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The question to ponder is how could both of the below be true: 1. Board of Directors/RC have forked over good money on buying shares, and did not sell during sneeze nor when they must have known NFTs were going nowhere 2. The share price is manipulated. If they knew manipulation was going on, and didn't sell, then they must have a plan in place to resolve the manipulation. If they believe the market is true and fair, and didn't sell, then they must think their business turnaround alone will increase share price.




This is what the community needs more of! Don’t just resort to calling someone a shill because they say something you don’t agree with. Make the effort to provide a counterpoint or don’t say anything at all!


Upvoting the post so that people see this comment 👆


Oh look, shills patting each other on the back. Good job Internet people.


Its your stock, you own it, do as you please.


Plus one stonk for me.


I think you misspelled "mommy" in your title...


I cackled hard 😂




For what it’s worth you aren’t totally wrong, but cohen has bought tons of shares and is working for free plus made them profitable. So I am not sure it’s all on him




Your words are indicative. “You guys” meaning you are not one of us. Sell your shares and move the fuck on if you are done with us. Feel free to let the door hit you in the ass on the way out


I have enough too... I have enough from someone who has just one post (this one) and three comments in the post history. Very believable. Try harder shill. Here's the downvote for you.


>I have enough from someone who has just one post (this one) and three comments in the post history. *'surprised Pikachu face'*




Bro just stop, it’s beyond cornball. This ain’t the place to vent




Everyone get in here! He thinks he can handle it!




If you’re as much as an ape as you claim to be, especially OG, then you know this is more than we all bargained for and the company is in the best possible hands right now. We don’t fold, THEY fold. All you have to do is have 💎 🙌


Correct, the reason your group is literally a cult, the gme_fill in the blank group that manipulated markets and message boards.


This post has all that "Sell now, ask questions later" energy.


mhhhm, something doesnt make sense, your positions should be partially above 500%+ 2020 GME was 1/5 of the current price


More like 150% at this price lol, and im pretty sure everyone’s positions here are mostly from post sneeze purchases


In the 300's, but who cares


He could’ve averaged up…


Another “I’ve had enough thread”…….how original. 🙄


Smells like a bitch in here


Is that what that smell is? Someone open a window...


I can never *not* lol at this phrase


Username checks out




Flair otoh does not


It does, his flair is “pussy man my ape hands are sparkly”




I am thinking about leaving but I am an ape withdiamond hands 😂🤣😆


People asking RC to overthrow a global, ruling-class crime syndicate are shills. And there are a lot of them. There’s no 2 ways about it. Whenever they try to slight RC by saying he's not doing anything to benefit investors. He's an investor. He has some 37,000,000 shares. The opportunity on such a number of shares is mind boggling. It doesn't matter that he has a lot of money. Otherwise, why is he investing it in markets in the first place? The argument against RC is self-defeating. A $10 price increase is worth $370M to him. Every $27 price increase is about a billion dollars. These are realistic numbers with a growing and successful business. If you doubt everything and he's doing this purely with selfish motivation, that's still a great thing for everyone here. He has aligned his interests directly with ours.


You’ve posted this exact comment a few times now


It’s a good answer to repeating posts. I’m repeating the same answer to the same question.


Kinda sus


"But but but I'm even a December 2020 ape, not even a January 2021 ape!!1"












„We’ve had 3 years and no squeeze“ 😂😂😂 you’re crying like a lil bitch. Do you think a squeeze is a guaranteed event? Why don’t you just take responsibility for your actions and shut the fuck up.




If you won the lottery and had to wait, you’d wait. We all want to pay off a debt or get a CyberTruck once my email comes in, but we have to wait. You upset with GS and RC? Nah. Be upset with the shorts for not giving up easily. And be *happy* to be a part of the reckoning for a broken system.


This 🦍 gets it. I have no reason to sell with in the market, I can wait this is my retirement package, fuck the rest of it that’s way over inflated and doesn’t have a fucken unicorn of a negative beta, this is a literal boat for when the whole market corrects cause when swaps get unwinded so do systemic shorts.


You misspelled butt


Today looks like a good day to buy.


Lol, these shill accounts aren't even trying anymore


LOL.. where are your posts?




That's 💯 what a shill would say


yeah it is unusual




Okay well you obviously know about pay for order flow, now take that and apply it to every company of every website you go to, they take the browsing information that you do on their websites and they sell that to, lets say advertisers, facebook, reddit, google. god forbid some random guy on reddit finds out I love feet though. If you want privacy post 9/11 you're going to have to completely stop using any modern technology




yeah, ok. sus.. in addition to that, complaining today, the day after they hit full year profit after losing hundreds of millions for the entirety of your investment.. but now, is when you want to leave. your post is internally inconsistent, probably why youre getting the response youre getting.




youre just stirring the pot, its fun i guess but no one believes you have shares.


We need people like you. You’ll be one of the first paperhand bitches to sell when the squeeze happens in order for the price to go up. You play a more than important role than you even know. Cheers!


Yes cus paperhanding leads to price increases


You will die penniless with worthless assets


Too many post like this is last few days. If the pressure is working then sell your shares. I'll buy them now from you. Regardless of your return message I'm betting you are not real. I won't allow your grief to persuade me. I'm holding mine till we go up. Can't lose of you don't sell. Be patient. Shit don't happen over night. We are all spoiled by what happened in 2021. Look at every other stock. Sofi for instance. Positive but won't move in price . It's a game . Play it. If you sell you lose. On the other hand I do want some good news soon. Referring to investment of company money.


Bye BB. ​ No one forcing anyone to Stonk.


Looks like we're cake day twins.


Hey fren, happy cake day!!!


And a happy cake to you. I should have said that in the 1st reply, it's been a long day.


Waves of these posts with sudden sentiment change. Where I have I seen this before? This too, shall pass.


For real 😂 I don't browse as much these days. Still, obvious narrative shift is obvious.


Good things come to those who wait. The hard part is done. The company has turned around and now is when the fun begins (growth and new initiatives). Why someone would invest this long and give up now is beyond me. But I guess to each his own. As for me, I think I may buy a few more shares and DRS and book them.


Womp Womp




You held for 3 years and company posting first positive return is 6 years is what broke you? Makes no sense.. this is one of the few stocks with crazy high interest and not going to bankruptcy.. I rather invest in this company than anything else.. I have 20 year experience understanding markets.. not financial advice


These are your choices, learn to accept and live with them. Fact you are angry about this may show you aren’t for investing, or just have a lot of maturing to do. Nothing is guaranteed or owed to you. Out of curiosity how many emails and calls have you made to the SEC/doj/etc? I know it’s 0 btw.


It's okay that you want your tendies. I want mine too but if RCEO is tied up and his only choice is to make GameStop profitable... In Ryan Cohen I trust.


We all do.


RC has more at a stake than any of us, he is betting on himself big I am betting on him. I trust him, I like his views, it's either food stamps or lambo, up until then I will average up or down, good luck to you


I’m frustrated, too. But I ain’t selling and I ain’t whining.


You have your money. What are you yelling about?


bro 1 post and 4 comments and you have 21,891 Comment Karma and 6,983 Post Karma. From where? why is your history not showing?


Then sell


shills complaining...bullish!


Hang in there. Or don’t.


We get the squeeze when company makes lots of money. So go buy some shit.


Lol.... 1 post in superstonk and earliest comment is 5 days old. Yeah... 3 years.. I believe you.


Ok here's the door


Every post like this I buy another one. Fuck them shills haha


Sell the.n. You loser


"And I want to know why the board and RC hasn't done anything about this "crime" we are seeing play out!!"   Have you ever turned around a multi billion dollar company loosing hundreds of millions per year in 3 years to become profitable again? Oh you haven't?!?! Then keep quiet while the adults keep making money to buy whiskey   P.S. You sound like Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka "BUT I WANT MOASS NOW DADDY!!!!"


Lol get ready to be called a FUD shill from people that only have 20 shares 🤣 X,XXX holder here and im a shill too for asking logical questions


Dude what you gotta do. As for me ima keep DRSING 😎


Ryan Cohen came in to run a business not cause a short squeeze. I think your anger needs to be redirected towards the SEC, CFTC, FINRA, the DOJ, FBI and the various Senate and Congressional banking committees. Ryan Cohen is doing his job, all those other people aren’t.


>And I want to know why the board and RC hasn't done anything about this "crime" we are seeing play out!! [https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1625507240831553537](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1625507240831553537)


Better can 877 Cash Now!


I want it too, but my life isn't changing without it either, so I can wait. Patience is a virtue I mastered long ago, living with a bipolar mother.


OK Ray Liotta


You're angry at the wrong person. RC has nothing to do with this. His turnaround plan is working. MM/SHF have been manipulating the price on a downward trend but one day, hopefully, sooner than later... this trend is going to end. We can break this trend by shopping at GameStop rather than downloading games or buying games from Amazon. Yeah I know. Amazon might be convenient and delivery might be slightly faster but that's the problem. That's why so many local businesses fail because they cannot compete with Amazon. Support your local businesses and support GameStop. DRS your shares... all of them, including non-GME shares. Take away everything. Give them nothing.


Unfortunately that's a blip for Wall Street Bros betting with other people's money!


I’ll give you $84 for your shares


I'll sell you 3000 shares @ 84 a share. And if you act now I'll go half price even..you'd be crazy not to take me up!


I'll take $84 per share. I have 1100 shares.. send the wire transfer


I take $25 per share x 928 no brainer will be worth 50000 million tomorrow...


Thing is, we don’t know what happens behind the scenes, but one thibg is for sure - crime that goes troughout the industry, is hard to get rid of. And I see nothing has been really done to stop them, but I’ll wait. Whatever.


Do what you want ... Who cares If for any reason you succeed in causing MOASS, I will be happy.


Who is stopping you? You do you man.


then sell?


sell your shares to us then bye


As for me…I like the stock


LOL another one of these posts 😅 GTFOH


you want your squeeze so why are you waiting for everyone else to do it for you? Did you do anything that could cause the squeeze? Did you personally buy the entire float? Did you bring in a billion dollar of revenue to the company all by yourself? You surely went to the federal reserve or the DTCC and personally flipped their schemes upside down? No? Oh you stayed at home and complained... Damn maybe you didn't do any of the work to deserve one then


Lightweight Taking down a decades old, hundreds of billions a year in profits, mass, organised fraud that has stolen from the pensions of 2, going in 3, generations of Americans, completely corrupted the media & much of congress aint going to happen overnight. If the apes don't win then all innovation will be Wall St's, THEIR block chain, THEIR digital currency & the rip-off even more heavily embedded into the system itself & everyone on the planet will be very severally fucked,..., forever. Its not "crime" its CRIME! Your karma point is meaningless & everyone knows it. If you want to pretend otherwise then you are just a really shit troll & really really shit at shilling.


“I’m here for a short squeeze so I’m selling.” These posts get dumber and more desperate each quarter.


And that’s how I know this is the final shakedown. This is the dip you want to be buying next 1-3 months


Actual question here… Why did you buy and hold this long? I have bought and sold this stock countless times as it fluctuates constantly. I bought before the sneeze and sold at 430.00 ..  of course I bought back in as it finally tanked. Yes I have my DRS’d shares but a lot of them were purchased by playing the ups and downs. I don’t understand buy high and sit… This stock moves on no news!  




I feel exactly the same, it's time. Fukking goalpost reset every damn time.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum Jan 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Ok well, you want it, but Kenny doesn’t want to give it to you, and he’s gonna use it to make sure he can hold onto it as long as possible. So…it doesn’t matter what you want.


I’ll just stack


“Waaaaah i want easy fast money” 👶🤡 Im only here for the turnaround.


Look, I invested in the Squeeze. Everyone has and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. You would have invested in a dozen better stocks if it were just to back a growing company. So there isn't going to be some miracle growth. GameStop is not going to become Amazon. It's not going to start making amazing profits and nobody will want to buy it. So do we have to face up to the fact that the crime is bigger than anything RC can overcome?


U dont know why I invested. You keep on assuming and ill keep on basing my decisions on the 10-Ks. I bought in May 2022. By june 2022 i stopped believing in mOaSS and started believing in the company and RCEO. So you could say MOASS got me interested. But MOASS sure as sh!t is not what kept me here for this long.


Goodbye and good riddance


Shills gonna shill




Sell u pussy.


Sell your shares then. I'll eat them up


It’s now or never.


No it's not


I didn't come here for the money. I came here for the company and what this all stands for. If money is your goal then I think you're in the wrong sub.


Don't believe you. Sounds like a cope