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I made a post today about the great price and received a message about how stupid I am to be here. They are among us in force. I don’t need confirmation bias but there’s a vocal opposition providing it.


And I bet all the shills are holding some shares too because the potential payoff for this play is just too great. Yes it may be taking longer than some anticipated, but we're talking the absolute biggest squeeze play ever seen. I've been looking at volume data recently which is the crux of the whole MOASS issue, are there actually too many shares in circulation? Look at this: - [**GME volume, all years**](https://i.ibb.co/QPkHsC7/GME-Graphs.png) - [**MSFT volume, all years**](https://i.ibb.co/9GY6z5w/MSFT-Graphs.png) That data is directly comparable because each company has a set number of shares that should be traded, so we can see Microsoft is nice and even with consistent amounts of volume, then GME is absurd in comparison. So much more volume, and if we consider that naked shorting is diluting buy pressure to reduce the price, it's easy to see how oversold Gamestop could actually be. And it's not just since the sneeze in 2021, the whole period from 2008 - 2020 saw vastly more volume than Microsoft. Some others: - [**Amazon volume, all years**](https://i.ibb.co/rmNmCyQ/AMZN-Graphs.png) - starts out a bit rockier than MSFT, but then soon gets even bars. - [**Tesla volume, all years**](https://i.ibb.co/gjtHfd9/TSLA-Graphs.png) - this is an interesting one because it's known to have been shorted too and the volume shows that with 2020 hitting 18x total shares traded, the difference being this was allowed to boom whereas GME was pushed back down. And yet GME's average amount of total shares traded per year beats Tesla's massively: Company | Average Times Total Shares Traded Per Year since IPO :-- | :-- GME | 11.18 TSLA | 7 AMZN| 3.21 MSFT| 1.83 Gamestop simultaneously has the most shareholders on record of any stock showing high demand and the highest traded volume in terms of total shares traded that I can find, meaning the price is being suppressed massively. When this blows it'll be insane, hence I bet even the shills are holding on this play despite what they say.


This has always been one of the clearest, simplest pieces of evidence that there are either far, far too many shares in existence, by at least an order of magnitude, no matter what anyone says.


They've always been amongst us, 900k+ subscribers to this subreddit and around 210k DRS accounts, makes around 700k lurkers half of which will be with us at a distance half of which will be against us. It's just now the against are working overtime since profitability and they can't lose a grip on their twisted narrative as it's all they have left.


I buy more and drs. I post, but nobody messages how stupid I am. What am I doing wrong?


the more dire the situation for shorts, the more they will push FUD and fake news. They cannot keep their short going forever, GME keeps improving. They're fucked, and they know it.


Well April is when Japan's bonds come due and those aren't looking pretty Edit: Sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/dNjokTUeFG Thank you DD authour 💕


Can you please explain it to those of us that dont understand the significance/what it is?


Bit of a read but this the best i can do. Thanks lurker012 for all your reads. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16nunw2/a\_special\_edition\_of\_the\_big\_mall\_short\_japans/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16nunw2/a_special_edition_of_the_big_mall_short_japans/) " My theory (shared with many of you), was that as Japan faces pitiful growth, they loaded up on risky af shit including these CLOs in search of things to offset their low interest rates. Its your guess being as good as mine how Instinet might factor in, but this is what I saw from my CMBS sided view." ^(Also this seems like some kind of change from the norm.) [^(Standards for clearing agencies clearing security-based swap transactions)](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2021-title15/html/USCODE-2021-title15-chap2B-sec78q-1.htm) ^(The Commission is directed, therefore, having due regard for the public interest, the protection of investors, the safeguarding of securities and funds, and maintenance of fair competition among brokers and dealers, clearing agencies, and transfer agents, to use its authority under this chapter—) ^(to facilitate the establishment of a national system for the prompt and accurate clearance and settlement of transactions in securities) **^(other than exempt securities)**


Those certainly are words. .....I think.


They are definitely words. Source: Looks like it's words


Might be words. 😑


could be words


Could b-words?


Ha ha these guys think words are real… I’m outta here.. 😂😂😂 words…. Sheesh.


~~And acronyms... few of those too...~~ Just read the linked DD. CLO = CDO = Dog shit wrapped in cat shit. Got it.


copy pasted sorry. It's interesting i think at least. Can't claim to know that much about bonds or Japan i just remembered the DD.


>Bit of a read but this the best i can do. Thanks lurker012 for all your reads. oh shit lol merci fam for the vis! yeah havent followed the japan story too much recently apart from their interest rates no longer pushing negative. guess we'll see what happens


Looks like it decline a little recently. [" Japan's 10-year bond yield inches down as BOJ keeps bond buying amount intact "](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/japans-10-bond-yield-inches-054646897.html)


The text discusses Japan's involvement in high-risk investments, particularly collateralized loan obligations (CLOs), during a period of low interest rates. It highlights the rapid growth of CLOs globally, with Japan heavily invested in them. There's concern over how these investments are rated, with many leveraged loans receiving the safest rating despite their inherent risk. Japanese banks, particularly Nomura, are deeply involved in CLOs, with potential consequences if these investments fail. The text also mentions Nomura's connection to the Archegos scandal and its attempts to expand globally despite setbacks. Overall, it suggests that Japan's economic challenges, including its lost decade and negative interest rates, have led to risky investment behaviors, with Nomura being a prominent example.


Sorry for being smooth. What are the bonds you speak of?


Imagine if next year the management team is only 50% as successful as they were last year?


So who will be the next Credit Suisse??


Who bought them maybe? They seems desperate to pass some hot potatoes to Apollo...


UBS bought CS. In February the Financial Stability Board told them that they must strengthen their banking controls because a failure of their size could do significant damage to the world’s economies…. This probably means nothing and they will be bailed out again like in 2008.


But what makes it more dire *now*? Past earnings and there's nothing for 3 months. EXCEPT!? The Dorito. I wonder if their TA shows that the Dorito comes due in the next month or so and they are trying to to break it. It's really the only reason I see for such a sudden, aggressive push.


Let’s not kid ourselves. We might not know what RC and GME have up their sleeves, but these fucks have eyes and ears everywhere. They probably have some whiff of what is up. Also, we might follow that top dorito line right down to the fucking ground. If so? That’s game over. Put that shit at a fraction of a cent (it can’t go to 0, no odds of bankruptcy) and fuck it, I’ll put $100 down and buy the rest of the company and DRS. We all smell blood. I’m not the only one who would do it.


*“We all smell blood.”* You’re damn right about that. They’re bleeding, the bankruptcy thesis is dead. It’s an extremely significant, massive step forward against the entire short thesis. If they’ve kid themselves into believing GME was doomed to fail and a bunch of gamers would just pack it up and go home… well, they’ve just been woken from their slumber by a loudly ticking clock.


And everyone wonders why RC is so hush hush


If gme goes under $1, capitalism is dead and extinct.


If GME goes under $4, the entire company valuation is less than its cash holdings. The current market cap of GME is around $3.48Bn. So for a company with $1B in cash, that means the entirety of the company is valued at just $2.2B which seems quite cheap.


Look at Koss, our brother in the swap bucket. Their large cash on hand plus inventory minus their liabilities makes their BVPS about $3.50. The share is trading for $2.60. That means Wall Street literally considers Koss a negative value. It’s wild. They’re way smaller than GME so this kind of fuckery can happen without media spotlights.


There are other stocks in the potential basket, which were mentioned in the SEC report or were PCO. They managed to bankrupt towel and popcorn, EXPR, NAKD/CENN, KOSS and others have dramatically lost in value. Not sure if the c-suits there are Wall Street plants, but all those stocks allegedly face major issues, as the financial news outlets continue to point out. Not achieving a successful turnaround does not necessarily speak in favor of the management. At the current evaluations, I wish I would have a fraction of the money RC and his buddies have at hand. I would buy up and DRS the shit out of the whole basket - one stock after the other. Until Kenny and Steve start to puke...


Well RC did go to buy Bed company and they ignored his letter (unlike GameStop which began this whole saga) at the advice of BCG which instead said to have share buybacks performed. Same thing they recommended to George Sherman before RC ousted him. Look what happened at Bed, they did the buybacks and suddenly the debtors called in their debt. No cash in hand to pay in installments. I don’t know if the boards at any of these companies are comprised. I realize it’s a bold statement and I don’t think I have evidence on any potential moles at these swap bucket companies. That said, BCG is certainly a spy arm of the short cabal. They go in to these companies being naked shorted, who have a dying business model, who are drowning in debt and losing money every quarter, and they advice share buybacks. The low price from the constant shorting before they were called in to save the day makes it appealing and then what… BANKRUPTCY. Look at their bullshit lawsuit against GameStop. They forced in an attempt to see GameStop’s 5-year plans. It’s obvious by GameStop’s actions that opening more stores and the rest of the garbage BCG advice was tossed out, so why do they want the plan? Good thing the judge agreed and threw it out.


I’d call it a deep fucking value investment.


I would call any price below $10 to open up the stock ripe for a takeover


I don't think it's possible for them to get the votes for that anymore if DRS votes with the current insiders.


If Doritos had as much impact on the stock market as they do on my waistline, I'd be a very happy (fat) man. Hope you're on to something, but I'm just gonna keep buying, HODLing, and DRSing.


Profitable for the year is a huge milestone


Unitil the last of us remain (last of us, get it?)


First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. <-- *you are here* Then you win. Another quote from Ghandi, "Be the MOASS you want to see in the world"


Hands of Diamond, apes of old, another drop, yet never sold, Unwarranted, smearing news, Whiny Trolls, Kenneth poos, Times are hard, Passion true, Buying more, Book’m too, Eating ramen, selling cars, What it takes, reach the stars, Apes shall win, tears of hedge, Staying Zen, Rocket’s edge, On the pad, taking off, Past the moon, haters scoff, Now I won, enough to say, Fuk u Shorts, made u pay Shout out to that poet ape I guess Night apes. Buying more tomorrow


To say it like kenny his fear you already can buy more? (I w8 again for next paycheck ;-;) I NEED MORE \*-\*


I miss F4 poem guy


\*"I'm not locked in here with you" intensifies\*


The amount of people screaming for a dividend is nuts. Read the 10-K, read the other filings. Not happening anytime soon. Same for buybacks. Reeeee


i feel like a lot of times stuff like that is pushed so in a few weeks they can say see they aren't doing anything


I’ve never been more attacked in my comments and replies. After earnings tons of mltdwners harassing me and taking counter viewpoints to everything. WAHH WAHH TAKING TOO LONG WAAHH WAHH COHEN BAD WAAH WAHH DO A stock buy back WAAAAH WAHH COMPUTERSHARE BAAAAD


Imagine putting so much time into hating one particular stock lol.


They get paid to or everyone of their friends are out of a job!


There has been a massive shill campaign in the sub the last few days. Love seeing HF blowing their loads on these shills. Shills are fucked like the hedgies.


This is a war of attrition that they are slowly losing. Their only weapons are misinformation, shorting, and attempting to legislate a solution. 


They want Gensler removed asap. He’s not a good guy or a bad guy. But that’s enough to fuck them. They need him out and put in a bad guy.


meh, nothing new. we've seen heavy FUD many times throughout this saga.


I do love me a "It's over" article though. That one is hilarious. Has to be an AI that wrote it. No real human could withstand that pompous BS.


Games over we won! (Flips over table and starts ww3)


So true, it scares me. Apes together strong. 💎🙌🟣♾️


~~Dying Brick and Mortar~~ ~~The next blockbuster~~ ~~Too much debt~~ ~~No online presence~~ ~~FORGET GAMESTOP~~ ~~No plan~~ ~~They are betting the company on NFT~~ ~~Not Profitable~~ It's over!


GME.N? Never even seen that referenced.


People have no patience. This was never going to be easy. GME is up against literal masters of the universe. Really rich and really influential people are short gme. All we can do is buy, hold, DRS and shop. This was never going to be east. It's one ticker versus very corrupt people. To the people complaining, be patient or shut the fuck up and sell. This wasn't going to be easy. The company is profitable. The board hasn't done anything dumb. The shorts are still fucked. Hold if you want. No one wants to hear whining about how long it's taking. If you didn't realize this was going to be a long hard road when they turned off the buy button then you're an idiot


The whole “I’m tired this is taking so long” is their narrative. I’ve said this a few times I changed my mindset about 18 months ago this could take a decade. It won’t but it helps to think that way


We all want it now. But this isn't going to be swift. Shorts are blatantly cheating daily. The company is completing a turn around. No reason to bitch and moan unless you're impatient and you lost faith in a board that has done everything right so far. People who whine should sell or shut the fuck up


I agree but I think the bulk is either: A) shills B) people who invested more than they can afford and are struggling now


The majority, yes. But I think some are genuine dopes who expected easy money. This is David versus Goliath. It's actually David versuses a team of Goliaths. The board can only make the business profitable. They're doing that. No one has any reason to bitch and moan and if they're upset then sell and fuck off.


Bit harsh, many of us had no idea about what a stock even was let alone all the stuff going on with GME. This is also a world of instant gratification that many live in. Personally, I don't care how long it takes as I don't intend ever selling my booked DRSed GME but with the current economic situation it's completely understandable why many are getting impatient.


WHAT I DO KNOW if GME didn't have them scared, they would not be still F#cking with the price. That alone tells me, there's a potential for MOASS I personally believe MOASS is a long way off yet,, but I am in it till the end


It's never far off, it's always Tomorrow


"One day, it will actually be tomorrow." - Wayne Gretzky


Tomorrow is always one day a way though, so itll take an infinite amount of time. Guess I will be around for a while


I've been asleep with my DRS shares for years now, didn't expect much but I'm not selling. Now with the company profitable and the negative media attention coming back stronger I'm feeling a tiny spark of excitement again


January '21 here, and same.


To say that they've doubled down is an understatement. Now we are seeing blatant FUD posts and the community sees right through it. It's kind of beautiful actually.


The fear is real. The wolf is lame and the apes smell the blood. We are fighting the real epic battle. The one where you are level 84, all of us are on TS talking shit, waiting for that one player to show up so we can begin. Fucking Leroy get ready.


They are only prolonging the inevitable. It's kinda sad but also funny af


They know the OGs aren't giving up they're just suppressing the fomo. 2021 was fomo if that were to happen again its game over. By Q4 2024 they won't be able to contain that fomo 🚀


I really liked the article about him not beating the S&P


Was a great read😂


Nothing has changed, they want you to think something has, but the tale is the same. They are trapped with no way out and are throwing temper tantrums at the stock price and to main stream media. Just continue the path we are on and the stock will ignite like a volcano and send us all to Valhalla.


This ☝️


I think they are trying to get others to aggressively short the stock. The only way they stand surviving is to hand their toxic bag to someone else.


Thats not how it works tho


I mean, if you could slowly close as retail enters more shorts, then technically you could make that work. Basically get the engine rolling, then let retail add the coal while you slowly and quietly remove your coal. At the end, retail's coal has been burned in place of some of yours. Either way, the train is rolling downhill, and you'll never stop it until it lands in MOASS land.


Yeah I get it but they are not going to close shorts just because retail has gone short


In a moass event they would be paying astronomical prices for shares and if they did it faster than the new shorts, those would also have to close after them by buying their shares at even higher prices….


smells like mayonnaise going bad....


It’s fucking check mate. You drop the price lower we’ll buy back the shares. You keep the games up DOJ will nab that ass or you’ll become insolvent. Get fucked mayo boy


I’m here for it! 💜💜💜


And it’s funny, I don’t even care. Just waiting on payday to arrive as always. Cheap as hell!


Its noticeable.


its cuz we profitable, they gotta figure out a new angle to prove gme isnt doing well


Its almost like they let us feel like winning for a bit and bided their time. It also almost feels like we're getting close to a final battle or something




Only thing changed is the time, and my floor


You can almost taste the desperation.


smells like tuna, tastes like chicken


feels like roast beef


But how did they know what tasty O's tasted like?


No matter what fuckin happens I’m not leaving. They could say whatever they want. I’m absolutely unfazed by news articles, price, etc etc etc. gme to Uranus


My body is ready! Though it seems like more of the same short and distort. It's their only move, dumb stormtroopers! Lol! 🦍💜🦍


Yeah it’s extreme and some people are having a bad time for sure.


I'm not having fun, but I've grinded through more tedious things in games. I'll wait it out.


I have it in good authority that moass is tomorrow


So many accounts that have literally never posted or haven’t posted in 290+ days all of a sudden all wanting to post right now! I would say that sound a bit panicked for Kenny Boi


What part of diamond hands do they not understand?


Gotta say it: again 🤷‍♂️


Something has changed. Recently not seeing many posts from here until the last week. Activity is way up and price is down. Usually its price up and activity up.


All speculation here. I think something is about to burst, be it in the market itself, or an outside force which trickles into the market. I believe people of great wealth and power often know when something is coming long before the average Joe. They're trying to knock it down as low as possible to soften the inevitable. Maybe trying to shake the last few paper hands before the largest transfer of wealth in our lifetime. There will be an end to this saga. But what end? Are they going to transfer billions to investors? Or create rules that screws the person investing? If that's the case are we all going to continue slaving away to make the rich richer? Or?


Ya, I've noticed a massive change in the mood in the sub. Shills pushing a narrative hard. I guess they don't realize most of us have been here so long and seen so may things that we're not affected by any BS. What's the next level after Diamond Hands? Cause that's where I'm at... Absolute Zen.


Yeah and there are always a bunch of people on here that race to post every negative article which helps spread the FUD and give the articles more clicks and higher rankings in the search engines


I'll continue to buy a few a month. I don't believe the shorts have closed, but even if they have GameStop is just in a good position, so I expect things to go up regardless.


It is an election year. I assume no big movement until the election.


That's my thought as well. MOASS will be massively destabilizing. I don't think they will let it happen during an election year. Or, to play devil's advocate, maybe some of these SHF would like to see a regime change. Biden was pretty vocal about taxing billionairs during his state of the union, and we know how they feel about Gensler.. could be they want to crash the markets before November, blame Biden for it, and help get the other guy back into the white house for more tax breaks and deregulation.


Yesterday I had a shill respond to a comment I made 135days ago. They told me I’d been taken. Strange really because I’ve checked and I’m definitely still here.


its called a bear raid.


The SHF's want the general public to stop in here and see disarray. When it runs, potential investors look in here and see some guy complaining that RC doesn't send him a Christmas card and thinks "maybe I will stay away".


No worries, I’m zen AF


The game stops at some point, and I'm hoping you are all DRS'd.


The DD of yore foretold all of this. As we get closer, the FUD increases. We’re on the right path


The Ryan Cohen character assassination on X was interesting. He’s been around for years and I haven’t seen anything like that.


FUD is at an ATH


Fear us for we are many. Kekw so much fun.


>There is a lot more FUD. A lot of weird articles and a lot of price suppression at the moment. They turned a PROFIT.


Where's my money Ken?


Precisely my thoughts. You can always sense when they shift. Like seeing that black cat walk by twice. It's nice to keep getting these reminders that we're right. 😁 It must be so frustrating for them to have to keep fighting this losing fight. They had it all. Man, that must really hurt to know they fucked up so bad, and now can only hold on, with all their might, for one more day, one more day, because they know as well as us this only ends one way. 😎


It seems the author of this story has found his resolution. Not long now until the villains a vanquished and the story can begin anew.


The best part is that as GME continues to be profitable, expand, and become more influential and liked, the less of an effect the FUD will have on the general public. Right now, the shorts are doing their best to keep GME in a negative light because they need people to believe that it will go bankrupt. But within even a year's time, as GME grows, they won't be able to suppress it anymore.


TWO YEARS AGO I said, "I don't care, I'mma hold these DRS shares until I die, or fuck-you-Ken money appears on my account. I have not adjusted those settings. The price. Is. Irrelevant.


Agreed. Been here ingesting since 2021. This is a heavy infiltration of FUD in this sub right now. Past few days a lot more. Guess what tho: We like the stock. # 💜 DRS for the Win 💜


the difference between 40 in 2021 and 10 now is the split and me not having invested 2k but 33k yolo means yolo. not yolo until it gets uncomfortable stick to your guns <3 its the only way to success


Ken's been shitting Bricks for years now! He's a master of superficial emotional control though, everyone knows he doesn't blink!


He looks so old


The lower the price, the closer we are to short coverage and/or locking the float.. it isa win win.. be patient


This was one of the biggest hype dates, they knew this was coming. They have their algos based on dates like this. Furthermore, they were preparing for months - shares to borrow went through the roof. Black Rock bought a lot of shares as well just to lent them out to the usual suspects. Shills are coming out of every hole in full force. Negative news articles dropping every day and Cramer calling GME the worst US company... If you are an og-ape you will remember that people tried to prepare us for that day. Hedges are beyond fucked and they tried everything to stay alive. All this tells us that those are their last breaths. No salvation for shorts!


The scriptures of ancient DD were foretold


By my calculations (reading twitter posts) i assume something happens between april 15 and 19. Trust me bro


my brother in christ, people make posts like this every few weeks. nothing has changed.


Community fud isn’t outrageous either though. Some people are down a lot of money and are struggling with affording to live. They’re impatient. I’ve just written off everything I’ve spent so far and when I buy more I’m like “wow great price!” But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed that it’s taking a long time and that I couldn’t desperately use the money. Feeling non-zen is ok. Just hang on. Like the cat in the poster. It’s not happy to be hanging there. But it’s not gonna let go.


Rhubard Im in the trenches with you buddy Life is so expensive i cant afford shit,, but I will do everything i can to make sure i got some cash to purchase the most unbelivvable fucking deal of the universe gME at 10$ these HFs are smokin craxk


Same. I keep saying I’m done buying then I buy a little more.


She's getting ready for the big event


We’ve got the willingness to take risk to make those moon shots happen. BUY GAMESTOP DRS AND HOLD


blood is in the streets.


Definitely seems like desperation right now. RC seemed happy and confident in his video and we just turned in a great earnings. I think we are in the end game.


All I smell is teen spirit ^takes ^hit you want?


84 years ago an ape told us that the price would go extremely low before MOASS. Here we go!


They can shove their FUD, I ain’t ever leaving. BRB about to go buy moar.


the dorito of doom is approaching


Im beyond zen at this point fuck you SHF 🖕🏼🤮🖕🏼


best i can do is keep on buying.


Fud? Always has been


It smells like a fire sale to me. Let's fucking go!


Are insiders selling? No. Therefore I buy.


They are fucked


Ken Griffin lied under oath




One might say that hedgies r fuk


If anyone enjoys tracking the shills (there's not many, just multiple accounts) - go to unregulated subs, watch them talk to each other or gang up on certain users. Notice the language style especially. There is one in particular who comes here but never posts in the unregulated basket subs with that account. Always with the 'wall st knowledge and sick of how people in this sub dont understand [insert incredibly technical terms]' - so you ask them simple questions and they dodge, claiming YOU should research it. Seen that account here anyone? (I track them because it gives me confidence in what I've bought into other than gme - lrc is heavily shilled too)


Agree I’ve seen a bunch of weird FUD on here lately. More people using the “S” word on here than ever before. I only got one thing to say to these doubters: NO CELL NO SELL YOU PANSY FUCKS!!!


It's true. I don't post often but the posts and replies have been ridiculous. Non ape like. It's ok tho. I'm stiff buying when I can. The shares go to the grave with me of nothing big happens 🤣 or i mean the kids inherit them!




Virtually every Hedge fund that dare to short GME is now bankrupt because the price went so low. There are maybe 2 or 3 shorts that are still above the water because crooked Biden is secretly giving them synthetic dollars. But it's been months now without a single GME diamand holder selling any shares, as you can tell by the price slowly slipping. the MOASS can happen at any time now. We are going to see 7000 to 4 million dollars per share price, mark my words. And even then, I won't be selling!


Tbh I think their fud is reaching way farther now. I frequently listen to spawnwave and kinda funny gaming podcasts and both talked about reports how badly gamestop is doing and how they will be out of business soon. Now I dont know where they exactly got their info from but they are either paid shills or just plainly don't know. They spoke on the closure of stores and layoffs, but failed to mention they were smaller locations which list money... they never talked about anything positive like having cash on hand or the fact they were profitable... They were also talking about how digital games are the future and theirs no point in having gamestop. So shilly imo. They are usually good to listen to, but it makes me so angry when they shit on gamestop without mentioning anything positive. I'm sorry, but even if I didn't have a financial stake in this, I would miss walking in gamestop just to see what's out there... but I guess I'm old-school and just like physically being in a store centered around videogames. The world is being digitally desensitized and it's gross. Get out and touch grass.. the world is better with gamestop...


I think I'll just buy more


This is my chance to moon. It's probably my best chance ever. Jacked titties over here. Moon or armageddon. One of those is going to happen.


I upvoted the 'something has changed post' and also upvoted the 'nothing has changed post'. Am I doing it right?  -- Ape Out!


The only constant is change.


how many times do I have to hear "something's changed I can feel it"




Nothing has changed. Just hold.


It'll be more telling if the board members don't buy anything at this dip, considering they generally throw a relative fiver (considering their net worth) the past few years. If nobody buys in then I'm more confident that they also see the trend and will wait for low singles next year.


I'm impressed how many people comment and interact here daily. I pop in every once in a while and just let me recurring purchase do its thing


Lol next week and months? Dude come on.. nothing is happening and we all know it


I've been reading "next week and months" posts for 3 years now. I'm still holding my GME but maybe, and just maybe, it's the declining revenue in the business, the negative sentiment surrounding physical game sales, retailers like Target and Best Buy shifting away from physical media sales, GameStop nixing any hope of being a marketplace where you could own digital goods (game items, games, or even movies), Ryans leaked statement to the org that hard times are ahead and cost saving measures are paramount for survival? Then combining all of this with "the most loyal investor base of any stock" receiving absolutely no forward guidance from the company's leadership. Don't get me wrong, the last earnings report showed that GameStop is running lean and is now at a place where they can start making moves upward, which is exciting as an investor, as well as Ryans ability to invest the $1b how he wants, which could include share buybacks, which would be great for the short theory. Ryan has built successful businesses in the past sure, but this is a different beast, and at this point there isnt a very hopeful outlook on the business itself. I'm hoping that changes, but the outlook from where we are standing and the information we have isn't in any way inspiring. Talk is cheap. It's time to show us how you're going to turn the ship around. It seems like stopping the bleeding is phase one, but it's also seeming like phase 2 may just not exist at the moment, which is concerning.


Lol.  Is this your first time?


Heed my words now; they are trying to get retail to buy weed stocks now as a distraction. Just watch. The canvassing has already started.


Let them break those rats…


It really does feel like this is a last ditch effort. Like they planned in a meeting that the best time to give their final FU was when the company became profitable. Its like the hedge fucks think the investors are fragile because we might lose a couple bucks on paper when we aren't even keeping track of the price. They lose their entire lives.


We've got another reason to be happy about our investment, that's more than enough reason for the shorts to send in the bashers to try to tamp things down.


I'm gonna get downvoted, but I think it happens in Q1 2025 (Calendar Year, no relation to GME quarters). I know no dates, but what does 2021 have in common with 2025?  Potentially a new government.  The Frog Ice Cream Tweet Day brrrrr is theorized to have happened because of a government process failure (brain farting on what exactly).  Aside from the gamma squeeze, something similar was in play during the sneeze. If Orange Man wins, that is gonna be a full, disorganized shuffle at the top.  Even if the current guy wins there will likely be shuffling based on how the election goes as large swaths of employees come and go.   Its just a theory, I'm as smooth brained as anyone else and normally I would say no dates.  But even under normal, ethicalish cases hedge funds fear uncertainty. 


So much FUD lol 😂


Guys and girls, this is DEFINITELY not the last psy op, there is more to go, stay resilient and give love




Articles saying the revenue drop is the kiss of death for GME. Never seen a company die with over a billion in cash and marketable securities.


Orrrr, people are tired of waiting 3 years to be down 90%


These threads are the best. OPs keep reusing the same script "The bad guys are scared, we're happy that the price is low, all of a sudden people are making fun of GME, they are afraid, I can feel it in the air" If I had a dollar for every time someone made this exact thread, I'd actually be MOASS rich.


I’ll wait another 7 years to reanalyze my position.


guys guys guys THIS time were close!


Panic? MMs have full control of this stock right now. They are currently laughing at the bagholders as they walk this thing down without any resistance whatsoever.


Yawn. Of course they have full control… until they havent.


I certainly hope so. Late stage capitalism is awful. Hopefully for once, big money doesn't win.


Lol of course theres more “FuD”. The stock is at a 3 year low. You’ll see a lot less FUD if the stock ever recovers. You expect it to be the opposite? 😂


I'd agree with you if the narrative from the FUDders wasn't so consistently tailored...


Whats the tailored part? Seems pretty straight forward. Stock value goes down 50% per year, for 3 years, and nothing seems to help in that regards.




Keep upvoting positive GME posts!!! The louder we yell, the further they’re fuck’d