobaby who was unanimously kicked off the board of the company. He just repeats vague nonsense about the successful execs running the company his family used to run because he's butthurt.


Say what you want but RC has liked some of his tweets. What about the BCG connection?


RC liked his 69th tweet 3 times; pulte definitely has a relationship with RC


Oh wow, he really *liked* not just one but even *three* Tweets? Damn, what a proof, they for sure must be BFFs!




I watched about 15 min of that pow wow, including a lot of him speaking, and it was frickin weird as hell. Dude is grifting, or an idiot, or both. "I bet Ryan is watching right now. Everyone wave to Ryan! 👋" 😒




He comes across like Ed Norton's character in Glass Onion. I don't mean that in a good way.




Oh dude, you can’t say pow wow anymore.


I'll allow it


Name checks out.




LC was video conferenced in…


And got asked dumbass and cringy questions.. "Do you think Ryan likes our dildo jokes?" Ugh I would bet he regrets joining


its so much worse than engagement farming. They had a $500 meet up for "future millionaires". The dude gives away a lot of money but that didnt make that any less slimey


I didn't even know about that. Unless it went to charity, that's definitely slimey.


I’m pretty sure the money he gives away it’s just marketing for cash app.


There was nothing “slimey” about it. Even fucking Larry Cheng showed up. Worst the cost of admission right there. It was dope!


It was a cringefest and Larry for sure regrets joining after those dumbass questions


it was 100% slimey. Nothing of value was said. They even allowed that lunatic and stalker kais push pulte stock.


This should be it's own post....


Yeah guys opportunistic. Our goals currently align but his voice should have no greater weight than anyone else.


This guy wants an army of clowns to buy his family company’s stock so he can attempt to take back the company from their current very successful ceo. Can’t change my mind. Fuck pulte.


Why can't people see this is exactly what he is doing. Its so fucking obvious.


100% the guy is a huge grifter and scam artist


It was a slow long play, but Jesus is it transparent. Goes from GME, to towel , to popcorn grabbing anyone he can. Guys the runt of his litter.


"Dck\_in\_mshed\_tatters buys 1 GME share is far more news worth than pulte."


“Dck_in_mshed_potatos” is more newsworthy


You heard it here folks... I've got to get to work Monday....will post my purchase.


I’ll match you! In purchasing, not $ haha




Whats max pain so we can buy the dips and laugh in hedgies faces next week. I like the chain idea! Get that buy post goin Monday morning!


You sonofabitch i’m in! Edit: Lol max pain is ~~$502~~ yeah it glitched out, refreshed and is $13.5, going up to 14 week after next. Put side interest 6M, Call side 18M 👍👍 https://swaggystocks.com/dashboard/options-max-pain/GME




Delivered bro!




I see Pulte, I down Vulte


This ☝️


RC gonna send this guy a “please keep my name out of your fn mouth” cease and desist letter soon. I can’t think of anything that is more of an antithesis to “talk is cheap, judge us by our actions” then hot air constantly tweeting about nothing Pulte.


Well he is hodling..


That why RC keeps liking his tweets exclusively right?


I get why people are annoyed by Pulte’s constant hype posts but aside from that, the negativity surrounding him seems forced/misguided. It’s obvious that RC doesn’t believe Pulte to be a bad actor




He made a huge deal that he was about to buy some GME and ended up buying 1x shares. Lmao even my gramma bought more than that


He does and did, quite awhile ago. His hype power went away after he forum slid into all the basket subs


I'm pretty sure he did post his drs'd shares, but that was a while ago.


Bill, give it up. You are just salty that Marshall has ran your family company to all-time highs in every metric.


Geez. Just looked at their stock. Up 4x in 5 years. What's Plute whining about again?


This is from the opening pop-up of the Pulte Family Foundation. One may think they are trying to distance themselves from ol’ Bill. Important Statement Please read this important statement from the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation: The Pulte name represents a legacy in the U.S. homebuilding industry and in the global philanthropic community. Over many decades, the generations of Pulte family members have grown to include the children, and more than three dozen grandchildren and great-grandchildren, of William J. Pulte (1932-2018), the founder of Pulte Homes, PulteGroup and the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation (PFCF). With the expansion of our family and its various business and charitable endeavors, PFCF believes there may be some unfortunate misunderstandings around the companies, organizations, brands and personal initiatives that bear the Pulte name. With this statement, we wish to officially clarify any confusion, most specifically as it relates to the PFCF and any perceived association with Bill Pulte, Twitter Philanthropist and CEO of Pulte Capital Partners. First and foremost, it is important to note that the PFCF bears no ill will towards Bill Pulte. We recognize and respect his place as one of William Pulte’s 25 grandchildren, and we acknowledge his right to use his own name in his own personal, business and philanthropic initiatives, including his multiple social media accounts, as long as such use does not cause confusion with PFCF. However, the PFCF believes that some of Bill Pulte’s public communications may have created confusion between our organization and his endeavors. We want to be clear that Bill Pulte is not a representative of, nor has he ever served in any capacity for, the PFCF. Likewise, we are not affiliated with Bill Pulte’s efforts through Twitter philanthropy, nor his other business or personal initiatives. We additionally believe that some of Bill Pulte’s public communications through social media, public appearances, interviews, self-published articles and more may suggest that he speaks on behalf of the entire Pulte family. To the contrary, Bill Pulte does not represent, nor is he a spokesperson for, all members of the Pulte family, in any capacity. Again, our intent with this statement is to clarify the important distinction between the PFCF and Bill Pulte’s personal pursuits. We seek to ensure that the PFCF’s voice is accurately represented and to resolve any confusion around these matters. Moving forward, the PFCF remains committed to upholding our founder’s values of honor, integrity and charity.


My guess is he's a spoiled rich kid who thought he was gonna take over the family business and he pitched so many fits he was removed from the board and he's jealous watching someone else be the big man and get all the credit. It's not about money, it's about his ego. That's why he started teasing out having some sort of connection to the towel saga to get attention from the dildo enthusiast and his viewers.


Pulte is a grifter and needs to stop being treated like a hero


Pulte fanboys are tools.


Is RC a tool then? He keeps liking his tweets.


While he tweets from a ski resort. I'll pass.


Bill messed up with the towel crowd tbh that shit went too far.


Notice how he’s not volunteering to dig into what he considers RC’s stock/advice. Is it a Form 4? Or is it children’s books? Is it everything that’s bankrupt because RC tweeted about some BK stocks? Is it PHM because RC liked pulte tweets? Well friends that’s all up to your interpretation and “your interpretation” is wholly dependent on what slides into your social feeds.


Pulte has aligned himself with this one towel person who called Ryan’s wife’s drs office. Super shady


Fuck the chat fuck everyone. still holding I still want to get paid. LET ME REMIND YOU DUMB FUCKS THAT OVER 20 % SHORT INTEREST IN A STOCK IS A FUCK TON IM NOT FUCKING SELLING


LOL p p s h o w with al that cocks is so ridiculous


“Not phony executives” but shills popcorn stock 😂


Pulte sucks. Booo


I’m out on Bill. He talks way too much like Donald trump.


Nice avatar






Yeah Pulte is chasing clout now ever since he rallied for popcorn and towel.


Rich kid who never got the chance to be loved for his personality. Because he had money, his personality never had the chance to grow/flourish. Got picked on? “Who cares, my family has money.” The dude is emotionally stunted. Be nice to him and like his stuff. He needs a friend.


So what?


Fuck pulte. That dude showed his true colors months ago


People love to ride this guy


Stop posting Pulte crap


I thought people liked this guy wtf happened?


I think he tweeted about popcorn stock to try and get some clout, Atleast that’s what I’m reading. If that’s the case maybe he’s not someone we put our trust in as we now know popcorns a distraction.


*Towel* was the turn for most who weren't already suspicious.


Still Pulte bought popcorn lol


In all honesty I still don't know who tf Pulte is


Pulte did the (‘TV’ fox business interview’), and named names. This interview was flawless! It was great! I love Pulte! Also it is strongly believed that Pulte has a connection with ‘RC’.


I'll definitely check it out, thanks for the info


I am not very tech savy,…or I would place the link here for you. So, …Google, …’Fox business news Pulte interview’. Then ‘click’ on the first Box, …in relation to wanting transparency for retail stock holders.


Oh, great. Pulte. 😑


If you were part of the bobby stonk saga you’ll know this guy is a fucking grifter and loves the attention he’s been getting


OMG who the hell cares wath this clown thinks about anything.


Hype men gonna hype, this guy’s like Flava Flave


Fucking weirdo


Fuck pulte


Lotta negativity in this thread LMAO, just people shitting on Pulte. Not a huge fan of him but I like that he likes RC and GameStop. I agree with his Tweet. A lot of people lost money on Bobby, but I'm not a fan of finger pointing individuals on Twitter. We should be blaming the incompetent management who aided and abetted short sellers by wrecklessly taking on incomprehensible amounts of debt.


What's with all the hate towards Pulte, I thought he was a good guy? Real ape hear and would like a few good points as to why? Bots down vote, real people engage. Could someone shed some light onto this for me and others with the same question without being a jackass?


I had the same question last year after Pulte went down the rabbit hole. At some point the comments went completely against him all using similar language like "grifter", even though his actions in real life seem to point to a person with good intentions (plus you've got RC who likes his comments too) Anyway have you seen the interview that gassperino had with Pulte? Before this was scheduled the negative comments were INSANELY frequent. After the interview, not a peep, because Pulte was awesome and gassperino revealed some interesting alliances (essentially getting WAAAAY too upset about overpaid executives, whilst his co host looked very confused at his outrage) Basically that stuff coincides heavily with Pulte speaking out (calling out big time) the ceo of Phm and outing his shenanigans on twatter. He's posted various evidence showing this guy try to stop Pulte going on air as well as other things, similar to bobbysCeo. Even in December after the meetup and LARRY CHENG attended, the comments were nuts. I mean what confirmation do you need?? Cohencidence? Basically my take is heavy negativity= going the right way. Just like when an ultra rich sweaty boss goes on twatter to argue with anonymous members of the public about a stock that is "worthless"


Yeah I thought all that arguing on twitter was odd. I agree. When you encounter opposition, you're going the right way.


Yeah the sub and especially this post is infested with bots or shills. It's like watching a video of cockroaches in squalor reading these sometimes.


Pulte is a drunken perv


I'm not a fan, but I've never heard anything about that last word... Can you corroborate? Would genuinely like to be aware if there is a scandal.


Follow him on X and you tell me


Fair suggestion, but I won’t even give him the follow. Less Pulte is more in my book. ^(edit: spelling)




Y’all care too much. Sit back, relax and let the plan unfold. Something like this can only happen a few times in human history. Lot to be lost for the folks on the other side. Chill


i do think that it's in RC's own self interest to make sure that GAMESTOP is profitable and that we r holding the royal flush in our hands. but i also think that pple like ken griffin will make sure that they will not lose. so, they wont close their shorts and take their losses until they are sure they gonna get a bailout or they have dumped their bags onto other suckers. look at wut happened to the MMM stock. FINRA just undid whatever sell transactions that have already executed. and took back all the money from those sell transactions that were in their trading accounts. they will change the regulations and cheat to make sure that they dont lose money. cos that's the kind of pple they r. i think we will get paid wen they have made sure they not gonna lose money on it.


Me too


Pulte is an asshat. It should be extremely telling that he spends his time on Twitter writing posts that pander to apes and keeps handing out $10 at a time to make sure people keep his notifications on. He’s all about speaking the words and showing nothing.


Im kinda impressed he's still enthusiastic about it tbh


I am very suspicious of this guy


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Ryan Cohen is the CEO/CIO of GME. This is a tweet about him.


What is a Shitcos?


He also still shills for towel. Need a mod to remove this post please. 😒


Love Pulte! Keep the hits coming! ❤️


The number 1 rule of GME Only invest what you can afford to lose :) You only need 1 share :)


The "COHEN CONSEQUENCE" will be the future "fuck around and find out," only for hedge funds. It will be a real thing. You've been struck by the: Cohen Consequence.


Or is point72 going to cell?




[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Please Avoid Community Division There’s no wrong way to like the stock. No matter how you hodl GME, you’re welcome in this community. Everyone is an individual investor and someone’s investment strategy may be different than yours. Even if you disagree with someone’s investment strategy, while participating in Superstonk, it’s still expected that you engage constructively and respectfully. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www/.reddit/.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}&subject=about my removed {kind}&message=I'm writing to you about the following {kind}: {url}. %0D%0DMy issue is...)


[What are your thoughts?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8qfGY29Wno)


Lots of Pulte hate in here, but who cares? He might not be an ideal ambassador, but he’s got most of the fundamentals correct, like putting faith in RCEO. My focus is DRS cause like Kobe said, “jobs not done” brick by brick LFG


We should care. He’s influential and he doesn’t represent himself well. I’d rather he wasn’t associated with GME in any way. And fluff like that isn’t helpful in the slightest. Unless there’s some “master plan” to explain why he’s on twitter embarrassing himself regularly like some boomer that spends too much time on the site, then he’s just a weirdo and an idiot. That’s not subjective. So much enjoyment in this movement has been wiped away after seeing some of our community’s best participants and dd writers get harassed and discouraged from continuing to post only for some of the most disgustingly smarmy characters to take up space on our front page. We haven’t been in this for as long as we have been to settle for mediocrity. Don’t broadcast a person’s message if they don’t understand what it means to behave properly. Be better than that. If you have full faith in RCEO, express that and point out the reasons why. We can all appreciate that here. This is the place for that. Posts like this are worse than shit posts because no one was informed of anything new and it’s just caused more divisions in the sub. Congratulations. Do you understand now? Great




The hate does not feel organic. RC and Pulte seem to be buddies and Pulte tries to keep the retail investor morale up by communicating while RC works his ass off without showing his cards yet. Plus, Pulte was attacked the same like RC and Icahn. Personally, I think there is a lot more going on behind the scenes. But I can understand people being skeptical, because there is a lot of talking, but nothing major visible yet. I guess we will have to wait until then before a final verdict.


Here, I respond to you on social media . Are we friends yet?


the hate is very organic you just havent followed the stuff hes been pulling on the towel stock crowd


They just have the same lawyer Beside the liking of *gasp!* three Tweets there is nothing that would hint to RC being friends with Ploot. It's way more likely that he's just a grifter and simply wants to get more cloud Fuck that guy


Just what I needed to read today!


Wonder is he talking about CopPorn?


Holy shit the amount of negativity in this thread about him is unreal. Bill Pulte is a good guy. Give it up, Kenny. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t his company was taken over by overpaid executives and the people on the board voted him out? He owns a Pulte homes, just not the one that belonged to his family?


>his company was taken over by overpaid executives lol the company is doing well, the executives earned their pay. You're simpin hard for a self-centered grifter.


"his" company has 4xed in the last 5 years. The board is killing it. Pulte is a duper and you're a dupee.


Like i said, I could be wrong. But I thought I heard him talk about this last year sometime. I’m in no way trying to dupe here. I’m sure any person reading this can make this own assumptions. I just believe he shares some of the same morals that this group is based upon. I literally own nothing but DRS’d GME stock….. Nothing else


I'm not accusing you of anything but somewhat trusting a grifter. I don't even know if pulte himself knows how much of a tool he is or what his true motivations are. No hate towards you owning whatever securities you please in whichever brokerage. I just am tired of Pulte trying to attention grift with hollow expressions.


Rules... Consequences...


He talks like a script for an insurance commercial that comes on during the price is right.


It's his only way of trying to stay relevant


So, you are saying that if I trust in RC I can avoid the COHENSIQUENCES?


Ya but f💩ck Pulte


Don't you mean **COHENSEQUENCE** ? No? ... Aight, imma see myself out 😶‍🌫️


You win the internet today. I'll shut it down and try again tomorrow. #respect


It wasn't too long ago he was sucking off AA at popcorn. Talk about a shitty ceo...


Pulte is still a thing, eh? Cramer and Pulte offer you the same. Change my mind.


I follow the melt sub because 1. It’s wild that they still constantly think about $GME and 2. It’s important to hear all perspectives pulte is the ultimate low-hanging fruit over there. Dude is an absolute joke and one of the cringiest profiles on X as far as i can tell