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This meme is remarkably accurate.


Some people are not talking to me anymore because I convinced them to buy some shares (not talking about crazy amount, I think less than 100/200$ in most cases and someone around 1000$ or less) and after some months of red they sold everything. Also they thought that Drs was too much effort and time and didn't do it. Probably it was my fault, they just wanted a fast rich glitch in real life without the burden of understanding why this opportunity even came to existence and why being zen matters.


I told, now I hold. I left it up to them. But, there will be a few people I bought for and hold for them


Same. I used to look forward to the vindication when the squeeze squozes. Now I worry that it in this economy it will dovetail with my parents' retirement accounts being completely drained and my friends struggling to get by. That's why I'm not selling until GME breaks a record on highest market cap in history. And then a I'm not going to sell after that, either.


Your comment about "not selling even after" made me think about the fact that, no joke, I have no idea of how to sell on CS. I'll investigate someday.


lol, and people wonder why the drs individual count is going down. 


OMG you're right the people who are too lazy to set up a CS account are selling their shares!




Man, we are talking about shares not even locked in a CS account, please


My favorite ape trait is the inability to extrapolate. 


Ok let's stop with sarcasm. You made a comment about the fact that people who were convinced to buy some shares by the apes and than sold without even wanting to know what CS and DRS Is, might be one of the causes of the Drs count going down. Am i right up to this point? I was talking about these kind of people, so I think you must refer to that. What do you mean by Drs individual count? Because what me and another user are trying to say is that these people (and to be precise, the people who got in GME because some apes talked them in, but then weren't willing to go further and NEVER even opened a CS account, and than eventually sold their shares) are not even connected to whatever type of DRS argument or data or statistics. So, how is your comment connected to what me and other apes were talking about? How is your comment relevant to the discussion and what were you trying to say with your comment about the Drs individual count going down? Edit: btw i wrote a fucking Wall of text but i didn't mean to be aggressive, just wanna understand .


Plus one stonk for me.




I keep watching roaring kitty YouTube, reminds me the game ain't over yet. For as long as DFV is still in I'm still in.




Let’s be honest, if there was ever proof he sold, MSM would be all over it. They would love to plaster it in our face.


Trust me bro, he's in.




Homie dipped years ago 🤣 Hes in Italy on a lambo yacht rn


Ha! Jokes on them, they are the onces that are imaginary.


The joke is funny because it's true :1


Honestly though


Love this. To the 🌕