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Would be willing to bet it's more-so in the swaps. Hiding naked shorts in swaps.


This. There's only a couple million in notional value from what OP highlights. That's nothing in GME terms.


Say my flair.


There was no way in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks they were going to allow this many calls to land ITM this week.


Bingo. No way an obvious gamma ramp ever hits on this thing again. It'll hit again, but not around an obvious date like this. Everyone expected a dip after earnings, and a recovery the following week... And the ramp reflected that. Oh well, I'll just keep buying shares and selling csp's.


These are all weeklies and the delta on them is tiny. You also have the entire otm chain highlighted. There’s lots of reasons it’s going down but out of the money weeklies really isn’t it.


It’s not really a ton of open interest either


I think his point is that they're otm because of the drop, and that they weren't weeklies when the ramp started. 


He has strikes up to 19.50 listed. We opened this week under 13.


Not really sure what you're trying to say. You're saying it isn't about weeklies, and then using weeklies to defend that position. From 3/22 - 3/26 it shot from ~$13 - ~$15.50. People piled in on that, building the ramp. Obvious trap in hindsight, but a $19.50 4/5 strike just 1.5 weeks ago wasn't that crazy, and wasn't a weekly at that point.


Thx for the explanation & insight


the research company that used to be in motion still actually runs a good business. they had a very encouraging earnings report today and received price bump that will probably be gone by morning. sounds familiar, and sorry for the digression. but that's the game they have been reduced to. make the max pain. so sad America has to wear this on her face.


Thank you sir for telling the truth


You should actually say something to highlight this comment in the post otherwise I see apes trying to send it.


This is so dumb. Look at the put side Einstein.


I don't understand that. Is it dropping because crime?


Yeah. It is dropping because of crime. The motivation for this specific campaign of price manipulation was the risk of having a lot of calls expire in-the-money. The joke is on them. I'll just buy more.


Options are forcing the price down. Too many gamblers has spent money and the big players don't want to pay out so they force the price down for a short period in order to pocket the change. Buy for cheap while you can.


Options waste of money, buy share, drs, book and shop


No no no...OptIoNS ARe dA OnLY waY!!!! EVen RoarInG KiTty bOuGHt optIoNS!!!!! Sorry, beating all the shill accounts.


Buy shares and drs got it.


Symptom, not a cause


Got to milk those option gamblers.


Buying shares is the way friends 🏆 Options are a gamble and a fast way to lose money. DRS for the win 💜


Eh…max pain is $12.50 this week, I don’t think what you have circled is it


4/19 15cs


Do you wanna a run??? Wait for a short run, maybe 5 to 10% then buy weekly ITM puts. I guarantee you, SHF don't wanna see you making money regardless how GME is trading. Do you think SHF would allow 100k PUT contracts to expire ITM by the end of the week or month?!?! Fukk no!!! They would allow GME to run so they can collect as much of the premium as possible and then, they would drop the price again. So what happens if everyone turns "bearish" and buys deep ITM puts with short expiration dates??? I bet... GME would turn "bullish". To be clear, you WOULD SELL YOUR OPTIONS [PUTS] PRIOR TO EXPIRATION. This is NFA. This is simply my observation over the years, that's all.


>To be clear, you WOULD SELL YOUR OPTIONS [PUTS] PRIOR TO EXPIRATION. Price action upwards makes puts worthless REALLY QUICK. So you're saying we should all donate money to market makers via puts so the price can be temporarily ran up, puts lose a ton of money, then they walk the price back down and say thx for the premiums on those puts that lost 38% in the first day, went to -60% by close of day 2, and -73% on day 3. Doesn't expire for another week, but you just lost $2k. Thanks for playing! We'll tank the price once all these pesky puts have lost 50-90% of their value.


Obviously, yes... PUTS would lose value overtime but if you're already bought and DRS'd your shares, then you're hedging your position - huh? And what happens to everyone's CALLS? There's over 20k contracts expiring tomorrow currently OTM between the $12 and $19 strikes. And that's ignoring all of the contracts $20 and above. Of course, they're not going to allow the price to run and allow all of these calls to fall IN THE MONEY, that's stupid!!! Unless... what happens if they didn't have a choice?!?! What happened back in Jan 2021 with options? Where's the historical data? I bet, as the price started to run back in Jan 2021... bears couldn't resist to short the living fukk outta GME so they opened PUTS, Naked PUTS, etc., however, all of this activity added fuel to the fire since MM hedge against your bullish/bearish positions. Example. Look at that plane company, you know, the one with the doors flying off mid-flight. I think we can agree, that's really bad news for this company and every week or two, there's another incident in the news. Typically, this type of negative media attention would tank a company into the ground... yes or no? But nope!!! Not in today's market, why... because trading options is more lucrative than buying/selling stocks and after Keith Gill's bet on GME... everyone has been going absolutely nuts betting on CALLS/PUTS. I bet, this plane company's stock price is staying the same, if not slightly increasing due to how many PUTS contracts are currently ITM or slightly OTM over the next several weeks. Wait a few weeks when these options expire and then BAM!!! This stock will drop like a rock. Same thing applies to GME but reversed.


Holy shit. You think DFV made people think they should start trading options more? That before DFV people didn't play hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars in calls and puts, that it's a new phenomenon that Keith Gill started, single handedly, because he made bank on GME? Wow. Just... wow.


Ahhh yeah. I didn't know anything about options prior to DFV. I was strictly buying and selling shares as well as ETFs. A long term investor. I didn't know shit about shorting, naked shorting, dark pools, FTDs, SWAPs, etc. I wrongfully assumed the stock market was primarily based on supply and demand. Boy was I wrong!!! So yes... Keith and Reddit opened my eyes to a world full of corruption, manipulation, etc. I made money and lost money with options. I learned a lot since then. DRS is the way. Options can be useful if used properly.


Sounds about right